Chaos fairy way

Chapter 178

Tiger King saw that Shatu disappeared strangely. Although he was a little surprised, his expression was still calm. With a flash of yellow light in his left eye, ten guardian spirit thoughts were shot out instantly, and ten layers of guardian spirit light curtains were spread around him.

At this moment, Sha Tuo suddenly appeared about three feet away from the Tiger King, leaped in the air, and swung his fist suddenly, "Crack! Crack! Crack!" The right fist wrapped in violent flames smashed through the tiger in an instant. Wang Shidao's patron saint read the light curtain, blasting towards the heart of Tiger King's back.

The Tiger King turned around abruptly, clenched his right fist, and the huge fist was bursting with red flames, and hit Shatu's right fist directly.

"Bang!" The sound of the boxing punch was muffled, sparks and sparks blasted in all directions, violent energy ripples surged from the point of contact, and the impact made those guarding the city in the encirclement retreat violently, and they all collapsed in an instant With contemptuous eyes, a trace of solemnity suddenly appeared on his face.

But Tiger King, who was fighting with all his strength, was so shaken that he retreated nearly ten feet with his mace, and Sha Tu also flew seven or eight feet away before he managed to stabilize his body.

"Just entered the Tuoyuan Dacheng period, and he was able to fight me head-on without losing the wind. Elder Yi died unjustly. Come again!" As soon as Shatu finished speaking, the person blurred and disappeared.

The Tiger King chuckled, and waved his right hand towards the sky, "Whoo!" With a sound, a message firework dragged a long black smoke tail straight into the sky.

Seeing the messenger fireworks thrown by the Tiger King, those earth venerables in the encirclement rushed to take action one after another, one after another of Yuan force shot towards the messenger fireworks, trying to destroy the messenger fireworks, but it was a step too late when the incident happened suddenly.At this moment, clusters of light black smoke suddenly burst out from the areas in the southeast, north, west, and central areas of the puppet city, as well as from the densely besieged mysterious organization demon cultivators and puppet teams, and these light black smoke surged rapidly in all directions. .After only a moment, the entire puppet city was filled with light black smoke.The light black smoke is naturally Long Fei's mysterious poison.Last night, in order not to attract too much attention from the demon cultivators of the mysterious organization in the puppet city, Long Fei alternately used the secret treasure of breaking the formation and the square box tool he had snatched from the mouse demon to enter and exit the puppet city eight times, and used two spirit beast bracelets to Bring Tiger King, Xiong Lie and dozens of demon cultivators from the comprehension world into the puppet city, and distribute them all over the puppet city.Then, Long Fei and Tiger King took advantage of the slack in the enemy's defense at dawn, and raided another elder ant demon in the puppet city.In the end, Long Fei killed the ant demon in an instant by "breaking the sky with one blow" and deliberately made it explode to death, intending to use the sound to attract the attention of the enemies in the puppet city.As expected, many demon cultivators and puppets in the puppet city rushed over when they heard the explosion, and when they saw the Tiger Queen who deliberately appeared, they rushed to besiege.At this moment, the Tiger King suddenly set off fireworks, and all the cultivators from the cultivation world scattered throughout the puppet city and among the enemy's siege team released the mysterious poison at the same time, so a super-large gang poisoning case finally broke out.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Pow! Pow! Pow!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The incident happened suddenly, and the pale black smoke spread extremely quickly, and the swarming demon masters, demon warriors, and puppets fell like rain, and fell to the ground one after another like pushing a bone.For a moment, the surrounding fields were silent, and the bodies of demon cultivators and puppets scattered all over the ground.

"You can't stop the poisonous mist from eroding with divine thoughts." Shatu originally wanted to attack the Tiger King, but the situation changed suddenly, and he quickly appeared, shouting sharply, and the sound resounded throughout the puppet city.

It's a pity that it was too late, Sha Tu's voice just fell, "Bang! Bang! Bang!" There were more than a dozen consecutive sounds, and more than a dozen of the twenty or so earth lords who were finally eroded by the poisonous mist fell to the ground one after another. , not dead but disabled.

