Chaos fairy way

Chapter 172

Afterwards, Long Fei told Xiong Lie and other demon cultivators in detail the information he obtained from the red-clothed centipede demon, because it is best to rely on everyone's strength to solve the current dangerous situation.After Xiong Lie and other demon cultivators heard the news, all of them were shocked and heavy, and some demon cultivators even despaired.However, all the monks expressed that they would rather die in battle than surrender to the mysterious organization.In the end, the monks decided after discussion that they will make two plans: first, there is still more than a month before the five elders of the Yaozu enter the Yaowangdongtian to open up the battlefield. , Do everything possible to break this closed formation or at least break a gap in order to pass the situation of the Demon King Dongtian to the cultivation world.Second, if the five elders do not enter the Demon King's Cave on time, then the monks will hide and wait for the opportunity to find a way to cooperate with the mysterious organization outside the cultivation world to attack the Demon King's Cave.During the period, Long Fei also took out his secret treasure of breaking the formation, trying to see if he could break through the closed formation, but unfortunately tried all the methods, but none of them worked, so he had to give up in the end.Then the monks thought of many ways to break through the closed formation, but they were rejected one by one.Since everyone can't think of a way to break the closed formation, we can only hope that Tiger King can figure out a way.Because the Tiger King is the king of the royal family after all, he has seen a lot, not to mention that the previous Demon King was his father, so the Tiger King should probably come up with a way to break this closed formation.Therefore, rescuing the tiger king as soon as possible became the top priority. However, although the tiger king was not in danger of his life at this time, he was still unconscious because of his serious injuries and the heavy poison on his body.Serious injuries can be healed quickly with Xiong Lie's secret method and rare treasures, but the most difficult thing is the heavy poison, and no one can cure it, because it is the unique poison of the snake clan under the snake king .

"The poison poisoned by the Tiger King is unique to the Snake Clan, and only the Snake King can detox it in the entire Monster King's Cave. How about you, Young Master Xiong, represent the Bear Clan to beg the Snake King? See if you can let the Snake King see it for the sake of righteousness." Put aside personal and racial grievances, and fight against the enemy together, so as to detoxify the Tiger King?" The horse demon lowered his head slightly, looking at the flames that sizzled pieces of meat, and said hesitantly.

"You can still say such a sao idea! If the snake king can take care of the righteousness, the tiger king senior will not be lying here. Could it be that only the snake king's antidote can save the tiger king?" Xiong Lie was already very angry. , I am also extremely disgusted with the Snake King, and he is a bold and straight-hearted person. Now he listens to the horse demon, and immediately reprimands him.

"That's right! Could it be that only the antidote can save the Tiger King? I think we have entered into a misunderstanding!" Long Fei said with some thought in his mind.

"What do you mean?" Xiong Lie asked in confusion.

"Friend Long Daoist's meaning, I think I have understood a thing or two!" The fat bear demon said again with his eyes lit up when he heard Long Fei's words. "Saving the Tiger King doesn't necessarily require antidote. Some life-saving Lingzhen can save the Tiger King after all. If those Lingzhen can save lives, can't the poison be cured?"

"The Nine-Death Resurrection Grass should be able to save the Tiger King. I know a place where it is, but it is extremely dangerous." The monkey demon said with a sad voice as his eyes gradually dimmed as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Nine Deaths Resurrection Grass?"

"That treasure that is said to be able to bring the dead back to life, although it cannot bring people back to life after death, it is entirely possible to save people from dying."


Although everyone was surprised by the change in the monkey monster's expression, they still asked questions quickly.

"Alas! It's within a natural barrier. When my dead warrior and I teleported into the Demon King's Cave, we teleported there. As a result, my dead warrior died helping me escape from the desperate battle!" the monkey monster lamented. He let out a sad face, his eyes were moist, and his voice was sad, and then he said: "In that battle, I saw the Nine Deaths Resurrection Grass from a distance."

"Ah!" All the monks were shocked when they heard the words, and they were ashamed, so it was not easy to ask.

"Hey! It's okay. I think Fellow Daoist Long has the secret treasure of breaking the formation. After thinking about it, he might get the Nine-Death Resurrection Grass in the formation." The monkey demon smiled bitterly, suppressing the grief in his heart, and then looked at Long Fei said.

