Chaos fairy way

Chapter 144 The Might of Battle 1

Although Jin Qi narrowly escaped, but the two dead white palms had already pierced, and when he was about to strike hard with the five-ringed machete, suddenly five flying knives flashing blue light appeared from behind the dead white palms, And violently shot towards the void between the two dead white palms.

The five-handled throwing knives were naturally issued by Yingxiao, who protruded a pair of crystal clear pale yellow Yuanli wings from his back, and flew to Xiong Lie's side with one glide.At this time, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, and Hu Wei also broke through the densely packed ghosts, and finally joined forces with Xiong Lie and other monks.

But at this moment, the two dead white palms suddenly parted, one palm still stabbing at Xiong Lie as if tearing through the air; Fly knives towards the five blue lights.


Sparks shot out, the sound of gold and iron came out, and a wave of violent energy surged from the contact point between the five-ring machete and the dead white palm, setting off a violent gale and sweeping in all directions.Xiong Lie "Boom! Crack!" twice, he fell to the ground and wiped a scratch about Zhang Xu long and one inch deep on the ground, and the two sides of the scratch were densely covered with radial cracks.A mouthful of blood spewed out from Xiong Lie's mouth, obviously he was seriously injured.

"Zheng!" The fist slammed the flying knives, and the five flying knives flew into the distance in response to the sound; the punches were not damaged at all.

After the two dead white palms attacked violently, they disappeared in a flash.

At this time, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, and dozens of other cultivators took off to fight with the imperial treasure, or drove the treasure from the ground to attack, or relied on the tyrannical physical body to fight hard. With a seemingly endless stream of ghosts.

Niu Zhong, as soon as "Nine Shadows Aegis" comes out, there is defense in attack, and attack in defense, no matter how many ghosts there are, they can't get even half a step closer.

Xu Lan, playing the nine-string phoenix-tailed qin is "the sky is buried in the ground" in "Three Wonders of Tianyin". As soon as the rapid and passionate sound of the qin sounds, ghosts burst into hearts like waves Or die with consciousness.

Numerous cultivators continued to use various attack methods such as fire attack, ice seal, poison corrosion, etc., but there was only one goal, which was to kill ghosts.

All of a sudden, in the jade cave, magic weapons in the air flew all over the sky, dazzling and gorgeous; the earth and rocks on the ground were stirred up, and dust and smoke billowed; The sound of the sound, the sound of the wind and the ground, etc. are mixed together, shaking the space and shaking the cave wall.Although many ghosts were screaming, wailing, and screaming, the casualties were heavy; but the number of ghosts was too many, and except for the ghost king, those ghosts (purple red or purple black ghosts) whose cultivation had reached the Tuoyuan period From the beginning to the end, it has not been shot yet!Therefore, although the monks only lost a few people, their situation is still very worrying.

The ghost king naturally knew of the heavy casualties of the ghost, and suddenly appeared in a flash, and let out a scream, the sound pierced the soul and was thrilling.This is the order to issue a general attack.

The tens of thousands of ghosts that were originally flying in the sky above the Yu* Cave or floating on the surrounding ground to watch the battle, then led by thirteen purple-red fierce souls across the space, shed dense afterimages like silk cloth, and rushed towards The monks who have been surrounded to death.

"Hey!" A demon cultivator whose cultivation base was only a master of fusion consciousness was instantly pierced through the chest by Yi Lihun's sharp claws, and then he bit his neck and sucked food until only skin and bones remained.

"Shua!" Another human monk at the fusion stage was beheaded by a black ghost knife, and his body was naturally sucked instantly.

"Boom!" In despair and anger, a cultivator blew himself up, his body and consciousness, and died together with a purple-red fierce soul.

The battle was extremely tragic, and tragic scenes were staged one after another.All the monks were struggling to move towards the exits, but there were too many ghosts and there were more than a dozen powerful souls, so the moving speed could not only be described as a turtle speed, but also advanced and retreated. repeated.The monks have been mired in the quagmire and drowned in the sea of ​​ghosts. Unless a miracle happens, what awaits them is death and being sucked.

