Chaos fairy way

Chapter 174

Ten days later, when Long Fei finished refining and absorbing the last drop of soul jade spirit essence, the mist of vitality that wrapped around his body like a gauze also gradually dissipated in the world.At this time, Long Fei let out a mouthful of turbid air, opened his eyes, and smiled.In ten days, Long Fei finally cultivated the strength of Yuanshen and Yuanli to a critical state. It only takes one opportunity to break through the wall and reach the strength of the late stage of metamorphism. Later repairs.Breaking the wall, relying on opportunities, retreating and practicing hard is not a good strategy, so Long Fei resolutely stopped practicing.

"Huh! Not good!" Long Fei's face changed instantly, and he quickly activated the secret treasure of breaking the formation.The whole body suddenly burst into green light, and a green light shot out from Long Fei's body instantly, across the sky, piercing through the thick dark clouds.Long Fei teleported along the light path, rushed out of the dark clouds and passed away in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already three thousand miles away from the south of the Heaven and Earth Trinity Formation.Then there was another four consecutive exhibitions of "Little Ben Leishu", and then rushed south for more than [-] miles, and then changed to "Wind Shadow Jue" to drift on the road. Thunder Art"...

About a quarter of an hour later, Long Fei flashed over a valley covered by thick fog.Then it drifted straight towards the looming boulder in the north of the valley, and disappeared into the thick fog behind the boulder in the blink of an eye.

"Who!" A dignified middle-aged man in a golden robe suddenly tilted his head and looked shocked. It was Tiger King.After seeing clearly that it was Long Fei, his tense heart suddenly eased, and he smiled pleasantly: "Fellow Daoist Long! Hehe! I knew you would return safely."

"Friend Long Daoist!"

"Friend Long Daoist!"

Xiong Lie and other monks shouted in surprise.The cave here is where Tiger King and other monks used to hide.After more than ten days of gathering, there are now nearly a hundred demon cultivators here, and many of them are masters in the late Yuan Dynasty.As for the group of demon cultivators who were dormant in Long Feiyuan's healing cave, they were also called into it by Xiao Ling.

"Handsome boss! Huh..." Xiao Ling wiped the red and swollen eyes that were dripping like pearls with his right hand, and rushed over crying.

Long Fei hurriedly bent down to pick up Xiao Ling, touched her little head, looked at her red and swollen eyes, his heart sank to the ground, and thought to himself: Oh no, something really happened to Xiao Jin!

"Fellow Daoist Long, I am ashamed of you! A disciple of Fellow Daoist went to search for medicine with fellow Daoist in order to save me, but was unfortunately discovered by a member of the mysterious weaving organization on the way home. In order to ensure that the medicine for me can be delivered safely, the disciple of Fellow Daoist To save Xiaoling, he led away the members of the mysterious organization by himself, and his whereabouts are still unknown. After getting the news, Xiong Lie and other fellow Taoists immediately went to support the disciples of fellow Taoists, but they were unable to find his trace. Later, fellow Taoists including Xiong Lie and others I have searched all over the area around the place where the accident happened, but nothing came of it. After I recovered from my injury, I have searched several times and still have no clues. I am afraid that your disciple... Alas! I am ashamed! Please punish me, fellow Daoist!" With a guilty and sad face, he bowed respectfully to Long Fei.

Long Fei held Xiao Ling in his left hand, and hurriedly held up the bowing Tiger King with one hand in his right hand. He knew in his heart that the disciple mentioned by the Tiger King should refer to Xiao Jin. After all, Xiao Ling found an excuse to say that Xiao Jin was in order to conceal Xiao Jin's identity. It was the disciple Long Fei had accepted in the Demon King's Cave.At this time, although Long Fei was extremely worried about Xiao Jin's situation, he said calmly. "Fellow Tiger King, please don't blame yourself! The imprint of my spiritual sense that I left on Xiaojin's body can still be sensed, so Xiaojin should not be in danger of his life, and should have been captured by a mysterious organization. And his location is exactly one of the mysterious organizations. The direction of the branch hall for receiving and capturing monsters and birds of prey is the place where Fellow Daoist Xiong Lie was almost imprisoned."

"Really? That's good, without further ado, let's go into the inner cave to discuss the rescue plan now." The tiger king's sad expression eased, without thinking, then turned to look at the fat bear demon, and said: "Fat bear, Please immediately call all the monks whose cultivation base is above the late Yuan Dynasty to enter the inner cave for a meeting!".

"Okay!" After the obese Xiong Yao Xiong Pang responded, he immediately led several nearby monks to the small caves in the big cave.

After a while, Long Fei, Tiger King, Xiong Lie, Xiao Ling and all the monks from the late Yuan Dynasty gathered in the inner cave to discuss the rescue plan.

