Chaos fairy way

Chapter 194 Tianxin Icefield

Tianxin Icefield, located in the southwestern part of the Huahuang Continent, has a radius of more than [-] miles. It is a plateau area with an overall altitude of tens of thousands of feet, which is nearly three times higher than Tanlang Xianfeng. It is like the heart of heaven and earth, so it is named Tianxin ice field.

On this plateau, no matter the peaks, canyons, basins, or plains, they are all covered by snow and ice. In most areas of the year, it is rare to see spring after several snowmelts.Because the terrain is too high, the aura, vitality and other heaven and earth energies on it are very thin, which is not only extremely unsuitable for cultivation, but also greatly affects the effects of various spells and techniques used by monks; the most influential one is the speed of movement. Drift, teleportation and other spells are used in Tianxin Ice Field, and the movement speed is not as fast as [-]% of that in other places.

The Tianxin Ice Field is covered with ice and snow, the weather is extremely cold, and the energy is thin, so ordinary monks generally disdain to set foot here except that they must find a few special products from here.So this place has naturally become a place of seclusion, a place of oblivion.However, as the news of the ancient ruins in Tianxin Ice Field spread all over the world overnight, this place instantly became a place of worldwide attention, and the words "Tianxin Ice Field" were also spoken by all the cultivators.

"I heard that there are ancient ruins hidden in Tianxin Icefield, and there are all kinds of inner spirit treasures, and ancient inheritances abound. What is shocking is that there is also the Three Immortal Stones that can upgrade top-grade treasures to fairy weapons. I wonder if it is true or not?"

"It is said that once the people of Tianyou Valley got the news, they took advantage of the advantages of the nearby water towers to mobilize nearly [-] monks to go to various places in the Tianxin Ice Field to find the entrances to the ruins, so the news is not groundless."

"Since this is the case, let's try our luck. Even if we can't compete with the four major sects for the Three Immortal Stones, if we can get an ancient lineage or one or two spiritual treasures, it will definitely increase our strength by a large margin."

All the monks were discussing hotly, and this topic was in every corner. Many monks were either single-handedly, or in small groups, or rushing to the Tianxin Ice Field.

"Look! The people from Zhanmen are here. A few days ago, Zhan Aotian announced that he would retreat to overcome the catastrophe and attack the period of the catastrophe. Now that he appears here, it seems that there is really a Three Immortal Stone here!"

"Look! Look! Yaozu! I didn't expect the monks from the Yaozu to arrive before the monks from the Seven Star Sect and Piaomiao Pavilion."

"Hey! The three young masters in the Yaozu team, it seems that their aura is not from the Yaozu, but the monks of the human race. Don't the two races have no contact with each other?"

At the edge of the Tianxin Ice Field, many monks who arrived first looked at the batches of treasure hunting monks who came continuously and talked about it.

At this time, Zhan Aotian and the monks of the Zhanmen noticed that the monks of the Yaozu had also arrived, and then stopped walking, and turned to look at the monks such as Tiger King and Long Fei who had already landed on the ground.

"Fellow Daoist Tiger! Fellow Daoist Diao! Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Tiger for being crowned the Demon King." Zhan Aotian's voice was like a bell, and he was dressed in a red robe, exuding a sense of heroism.His son Zhanye is behind him, also dressed in a red robe, his aura and temperament are directly following Zhan Aotian.

Although the two races of humans and monsters do not usually communicate with each other, the four main sects of the human race and the demon clan still know quite well about some of the main leaders of each other. As for the tiger king's superior demon king, the four sects naturally quickly knew about it.

"Thank you! Thank you! A few days ago, I heard that the head of the Zhanmen announced the impact of the disaster-response situation. I think I'm sure, so I'll congratulate you in advance!" The Tiger King smiled and bowed his hands in return.Diao Wang also bowed his hands in salute.

"Thank you! Thank you! I was just lucky enough to get a few anti-robbery treasures." Zhan Aotian said modestly with joy in his eyes.

