After the first lady had dinner, when the group left the box, Wen Cai was still at the end. Unexpectedly, when Su Tingyue reached the door, he suddenly stopped, turned and looked at her who was walking at the end: "Miss Wen."

Everyone's eyes fell on her again, and she automatically gave up the position next to Su Tingyue. The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

The general manager kept winking at Wen Cai, and Wen Cai also felt that he couldn't just stay here, so he walked forward slowly.

Su Tingyue politely asked her to go out first, and then said: "Just now I saw that Miss Wen didn't eat anything, I think the food here is not to my liking, why don't I treat Miss Wen to dinner again tonight?"

This big tail wolf!There is no one who can pretend more than him!

Wen Cai's face was very bad, she bit her lip and did not answer.

The hotel's elevator is designed in the middle. They came out from the box on the south side, and just as a few people came out from the box on the north side, Wen Cai glanced absently, but suddenly found a familiar figure, thinking that she had misread it, rubbed Rubbing his eyes, he looked carefully again.

A few middle-aged ladies walked out of the box over there, especially the one who walked in the front. Although she didn't have any jewels on her body, she was full of style, noble and elegant, and her bearing was compelling.

And the figure that Wen Cai is familiar with is walking beside the lady at this moment, with one hand on the lady's shoulder without hesitation!

Wen Cai's heart seemed to have been hit hard, his face turned red and turned pale-he was alone, how could he entertain so many women, and still be so flamboyant?

On the other side, Song Xiyuan also caught a glimpse of the gentle and petite figure among the group of people. When he saw her face, he couldn't help but smile, but when he caught a glimpse of the man beside her, his eyes gradually narrowed, and even the smile disappeared. Slightly cold.

At this moment, the mobile phone rang. He took out the mobile phone and looked at it, then smiled and approached the lady's ear: "I'll answer the call." Then he took the mobile phone, turned and walked to the window at the end of the corridor , Speaking of the phone.

Wen Cai couldn't help but glanced in his direction again. Seeing him standing there talking on the phone, he didn't seem to see him, and he couldn't tell whether he was lucky or sad, but it was more tormenting.

The two groups met at the elevator entrance, but Su Tingyue suddenly smiled and greeted the lady: "Mrs. Song."

That Mrs. Song smiled gently: "So it's Mr. Su, who also eats here?"

Su Tingyue nodded slightly: "Yes. Come to Juju with the partner of Tiansheng Company."

The general manager of Wencai Company immediately came forward and handed over his business card: "Mrs. Song, hello. I am Zhang Qi, the general manager of Tiansheng Company. Please take care of me, Mrs. Song."

Mrs. Song took his business card with a smile, nodded, turned around and handed it to the assistant behind her, and then said: "I have heard Qi Wan mention Tiansheng's name, and he also has business dealings with our Xi Yao A company that takes care of each other is what it is.”

"Where is it, Mrs. Song is polite."

Wen Cai was speechless, and only now did he know the identity of Mrs. Song, who turned out to be the wife of Song Qiwan, the chairman of Xiyao Group, the leader of City A, Wen Xu, who can be called the first lady of City A!

She couldn't help but glanced at Song Xiyuan's figure over there again, feeling even more complicated - even the First Lady of City A was his guest?

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