Chaos fairy way

Chapter 176

Eagle owl!As soon as Long Fei heard the angry shout, the name of the owner of the voice popped up in his mind.After that, I followed the prestige, but I couldn't see the imprisoned Eagle Owl with my naked eyes, because the sound came from the deep left side of the dungeon.Looking up at the entire dungeon, one can see that the dungeon is as wide as an underground world, with aisles that are as wide as ten feet and criss-crossing, so deep that one can't see the end at a glance.On both sides of the aisle, the cells several feet wide were imprisoned like iron cages, demon cultivators or monsters.In each aisle, there are two demon cultivators in jailer costumes or patrolling, or blowing wildly, or sitting on a chair with a tired face and taking a nap...All the jailors were not at the Consciousness Stage, but they didn't have the slightest fear in the face of the imprisoned Tuoyuan Stage masters, and they were not worried about their escape.

Surprised by Long Fei, his divine sense immediately penetrated into the body of a imprisoned wolf demon.The wolf demon naturally knew that a divine sense had penetrated into his body, but his face was numb. It was obvious that many people had probed his body with a divine sense recently, so he was already numb.After a while, Long Fei's face suddenly showed a sudden color, and then it turned into a thick and dignified color.Because just now, the divine sense probe found out that the wolf demon's divine sense power and Yuan power were sealed by a scorpion-shaped divine sense seal, which means that the wolf demon is now like an ordinary wolf.And this spiritual seal, although not a self-destruct seal, judging from the aura it emits, it was definitely not set by the top expert who sealed the red-clothed centipede demon, but someone else.

Could it be that the mysterious organization still has a master during the robbery stationed here?If this is the case, then not only can Xiaojin not be rescued and the corner here destroyed, but all the cultivators from the cultivation world who attack this place will definitely be wiped out.You must know that the period of the catastrophe is a threshold that many monks can hardly cross.Countless masters at the peak of the Dacheng period of the Yuan Dynasty were lost in the tribulation, and there was not one in a million who could successfully cross the threshold.One can imagine how difficult it is to produce a master of jiejiejie?But once a monk enters the period of coping with the catastrophe, he will enter a wider world on the way of cultivation.Compared with the masters of the Yuan Dynasty, not only his life span has doubled to more than [-] years, but more importantly, his cultivation base and strength are completely different from those of the masters of the Yuan Dynasty. Just like the ratio between an eagle and a finch, no matter how strong you are, you can't escape the claws of the eagle, and you also lose the possibility of winning by quantity, let alone fighting by leapfrogging.Long Fei tidied up the messy thoughts in his head, collected himself, and then drifted towards Yingxiao.Although Long Fei has never made unnecessary sacrifices, there are some things that a person can not do, but there are some things that must be done.Because in Long Fei's heart, he had already regarded Xiao Jin as a relative or a direct disciple; and when he returned from the Heaven and Earth Trinity Formation, the expressions of joy from the hearts of the monks, as well as their sincere words and deeds that expressed their desperate efforts to save Xiao Jin were all different. It was deeply imprinted in Long Fei's mind.Therefore, although the road to rescue is dangerous and may cost lives, you cannot retreat and must go on.

In the blink of an eye, Long Fei flew to the door of Yingxiao's cell as fast as the wind, and drifted back and forth not far from Yingxiao's cell.

"Friend Ying! I'm Long Fei, why are you imprisoned here?" Long Fei said to Ying Xiao through voice transmission while drifting.

"Long Fei!" Ying Xiao was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses for a moment, then looked at the two jailers who were gradually approaching, and cursed fiercely: "You two bastards, let me out quickly, otherwise I will definitely let you have another taste of poisoning."

"What a lunatic, knowing that the puppet is decided, but still tossing around. If the earth lord wants to make him a personal guard puppet so that he can't hurt him, otherwise I will disable him."

"Forget it! Don't pay attention to him, so as not to be poisoned by him again!"

The two jailers gave Ying Xiao a vicious look, then turned and walked away.

"Is it really Fellow Daoist Long?" Ying Xiao said via voice transmission.

"That's right, I'm here! Tiger King and I are planning to rescue you, I came here to gather information first." Long Fei said via voice transmission.

"Bastard! You two come back to me!" Ying Xiao looked at the backs of the two jailers and yelled angrily, and then said again with his expression unchanged: "That's good! Thank you! Alas! Me and my The dead man was captured here five days ago by a group of mysterious demon cultivators, and these mysterious demon cultivators should not be the aborigines of the Demon King's Cave."

"I know this. Do you know if there is a golden bird of prey in this dungeon that looks like your eagle tribe, but is much bigger than the eagle tribe?" Long Fei asked via voice transmission, his tone full of worry. .

"I've been here for five days, and I've never heard of it, but my spiritual power and Yuan power have been sealed, so I'm not sure if there are any birds of prey in this cell!" Ying Xiao said via voice transmission.

"Who sealed your spiritual power and Yuan power?" Long Fei felt disappointed in his heart, and then asked again via voice transmission.

"Alas! Five days ago, when I was brought to this city, I was stunned by drugs. After waking up, I found that my spiritual power and origin power had been sealed by a powerful scorpion-shaped spiritual seal, and people were I have already arrived in this prison cell. Therefore, I don’t know everything about this place. Alas! This seal is extremely domineering and powerful, I can’t break it, and now I’m a useless person.” Ying Xiao sighed through sound transmission.

