Chaos fairy way

Chapter 151

"Hmph! It's hard for you to insert your wings this time..." The green-robed snake cultivator sneered, and his sinister eyes shot at Long Fei like a poisonous arrow, but after seeing Long Fei's expression that seemed to be a smile that wasn't a smile, There was a hint of confusion in my heart, and then I looked around the entire cave, as if thinking of something, I was startled suddenly, before I finished speaking, my tone changed, and I said bluntly and tentatively: "You are not bad, you boy! How can you escape the white snake?" The elder's pursuit..."

"Elder White Snake?" Long Fei lifted his chin slightly, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, frowned slightly, and murmured something thoughtfully, then changed his mind, smiled strangely involuntarily, and said casually: "Ha ha! , don’t bother with you, I’ll send you to see that White Snake Elder right now! Brothers, come on!”

As soon as Long Fei's words fell, countless vines flashed from the cave roof, ground, and walls, and in the blink of an eye, "swish" wrapped around the snake demons tightly, and then the hair-like glow The thorns instantly pierced into the body of the snake demon, and with the screams of the snake demon, thousands of snake demons shriveled rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, then liquefied, and finally disappeared without a trace.

The screams inside the cave gradually died down, but the screams outside the cave were still shocking. Obviously, it was much more difficult and tortuous for the clansmen of the four vines to suck the snake demon.

At this moment, the green-robed snake shaves a ferocious and terrifying face, its roar is deafening, and the majestic green energy in its body has condensed into an energy shield to protect its body. It flashed out, and as soon as it entered the air, it exploded and cut off all the vines within ten feet around it; and between the Qinglin's hands grabbing and slashing violently, the vines that avoided the black light's sharp slashing during the time interval were instantly turned into pieces.But there are too many vines, and the four vines focus on siege and containment, so no matter how fierce and sharp the green-robed snake cultivator's attack is, it will not help, and he will never be able to break through the siege of the vines.

After a while, the screams of all the snake demons in the cave completely disappeared. After receiving the nourishment of many snake demons, the four vine figures seemed to have improved a little bit, and the speed and strength of the entanglement naturally increased a bit. ; On the other hand, the strength of the green-robed snake cultivator is almost the same as that of the white-robed snake cultivator, and even a little weaker; then it is only natural that the green-robed snake cultivator is trapped in the green energy shield.

As soon as the green-robed snake cultivator was entangled, Long Fei immediately grasped the magnetized Yuanli sword tightly with both hands, and stretched out with a "one blow to break the sky", with a sound of "嗤!", he transformed into a golden light that instantly pierced through the green energy shield and pierced through it. The green-robed Shexiu passed by his chest.But this time the green-robed snake cultivator didn't explode, because the moment Long Feihua's golden glow penetrated the body of the green-robed snake cultivator, a golden bird's shadow flashed out of the golden glow, and instantly pecked at the green robed snake cultivator. The robed snake repaired nearly half of its body.And the other half of the green-robed snake cultivator's body was naturally snatched up by the shocked and hurried four rattan men, leaving no bones.

Long Fei's "Wind and Shadow Judgment" was exhibited, and he landed lightly on the ground, with the corner of his mouth raised, a bad arc appeared, his right hand held a sword and pointed at the ground obliquely, his white clothes were not stained with blood, and the clothes fell when the wind stopped, showing an elegant and free and easy demeanor .

"Enjoy it! Ah! It's time to advance, ugly boss, quickly let me enter the spirit beast bracelet!" The golden bird shadow is naturally Xiaojin, Xiaojin glides and lands on a stone pillar, with his right wing flapping his chest, looking very satisfied , Then he was startled suddenly, his wings flapped violently, and his body swished towards the spirit beast bracelet on Long Fei's left wrist.

Looking at Xiao Jin's cute face, Long Fei was about to tease him a few words, when he heard Xiao Jin's sudden exclamation, he quickly moved his mind, and then put Xiao Jin in the spirit beast bracelet.

At this time, the four vine figures turned into human bodies, and they all looked at Long Fei with smiles on their faces.The scene where Xiao Jin entered the spirit beast bracelet was naturally seen by the four rattans, but they didn't say anything.As for Xiao Jin's robbing of the green-robed snake cultivating body, although the four vines were extremely surprised by Xiao Jin's astonishing move, they naturally didn't ask too many questions because they were well versed in the world.

Afterwards, the purple-robed vine man bowed to Long Fei and said with a smile, "Young Master Lai! What is the next decree?"

"The enemy has been eliminated, there is nothing else to do, thank you all!" Long Fei cupped his hands and smiled, and then waved his right sleeve at the four vine figures, and four light yellow sword-shaped spiritual thoughts were printed on the heads of the four vine figures The Baihui acupoint flashed out, and instantly flew into Long Fei's left eye.

