Chaos fairy way

Chapter 20 Lead the snake out of the hole

The ants and beasts were approaching menacingly. Seeing this, Long Fei made a decisive decision and shouted loudly: "All the soldiers obey the order, block the enemy with shield formation, and shoot the enemy with strong bow."

The [-] sergeants lined up in three rows, and the [-] sergeants in the front line held heavy black iron shields, and built a ladder against the mountain with great skill, building a shield wall about five feet high, blocking the mouth of the valley that was only three feet wide; A line of five hundred sergeants held long spears, bowed and bowed, waiting for the opportunity to move; a thousand sergeants lined up, held heavy bows and shot arrows towards the sky, and a black iron arrow with a branch pattern "swished" shot high into the sky, slashing across In a big arc, they fell straight towards the ants and beasts that were rushing.

Pieces of ant beasts fell to the ground with arrows and died. Even if they did not die, they were trampled to death by the subsequent ant beasts.But the number of ant beasts is really too much, and unfortunately they are not afraid of death, so the offensive remains the same.

Long Fei stood in front of the shield formation with his sword in hand. When the mountain wind blew, his clothes and hair were stirring, and he had an extraordinary aura.

The five great body forging masters stood side by side behind Long Fei, the blades in their hands shone with a dazzling cold light and screamed.

When the ant beast reached fifty feet, Long Fei turned fifty red gold swords into the body of the sword, violently shooting at the red ant beast.

The red ant beast, seeing fifty red-gold swords attacking, suddenly sprayed out a thick brown mucus from its fine-toothed mouth, and suddenly formed a Zhang-wide shield in the air to meet the red-gold swords; Emergency side sweep.

Fifty red gold swords were slightly blocked, ten were destroyed, and the other forty red gold swords passed close to the body of the red ant beast. "Tch! Chick!" There was a loud sound, and the group of ant beasts behind the red ant beast suddenly collapsed, obviously killed by the sword.

After blocking for a moment, the red ant beast led all the ant beasts to arrive in an instant.

Long Fei, the red gold sword transformed into another fifty swords, and 48 shots shot at the swarming ants, holding the red gold sword tightly in his hand, and fought fiercely with the red ants.

The five masters leaned against the shield formation with their backs, slashing sharply with the weapons in their hands, effectively blocking the white ant beast from attacking the shield formation.

With the spear and shield, all the sergeants are quite proficient. When the spear is about to be stabbed, the seam of the shield is opened; after the spear is stabbed, the seam of the shield is tightly closed.With one sound of "Chip bang! Chip bang!", batch after batch of ant beasts were shot and collapsed to the ground, blood splattered on the spot.After a while, the pile of corpses by the shield wall was as high as ten feet, the ground was full of blood, and the shield was stained with blood.

Facing the crazy attack of the red ant beast, Long Fei continued his "Shadow with You" exhibition, only swimming and not fighting hard, focusing on holding down the red ant beast.

The red ant beast roared continuously, hooked its tail, sprayed venom, scratched with sharp claws, and made frequent ruthless moves, but all of them were of no avail, and could not hurt Long Fei at all.

At this moment, Long Fei twitched his mouth and sneered, "Sword Soaring to the Sky" was displayed immediately, holding the sword high in both hands, the human sword merged into one, soaring to the sky, reaching a height of three feet, turning 180 degrees, spinning at high speed, the human sword paused Turning into a sword shadow, it violently shot at the red ant beast.

The red ant beast let out a cold roar, flashing again and again.

Long Fei brushed past the red ant beast.


With one breath and one line, Long Fei leaped to the ground after piercing through nearly a hundred ant beasts.


There was another sound, and nearly a hundred ant beasts exploded at the same time and shattered, their broken corpses scattered in all directions.

"Pow! Pow! Pow!"

The broken corpse hit the ant beast, and hundreds of ant beasts fell to the ground and died.

All this is done in an instant.

"Ha! Ha! If you only have these means, then you are dead." The red ant beast saw that Long Fei's strongest blow was not injured at all, laughed arrogantly, kicked with six claws, and immediately swept through the air , the tail hook was raised high, and the target pointed directly at the top of Long Fei's head.



