Chaos fairy way

Chapter 163 Encountered Pursuit

Afterwards, Long Fei grasped his right palm, and the Secret Treasure of Breaking the Formation was squeezed into his palm.Then his right hand immediately took out a handful of energy beads from the storage bag on his waist, and used the magnetized energy to break them up and absorb them, so as to recover the energy consumed by teleporting just now.After a while, a handful of vitality beads were completely absorbed, and the consumed energy was almost recovered.Afterwards, Long Fei performed the "Small Running Thunder Technique" twice in a row, teleporting again for more than [-] miles.It wasn't until this moment that Long Fei expanded his divine sense to a size of more than two hundred miles, in order to find a hidden place and continue to break through.Previously, Long Fei encountered a sudden change in the pass, so that the pass was forced to stop, but what is surprising is that he unexpectedly broke through the critical state of the strength of the soul, so that the strength of his soul finally reached the level of detachment. Medium-term strength, and the detection distance of spiritual sense has reached more than two hundred miles.However, the last step in the mid-stage of metabolization will not be done in the future, so Long Fei now needs to find a place to complete this last step.

Half an hour later, in a small hole on the mountainside of a high peak, Long Fei sat cross-legged on a yellow bunting, and started the final sprint in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty.Long Fei has accumulated a lot of knowledge, and his skills are miraculous, so it took only two hours to get rid of his body and skin, and he really reached the cultivation level of the middle stage of his body.

His cultivation had reached the middle of the Tuoyuan period, but Long Fei still sat cross-legged on the ball, did not get up, but used his spiritual thoughts to probe his body to see if there was any change.Before, the vision was earth-shattering, and the accident was frightening, but the harvest was quite rich.Long Fei made a rough calculation by himself: after his physical body was tortured by the huge and overbearing vitality, its strength increased by at least [-]%; the vitality in his body was also forced to nearly double due to the infusion of vitality; After the critical state, its strength has naturally been greatly improved; generally speaking, my physical strength, vitality, and spiritual power should be on par with ordinary monks who have achieved great success in the metamorphosis period.These are all unexpected joys, and there is another unexpected joy, that is, Long Fei found that the Yuan force in his whole body contains a trace of earthy yellow color.Although Long Fei didn't know what kind of power these earthy yellow threads were, but the appearance of a trace of earthy yellow threads indicated that Long Fei's attack power had at least doubled out of thin air.

Long Fei didn't use his vitality orbs, nor did he use his Soul Jade Lingrui to break through the level this time.This is because the vitality beads are crystallized by the jade silkworm after purification in the body, and they are dead objects; while the natural vitality blends with the heaven and the earth and is full of vitality; therefore, if Long Fei's primordial spirit wants to break through the critical state, it is naturally the effect of natural vitality better.The reason why he didn't use the Soul Jade Lingrui is because Long Fei has reached the point of breaking through the ranks, and he can break through successfully without using the Soul Jade Linglu; In order to improve the cultivation base, in order to reach the late Yuan Dynasty as soon as possible.

Afterwards, Long Fei took out a small white jade bottle from the purple storage bag, which was filled with the soul jade spirit essence. When he uncorked the bottle and was about to take it and refine it, suddenly a cold voice came from outside the cave: "Hmph! Finally found you! Come out by yourself!"

Long Fei was startled when he heard this, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he thought to himself: I opened the way with the secret treasure of breaking the formation, but I hid it like no breath, changed my body quickly into a gale, and then fled for more than [-] miles. The monk can still find the trace.There must be something strange about this matter, or the enemy is too strong, but I have the secret treasure of breaking the formation and the speed should be faster than the enemy, so I am not afraid, I will go out of the cave to investigate the situation before making plans.

As soon as Long Fei thought about it, he immediately put away the white jade vial, waved his left sleeve inward, and all the formation flags set at the entrance of the cave flew into the storage bag in a flash; Suddenly in the palm.Afterwards, Long Fei withdrew his serious expression, raised the corner of his mouth, and smiled with a smile on his face. He turned his left hand behind his back, and held the secret treasure in his right. With a calm appearance, he slowly drifted out of the cave and landed Entering the top of a towering old tree on the mountainside of the peak, I raised my eyes and looked ahead, and I was suddenly surprised.