"Damn it! Let's go together and chop him to pieces!" Shatu stepped on a golden bell, his eyes as red as pig's blood scanned the numerous subordinates who were lying on the ground upright, furious almost yu Crazy, as soon as he jumped, the golden hammer on the soles of his feet sank into the soles of his feet, and his figure disappeared again.

"Howling!" The Tiger King was surprised that Shabald could resist the erosion of the mysterious poison, a gust of wind rushed towards the top of Tiger King's head, and Shabald suddenly appeared at a height of about three feet above Tiger King's head. The gigantic golden hammer whistling hurriedly hit the tiger king's head.

The Tiger King suddenly raised his head, squinted at the golden hammer, and threw his right hand towards the sky. A mace appeared in a flash, and when it entered the air, it suddenly rose three feet and three feet long, and slammed towards the heavy hammer.

"Bang!" Sparks splashed, the sound shook the sky, the energy rippled into a hurricane and swept in all directions, and the surrounding houses were instantly cut off by the waist and collapsed one after another.

The mace hit the heavy hammer, and instantly returned with a shock, and instantly sank into Tiger King's body.After the heavy bells hit each other, there was a sudden pause, but then it still fell down quickly.

But Tiger King took advantage of the heavy meal, dodged with a side sweep and drifted more than ten feet away in the air.Shatu's blow missed, and his figure blurred and disappeared again.

At this moment, the remaining nine Earth Venerables all threw out their strongest treasures one after another, used their strongest magic skills, and aggressively attacked the Tiger King from afar.

For a moment, the sky was full of fire, the soldiers were shining brightly, the poisonous arrows were like rain, the wind blades were like waves, and all kinds of attacks squeezed over like mountains and seas, poured down like overwhelming the sky, and the targets were all Tiger King.

Seeing this scene, Tiger King was not surprised but delighted, the mace on the soles of his feet suddenly shot to the ground, and his body also fell straight down.


There was a sound like a metal impact, and the mace pierced through the wind blades and poisonous arrows that were rushing under the impenetrable wind like a bamboo. Tiger King's body followed the mace and fell out of the siege of the wind blades and poisonous arrows.

"Boom!" The mace slammed into the ground, dust slammed into all directions, and a crater several feet deep was formed in one blow.Tiger King's body plunged into the pit. At the same time, the mace sank into Tiger King's body, and then flashed out from the top of Tiger King's head and suddenly rose several feet thick, sealing the pit instantly.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

"Pow! Pow! Pow!"

Wind blades, poisonous arrows, flames, precious knives, precious swords, precious guns... hit the mace fiercely like a storm.The mace shook violently and made a loud buzzing sound. It was hit nearly ten feet deep into the ground, and its luster gradually dimmed.

"Dig it out, can you hide it?"

"You are doomed!"

Seeing that the Tiger King used such a stupid way to avoid the siege of his own side, the nine puppet city lords spoke out ridiculed one after another.After that, they all rushed towards the pit where the Tiger King was hiding.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" There were nine sounds in a row, and the nine puppet city deities slammed into the ten-thick *black metal pillars that suddenly appeared. Senseless.

"Immortal Immortal Prison! It is the most treasured Prison Immortal Prison of the Centipede Clan." After all, the nine puppet city deities are masters who have escaped Yuan Dacheng, and they swayed away and stabilized their figures in an instant. One of the pangolin monsters exclaimed.

"Don't worry about it! Form the ten-direction extermination of immortals and storm the upper left corner of the Prisoner Prison." The Tiger King's digging a hole to hide from the siege was too exaggerated, and the super-strong Shatu naturally couldn't think of it, so that the idea of ​​​​raiding the Tiger King fell through.Suddenly flashed at this time, and immediately commanded all the earth lords to form an array to break the prisoner.

The eight earth venerables instantly lined up the imperial treasures in all directions, while Shatu and the pangolin demon flew up and down with their imperial treasures flying up and down.After that, all ten demon cultivators shouted loudly, and a majestic earthy yellow mist burst out of their bodies.Then the nine earth venerables pushed their palms towards Sha Tu almost simultaneously, and nine strands of khaki-colored mist that was half a foot thick rushed into Sha Tu's body.