"Fellow Daoist Ying, don't worry! This seal can be broken, but in order to prevent the enemy from discovering it and scaring the snake, so I can't help you break it now. I will break it for you when I rescue you." Long Fei comforted. .

"Really? Thank you! I don't know when you will come to rescue us?" Ying Xiao said pleasantly via sound transmission.

"Just in the next few days! Well, I'm going to continue to investigate the news, you must keep it secret." As soon as Long Fei finished the sound transmission, he quickly drifted in the dungeon, looking for Xiao Jin's whereabouts, but the entire dungeon was connected. After searching three times, there was no trace of Xiao Jin.Long Fei had no choice but to leave the dungeon, but drifted near the entrance of the dungeon, looking for an opportunity to catch a jailer and search for him.Half an hour later, Long Fei captured a prison guard who was out on errands alive in an alley, and immediately searched him.As a result of searching the gods, although it is still unknown who is the master who sealed the mind power and origin power of the demon cultivators, but I got a very important piece of news.That is, the jailer who was searched for gods was actually a direct descendant of an important city guard here, and this city guard was also the elder of the desert branch church, and he was a fan of alchemy, so he often went out of the puppet city to find all kinds of ghosts. A rare medicine.It just so happened that in the past two days, the guarding earth venerable was going out of the city to find a blind medicine, and the jailer who was searching for the god went to obey the city guarding earth venerable's instructions before leaving.

In the mysterious organization, the monks in the Yingjie period are called Tianzun, the monks who have achieved great success in the Yuan Dynasty are called Dizun, the monks who are above the early Yuan Dynasty and below the Dacheng period are called Yaozun, and the monks below the Yuan Dynasty are collectively called Yaoshi.The deities of the puppet city are divided into the guarding deities and the hunting deities.The red-clothed centipede demon Long Fei killed was a hunter, but he didn't belong to this desert branch.As for the puppets made by the mysterious organization, they are divided into four types: low-level puppets, mid-level puppets, high-level puppets, and super puppets, and the demon cultivators in the dungeon where Ying Xiao is imprisoned are all high-level puppets.Regarding these basic situations, Long Fei now knows all about them after searching for several monks from mysterious organizations.

After Long Fei disposed of the jailer's body, he went straight to a mansion in the north of the puppet city according to the route he obtained from the search.The puppet city is not big in the first place, and it will arrive in no time as Long Fei drifts.

The mansion is extremely luxurious, with rich gates and red pillars, and pavilions and pavilions, but the area is not large. The two towering old trees in front of the mansion gate are extremely lush.Long Fei then drifted to the ancient tree, and hid in the dense leaves of the ancient tree, his perception enveloped the entire mansion, waiting quietly for the elder guarding the city to leave the city.

The next day, when dawn broke, a blue light soared up into the sky, and the moment it passed through the thin layer of light gray smoke in the sky, a small yellow dot silently shot into the blue light.After the blue light rushed out of the light gray thin smoke, it disappeared in a flash.Suddenly, a green glow suddenly appeared under the light gray thin smoke, and broke out of the thin smoke in an instant, and then disappeared in a flash.

Outside the oasis, on the edge of the desert, a mouse demon cultivator in a purple robe with the head of a mouse suddenly appeared.After that, he used the technique of drifting to enter the desert where the wind was blowing.As soon as the rat demon disappeared into the desert, a white shadow flashed in the place where the rat demon had originally stood.After a short pause, Bai Ying was blown into the desert like a gust of wind.

In the depths of the desert, the rat demon's body flickered like a purple shadow in the cracks between tornado-shaped gale winds.At this time, the Rat Demon has entered a safe zone that is surrounded by several strong winds and has a width of several hundred feet.The Rat Demon seemed to want to get out of this dangerous desert as soon as possible, so he didn't stop for such a good resting place, and drifted away from the safe zone without hesitation.

"Bang!" The moment the rat demon was about to drift out of the safe zone, a black metal pillar several feet thick suddenly flashed in front of him, and the rat demon bumped into the black metal pillar inexplicably.

Suddenly hitting the pillar, the mouse demon was stunned for a moment. Although he came to his senses instantly, at this moment a golden glow suddenly flashed from the height of about three feet above the mouse demon's head and shot down violently.The Rat Demon is worthy of being a master who is close to the peak of the Yuan Dynasty. He is not afraid in the face of danger. He opened his mouth to the sky, and a small blue round shield flashed. Xiang Jinmang; then the yellow light in the left eye flashed, and ten light curtains of the patron saint's thoughts were connected to his body in an instant.

"Bang! Cha!" The sound shook countless gravels on the ground like fried beans, and the violent energy ripples hit the surrounding winds one after another.The golden light pierced the small blue round shield, although it paused for a moment, the speed of shooting down was still fast; the small blue round shield exploded in response, and the fragments scattered in all directions.

"Boom! Boo! Boo!" The sound like a balloon popping rang ten times in a row, and the golden light smashed through the ten guardian spirit light curtains of the mouse monster like a bamboo, and then cut off the left half of the mouse monster with a "shua!" After touching the ground and shooting into the air, a young man in white clothes holding a dazzling yellow sword in his hand was revealed. It was Long Fei.Long Fei clenched his fist, and the white glove and the yellow sword were submerged into his right palm. At the same time, his body drifted and landed in front of the mouse demon


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