Afterwards, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xu Lan also greeted each other with Zhan Aotian, Zhan Ye and other Zhanmen practitioners.Although the cultivators of Zhanmen were a little surprised that Long Fei and the monster monks came together, they didn't say much.After some formalities, the Yaozu and Zhanmen cultivators wanted to split up, when they suddenly heard the sound of a dragon chant resounding in the sky, and looked around following the sound, only to see a blue jellyfish with a length of more than a thousand feet holding a dragon's head up in the spray room. All the monks fell behind the Yaozu and Zhanmen cultivators in a flash.The person at the head was actually a noble and elegant woman, elegant and refined, like a banished fairy.Beside the woman was a male monk, his three-dimensional facial features were as handsome as a knife, and his white clothes and black hair fluttered in the wind, making him look like a fairy descended into the world.Standing in front of the group of cultivators, a man and a woman, there is a feeling of being outstanding and standing out from the crowd.

"Who is that man and woman? They are like golden boys and jade girls!"

"You just debuted! You don't even know Ou Qingxue, the number one beauty of the Seven Star Sect? But I really don't know who that man is! Could it be Ou Qingxue's Taoist partner? But the two of them stand together like a man, a woman, and a natural match made a pair."

At the edge of the ice sheet, almost all the monks cast their envious eyes on the man and woman who looked like a couple of gods.Except for a few people of course, Niu Zhong looked at Long Fei with pity for the first time.Xu Lan pursed her cherry mouth and blew, as if she was very angry, but it was not because of the beauty of the woman, but because she was complaining for her little cousin.Long Fei loves Ou Qingxue deeply, and Niu Zhong, under Xu Lan's intimidation, naturally recruits them all out.And our Young Master Lai, Long Fei, listened to the discussions of many monks, his face was blue and red, his heart was rushing, his eyes were cracked, and his breathing gradually became heavier.

"Master Zhanmen! Your Excellency the Demon King! Fellow Daoists, Qingxue has met you here." Ou Qingxue's voice was like the sound of heaven, and as she walked on lotus steps, she led the monks of the Seven Star Sect to walk slowly.

The fairy-like man nodded and smiled, his gestures and gestures were full of fairy demeanor and majesty.

"Gongzhu Ou, fellow Taoist Xuanzhen, don't come here unharmed!"

"So it's Mistress Ou, I've seen it! I've seen it!"

The cultivators of Zhanmen and Yaozu all bowed their hands and said in return.

"Xuanzhen!" Long Fei exclaimed in his heart. He didn't expect that the man he was most annoyed at the moment was his elder brother whom he had never met before. Seeing that Ou Qingxue never looked at him from beginning to end, his emotions almost lost control, but After many years of experience, he secretly took a deep breath, calmed down his messy mood, raised his hands towards Ou Qingxue and other Seven Star Sect cultivators with great difficulty, and said in a slightly stiff voice: "I have met Senior Sister Ou! I have met everyone! Brother!"

Niu Zhong and Xu Lan also cupped their hands to signal, but their eyes were a bit complicated.

"Junior Brother Long! Junior Brother Niu! Sister Xu! I haven't seen you for more than a year. I didn't expect to meet you here. Sister Xu! I didn't say hello when I left, so I miss you so much!" Ou Qingxue smiled and looked elegant. Dignified, but when it comes to the word "more than a year", the tone is a little heavy.When Xu Lan went to visit Yuheng Peak, the two were both the most outstanding beautiful monks in Piaomiao Pavilion or Seven Star Sect, and they talked quite speculatively, so they called each other sisters.

"I..." Hearing the words, Long Fei felt as if he had been slapped in the face, and all the complaints in his belly disappeared, leaving only a sense of guilt.Because Long Fei suddenly remembered that when he said goodbye to Ou Qingxue last time, he said "at least three months, at most half a year, he will definitely return to the Seven Star Sect", but he stayed in Wanyao Forest for more than a year. The sects don't communicate with each other, so they didn't send any letter to Ou Qingxue.