"That's exactly what I mean! Tomorrow morning, I will trouble fellow Monkey to lead the way!" Long Fei said without hesitation.

"En!" The monkey monster nodded in response.

Seeing this, the anxiety in the hearts of other monks faded a lot.

The next day, early in the morning, there was a cool breeze, and the morning mist was like smoke.

Long Fei and the monkey monster carefully used the teleportation technique and headed straight to the north of the valley where they lived. After about an hour, they came to a natural and strange place.

About ten miles ahead, the sky is covered by dark clouds, as thick as lead, which makes people feel a strong sense of oppression; under the dark clouds, a layer of light blue water mist wraps around the endless lake. There is black in the deep, and there are slight ripples without wind; in the center of the lake, a dark green mountain looks like a sickly old man standing on the lake, with dark clouds above his head and no crown of hair.All the scenes exude a strong air of death, revealing a terrifying sense of crisis.

"The Trinity of Heaven and Earth!" Long Fei's complexion was serious, his eyes narrowed, he gasped, and couldn't help sighing.

"Fellow Daoist Long! What is the trinity of heaven and earth?" The monkey demon asked with lingering fear as he looked at the scene ahead.

"The so-called three talents are the sky, the earth, and the people. Looking at the wonderful scenery ahead, the dark clouds are the sky, the black lake is the ground, and the human peak is the people. This is a fierce formation. It is a miracle that you were able to survive last time!" Long Fei said in a deep voice.Long Fei has been with Han Ziling for many years, and he has studied various formations subtly.

"Then how to break it?" The monkey monster's facial muscles twitched, obviously, Long Fei's words further deepened its fear of the battle.

"Hehe! The formation of nature is completely natural. Unless you have absolute strength to break it, there is no solution. Regarding this formation, I don't think even a master of the tribulation period can break it, let alone you and me." Long Fei smiled wryly, Then he said thoughtfully: "I wonder if you still remember the exact location of the Nine Deaths Resurrection Grass?"

"Hey! This formation is unforgettable for me, and that scene is even more unforgettable for a lifetime. Naturally, I remember the location of the Nine Deaths Resurrection Grass. I don't know what Fellow Daoist Long means?" the monkey demon sighed.

"I am carrying the secret treasure of breaking the formation, and it is estimated that I can lead people into the formation and stay there for half an hour. I wonder if you can find the Nine Deaths Resurrection Grass and pick it in such a short period of time?" Long Fei asked.

"Half a quarter of an hour?" The monkey demon's brows trembled, his gaze froze after a long time of change, and he said resolutely, "The Tiger King has shown great kindness to our clan! I will give it a go."

"Okay! Then let's go for a walk!" Long Fei's words fell, his divine sense moved, and then he released Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling from the spirit beast bracelet, looking at Xiao Ling and Xiao Jin who flew out and landed on the ground Said: "The front is dangerous, you two find a place to hide. When I come out, I will look for you."

"Oh! Ugly boss, you have to be careful!"

"Handsome boss, get what you can, don't force yourself if you can't!"

Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling turned their heads to look at the dark cloud-covered sky about ten miles away, with worried expressions on their faces.

"Don't worry! It's okay." With a flash of yellow light in Long Fei's left eye, a pale yellow sword-shaped divine sense shot out, and as soon as it entered the air, it split into two smaller sword-shaped divine sense imprints, which flew to On Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling.

Afterwards, Long Fei suddenly activated the Secret Treasure in his body, and his whole body burst into green light. Immediately after, Long Fei put his left hand on the monkey monster's right shoulder, and led the monkey monster to turn into a green rainbow of shock and shoot towards the human-shaped mountain peak middle.

"Boom!" A thunderbolt suddenly blasted the heavy lead-like black cloud, flashing a crack that was ten feet wide. "Crash!" A thunderbolt of lightning poured down from the crack, fiercely striking at Long Fei and the Monkey Demon, who had just entered the Heaven, Earth Trinity Formation, and were about to turn into green rainbows. "Whistle!" The speed of the green light's spurting shot suddenly increased sharply, narrowly avoiding the lightning strike.

