Chaos fairy way

Chapter 168 Fat Bear Demon

Dense poisonous needles shot from all directions, and the poisonous mist that covered the sky surged down from the sky.

The tiger king's face became solemn, he raised his head to the sky and let out an angry roar, opened his mouth, a ball of hot red flames spewed out in a flash, swept into the air and exploded suddenly, turning countless sparks into the sky within a hundred feet square, and then all the sparks suddenly burst into flames. It burst into flames and instantly connected into one piece, surrounded the Tiger King at once, and then suddenly retracted, turning into a spherical flame shield to cover the Tiger King, firmly guarding a range of about three feet in diameter around him.

As soon as the flame shield was condensed, the dense poisonous needles had already attacked. "Pow! Pow! Pow!" The poisonous needle hit the flame shield quickly, and the sound like boiling water splashing on the ground suddenly became loud.

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!" The poisonous mist poured in, the fire burned the poisonous mist, there was a sudden sound, and thick black smoke was emitted, and a thick, dry, and burnt smell immediately spread in all directions.

Although the flame shield can withstand the attacks of poisonous needles and poisonous mist, it obviously shows signs of thinning and weakening, and it consumes a lot of energy of Tiger King.Naturally, the two centipede monsters would not give Tiger King a chance to catch his breath. The poisonous needles were shot fiercely, and the poisonous mist was sprayed wildly. The dense poisonous needles were pulled out one after another, and the thick poisonous mist was burned tightly.Although Tiger King tried his best to maintain the flame shield, his fists were no match for four hands. How can he be able to defeat two masters who have been immersed in the Yuan Dacheng period for many years?The flame shield gradually became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Tiger King is in a desperate situation, and the situation of the other monks in the comprehension world is also extremely worrying.

A monkey monster with a mid-stage cultivation in the cultivation world had just avoided a fierce claw of a rat monster with a good vertical jumping technique, and an inch-long flying knife that shone with a frightening cold light shot to the back of his head.

"Dang!" A small white light sword flashed out from the back of the monkey monster's head. Although it knocked the cold light flying knife away, it was forced back to the back of the head in an instant, and the monkey monster's body was hit by the huge impact force He bumped forward nearly a foot away and fell like a dog eating shit, a mouthful of blood spewed out immediately.However, the rat monster's body is like a black shuttle, its claws are like lightning, and its attacks are...



Fist and palm clash, the horse demon from the comprehension world recklessly fights against the spider demon from the mysterious organization with a heavy punch, the body is knocked back by more than three feet, and it hits the ground, severely injured.

Looking at the entire battlefield, the situation is slightly better than that of Xiong Lie's dead soldier, the obese bear demon, who is fighting high-level cultivation with low-level cultivation.Before the fat bear demon entered the Demon King's Cave, his cultivation was only in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, and now he is in the late period of the Yuan Dynasty. Obviously, like Long Fei, he suppressed his cultivation to enter the Demon King's Cave, and then broke through.At this time, the obese bear demon was facing an ant demon in the Dacheng period who was out of Yuan Dynasty. Although he was sweating profusely and had the upper hand, he was not injured at all.

The ant demon has a strong cultivation base, when he swings his fists and stretches his feet, the air explodes, energy surges, his punches are fatal, and his feet and feet steal his soul.

The obese bear demon is holding a brown rod and pekoe judge pen. Although his body is fat and fat, the pen is full of flowers. The judge pen is swift and ingenious, connecting dots in the void. The little flowers flashed one by one, dashed into the air, exploded suddenly, and instantly condensed into ice walls in the void, effectively blocking the ant demon's fierce attacks again and again.

"Ah! The enemy has three Dacheng masters from the Yuan Dynasty, what should we do? The Tiger King is in danger! Save the Tiger King first?" Xiong Lie has also arrived, and is beside Long Fei. For, anxious and authentic.

"No! I will attack the ant demon who is fighting fiercely with your dead warrior first, and try to kill the enemy with one blow. And you are responsible for killing other demon cultivators of the mysterious organization with weaker cultivation bases as soon as possible. Then gather the strength of everyone to kill the two powerful The most powerful centipede demon." Long Fei thought for a while, then replied.