In front of him, there were actually two demon cultivators who had escaped from the Yuan Dynasty, each holding a silver scale shield, flying in the air hundreds of meters away.Both demon cultivators have heads like pangolins, and are human bodies, one strong and the other thin, the fat demon cultivator grins grinningly, and the thin demon cultivator has cold eyes.

"The two of you have worked so hard to trace this far. I think it's because of the secret treasure in my hand?" Long Fei looked composed, and spoke lightly and carefully, but his heart was quite dignified, and his thoughts flowed quickly, thinking to himself: The monks selected by Wang have all passed the test of the four guardian elders, so their cultivation bases will not exceed the late Tuoyuan period.But the cultivation base of these two demon cultivators has reached the Great Achievement of the Yuan Dynasty, and judging from the powerful aura emitted by their bodies, they definitely did not break through to the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty in the past two days, so it is very likely that they are not from the realm of cultivation.But if they didn't come from the world of comprehension, where did they come from?Is it an aborigine from the Demon King's Cave?But aren't the aborigines of the Demon King's Cave all mentally retarded?

"Hey! It's a top-grade magic weapon! It really is a strange treasure." Fat Yaoxiu grinned grinningly, his greedy eyes swept across Long Fei's body, and fell straight to the secret treasure in Long Fei's right hand, and then said : "Hand it over! Maybe we can spare your life."

"Extreme magic weapon?" Long Fei murmured, and he was completely sure that the two demon cultivators did not come from the cultivation world, because the cultivation world only talked about treasures, but not magic weapons.Then Long Fei chuckled, lowered his head to play with the secret treasure in his right palm, and said slowly, "Hehe! Maybe spare my life? It seems that we still have a deal!".

"Deal? You are not qualified to negotiate a deal with us! There are only two choices: death or handing over the treasure." The thin demon Xiu Yinhan shot straight at Long Fei like sharp arrows in his eyes, and his tone was cold and authentic.

"Hey! Although my cultivation base is in the middle stage of the Yuan Dynasty, it is somewhat possible to destroy this secret treasure after all!" Long Fei sneered, and still spoke at a leisurely pace.

"You dare! Believe it or not, I'll kill you right now." Shou Yaoxiu showed his fierce face when he heard the words, and shouted sharply, a scimitar with black light flashed in his right palm.

"Really? Then you can try whether it's your knives, or my ability to destroy this treasure?" Long Fei tilted his head, cast a disdainful glance at Shou Yaoxiu, and said in a cold voice.

"Slow down!" Seeing that Long Fei had no fear at all, and wanted to die with the treasure, the fat demon cultivator hurriedly stopped the thin demon cultivator from making a move, and then said with a deep smile, "Little brother, I don't know what you said What does the transaction refer to?"

"It's very simple! I will give you the secret treasure. In addition to letting me go, you also need to pay me 5000 million spirit stones. I think the value of this secret treasure is far from 5000 million spirit stones? Besides, 5000 million spirit stones are relatively It's nothing to the two of you!" Long Fei pretended to relax, showing a hint of joy.

"5000 million spirit stones?" Fat Yaoxiu murmured for a while, and then a strange color flashed across his eyes, and then he took out a black storage bag from his waist storage bag with his right hand and threw it in his palm. He said again: "This is no problem, we only want to treasure, we have no intention of killing people. Alright, let's pay the money with one hand, deliver the goods with the other, and throw the secret treasure over!"

"Don't worry! The two of you can trace thousands of miles to find me. I think there must be special means. I am a cautious person, and I don't want to be chased and killed by others again! Therefore, to show my sincerity, I have to ask the two of you to tell me first. The reason. I am only in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty and now I am about a hundred feet away from you, and the two of you have reached the Dacheng Stage of the Yuan Dynasty. Are you afraid that I will escape?" Long Fei looked left and right, as if Paying attention to the surrounding noises, he said with a half-smile.

"You..." Shou Yaoxiu looked angry, full of murderous intent, and rushed towards Long Fei with Yu Dun.

"No!" Seeing this, the fat Yaoxiu quickly blocked the thin Yaoxiu with his shield, then looked at Long Fei and said in a cold voice: "Okay! But if you play tricks, you will definitely die."