First of all, the Tiger King introduced in detail the new situation and changes that occurred in the past ten days when Long Fei was trapped in the Heaven and Earth Trinity Formation, as well as the method of defending the enemy discussed by the monks before: "The day before yesterday, we had a meeting to discuss Two sets of anti-enemy plans have been decided. The first plan is naturally to hide and wait for help, because after all, it has only been more than a month for the five elders to enter the Demon King's Cave. The second plan is to actively attack a branch of a mysterious organization and destroy it. Block the corner of the big formation and send one person out to report. I once captured a member of a mysterious organization alive in the process of looking for your disciple Xiaojin. I found information about the blockade formation of the Demon King's Cave. Simply put, the mysterious organization set up a blockade formation with the Zhentangxuan stele in one of the four main halls as the corner of the formation. We only need to destroy any part of the formation. The Zhentangxuan stone tablet can tear a hole in the blockade, and at least one monk can go out to report the news. It is found that the disciple of Long Daoyou has been captured, and the intention of the mysterious organization to catch puppets is suspicious and unreasonable. Worrying, so in order to prevent late changes and rescue your disciples as soon as possible, I think we must implement the second set of plans. However, if we implement the second set of plans, it must be extremely difficult and extremely dangerous. Because: first, after these ten days It may be because the mysterious organization lost three Dacheng monks and several late monks in the last battle to save us. Therefore, it has recently strengthened the inspection of the Yaowangdongtian, and each branch hall The defense will be strengthened after thinking about it, and the branch hall that the disciples of Long Daoist are imprisoned will naturally be no exception; I don’t know. Third, as far as our current strength is concerned, I think we must not be as good as a branch of the enemy in terms of top-level combat power. What’s more, the enemy still has many puppets. This is the specific situation. Now everyone is saying Say what you think!"

"Since the disciples of Fellow Daoist Long are imprisoned, we will naturally implement the second plan, actively attack the prisoner's branch hall, rescue the disciples of Fellow Daoist Long, and at the same time spread the relevant news in the Demon King's Cave." Xiong Xiong Lie said first without hesitation.

"That's right! One month later, the five elders of the demon clan entered the demon king's cave. After all, the mysterious organization already knows about it, so they must have a countermeasure. If we spread the news now, we will definitely be able to catch the mysterious organization by surprise. "The fat bear demon nodded.

"Yes! Yes! Instead of hiding and being afraid like this, it's better to have a big fight with his mother and have a good time."

"My life was saved by Fellow Daoist Long. Now that the disciple of Fellow Daoist Long has been captured, I will go to rescue him even if I spare my life."

"Yes, it is better to survive in danger than to sit and wait for death."

Most of the monks expressed their opinions one after another, and some monks who were a little hesitant saw that everyone expressed their approval, and nodded one by one to express their support.

"Thank you all! Thank you very much!" Long Fei cupped his hands quite moved, then turned his head to look at Tiger King, and said again: "Friend Tiger, may I ask who to send to report the news?"

The Tiger King had a thick beard and a frank expression, and said in a sincere tone: "The person who reports the letter is naturally the best player from the five royal families, so that the elders can take immediate action. But this way, according to the selection method of the Demon King According to the rules, the person who reports the letter will lose the qualification to compete for the demon king. The day before yesterday, when we were discussing, because the life and death of Long Daoist were uncertain, for the sake of Xiaoling's safety, and Xiong Lie and I must do our best to restrain the enemy's master, so in the end we all agreed I recommend Little Spirit to report. Now that Fellow Daoist Long is back, Little Spirit’s safety is guaranteed. Fellow Daoist Xiong, can you go out and report the letter?"

"Okay! Let me go, I have never thought about the position of Demon King. Hehe! Speaking of it this way, I'm still in the limelight!" Xiong Lie said boldly.

"I..." Xiaoling started talking again, as if he remembered something, he stopped talking.

Long Fei touched Xiao Ling's head with his right hand, and didn't say much, knowing what Xiao Ling was thinking at this time.Xiaoling is innocent by nature, loves to play, eat delicious food, and doesn't like intrigue, so she never wants to be the demon king in her heart.This time Xiaoling participated in the selection of the Demon King, initially he was forced by the Diao King, and then he was afraid that the Snake King would win the Demon King's position and would be detrimental to the Diao Clan, so he bit the bullet and came to participate. s reason.

Tiger King glanced at Xiaoling, nodded with a smile, and then said: "Since the person who will go out to report the letter has been determined, then we will discuss the specific battle plan. The branch hall where the disciples of Long Daoyou are imprisoned is the The nearest branch church here is located on an oasis in the vast desert. We call it the desert branch church! The guards in the hall are very strict, and I can't infiltrate and investigate. The so-called knowing the enemy and knowing the enemy can win a hundred battles. If we want to successfully send the letter out and rescue the disciples of Fellow Daoist Long, we must first find out the relevant situation of the enemy before taking action. Policy. I wonder if you have any good ideas?"

Long Fei looked at the eyes that the Tiger King was looking at him, and said without hesitation: "I will leave the matter of scouting the enemy to my subordinates! In addition, since the enemy has strengthened their inspections, it is extremely easy for us, a large group of people, to attack their branch hall beforehand." The whereabouts have been exposed, so I suggest that we should start in batches. I don’t know if you can find a suitable assembly place near the desert branch during your investigation in the past?”

"Fellow Daoist Long's movement speed and concealment skills can be said to be the strongest people I have ever seen. With Fellow Daoist Long on the way, the investigation will be successful. As for the gathering place that Fellow Daoist Long said, I have already mentioned it before." Ri found a place during his investigation, and we will gather there then." Tiger Dynasty Long Fei nodded emphatically.

Next, the monks discussed other related matters.

In the end, the Tiger King looked majestic, stood straight in front of all the monster cultivators and said loudly: "Everyone! This time it must be a fierce battle, so please be sure to inform everyone to be fully prepared. After half an hour, everyone Start to set off in batches according to the plan."

After all the monks left the inner cave one after another, the Tiger King smiled slightly, looked at Long Fei and Xiao Ling sincerely, and said, "Friend Long, Xiao Ling, can we go out and have a private chat?"

"I also have this intention!" Long Fei nodded knowingly, and said with a guess in his heart.

Xiao Ling blinked his red and swollen eyes, and nodded.

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