Good morning, Mr. President

Chapter 018 is not difficult to understand

Chapter 018 It's not difficult to understand that the two men just took a few steps closer, then immediately turned around and returned to the car, and the BMW disappeared as quickly as when it came.


Looking at the figure outside the car window, Lao Cai almost lost his legs, and cast a wink at Da Hei in a trance: "Are you sure it's that woman?" It's hard for them to suffer if the boss knows about them.

Dahei nodded vigorously: "She is right!"

Lao Cai asked in a low voice: "Is it good or bad?"

"It's more ominous than ominous. Although the boss is with that woman, everyone knows that the boss doesn't like women, and even if he does, he can't get that kind of beauty, so the two of them have a higher probability of 419, and they may blow it at dawn! "

Lao Cai gritted his teeth and stared at Da Hei: "I'm asking us!"

"What do we have?"

"The boss has always been against us borrowing money in private, saying it's too wicked, and this time he ran into us, and that girl happened to be his woman. Do you think he'll let us go? We're all screwed now."

Dahei hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice: "When do you think he will attack us?"



Seeing the strangeness of the two men, Wen Cai felt confused, held back for a while before saying in a muffled voice, "I made a mistake..."

Song Xiyuan glanced at her and said lightly, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Ah? No, no, I'm so hungry." She was stunned before she realized that she escaped a catastrophe just now, but it doesn't mean that tomorrow will be safe. Thinking about it, it might be her last night in the world, and then she thought What to say next, Wen Cai was a little cautious, "There is a delicious barbecue not far away, let's go eat it. I treat you!"

Song Xiyuan looked down at her strangely and nodded.


The food stall was busy at this time, and the sound of drinking and guessing and booing became more and more lively, but the table between the two was quiet.

Wen Cai still maintained the posture he just sat down with, but his face was awkward, and he ate a roasted chicken leg for three to ten minutes.

Song Xiyuan didn't feel uncomfortable, he continued to drink tea calmly and ate a few skewers of roast lamb.

It's such a weird night.

There was almost no sound, and the people who were eating barbecue together also realized it, and cast surprised glances at them from time to time.

On an occasion like this, it's not a five-star restaurant or a French restaurant, so Jing Jing just seemed very strange.

Finally finished eating the chicken legs in his hand, Wen Cai felt a little tasteless, so he had to talk dryly: "By the way, your job is actually very easy to understand... It is reasonable for an industry like that to exist in a big city , there are always those people who need to get rid of loneliness/lonely and find someone to accompany them..."

Song Xiyuan's expression was calm and he didn't speak, just listening to her continue to say: "Single people will inevitably feel lonely, maybe because of people like you, more lonely/sad urbanites have been rescued, after all lonely There are so many people, it seems that it is not difficult to understand your work..."

Song Xiyuan stopped his tumultuous movements, looked at her, and raised his eyebrows.

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