As soon as Fat Yaoxiu finished speaking, he made a tactic with his right hand, and a yellow dot the size of a grain of rice flew from Long Fei's skirt to the right palm of Fat Yaoxiu. It turned out to be a yellow insect like a flea .

"Soul-seeking spirit worm!" Long Fei was suddenly surprised, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Soul-searching spirit worm, one of the three tracking strange monsters, ranked second, better than the silver shuttle snake, flying as fast as a sound in a short distance, and its traces cannot be detected by perception or divine power. There are two male and female, female Attaching to the enemy, the male insects track, and they can sense each other and track each other within [-] miles.In addition, the soul-searching spirit worm has a magical feature that its spiritual sense or consciousness is extremely difficult to destroy, so it generally will not be destroyed by the death of its owner.

"Hey! I have some knowledge. Alright, throw the secret treasure over here." Fat Yaoxiu threw the black storage bag at Long Fei, and said incredulously.

"In order to prevent accidents, I put the treasure on the canopy of this tree. After I teleport away, you can come and get it. I think this is better!" Long Fei took the black storage bag with a copy, When Shen Nian probed into the bag, his face immediately showed joy, but his tone was quite firm and authentic.

"You..." Fat Yaoxiu was furious, but his eyes rolled darkly for a moment, and then he smiled again: "It's okay, you just put it there!"

Hearing this, Long Fei nodded slightly, then bent down, and with his right hand slowly placed the Secret Treasure of Breaking Formation on the crown of the tree under his feet, but at this moment a brown pangolin-shaped imprint of divine sense came from Fat Yaoxiu's left eye. It fell into Long Fei's back in a flash.Long Fei was naturally aware of Fat Yaoxiu's small movements, but he pretended not to know it. He pressed the secret treasure of breaking formation with his right hand, slowly raised his head, looked at the two Yaoxiu and said seriously: "The treasure is here. You can’t come here before teleporting away!”

"No!" The fat demon cultivator said unchanged.

"What you say is what you say!" Long Fei said a little worriedly.

"You're fucking endless!" The thin demon Xiu was already full of anger, but when he saw Long Fei sloppy talking a lot of nonsense, he began to curse.

"Oh! I'll put it here now!" Long Fei's tone was still so unhurried, but before he finished speaking, he grabbed his right palm suddenly, and the secret treasure of breaking the formation was squeezed into his body. At the same time, "Little Ben "Thunder Art" is fully displayed, and the person disappears in a blink of an eye.

The thin demon Xiuyu yelled at Long Fei's Luo Libasuo again, when he suddenly saw Long Fei disappear with a secret treasure, he was furious, and then also disappeared in a flash, chasing Long Fei away.

"Hmph! Little bastard, you can't escape!" Fat Yaoxiu snorted coldly, and was about to use the teleportation technique to chase Long Fei, when suddenly his expression changed and he shouted angrily, "What? Damn bastard, how could you Eliminate the imprint of my divine sense."

The memory of the Divine Sense Seal has been broken, and Long Fei's trace has been lost. The fat Yaoxiu can only curse and chase after the thin Yaoxiu.

An hour later, the fat Yaoxiu caught up with the thin Yaoxiu who was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood by the bank of a small lake.

"I've chased that bastard so far and lost his track, what should I do?" Shou Yaoxiu exhaled heavily, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice.

"The little thief has escaped and there is no trace to be found, but according to what the horse demon killed yesterday, these monks will stay in this world for three months, so there will be a chance to meet that kid in the future, and we will call again at that time." He would rather die than live. Alright, the treasure hunt is incidental, the key point is to complete the task assigned by the Lord, let's go!" The fat demon cultivator Seyin Shen, thought for a while, and then said, then stepped forward with his right foot, and his body immediately turned Flash disappears.

"Damn you bastard!" The thin Yaoxiu cursed viciously, unwilling to reconcile, he wanted to use the teleportation technique to follow the fat Yaoxiu.


Suddenly, there was a cry of a bird of prey in the distant forest.Although the voice is immature, it is heart-pounding and frightening, all of which prove the extraordinaryness of this bird of prey.

"This bird must be extraordinary! And it's young, so it's an excellent mission target." Hearing the sound of the bird, Shou Yaoxiu murmured to himself, and then Imperial Shield flew towards the forest where the sound of the bird of prey came from.

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