Shatu's whole body suddenly swelled up, and in the blink of an eye, his body swelled up like a human-shaped balloon.Sha Tu raised his head and looked towards the Immortal Immortal Prison. When his body swelled to the extreme, he suddenly closed his palms together, and then opened them outwards. Then, the earthy yellow mist all over his body was continuously and rapidly compressed between his palms.

At this moment, a ball of pale yellow Yuanli the size of a wooden basin wrapped in a dark green jade bottle suddenly appeared between Sha Tu and the nine Earth Venerables.

Things were so weird that the nine earth venerables had to distract themselves and cast several light curtains of the patron saint's mind in front of each other, and then continued to inject the earthy yellow mist into Shatu's body with all their strength.But Shatu ignored the strangely appearing Yuanli ball, and continued to crazily compress the khaki-colored mist. A thick balloon with a diameter of three feet was gradually condensed between his palms. Once the thick balloon condensed, it emitted a terrifying The dangerous breath of people and the astonishing energy fluctuations.

"Haha! What about the treasure of the centipede family?" Shatu grinned grimly, and with his palms apart, he wanted to push the thick balloon to the upper left corner of the Immortal Prison.

At this moment, the ball of light yellow energy energy between Sha Tu and the nine earth lords suddenly retracted, and then the dark green vial inside it exploded with a "bang!", "Shua!" The small yellow dots are covered with traces of light black mist, which radiates in all directions like fireworks, but it is infinitely denser than fireworks.

"Pow! Pow! Pow!" The little yellow dots ignored the spiritual protection light curtain of the nine earthly venerables and directly pierced through, and continued to shoot towards the bodies of the nine earthly venerables.

Although the nine earth venerables have been guarding against the sudden change of the pale yellow element force ball in their hearts, facing the dense small yellow dots and being deep in the prison prison, they naturally have nothing to hide, nothing to hide, and can only hope The light curtain of the guardian spirit can resist the attack of the little yellow dot.However, these patron saints read light curtains that were not as good as paper, and were ignored and pierced by the little yellow dots. The nine earth lords were horrified, and immediately stopped the injection of the sandy yellow mist, throwing their strongest magic weapons to resist Attack of the little yellow dot.But the distance is so short, the attack is so fast, and there are so many little yellow dots, how to resist it?Following the repeated sounds of "Chi! Chi! Chi!", the bodies of the nine earth venerables were hit by small yellow clicks in the blink of an eye, and then their expressions suddenly became dull, followed by "Bang! Bang! Bang!" on the ground.

The nine earth venerables fell to the ground, but Shatu let the little yellow dot hit his body with a "crackling" sound, but the little yellow dot couldn't penetrate Shatu's body.However, the thick balloon between Shatu's palms had to be pushed to the upper left corner of the prison ahead of time due to his lack of strength.

"Boom!" The thick balloon exploded as soon as it hit the Immortal Prison. Although the sound was earth-shattering, the Immortal Prison vibrated violently, but the Immortal Prison's luster dimmed a lot, but it did not explode.

"Bastard!" Shatu yelled furiously, furiously.

"Whoosh!" A golden light suddenly shot down from the sky above Bald Sha's head, and the terrifying murderous aura instantly awakened Bald Sha from his fury.Sha Tu clenched his right fist, and hit the sky with his flaming fist, and shot out a golden hammer, which suddenly grew thick and rushed upwards, rushing towards the golden light.

"Bang! Crack!" The golden hammer exploded and shattered instantly after being shot by the golden light, the fragments shot in all directions, and the berserk energy even made the entire Prison Prison buzz loudly.

Jin Mang was violently blocked by the golden hammer, and paused for a while. Although the offensive weakened a lot, he still shot down hastily.

"Turn the earth into armor!"

Sha Tu let out a loud shout, and his whole body instantly turned to earth, like a mudstone statue.

"Zheng!" Jin Mang shot Shabal's right fist, and Jin Mang slowly revealed Long Fei, who had consumed most of his vitality due to "One Strike Breaking the Sky".Shatu's right fist "Kach!" It cracked suddenly and fell to the ground like mud and stones. Surprisingly, no blood or flesh was seen.Although Sha Tu's right fist was shattered, the other parts of his body that were like mud and petrification were safe and sound. For the first time, Long Fei's strongest blow did not seriously injure the opponent.

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