"Crash!" Another thicker and fiercer thunderbolt struck the green glow. "Shua!" The lightning flashed close to the green light, a wisp of smoke rose, and a large piece of the robe on the monkey monster's back was instantly burned.Although the monkey monster was not injured, but at this moment, three bolts of lightning flashed down one after the other, and it was too late to dodge, so Long Fei threw his right hand into the air in desperation, and the Chixiao sword screamed and flew into the sky. In the sky, there were [-] flying swords in illusion and suddenly condensed, suddenly turning into a huge sword that was bursting with flames, facing the sky above the lightning strike.

"Beep!" The first thunderbolt and lightning struck Chixiao's giant sword swiftly and violently, and the Chixiao giant sword's momentum suddenly stopped.

At this moment, the second thunderbolt came in a flash, "Crack! Crack! Boom!" Chi Xiaojian was instantly shattered, and the sword shards shot in all directions.

The high-level treasure Chixiao Sword has been destroyed, but the third thunderbolt and lightning have already struck. At this time, Long Fei and Monkey Demon, who are about to turn green, are already approaching the sky above the human-shaped mountain peak and plummeting down.

The Scarlet Sky Sword was destroyed in an instant, Long Fei was horrified, and the white glove floated on his right palm, and he slammed the fist in his right hand towards the sky, a magnetized Yuanli Sword suddenly shot into the air, and turned into a ten thousand Yuanli Flying Sword The handle suddenly condensed into a dazzling yellow-glowed giant sword with magnetized elemental power, which roared violently towards the third thunderbolt lightning.

"Beep!" The sword struck the lightning, and the lightning struck and scattered, and the Yuanli sword burst open with a "boom!", "Blah!" White light flowers and yellow sword shavings bloomed in the sky like fireworks , making the cloud-covered sky a rare flash of splendor.

"Collecting herbs! Guiding the way!" Long Fei shouted loudly.

At this time, Long Fei and the monkey monster finally fell on the dark green human-shaped mountain peak, and the crack in the sky disappeared instantly, and the scene of dark clouds covering the sky resumed.

"Move thirty feet to the left, then about a hundred feet to the right, and turn left when you see the tallest ancient tree in front of you..." The monkey demon spoke extremely fast, and Long Fei drifted in the woods at top speed following the monkey demon's instructions.

At this time, a thick black fog suddenly rose in the Siye Forest, and the visibility became lower and lower.

"This is a poisonous miasma. You can't resist it even if you use your inner breath. If you touch it, you will die!" The monkey demon's face paled suddenly, and a deep look of horror flashed in his eyes.

"It's okay! Continue to guide the way!" As Long Fei spoke, the anti-poison armor suddenly emerged from the surface of his body, and a silver-white sphere mask was opened, covering a ten-foot area around Long Fei's body, guarding Long Fei and Long Fei as solid as gold. The monkey demon is not affected by the poisonous miasma at all.

The monkey monster looked at the mask in front of him in astonishment and continued to guide Long Fei to drift in the poisonous miasma at high speed.

Although Long Fei moved freely in the trinity formation of heaven and earth, and his drifting speed was not affected by the poisonous miasma in the slightest, he felt an inexplicable pressure pressing on his body and soul more and more while walking.Long Fei knew in his heart that this was the pressure of the formation of three talents from heaven and earth. If he hadn't been guarded by the secret treasure that broke the formation, he would have died of gallstones, heart and lungs.As for the monkey monster, who was under the green light of the secret treasure of breaking the formation, and was not inspired by the secret treasure of breaking the formation, he didn't feel any inexplicable pressure.

"Here it is, over there!" The monkey demon said excitedly, pointing his right hand to the front right.

At this time, the surrounding poisonous miasma suddenly faded a lot, only a few feet under the cliff about a hundred feet away on the right front was almost bare, only a few monoecious trees grew, with scaled leaves and green leaves. The curly grass surrounded by brilliance is the Nine Deaths Resurrection Grass.

At this time, although Long Fei's movements were not restricted, his physical body and soul were nearly collapsed by the strong and inexplicable pressure.

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