"But Tiger King's situation is the most worrying! This..." Xiong Lie said with a dazed expression and some hesitation.

"If you want to solve the current dead situation, you can only do this. Besides, the two centipede monsters intend to subdue the Tiger King, so the Tiger King is dangerous, but he can still persist." Long Fei looked at the Tiger King with a confident expression. Then his eyes turned to the fat bear demon, and he said thoughtfully: "By the way, do you have a secret method to contact your dead man?"

"Yes!" Xiong Lie suppressed his confusion and nodded.

"Okay! Tell him immediately that I want to attack and kill the ant demon. I think he knows what to do! In addition, when you kill the demon cultivator of the mysterious organization, remember to live away." Long Fei was a little happy when he heard this, and he spoke quickly said quickly.

"Okay!" Although Xiong Lie was at a loss as to what kind of medicine was sold in Long Fei's gourd, he still said without hesitation.

At this moment, the black-robed centipede monster who besieged the Tiger King turned his head to look at the ancient tree where Long Fei and Xiong Lie were hiding, and shouted coldly: "Little guy, what a brotherhood! It's been so long, it should be captured Jie Jie! To be able to break free from the shackles of the Diyou gold chain, and to escape from those two useless hands, is somewhat extraordinary, and is a good puppet to prepare for."

The black-robed centipede demon is the centipede demon who led people to surprise Xiong Lie yesterday. Just now, Xiong Lie used his divine sense to detect the cultivation bases of the enemy monsters, so he was naturally cultivated by the black-robed centipede demon and other enemies who were higher than him The three Dacheng demon cultivators of the Tuoyuan period discovered that the other two masters of the Tuoyuan period just disdained Xiong Lie's cultivation in the mid-Taoyuan period, so they did not make a move.At this time, Long Fei's aura was as hidden as nothing, and he didn't use his divine sense to detect the cultivation of the enemy's three masters who had escaped metamorphosis. Naturally, he was not discovered by any enemy demon cultivators.

As soon as the black-robed centipede finished speaking, he waved his right hand towards Xiong Lie. A group of brown filaments appeared in a flash, and then disappeared strangely. In the blink of an eye, it suddenly appeared in the sky above the ancient tree where Long Fei and Xiong Lie were hiding. ten feet high. With a sound of "wow", the brown filaments suddenly spread, and immediately expanded into a huge net and rushed down.

"Action!" Long Fei sent a voice transmission to Xiong Lie, and then disappeared in a flash.

Xiong Lie, after moving his lips a few times, he grasped his right palm, and a three-foot three-purple sword flashed in his palm.Then he held the sword in his right hand and pointed to the sky, kicked the branches with both feet, and shot straight up towards the giant net with a "swish" sound, and with a sound of "Crack!", he pierced through the giant net and shot up into the sky, then drifted away.

"The little puppet has a magical treasure, but you are still hard to fly!" The black-robed centipede demon was a little surprised that Xiong Lie was able to break through his giant net, so he wanted to cast another spell to capture Xiong Lie.

But at this moment, due to the temporary distraction of the black-robed centipede monster attacking Xiong Lie, Tiger King's flame shield slowed down slightly in its thinning speed.

"Let's ignore the little fish for now, let's deal with the tiger first!" Seeing this, the red-clothed centipede demon said in a sullen voice.

Hearing the sound, the black-robed centipede monster had no choice but to give up, and once again focused on attacking the tiger king, the tiger king's flame shield became thinner faster than before.

The Tiger King's situation is even more dangerous, but the fat bear demon has changed his tactics.I saw that the fat bear demon no longer blindly dodges and does not want to escape, but sees that the situation is not good and tries to break free from the ant demon's attack lock in order to escape alone.Facing the swift and fierce attack of the ant demon, the obese bear demon still waved the judge pen in his hand, drawing runes and icy walls to block the enemy, but his body no longer moved among the battle groups, but moved as hard as he could Flee away.

