Chaos fairy way

Chapter 180 Little Gold Ancestor

Three days later, in the main hall of the desert branch headquarters, Hua Xie was pacing up and down in the hall with some anxiety.

"Report!" A demon cultivator in black hurriedly ran into the main hall, said "ba" and knelt down on the ground, sobbing with grief on his face: "My lord, Elder Qian was killed by the tiger king of the cultivation world! "

"What?" Hua Xie was taken aback for a moment, then his face twisted ferociously, his eyes were piercingly cold, and he said in an extremely slow and deep voice, "Say! What's going on?"

The black-clothed demon cultivator bowed his head and knelt down as before, not daring to meet Huaxie's icy eyes, and said with a trembling voice: "My lord, three days ago, Elder Qian led his subordinates to wait for the monks to investigate. The puppet city was attacked, and a poisoned demon master was found outside the puppet city. Elder Qian immediately searched the demon master and learned that the puppet city was led by many monks from the cultivation world led by the tiger king of the cultivation world. At the same time, it was found that Tiger King and his gang had just evacuated, and there were many monks in the cultivation world who had been made into puppets in the evacuation team. In order to kill Tiger King in time, Elder Qian did not come to report to the Lord, but temporarily They summoned the hunting army and followed the escape traces of Tiger King and his gang. Unexpectedly, along the way, they encountered waves of long-range raids by cultivators from the comprehension world. Escape. Elder Qian wanted to destroy the Tiger King, so he ignored these raiders at first. But these raiders made progress, the number of raids became more and more frequent, and the size of the raid team became larger and larger. It turned into a blatant and large-scale killing of our monks. In a rage, Elder Qian sent out teams one by one to hunt down these attackers, but he himself still hunted down the Tiger King. As a result, he sent out teams Elder Qian led fewer and fewer people. Yesterday, Elder Qian finally caught up with the monks from the cultivation world led by Tiger King, but suddenly found that we were surrounded by monks from the cultivation world. There were more than a dozen hunting teams that were not as good as the Tiger King's side. I didn't expect the Tiger King's combat power to be extremely amazing. As a result, Elder Qian was accidentally killed by the Tiger King and a bear demon. Before he died, Elder Qian desperately With one blow, a hole in the encirclement will be torn open, and the subordinates will be sent out to report."

"Tiger King! How dare you destroy my puppet city, kill my three elders and the deputy lord, I will smash your corpse into thousands of pieces. Come on! Quickly summon Elder Jia back to the branch hall." Huaxie sternly shouted, gnashing her teeth.

"Report to the Lord, Elder Jia hunted down the snake the day before and has not returned yet!" A demon cultivator wearing a guard's armor came in and said in fear.

"I..." Huaxie raised her right foot and wanted to walk out of the hall, but after seeing the dark clouded sky outside the door, the raised right foot fell down with difficulty, and the muscles on her face twitched. Squeezed out a sentence: "Except for the necessary guardian Yaozun, all the other Yaozuns went out to look for Elder Jia and investigate the whereabouts of the Tiger King."

"Yes!" The guard Yaoxiu bowed and retreated.

Two days later, in the main hall of the desert branch headquarters, Huaxie closed his eyes and leaned on the main seat, his gloomy face revealed that he was in a terrible mood at this time.It's no wonder that the puppet city was completely destroyed, the deputy lord and three elders were killed, and the murderer was still killing his subordinates with impunity. This one thing was enough to make him lose the position of lord and even more It is possible to get the Tribulation Pill.Because of this, he insisted not to report to the headquarters of the mysterious organization, let alone ask for help from other branches.

"Report!" A black-clothed demon cultivator walked into the hall obediently.

"How?" Hua Xie asked expectantly as he opened his eyes suddenly, bloodshot eyes.

"My lord, Elder Jia's whereabouts are still unknown. The Tiger King has killed more than a dozen of my earth venerables in a row, and now he has shown himself to kill us. The arrogance is very arrogant!" The black-clothed demon cultivator bowed his head. replied, voice full of fear.

"Elder Shi's calamity has not arrived yet, alas! We can't wait any longer." Hua Xie looked outside at the still dark cloud-covered sky, pondered for a moment, then narrowed his eyes, darkened them, and shouted: "Come on, tell me I order! Immediately open all the guarding formations, with the eight monsters of the mole cricket tribe dignifiedly guarding the retreat of Elder Shi, the six earth venerables of the golden tortoise clan guarding the headquarters, and the four demon lords of the earthworm clan guarding the golden bird of prey. All other earth venerables follow me to hunt down the great enemy Tiger King."

"Yes!" After the black-clothed demon repaired the order, he withdrew and left.

A quarter of an hour later, the green peak where the desert branch church was located was completely covered by dense fog, and some yellow lights flickered in the dense fog from time to time, obviously the various large formations guarding the hall had been fully activated.

"Huh! Huh!" Dozens of lights of different colors broke through the thick fog, and then disappeared in a flash. Naturally, these lights were Huaxie and other desert monks who were going to hunt down Tiger King.

A moment later, a green light flashed above the dense fog on the top of the green peak, and then shot into the dense fog without seeing anything, and then disappeared.

