Chaos fairy way

Chapter 190 Kamikaze Invitation

With the wave of the monkey elder's sleeve, Long Fei suddenly felt a vision, and then entered a hazy space.The space is about a hundred miles square, the sky is gray and white, cloudless and sunless; the ground is soft, no grass and no trees; only a thin mist permeates the entire space.

"What kind of place is this? It's so strange!" Xiao Jin looked around in amazement and couldn't help asking.

Long Fei had already entered this space once, but he didn't know where, so he cast his confused eyes on the Tiger King.

Seeing this, the Tiger King smiled slightly, and said in a yearning tone: "This is called 'the universe in the sleeve'. After a monk reaches the level of three robberies, he has the innate supernatural power 'the universe in the sleeve', which can be transformed into a magic weapon within the sleeve. A space for temporary storage of items or habitat for living things."

"Ah! It's so amazing! Then this 'Sleeve Cosmos' is equal to the sum of the storage bag and the spirit beast bracelet? How many delicious things do you have to hold in a warehouse with a square meter of one hundred miles?" Xiao Ling's eyes widened. Yes, with his mouth in an ooh shape, he said in surprise.

"Hehe!" Seeing Xiao Ling's true appearance that day, the Tiger King chuckled, and then said: "'The Universe in the Sleeves' is an illusion, it is not real, and it needs energy to maintain it. If it dissipates by itself, then everything inside it will be destroyed, so it can only be used for temporary storage.”

"Oh! What a pity! As a cultivator, there is no guarantee that there will be a time when your strength is not enough." Xiao Ling sighed, full of disappointment, and seemed to have forgotten that he was still far away from the Three Tribulations.

"Hehe! You! The cultivation base of the Three Tribulations is still far away from you!" Long Fei said with a smile, and then seemed to remember something, turned his head to look at the Tiger King and said: "Brother Tiger, just now Elder Monkey saw After the green-robed man escaped, he exclaimed 'Xianguang Terrace', what is this 'Xianguang Terrace'?"

"'Xianguang Terrace' is a top-quality teleportation treasure. It has a simplified heaven and earth dual instrument formation inside it, which can instantly teleport a monk with a distracted mind in it to a distance of [-] miles. The cultivation world is like Without this kind of magic weapon, I didn't expect the mysterious organization to have this treasure, alas! It seems that the elders of the Yaozu would find it difficult to destroy their masters!" Tiger King sighed.

"One hundred thousand miles at a time, the Heaven and Earth Liangyi Formation is worthy of being the world's largest teleportation formation!" Long Fei couldn't help sighing, and then said thoughtfully: "As for the extermination of the members of the mysterious organization, I think Tiger God Senior Feng and the others must have countermeasures, so we don't need to worry too much!"

During the conversation between Long Fei and the Tiger King, he suddenly felt an illusion in front of his eyes, and the soles of his feet were empty. When his feet landed on the ground, he saw that everyone was already in a simple courtyard.Looking at the layout of the courtyard, Long Fei knew that he had returned to the cultivation world.

"Little friend Long, this is a courtyard that our Yaozu elders' association uses to entertain distinguished guests. You can rest assured to recuperate here for the time being. The Great Elder will invite you to see him after he has dealt with the matter of the demon king and cave king. As for the two little ones The guy stays here with you too." Elder Monkey looked at Long Fei with a smile on his face, and said with deep meaning.

"Thank you, Senior Monkey!" Long Fei heard that, although he didn't know what Tiger Kamikaze meant by inviting him, he was quite looking forward to it, because he could take the opportunity to ask Tiger Kamikaze to solve some doubts in his heart.

Elder Monkey nodded slightly, then turned his head to look at the Tiger King and said: "Tiger King, as the king of the Tiger Clan, you need to lead the Tiger Clan army to wipe out the remnants of the enemy, so follow me!"

"Yes!" Tiger King Gongshou replied.

Afterwards, the monkey elder waved his right sleeve, and then disappeared with the tiger king.