At this time, Niu Zhong didn't open the "Yuan Shield", because the ghost king's cultivation base was at the stage of the Great Achievement of the Yuan Dynasty, and prematurely exposing the strength of the "Yuan Shield" that can resist the attacks of any monks in the Yuan Dynasty, would definitely make him a ghost king. If all the ghosts concentrate on attacking the target, they will lose their only life-saving clue and cut off their only hope of escape.However, although the "Yuan Shield" has not been opened, Niu Zhong also has "Nine Shadows Spirit Shield", which supports the sky shield and turns it into seven, and five shields protect the body, taking into account the protection of Xu Lan next to him, and the defense is also impeccable; The enemy, like two soul cutting machines, spins rapidly, crushing and killing all directions, harvesting ghosts in large areas.

Xu Lan, with Niu Zhong taking care of his defense, naturally had no scruples about attacking. With the sound of the piano, the sound waves surged, and the ghosts exploded to death like fireworks.

The strength of Niu Zhong and Xu Lan naturally attracted the attention of the Lihuns, and then the four Lihuns turned into four purple scarlet rainbows and shot from all directions.Lihun from the east opened his mouth up to the sky, a group of cold will-o'-the-wisps flashed into the sky, and then reached the sky above Niu Zhong's heads in a strange flash, and then exploded, turning into sparks all over the sky; once the sparks changed, The small arrows that melted into the sky and covered the earth poured down like a waterfall of rain.Li Hun on the west side shot violently close to the ground, setting off billowing dust and mist, his foot-long nails beat the cold soldiers, and stabbed at Niu Zhong's feet.Lihun in the south disappeared in a flash, and a wind blade with a width of several tens of feet blew up in the sky, split the air, and cut Niu Zhong and Xu Lan's waist with a "screaming" sound.Facing Lihun to the north, he galloped a hundred feet away from Niu Zhong and suddenly turned into a ten-foot-wide three-bladed ghost fork, whipping up a bitter wind and shooting Niu Zhong back.

The scene of the combined attack of the four fierce souls is extremely spectacular.Although the other monks were in the middle of the battle, they could naturally perceive the spectacular scene through their eyes, through their spiritual sense or divine sense, and then all of them looked shocked, lamenting the fall of two more monks.Hu Wei's face was full of grief and indignation, but at this moment, he, Xiong Lie and Ying Xiao relied on the gods bestowed by their elders to fight against the ghost king, and they had reached a precarious situation. They could not protect themselves, let alone rescue Niu Zhong. Spiritual thoughts, look away, don't pay attention to Niu Zhong's battle situation, just to reduce the grief in his heart.The life of the benefactor is dying, but he is unable to rescue him, and the pain must be felt.

Niu Zhong and Xu Lan, who were the parties involved, had a dignified look on their faces, but they didn't appear to be in the slightest panic.

"Lan'er, follow me!" Niu Zhongwei opened the "Yuan Shield", which was based on absolute confidence. As soon as the words fell, the "Nine Shadows Spirit Shield" was used to the extreme, and the four shields surrounded him and the already looted shield. Xu Lan, who was next to him, spun extremely fast, and the shadow of the shield seemed to be materialized. From the outside, there was only a shield wall standing around the two of them; Zhangsan closely guarded the sky above Niu Zhong and the two of them; the last shield suddenly shrank to a diameter of three feet and was hidden behind the four surrounding shields; The pale yellow light curtain was closely guarded three feet away from the two of them; of course, the Longyin dagger was also held in the left hand.

Xu Lan, without worrying about defense, naturally tried to kill Lihun with one blow. "Heaven Buried" played with all his strength, and the rapid and passionate piano sound suddenly sounded, but the circles of sound waves did not explode, but were compressed and accumulated within three feet of the body.