On the mountainside to the north of Green Peak, a bluestone path winds through the lush forest with towering old trees and vines, leading directly to a deep and forbidding valley.The demon cultivator in the body of an ant head, wearing the costume of the demon master, walked slowly along the bluestone path towards the entrance of the valley.Suddenly a gust of wind blew by, and the ant demon disappeared without a trace. "Huh!" On a lawn in the forest, a gust of wind blew, and after a while, a young man in white and an ant demon were revealed. The young man in white was Long Fei.After Long Fei lifted the seals of Ying Xiao and other monks, he searched here based on the spiritual mark left on Xiao Jin's body.At this time, Long Fei's right index finger touched the forehead of the sealed ant demon, and immediately searched for it.After a while, a strange smile appeared on Long Fei's face.After searching for the gods, Long Fei immediately killed the ant demon with a sword and turned it into a puddle of corpse water with corpse liquid. He was in a dangerous situation and had a heavy responsibility, so he absolutely did not allow any unsafe factors to exist.

Afterwards, Long Fei felt as if he had no breath, his body quickly changed into the wind, and he drifted towards the valley rapidly.

The valley is not big, but only ten miles deep. A circle of city walls is built against the mountain, and strange buildings with duli, domes, and yurts are hidden in the shade of green trees. The whole valley is like a small town.A thin layer of light gray smoke floated over the valley, which showed that the valley was guarded by a large formation.

Long Fei intends to save Xiao Jin, so naturally he will not enter through the gate of the valley.After a while, Long Fei drifted over the valley, chose a remote corner, took advantage of the scorching sun when the guards were relaxed, and quickly activated the secret treasure that broke the formation and turned into a green light and shot into the valley.As soon as you enter the valley, go straight to the tallest yurt building in the south of the valley.

"Handsome Xiaojin! This is the belly snake king that my elder brother personally caught yesterday. When will you enjoy it?"

"The king of belly snakes? The taste of belly snakes is too bad! I heard you said last time that there are golden snakes here. The name sounds pretty good. Go catch their king and try it!"

"This... golden snake is extremely good at piercing soil, it's really hard for us to catch it!"

"Oh! Really? I don't have gold bars, so I won't eat them. You can figure it out!"

"Ah! Don't! Uncle Xiaojin! You must not stop eating! We promise that we will try our best to catch that bastard golden old snake and present it to the noble handsome little Jin!"

As soon as Long Fei drifted outside the yurt building, the sound of conversation inside the building immediately reached his ears.Long Fei's body changed quickly, his breath was like nothing, although he could ignore the guard standing in front of the prison door, he didn't break in immediately, but drifted around the yurt building in circles, with a strange smile on his face Listening carefully to the content of the conversation inside, I was extremely speechless about Xiaojin's prison life in my heart.Because Long Fei already knew about Xiao Jin's ancestral prison life when he searched for the God Ant Demon.When others are arrested, it is not that they are thrown into a dungeon after a beating, and then a hellish prison life.But our handsome little Jin enjoys a life that even the ancestors of members of the mysterious organization almost enjoyed.In addition, while enjoying a high-quality life, our little golden guy also scolded these desert branch demon cultivators.What's more, they threatened hunger strike from time to time, forcing these desert branch guards, Yaoxiu, to sing and dance for him.According to Long Fei's search for the god ant demon, there was a demon cultivator who had to be sentenced to death because his bad singing affected Xiaojin's appetite.Of course, our honorable handsome little Jin, living in the dire straits of a heavenly life, has not forgotten that there is also Long Fei’s arch-enemy, the Snake King, so he grandly included the Snake King in his recipe.Of course, the Snake King, who was also shot while lying down, naturally didn't know about it, and he was still being hunted down by monks from the desert branch.

With a "squeak", the door of Xiaojin's luxurious cell finally opened, and before an earthworm demon opened the door, a gust of wind blew into the cell.Although the earthworm demon was a little surprised, but when he turned his head and saw Xiao Jin's sly eyes, not only did his doubts disappear, but he also ran out quickly.Because Xiao Jin has done such things to tease them before, so at this time the earthworm demon has concluded that Xiao Jin is thinking of some way to punish himself again, if he doesn't run away quickly, then he must be sick.

"Bang!" The earthworm demon is worthy of being a very dedicated and good prisoner, and he left in such a hurry without forgetting to close the door with his divine sense.

Xiaojin's luxurious prison cell can be called luxurious, but it's just a bit ironic.Because it's not so much a prison cell as it is an ultra-swanky children's entertainment center.I don't know what kind of paint was used to paint the walls and roof of the cell, but they are all sky blue, and blue naturally represents the sky. I think it must be Xiao Jin's idea, because birds generally like blue sky!As for the prison cell, there are all kinds of toys made of precious materials, each of which is a valuable treasure for monks in the cultivation world.Black gold slingshots, golden silk kites, millennium soul jade pendants, etc. were thrown on the ground casually. What was even more exaggerated was that a bonfire was lit in the middle of the cell. The snake meat has been grilled to medium-cooked, exuding a mouth-watering meat aroma.Black gold, green gold, golden silk and other materials are all treasures for making high-end treasures, and now they are all made into toys. If these are seen by ordinary monks, they will definitely vomit blood.well!No need to guess, these toys must have been made by the handsome Xiao Jin in a very short time by threatening a hunger strike.As for the barbecue in the cell, don't even think about it, this is Xiao Jin's true biography of Long Fei and even Di Xuanzi.Food!Naturally everyone in Dixuanzi's lineage loves each other.It's just that Xiaojin has carried forward one step further and introduced the barbecue business into the prison cell. Who told Lai Shaolongfei to love barbecue for Xiaojin?However, although the noble handsome young man enjoys ancestral treatment, as a prisoner, his fate of personal freedom being restricted cannot be avoided. At this time, handsome young man is being locked in a metal cage about half the size of a prison cell.

"Handsome Xiaojin! That's right, you can enjoy it!" A voice of day and night thoughts came into the ears of the drowsy handsome Xiaojin.

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