The ant demon naturally saw the fat bear demon's intentions, and at the same time frantically chasing and beating it, restricted the movement range of the fat bear demon as much as possible.

Although the ant demon is a master in the Dacheng period of the Yuan Dynasty and has fierce and vicious attacks, but faced with the fat bear demon's perverted method of drawing talismans and icing walls to block the enemy, there is nothing he can do for a while, so the battle group between the ant demon and the fat bear demon gradually opened up. The distance of other battle groups.

The strength is higher than that of the opponent, but he can't attack for a long time, and the opponent shows signs of escaping. At the same time, the ant demon became angry with embarrassment, and the anxiety in his heart became more and more serious; coupled with his strong self-sufficiency, he could ignore all the demon cultivators in the cultivation world present. Therefore, attacking the fat bear demon is naturally becoming more and more reckless, and more and more reckless; and the vigilance against the sudden attack of the third party is also becoming weaker and weaker, and finally evolved into not taking any precautions when attacking. The three parties attacked suddenly, and every move was a blow with all their strength, and all the styles were desperate to kill.

At this time, the ant demon suddenly appeared at a height of about five feet above the head of the fat bear demon, and shot down like a startled rainbow, piercing the air and blasting his right fist towards the top of the fat bear demon's head.

The fat bear demon looked at the ferocious attacking ant demon, and did not wave the judge pen while drifting to avoid it as before; instead, his pupils shrank, his face became serious, and he stood firmly on the ground, pointing the judge pen with his right hand to the sky point.The flashing runes did not burst into space again, but scattered in all directions and suspended in the air, forming a rune funnel with a diameter of more than ten feet, and the mouth of the funnel was naturally facing straight. And the next ant demon.

Although the ant demon was a little surprised in his heart, he believed that his strength was far superior to that of the obese bear demon, and he believed that the obese bear demon must be trying to use the strongest attack in order to take the opportunity to escape, so the attack strength and speed increased instead of decreasing, and she shot without hesitation. into the funnel.

At this moment, all the light yellow runes that make up the funnel suddenly exploded with a "bang!", and a crisp "click!" instantly sealed the ant demon in a funnel-shaped ice cone.

The ant demon shouted loudly, and the majestic energy in his body rushed out, "Crack! Boom!" With two beeps, it broke through the funnel-shaped ice cone; but just as it rushed out, a golden rainbow suddenly flashed about three feet behind it In an instant, a "chick!" pierced through the heart of his back.Immediately afterwards, the ant demon, who was in shock, exploded and shattered with a "boom!", the broken corpse blasted in all directions, and the blood mist spread in a ball.

The obese bear demon had used the strongest attack just now so that his vitality was almost exhausted. Although the ant demon was frozen in ice, he was hit by the ant demon's fierce fist wind on his left shoulder, so that his body staggered and knelt on the ground.Facing the berserk explosive force at this moment, the obese bear demon was powerless and unable to resist, his body immediately fell to the ground with a thud, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his chest.

And that golden glow slowed down, and then it showed its true face, which was naturally Long Fei.

"Ah! What? Was killed by a monk in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty!"

"Damn! There are still people hiding in the dark."

The two centipede monsters looked shocked, and they couldn't help exclaiming, and then they all gathered their whole body to strike the tiger king with the strongest blow, in order to free up their hands to kill Long Fei and the fat bear demon as soon as possible.

"Crack! Wow!" The Tiger King's flame shield was overwhelmed after all, and was smashed into pieces like pieces of paper by the dense poisonous needles and surging poisonous mist.Although the attack of the poisonous needle and the poisonous mist has weakened a lot, they still rushed towards Tiger King's body.

At the time of crisis, the Tiger King let out a low growl, and light yellow spiritual thoughts shot out from his eyes, and then ten light curtains of guardian spirit thoughts were cast all over his body. "Wow! Wow! Wow!" After the Nian light curtain of the nine guardian gods was broken by the poisonous needle and the poisonous mist, they finally resisted the combined attack of the two centipede demons with all their strength.

But at this moment, the two centipede monsters attacked again with all their strength.

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