Fenglin Kingdom has a length of [-] miles and a width of [-] miles, with a population of one billion.In China, there are many peaks, the towering peaks are like forests, one peak is close to the other, there is no plain, only many small basins are embedded in the mountains like gems, and even its capital Yuncheng is composed of nine basins not far apart. , so the country was named Fenglin State.

In the northern part of Fenglin Kingdom, west of the Twin Cities, the Tongtian Mountain Range, with steep peaks, peaks piercing the sky like swords, standing tall like a flock of chickens in the southern mountainous area, with a radius of [-] miles, giving people the feeling of reaching the sky.

Tongtian Mountain Range, next to Tongtian Town, peak, solitary tomb.

Night, dark, windless, dead still.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"


"Hey! This handsome guy didn't hang up? It's okay to fall off such a high cliff, haha! Haha!"

A sound of excitement echoed everywhere, resounding through the night sky, revealing that the world is still alive.

"It's so dark tonight! You can't see your fingers. Sigh! My head hurts, I don't know if there will be any future troubles? No matter, find a place to sleep until dawn before leaving!"

Listen to the voice, if it is immature, it should come from the mouth of a boy.

"Ah! My mother! Why is this happening!"

A horrified sound tore through the darkness before dawn.

The sky is bright, the peak, the solitary tomb is broken.

The young man, wrapped in a shroud, wearing "dead makeup", was stunned at the scene, dumbstruck, but full of thoughts, heart turmoil, his eyes fixed on the inscription on the tombstone.

"I love Sun Longfei, and Longqing stands tall."

After a long time, the young man regained his composure, rubbed his eyes vigorously with his left hand, slammed his head with his right hand, and said to himself, "That's not right! I should have fallen off a cliff and died, why did I come back to life?"

"Aww, forget it! This handsome guy is not dead, there must be a future blessing. Haha!"

After a period of confusion, the young Long Fei raised his head to the sky and shouted, and ran down the peak excitedly.

Just as Long Fei disappeared into the jungle, a phantom of a snow-white beast with a moose body, oxtail, horseshoe, and fish scales all over its body, which was thousands of feet long, flashed in front of the lonely grave, and said in an extremely excited tone: "It's finally back!" !"

For a moment, the phantom of the white strange beast flashed away.

Tongtian Town, named after the Tongtian Mountain Range, is located in the east of the Tongtian Mountain Range. It consists of two regular circular basins with a diameter of about twenty miles.The distance between the two basins is about twenty miles, and they are naturally formed into two small cities, namely Jiacheng and Fucheng.Jiacheng is named after the two families of Dragon and Niu occupy the city; Fucheng is named after the location of Zhentaifu; In the canyon.

In the morning, Jiacheng, Longjiabao.

A sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy was wearing an earth-colored coarse cloth. The robe was exaggeratedly oversized and didn't fit him very well, let alone his handsome, yet a bit nasty appearance.

"Little beggar, stop, what are you rushing into so early in the morning? Is this a place you can break into? Could it be that your skin is itchy?"

Two burly men in red Long's family uniforms stood on both sides of the gate of Long's Fort holding Dapu knives, and the red-faced man on the left shouted loudly.

Hearing the words, the commoner boy raised his drooping head slowly, his eyes turned white, his tongue came out and bit his mouth obliquely, his face was extremely ferocious and terrifying.

"Ah! Lai... Lai Shao! Don't... look for me! I... I have never done anything bad... Oh! I'll be honest, I sneaked a peek at Long Dong... his wife taking a shower, but it's not a crime Death!" Seeing this, the red-faced man was startled suddenly, and fell to his knees in fright with a "bang", his face turned pale, his whole body was trembling, his tongue was tied, and he spoke incoherently.

The other big man had a pale face, although he did not kneel down, his feet trembled and his mouth trembled violently, but he couldn't utter a word.

The boy in civilian clothes slowly lowered his head again, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his lonesomeness stood out, his face was smirking, his eyes rolled, and then he drifted towards the inner fort of Longjiabao.

The two men were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground, their robes drenched in cold sweat, their whole bodies were still shaking, and they kept muttering: "It's been a long time for the first seven days! Why do they still come back?"

The commoner boy was Long Fei who crawled out of the grave.

Long Fei, nicknamed Lai Shao, the eldest grandson of the Long family, one of the two great families in Tongtian Town, is 16 years old now.

At this time, as soon as Long Fei stepped into the inner fort of the Long Family Fort, suddenly a fat gray figure leaped from the inner fort to Long Fei, a vigorous right hand suddenly clasped Long Fei's left shoulder, and then clasped Long Fei with one hand. After flying a few vertical sweeps, it disappeared into a courtyard deep in the inner castle.