Although there are a lot of pre-order actions for both the enemy and the enemy to display various stunts, they are all completed in a blink of an eye.

"Crash! Crash!"

The rockets all over the sky were already pouring down, and the two sides of the sky-supporting spiritual shields vibrated violently and kept falling. "Boom!", "Boom!" The spirit shields supporting the sky on both sides were suddenly overwhelmed, and exploded, and the fragments shot violently; fortunately, the rocket was the last attack, and countless sparks faded and disappeared.

"Zheng!", "Bang!", the huge wind blade and three-bladed ghost fork attacked from the front and rear of Niu Zhong at the same time, and the two sides of the chest and back guards supporting the sky immediately "click!", "click!" However, he finally withstood the swift attack, but the energy in Niu Zhong's body was so chaotic that he almost couldn't control it.

Although the wind blade and the ghost fork blocked the attack, the wind blade and the ghost fork instantly transformed back into two fierce souls. The two fierce souls suddenly raised their hands, and the black nails that were better than sharp blades rushed into the back of Niu Zhong's head and chest. A sharp flank.

"Hey!" Feng Ren Li Hun's sharp armor attack did not arrive, a three-foot-diameter black shield pierced through Feng Ren Li Hun's chest vertically during rapid rotation, and Feng Ren Li Hun collapsed to the ground.This shield is naturally the shield that Niu Zhong hides behind the four defensive shields.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Guicha Lihun's sharp armor pierced through the three layers of guardian spirit, and almost stabbed Niu Zhong in the back of the head. Chalihun passed through his chest, Guichalihun's sharp nails were naturally suspended in the air and could not be inserted any further, and fell down with the hands.Then, in astonishment, Guicha Lihun was shaken by Niu Zhong with the Dragon Yin dagger.

Although there are a lot of words, it is only a few breaths from the attack of the three fierce souls to the death of the two fierce souls.

At this moment, Li Hun, who was sticking to the ground and stabbing Niu Zhong's feet, attacked swiftly, and the fire-breathing Li Hun also smashed viciously from the sky above Niu Zhong's head with a shiny black hammer.It was another violent pincer attack, but Niu Zhong suppressed the disordered Yuanli in his body just now and killed the two Lihuns. At this time, Yuanli was out of control, and he was powerless to resist this deadly flanking attack.

At the moment of crisis, Xu Lan's accumulating sound waves have been compressed to the extreme at this time, and there is a sudden "clang" sound, violently moving in all directions.

"Shua!" The fire-breathing Lihun left an arm and fled into the distance.

"Crack!" A slit more than a foot wide suddenly appeared on the ground, Lihun who was attached to the ground was hit into the depth of the slit by the sound wave, and at this time, he was naturally dead.

Silent and suffocating, the battle in the entire Yu* Cave stopped at this moment. All the ghosts, people, and demons looked at Niu Zhong and Xu Lan in shock.How is this going?Those were four Li Souls who were cultivated in the late Yuan Dynasty and they used a fatal blow, but they were not only resisted by the two monks in the early Yuan Dynasty, but also instantly killed three Li Souls and seriously injured one Li Soul. .is this real?These words suddenly surged in the hearts of these people, demons, and souls.

"Pervert! Hehe!" After the shock of Huwei, he was deeply surprised, and couldn't help but cursed with a smile.

"How can you be so strong! It doesn't make sense!" Xiong Lie blurted out in a daze.

The eagle owl and the skinny eagle demon looked ashamed, and they were more afraid and apprehensive, which was also mixed with rejoicing, thankful that they did not kill Niu Zhong and Xu Lan a few days ago, otherwise they would not be able to stand here today up.

"Damn it, I didn't expect it to be the two of you who are difficult to deal with. I will definitely wipe you out!" The ghost king's sharp and furious whistling sound shook the entire jade cave, and then the ghost king disappeared strangely.

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