"Thank you, Young Master Lai! It is an honor for us to meet Young Master Lai, a true and trustworthy person! If you want me to serve you in the future, please do as you are told!" Seeing this, the purple-robed vine man immediately became excited, and turned Moved by emotion, the other three vines who were equally excited bowed to Long Fei and saluted.

"Thank you four! The four of you have given such a big gift, I am really ashamed of it! Now that the matter is over, I will pay my respects! There will be a later date!" Long Fei respectfully returned the gift, and after the "Wind Shadow Jue" was displayed, his body changed rapidly The wind instantly drifted out of the cave.

"Congratulations Lai Shao!"

The four rattan people respectfully bowed and saw off the road.

The Lingzhen has been obtained, the crisis is temporarily eliminated, and the unencumbered Long Fei naturally drifts in the Wanrong Cave and Sky Passage; The speed of travel is naturally fast and abnormal.

Two days later, Long Fei rushed out of Wanrong Cave and saw the long-lost sunshine.Afterwards, Long Fei went to the territory of the Chongmu clan, and informed Chongshan, the patriarch of the Chongmu clan, of the fact that Tianyougu and the Jiandumu clan colluded with each other to test the Chongmu clan.Since the branch church in the Tianyou Valley Muling Mountain Range has been destroyed and there is no evidence in hand, the Chongmu clan can only make a long-term plan and wait for an opportunity to move in the future.

In the Chongmu tribe, Long Fei didn't stay much.After that, Long Fei went straight to Yunfu Peak, the sacred place of the Diao people.

Because he was carrying the heavy wooden token and the invitation token of the mink clan, Long Fei continued to exhibit "Little Ben Lei Shu" all the way, and rushed on the road without any scruples.

A day later, Long Fei arrived at Yunfu Peak smoothly.At this time, Xiao Ling has successfully broken through the test and reached the cultivation base of Consciousness Mastery, while Xiao Jin has reached the middle stage of Consciousness.

That night, Diao Wang held a banquet and warmly entertained Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, and Xu Zixuan. In the banquet, all kinds of jade wines, rare medicines and treasures were offered to the monks.During the banquet, Long Fei told Diao Wang and the monks about his enmity with the Snake Clan while pushing cups and changing cups. Of course, Long Fei briefly mentioned the magic about Xiao Jin.

After Diao Wang heard it, he was not worried but happy, because before Diao Wang found that Long Fei's spiritual power and Yuan power were stronger than ordinary monks in the late Yuan Dynasty, so he bet on Long Fei with the spirit of seizing the king. There is a positive attitude towards its combat power, but after all, there is no record to prove it.This time Long Fei was able to kill the peak masters in the late Tuoyuan period with his cultivation base in the early Tuoyuan period, so it is entirely possible for him to defeat the Tiger King or Snake King after his cultivation level reaches the mid Tuoyuan period.As for the enmity between Long Fei and the Snake Clan, Diao Wang said on the spot that it was the Snake Clan's fault, and he asked Long Fei not to worry, and all the Sable Clan would support him; while Long Fei was worried that his enmity with the Snake Clan would affect the little spirits' competition for the demons. Wang and Diao Wang disapproved and only said two words, "No problem!".

In the end, Diao Wang, in order to thank Long Fei and others for their full support for Xiao Ling's fight for the demon king, and at the same time to improve Long Fei's combat skills as soon as possible, decided to open the Diao clan practice holy land for Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xu Lan. - Magic Fighting Pavilion.

There are still a few months before the battle of the demon king, Long Fei and Niu Zhong discussed and decided: Although it is now known that the Ten Thousand Demon Forest is a paradise for demons, due to the secret poison of the Tianyou Valley within the Seven Star Sect It was quite strange, and in addition, he had already integrated into the demon clan well, so he postponed reporting to the sect that the Wanyao Forest is the demon realm paradise.And after I helped Xiaoling win the Demon King and learned about the real situation in detail, I would report to the sect together.The next thing the two of them have to do is to enter the Magic Douzhen Pavilion and practice hard for a few months, actively preparing for the battle of the Demon King.

Magic Douzhen Pavilion, located in a mysterious valley near Yunfu Peak, is a nine-story octagonal exquisite pagoda with a golden body and various powerful formations inside. This is the only building of the Diao people that has not been destroyed by the catastrophe ten thousand years ago.Since the Magic Douzhen Pavilion consumes a large amount of extremely hard-to-find natural treasures every time it is opened, the regulations of the Diao Clan stipulate that each generation of Diao King can only enter the Pavilion to practice three times in his life, including the test before his coronation. Once; In addition, each generation of Diao Wang only has one reward opportunity during his term of office, and the qualification to enter the Magic Douzhen Pavilion will be rewarded to those who have made major contributions to the clan.In the Diao clan, if one can enter the Huan Dou Zhen Pavilion for cultivation, not only will it be of great benefit to one's cultivation, but the most important thing is that it is a kind of lofty honor.

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