Chaos fairy way

Chapter 196

Although Niu Zhong's exclamation was not small, the reactions of those monks who were scrambling for spiritual treasures were quite slow. It took a long time before they all said "hmm!", but their eyes still stayed on the mountain of spiritual treasures. on treasure.It's no wonder that compared to the rather ethereal ancient ruins, these spiritual treasures in front of me are real.

"Brothers! It's time to go there and have a look." Although Xuanzhen looked indifferent on the surface, the eyes that kept glancing at Lingzhen Qibao revealed the pain in his heart.

"Oh! Good! Good!" All the monks agreed, but they didn't even look at Xuanzhen, and they didn't even move half a step towards the place Niu Zhong pointed at.

"Brothers! Take them all! It's all for you, don't be polite." Seeing Xuanzhen's embarrassment in wanting spiritual treasures but being too embarrassed to take them, Long Fei's feeling of depression immediately eased a lot. So he smiled secretly and said more generously.

"Really? Good!"

"Thank you, brother!"

"Junior brother is generous and selfless, he is really a role model for us!"

"Huh! Huh!" There was a surge of energy, and the mountains of spiritual treasures were instantly robbed by all the monks using their magic skills.In the beginning, although the monks heard Long Fei say "take it as much as possible", but he said it politely and it was out of face, so they were reluctant to take more and even tried their best to choose the best and most needed spiritual treasures, but But it is extremely difficult to give up in his heart, so his eyes never leave the pile of spiritual treasures.Now that they heard Long Fei's words, their face was thrown out of the blue in an instant, and each one of them couldn't wait to use the best method of obtaining treasures in order to grab more.

"Brothers, everything is fine!" Ou Qingxue rarely showed a helpless expression, and as soon as the words fell, she stretched out her graceful body and quickly drifted towards the ice field more than twenty miles away.At this time, Niu Zhong and Xu Lan were already standing on the ice.

"Cough! Cough!"


All the monks who looted were red-faced, coughing, smiling embarrassingly, and hurriedly chased after Ou Qingxue.

"Senior brother, please!" Long Fei said with a smile on his face, and made a very sincere gesture of invitation.

"Oh! Junior brother, please first!" Xuan Zhen's warm expression was more sincere than Long Fei's.

"No! Senior brother, you are the leader, please invite first!"

"We brothers are still talking about these clichés, junior brother please first!"

Long Fei and Xuan Zhen gave way for a while, and finally they could only walk side by side.

The distance of more than twenty miles, although it is in the Tianxin Ice Field at this time, it is only a short time for the masters of the Tuoyuan period.

"There is a huge cave about sixty miles deep under the big ice layer here, and the spiritual sense cannot penetrate to the bottom." Niu Zhong said with a blank expression when he saw that Ou Qingxue and other monks had arrived.

When Ou Qingxue and other monks first arrived here, they used their spiritual sense to probe into the ice layer, but they did not find any caves underground.When everyone was quite surprised, they were quite surprised when they heard what Niu Zhong said, and even a few people had uncertain faces.Generally, the peak monks who have achieved great success in the Yuan Dynasty can only detect the distance of a hundred miles without barriers. The distance to penetrate the ground through the ice layer will not exceed fifty miles.But Niu Zhong was able to penetrate more than 200 miles under the ice layer. Doesn't this mean that Niu Zhong's spiritual sense is stronger than those of the peak masters of the Yuan Dynasty?You must know that Niu Zhong is only a peak master in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Pervert! I didn't expect there was another pervert besides Long Fei!"

"This is too shocking! If he reaches the peak of the great achievement of the Yuan Dynasty, how far will the divine sense reach?"

Many monks muttered in their mouths, their faces were very ugly.But if they knew that Niu Zhong could penetrate nearly a hundred miles under the ice, these people would definitely vomit blood.Because Long Fei and Niu Zhong practiced "Yanyu Sword Art" or "Fentian Shield Method" and inexplicably merged with the primordial spirit gushing from the weapon lines on their wrists in Zhongyan Continent, their spiritual thoughts at this time were compared to those of their predecessors. Generally, monks at the peak of Daoyuan Dacheng are even stronger, and coupled with their miraculous skills, their current detection distance of barrier-free spiritual sense is close to [-] miles, and it is natural to reach nearly [-] miles under the ice here.As for the detection distance of their spiritual sense when they have reached the late stage of the Yuan Dynasty or the Dacheng Stage of the Yuan Dynasty, according to their own estimates, it should be more than three hundred miles or more than six hundred miles.

"Huh! The ground here should be a valley covered by ice, and this cave is located in the north of the valley." After Long Fei sighed lightly, he described the cave in more detail than a cow. Of course, this has nothing to do with It has something to do with his talkativeness, not that his divine sense is stronger than the weight of a cow.

When the monks heard this, many people's faces turned as red as pig's liver, and the importance of Long Fei and Niu in their hearts naturally increased.

"The two junior brothers are really monstrous! Let's break the ice now!" Although Xuan Zhen was quite surprised by the strength of Long Fei and Niu Zhong's spiritual sense, there was not much seriousness in his eyes, and his expression remained the same. From this, it can be seen that Xuan Zhenxin has a lot of confidence.