Three days later, Long Fei's injuries have almost recovered under the treatment of many rare medicines.And the members of the mysterious organization in Yaotian Cave were all wiped out, but the masters of the tribulation period had all escaped.Meanwhile, Long Fei learned from Elder Monkey that there really is an interface deep in the Huahuang Continent called the Earth Demon Realm, and the mysterious organization is a sect called the Demon Puppet Prison in the Earth Demon Realm.However, Elder Monkey didn't say a word about why the monster clan didn't enter the Earth Demon Realm to hunt down the mysterious organization's remnant enemies, but just sealed the passageway connecting the Earth Demon Realm with a large formation. Obviously, there must be something hidden in it.This matter is a secret matter of the Yaozu, so Long Fei naturally didn't want to ask too much.In addition, Long Fei also learned from Elder Monkey that Niu Zhong and Xu Lan were invited by Huwei to retreat and practice in the flame cave of Tianzhu Peak, the holy place of the Tiger Clan, and have not yet left the customs, so he did not go to them.

At this time, Long Fei was walking on a forest path under the guidance of a demon cultivator with the head of a tiger. Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling stayed in the other courtyard and did not follow, because the tiger god Feng invited him to see him alone.This is the forbidden area of ​​the demon clan, where imperial treasures are forbidden to fly, and Long Fei didn't even use the drifting technique to show his respect, and he didn't let his divine thoughts out of his body, so he chose to walk on foot with the demon cultivator who led the way.After a while, a simple, quaint, but perfectly integrated courtyard appeared at the end of the path.

"Seven Star Sect Long Fei begging to see Senior Hu!" Long Fei bowed respectfully to the gate of the small courtyard.

"You are welcome, little friend! Please come into the study and tell me!" A voice sounded from Long Fei's heart.

"Yes!" Long Fei replied respectfully.

Afterwards, Long Fei entered the small courtyard led by the guide demon cultivator, and walked to the door of an ordinary room.After Long Fei knocked on the door and entered, he saw Hu Shenfeng standing in the middle of the study, looking at him benevolently.

"Greetings, Senior Hu!" Long Fei bowed respectfully and saluted.

"Don't be too polite!" Tiger Kamikaze turned his left hand backwards, and turned his right wrist to the void.

Suddenly, Long Fei felt a gentle breeze approaching his body, and his bent and bowed body stood upright. Afterwards, he was surprised to find that his spirit had reached the best state in an instant.

After that, Hu Shenfeng walked slowly to the desk, motioned Long Feiluo to sit on a wicker chair opposite him, and then sat on the wicker chair in front of him.At this time, the demon cultivator who led the way just now brought the spirit tea and spirit fruit, offered it, and stepped back to leave.

"Little friend, the injury is all right!" Tiger God Feng asked with concern after taking a sip of tea, putting down the cup.

"Thanks to senior, I'm fine now!" Although Long Fei acted recklessly, he was still a bit cautious in front of a peerless master like Hu Shenfeng who treated him kindly, so he seemed like a student who had just met his teacher. So honest.

"Hehe! My little friend is so restrained, it's not like your master!" Tiger Kamikaze chuckled, and with Tiger Kamikaze's profound experience, he could see Long Fei's state of mind at a glance, with a slightly joking tone Said.

"Hey! Senior knows junior master?" Long Fei laughed awkwardly, although he knew in his heart that since the Yaozu allowed him to become Xiaoling's dead soldier, they would naturally be clear about his origin.However, the two races of humans and monsters have never interacted with each other, but hearing Hu Shenfeng's tone seemed to be quite familiar with the master, he felt a lot of surprise in his heart, so he asked.

"The relationship between the two races of humans and demons is not what you imagined! And Lingshi claims to be 'the invincible hand in the world', so it is inevitable to come to Laoxi often." Hu Shenfeng actually saw what Long Fei was thinking, but he was indifferent His expression seemed to change a bit and he said.

"Hey!" Long Fei smiled awkwardly again. The meaning of the tiger god wind is naturally that Di Xuanzi often comes to him to steal food. As a disciple, he naturally doesn't know what to say about the master's hobby, and he is also a foodie himself. .