This courtyard is the forbidden ancestral courtyard of the Long family. It is a square courtyard with a side length of two hundred feet.

In the practice room of Long Qingsong, the patriarch of the Long family and the owner of the long house, five gray-clothed old men were surrounding Long Fei, who was naked to the waist, all of them were frowning and worried.Long Fei sat on a stone platform with a diameter of Zhang Xu, his eyes were closed, he was obviously stunned, and he was naturally unconscious at this time.

"A month ago, when Fei'er was put into the coffin, I checked it myself. At that time, Fei'er's pupils had dilated, and he had no breathing or heartbeat. The inside and outside of Fei'er's body were carefully inspected several times, and it turned out that there was no injury inside or outside Fei'er's body, and there was no sign of any damage to his consciousness in the 'Niwan Palace' and the 'Niwan Palace'. Alas! This is really strange, It's puzzling!" The person who spoke was a fat, majestic old man, the man in gray who just buckled the dragon and flew into the ancestral courtyard.This person is called Long Qingsong, the patriarch of the Long family, Grandpa Long Fei,

"Since the spiritual sense can't find out the reason, why don't I use a silver needle to detect whether Fei'er has been poisoned by some kind of strange poison?" A thin, short, white-haired and childlike old man with sparkling eyes said immediately .This old man is called Long Qingzhang, and he is Long Fei's third grandfather.

Afterwards, Long Qingzhang took out a brown hinged animal skin bag from his right sleeve, opened the leather bag, and saw silver needles of different lengths pinned to the bag.Then Long Qingzhang took out the silver needles one by one and inserted them into the various acupuncture points all over Long Fei's body.

An hour later, silver needles had been inserted into the 360 ​​acupuncture points on Long Fei's body.Long Qingzhang let out a long breath, put the animal skin bag into his right sleeve, waited for a while, clasped his palms together and opened them suddenly, and yelled softly: "Get out!". 360 Five silver needles flew out of Long Fei's body at the same time with a "swish!", and then fell into Long Qingzhang's right palm with a "swish".

The shining eyes of Long Qingsong and the other five elders immediately looked at the pile of silver needles still gleaming in Long Qingzhang's right palm, and then the doubts on their faces became more serious.If poisoned, the silver needle will turn black, and the silver needle has not changed, so it proves that Long Fei is not poisoned.

Next, the five old men took Long Fei's pulse, blood and other available methods, but they still found nothing.

"Oh! Forget it, as long as Fei'er is safe!" Long Qingsong sighed, then picked up Long Fei's clothes from the stone platform and wanted to help Long Fei put them on.

"Hey! Wait a minute, look at his right wrist, there is actually a pale yellow sword-shaped tattoo on it. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it!" Elder Long Qingquan pointed his right finger at Long Fei's right wrist, and said in surprise .

Afterwards, the sharp eyes of Long Qingsong and the others shot straight at Long Fei's right wrist "swish".

Long Qingsong quickly grabbed Long Fei's right wrist with his left hand, touched the sword pattern with his right hand, and then wiped it vigorously.

"En!" Long Fei groaned, his face showed relief.

Seeing this, Long Qingsong increased his strength immediately.

Long Fei bit his lip tightly and moaned continuously.

"Brother, try injecting spiritual power!" A burly old man with a righteous face said thoughtfully upon seeing this.This old man, named Long Qingbai, the second grandfather of Long Fei, is in charge of the criminal law of the Long family, and he is upright in his dealings with others.

Hearing this, Long Qingsong clenched his fist with his right hand and stretched out his index finger. A trace of light blue spiritual power with the thickness of his little finger rushed out from the tip of his index finger and shot into the sword pattern.

Long Fei's whole body shook slightly.

Seeing this, Long Qingsong and the other five showed a hint of joy.Long Qingsong hastily increased his spiritual power injection.

Long Fei trembled all over, but his expression was extremely relaxed.

"There was a response to the injection of spiritual power, but nothing changed! But this bastard seems to be enjoying himself, how strange! Why don't the five of us try to inject spiritual power with all our strength?" Long Qingsong said with a more dignified expression.

"Okay! The next dose of strong medicine." Long Qingbai agreed.

Afterwards, five extremely powerful spiritual powers instantly shot into the sword pattern from the extended index fingers of Long Qingsong and the other five.

The sword pattern followed with a flash of golden light, and Long Fei's whole body twitched suddenly, his veins bulged, his face was hideous and terrifying; his hands grabbed his head violently, and he kept rolling on the ground; it was obviously in extreme pain.

Long Qingsong and the others looked at Long Fei in horror, momentarily at a loss.

Fortunately, after a quarter of an hour, Long Fei gradually stopped rolling, his veins disappeared, his face stretched, and he slowly opened his eyes, but his eyes were confused.

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