"Hehe! Master Ou, Brother Long Xian and the other three fellow Taoists have done a great service to our Monster Race this time after a long absence from the sect! If the Three Immortals and Stones hadn't been a big deal, I will definitely go to the noble sect to thank you on behalf of the Monster Race." Tiger King With a hearty smile, he naturally caught the two sudden changes in Long Fei's expression just now, and he could more or less guess the subtlety of the relationship between Long Fei and Ou Qingxue in his heart, so when he saw that the brothers were in trouble, he quickly spoke out to solve the problem.

"There! There! This is all due to Long Fei, and Junior Sister Xu and I are just accompanying you." Although Niu Zhong was usually taciturn, Long Fei and others were always amazed by his precise and precise words.

"Yes! Yes! If I didn't take advantage of my little cousin, I would be able to break through to the middle stage of metamorphosis so quickly!" Xu Lan said with a rare serious face.

"Oh! Is that so? Can you give a general introduction, Your Excellency Tiger King? I have heard the name of Junior Brother Long since I left the mountain after retreating, so I really want to hear about the heroic deeds of Junior Brother, in order to encourage myself." Xuanzhen, a fairy-like man, smiled gracefully. , his eyes flickered, and he asked with interest.

Ou Qingxue, Zhan Aotian, Zhan Ye and other monks were slightly surprised when they heard the Tiger King's words, and they all turned their eyes to the Tiger King in unison.It is difficult for the two races of human beings and monsters to meet each other, but Long Fei was called a good brother by the demon king, which shows that the relationship between them is extraordinary, and the fact that the demon king wants to pay homage to the door shows the great contribution of Long Fei.It is a miracle that Long Fei obtained such a great honor in Yaozu in just over a year, so the Seven Star Sect and Zhanmen cultivators were naturally quite curious.

The Tiger King nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then roughly narrated Long Fei's experience in the Ten Thousand Monster Forest, but of course he didn't mention a word about some confidential matters.

This time, the two sects of Qixingzong and Zhanmen have come to more than a dozen masters who have reached the peak of the Yuan Dynasty. These masters have self-cultivation and are older than Long Fei. Same as juniors.At this time, hearing what the Tiger King said, his expression became more and more solemn, and his heart gradually pulled Long Fei to a level with them or even a little higher.Because Long Fei was able to kill ordinary peak masters of the Yuan Dynasty, and most of them were ordinary peak masters of the Yuan Dynasty.Of course there are two exceptions, Ou Qingxue and Xuan Zhen.

Xuanzhen's left hand was turned backwards, his expression was relaxed and at ease, and there was an imperceptible hint of playfulness in his eyes listening to Tiger King's narration.As for Ou Qingxue, although her expression remained the same as before, her eyes glanced at Long Fei a few more times.

Long Fei's whole heart was on Ou Qingxue, and he could see every slight change in Ou Qingxue's eyes. At the same time, he felt that Tiger King and Niu Zhongguo were brothers, and at the same time, his originally rather lost heart gradually ignited a strong confidence.

"Hehe! Brother Long, you are such a monster!"

"Fellow Daoist Long! It's unheard of for you to behead a master at the peak of Tuoyuan Dacheng with your cultivation in the middle period of Tuoyuan! You can no longer be described as a genius."

"Yes! Yes! It is worthy of being the champion of the four competitions."

The Seven Star Sect, Zhanmen cultivators, and those monster cultivators who didn't know about Long Fei's brilliant achievements couldn't help but speak one after another.

"Fellow daoists are overrated! Overrated! It's just a fluke! It's just a fluke!" Long Fei said humbly, shaking his fisted hands.

"Everyone, it's getting late, and we need to find the entrance of the ancient ruins as soon as possible! Otherwise, it will be too late to let the unruly people get there first! I, Zhanmen, will be one step ahead, take care!" Zhan Aotian clasped his hands, and immediately Use the technique of drifting to go straight to the distance.

"Brother Long, everyone, there will be a time later!" Zhan Ye and Zhan Sect members followed Zhan Aotian.

"There will be a period later!"

"Take care of yourself!"

Long Fei and other monks from the Seven Star Sect or Monster Race hurriedly returned the salute and said.

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