"I really appreciate Lingshi's self-directed way of cultivation! Therefore, Lingshi and the old man are old friends for many years. Two years ago, he approached the old man for the matter between the two of them." Hu Shenfeng suddenly revealed With a smile, he said slowly.

"Oh! Really? Then..." Long Fei's blood rushed to his heart when he heard the words, and his breathing was a little short, because when Di Xuanzi said goodbye to him and Niu Zhong, he said that he would find a few old friends to find a way to help him. The two of them broke the forbidden language restriction, and when they heard the words of the tiger kamikaze, the mysteries that had been suppressed in their hearts for many years were naturally more eager to get answers.Over the years, Long Fei and Niu re-entered the Seven Star Sect, entered the Zhongyan Continent, and came to the Ten Thousand Monster Forest. The secret of the weapon pattern and coping with the unpredictable future.At this time, when relevant information was suddenly obtained, the natural mood fluctuated quite a lot.

"Hehe! Don't be too anxious, little friend, everything should go with the flow! Although the matter between you two cannot be solved for the time being, the old men like us are still trying to find a way." Seeing this, Hu Shenfeng immediately smiled kindly , said comfortingly.

The words of the tiger god's wind sounded in Long Fei's heart, and Long Fei suddenly felt a coolness from the top of his head penetrating his whole body. His heart stopped and his thoughts calmed down. It's like a heavy stone that has been suppressed in my heart for many years, now that I heard the words of the seniors, I lost my mind for a while and even lost my composure, which made the seniors laugh!"

"Cultivation is all about cultivating the mind! The practice of making the teacher act frankly is to put aside the obsessions in the heart and practice with the most authentic heart, which is the so-called true self cultivation. However, all kinds of fetters and obsessions in the world Temptations, temptations, etc. are everywhere at all times, and if you are not careful for a moment, you will be trapped by them, making it difficult to extricate yourself, which will make your practice stagnate. Therefore, you must strengthen your true self in practice, and cut off these fetters with great courage and perseverance. Obsessions, temptations, etc., and when cutting off these fetters, obsessions, temptations, etc., it is necessary to let nature take its course, and not to be too hasty, otherwise the speed will not make progress. Only by persisting in this way can we finally achieve the Tao. The practice of making the teacher act frankly is actually a kind of cultivation that goes with the flow, so you must go with the flow when dealing with the things in your heart, so as not to be fettered by them." Tiger Kamikaze said meaningfully.

Hearing the words, Long Fei suddenly came to his senses, got up quickly, saluted Tiger Kamikaze respectfully, and bowed nearly ninety degrees.

"Little friend! Please get up! Please get up!" Seeing this, Hu Shenfeng's expression changed, he quickly stood up and helped Long Fei up, and said: "Master Ling and Lao Shi have been friends for many years, from now on you will call Lao Shi uncle!"

"Yes! Fei'er pays homage to Uncle Hu!" Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and then bowed again with great joy.Just kidding, the number one master of the monster clan is willing to call himself uncle and nephew, what a blessing this is!

"Okay! Okay! Nephew, please sit down and talk!" Hu Shenfeng held Long Fei's arms and let him sit down, and then returned to his seat with an excited expression.At such a young age, Long Fei was able to kill the top masters of the Tuoyuan Dacheng with his cultivation in the middle of the Tuoyuan period. He was also indistinguishable from the king of the royal family like the Tiger King. There are too many things to understand, if Long Fei is allowed to develop so smoothly, he will definitely become the pinnacle of the cultivation world in the future.Therefore, in Hu Shenfeng's mind, being able to form a bond with Long Fei is naturally a good thing for the Yaozu, so he is naturally quite happy at this time.

"Uncle Hu, I don't know what is the purpose of summoning this junior?" After sitting down, Long Fei calmed down and asked in confusion.

"This time I invite you to meet, there is indeed a matter. Now that the matter of the demon king's cave to suppress the enemy is over, then the candidate for the demon king has to be determined, so I want to hear the thoughts of my nephew!" Hu Shenfeng's eyes showed a trace of strangeness Se said.

"Master Hu, juniors dare not talk about the important matters of the monster clan! Please tell me clearly!" Long Fei said with some guesswork in his heart.

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