"Everyone's imperial treasures hang in the air, attack the ice!" Ou Qingxue glanced at Long Fei, but the time in her eyes resting on Long Fei was much longer than before. Although the expression was natural, in her heart she really regarded Long Fei as A master of the same level.

Afterwards, all the cultivators' royal treasures were flying in the air, throwing their strongest magic weapons one after another, and using their best skills to attack the ice field below.


"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of ice breaking was densely integrated, resounding through the sky, shaking the world; the rain of swords and swords, the shadow of hammer and the wind of axes, and other various attacks, such as heavy rain pouring down, like the Milky Way falling, hit the ice layer on the ground violently.In an instant, ice shards splashed, snowflakes danced wildly, and violent energy surged in all directions. An ice pit with a diameter of thousands of feet gradually turned into a deep ice cave.

The ice-breaking action of Long Fei and other monks was huge and earth-shattering, which naturally attracted the attention of other monks around.After a while, groups of monks gathered from all directions either alone, in groups of three or four, or in groups of ten.However, when all the monks who rushed to see the people from the Seven Star Sect broke the ice, they almost all showed fear, and they didn't dare to check up close, but just watched from a distance.

"Fellow Taoists! There is a huge hole below, maybe this is the ancient ruins. Come! Let's do it together!" Long Fei shouted enthusiastically.There were only more than 20 people from the Seven Star Sect on this trip, and the cave below is more than [-] miles deep in the ice layer. If only relying on the strength of the Seven Star Sect family, there is no one who can't break through the ice layer and go deep into the cave for a day or two.And these monks around, although watching from a distance at this time, once they find out that this place is an ancient ruins, they will definitely rush here desperately to get a piece of the pie. Will it really be a killing ring?Therefore, instead of letting them wait for work and reap the benefits of being a fisherman, it is better to ask them to come and do it together, so as to slow down the consumption of the energy of the monks already on the side, and to show the generosity of the Seven Star Sect.

"Thank you fellow daoist! Thank you fellow daoist!"

"The Seven Star Sect is worthy of being the number one sect in the cultivation world! It is magnificent."

"Not bad! Tian Yougu is too domineering, and the benevolence and generosity of the Seven Star Sect are admirable!"

Now that you have done your part, you will naturally get a share of the pie.A famous monk ecstatically leaped and drifted over while saluting and praising the Seven Star Sect.After that, one worked harder than the other to turn the ice and clear the ice chips, and the progress of the whole ice-breaking process was naturally increased by nearly double.

A day later, the monks went deep into the ice cave they had dug to break the ice.Under the unified command of Ou Qingxue, all the cultivators took turns to remove the ice and clear the ice chips in an orderly manner.Seeing the deep underground cave getting closer and closer, the monks became more and more motivated.

"Bang!" A sword with a dazzling yellow glow quickly hit the ice layer, and the ice layer cracked with a "crack! Boom!", and an ancient earthy breath gushed out from the deep cave. "Dang! Dang! Crash! Crash!" When the monks smelled that breath, they were overjoyed, and all kinds of treasures attacked the remaining ice layer like a storm, completely smashing the ice that was dug across the road in an instant. The entire ice layer between the cave and the underground ice cave.

Long Fei rushed into the deep cave first with a silver sword obtained from the desert branch, followed by Niu Zhong, Ou Qingxue, Xu Lan and other monks from the Seven Star School, and then many other monks also rushed into the deep cave. Hole.

Inside the deep cave, it was pitch black, and it was impossible to distinguish objects.The environment here is unfamiliar, and the monks dare not use their spiritual sense to identify objects to explore the way, because no one can guarantee that there will be no enemies who can attack the divine sense here.In the Wanrong Cave in the Muling Mountain Range, Long Fei and the others suffered from the attack of the Jade Spirit Silkworm's mind.So all the monks took out fluorescent stones and other lighting equipment to illuminate everything around them.

I saw that the entire deep underground hole was in the shape of a cone, which seemed to be excavated by monks.The diameter of the hole is about twenty miles, and the walls of the hole have been covered with ice, smooth and shining.

What made all the monks dumbfounded was that the hole was only more than [-] deep, and there was no danger at all, so everyone was worried and frightened for nothing.However, when all the monks saw the beehive-like hole at the bottom of the cave, their complexions became solemn.The bottom of the cave is only a hundred miles away, but there are so many small holes densely distributed, at least a thousand of them.

Are these small holes leading to ancient ruins?All the monks had this question floating in their minds, and they were unwilling to enter a small hole to investigate first.

"It doesn't seem to be very dangerous here, and there are more than a thousand small holes, so I suggest that 24 of us, in groups of two, go into a hole to investigate each. Niu Zhong and Xu Lan are in a group, and Senior Sister Ou and I are in a group. , choose the others separately!" Long Fei said casually, but in his mind he was already imagining the scene of being alone with Ou Qingxue.

"Investigate in groups, I agree, but I think this place is by no means innocuous as it appears on the surface, but is full of dangers, so the distribution of combat power must be balanced. Here, the strongest combat power should be me and Junior Sister Ou , and Junior Brother Long’s fighting power is quite astonishing, so the three of us can’t be divided into a group. Junior Sister Ou! How to group up is up to you!” Xuanzhen seemed to be afraid that Long Fei and Ou Qingxue would be divided into a group. After Long Fei's words fell silent, he spoke first with a serious face.

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