Just as the red ant beast jumped halfway, it suddenly fell into the air and hit the ground, lying on the ground straight, dead beyond death.

The red gold sword, the red gold sword that Long Fei had been hiding behind him all this time, when passing by the red ant beast, flashed to the back of the red ant beast's head, pierced from the back of the head, and penetrated from between the eyes Go through it, leaving two big thumb holes with white brains coming out.

On Niu Zhong's side, since there is no high-level ant beast, not to mention, Niu Zhong is in charge of the gate, and no one can open it. In addition, the five young masters around him can fill in the gaps in time, and the ant beasts can seamlessly exploit the import.

After a while, the five top forging ten-layer masters also successfully killed five termite beasts.

The leaders are all dead, and all the ants and beasts are like headless chickens, scurrying around, no offensive, only know how to flee.

Massacre, the next battle, can be summed up in only two words: massacre.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong led the top ten body forging and tenth-level masters, rushing into the ants and beasts like wolves and tigers, killing all directions; instead of killing one beast in one step, they killed one in one step; this is not a battle, but a harvest of life.Minced meat flew everywhere, blood mist filled the air, and the strong smell of blood made one's stomach churn.

Two hours later, more than [-] ant beasts were killed, and less than [-] were killed.With Long Fei's order, four thousand sergeants charged and killed five thousand ant beasts.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, it was already dark, and the army could only rest overnight not far from the valley.

In the early morning of the next day, Long Fei led the third group of troops to attack the lair on the right.

Five miles away from the lair, Long Fei made another move with his right hand to stop the troops.

"Young Master Long has another clever plan?" Wang Ming asked happily.

"That's right! Lead the snake out of the hole. Order?" Long Fei shouted.

"Yes!" replied a cavalryman.

"Let the drums beat wildly, and all the soldiers shout in unison. At the same time, the whole army sets up the battle formation and prepares for battle." Long Fei ordered.

The orderly had to leave.

For a moment, the drums shook the sky and the shouts were like thunder.

The ant beasts in the ant nest suddenly became irritable and roared again and again. Led by a two-foot-long red ant beast, they swarmed over.As soon as he approached the soldiers, the venom was like an arrow, and the hook was like a needle, attacking crazily and non-stop.

All the sergeants fought in an orderly formation, lined up in three rows, one row holding a shield, hard to resist the impact of ant beasts; It rained across the sky and rushed to shoot the ants and beasts.

The top ten body-forging and ten-level masters rushed into the group of ant beasts from time to time, killing wildly, effectively destroying the key attack of the ant beasts.

The two-foot-long red ant beast approached the soldiers when it was killed by Long Fei and Niu Zhong with three moves.

An hour later, the invading [-] ant beasts were wiped out, and the third group of troops only suffered more than [-] casualties.

The two battles were completely victorious, and all the soldiers admired Long Fei very much.

"Long Shaoxia, you use soldiers like a god! I think Bi usually has read soldiers!" Wang Ming couldn't help but praised.

Long Fei couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, he secretly said in his heart: I usually get a headache when I read a book, but now I can read and write because of my grandfather's stick.I have never touched such things as military books and wars, but why do I use all sorts of tricks once I use soldiers?Is it because I'm a genius?Or is it because of the sword pattern on the right wrist?

"Young Master Long! Have you come up with another clever plan?" Seeing that Long Fei had been silent for a long time, his eyes still, he seemed to be thinking, and asked happily again.

Long Fei suddenly woke up from the confusion, and quickly said: "Oh! I'm sorry! I lost my mind for a moment just now, which made Zongbing Wang laugh. Most of the ant beasts in the cave have been wiped out, and now is the best time to attack. I ordered The army attacked the ant nest here in one go!"

"Hehe! Shaoxia Long is too polite, and a strong attack is just what I want." Wang Ming waved his right hand, smiling, and then put away his smile, and shouted loudly: "Soldier, pass my order, the whole army enters the cave and makes a strong attack. Enemy that destroys the ant nest."

"Yes!" The messenger went away in response.

Afterwards, all the sergeants held up the torches and entered the ant's nest with momentum like a rainbow.

The lair passageway is more than [-] feet wide and about [-] feet high, winding and extending deep into the ground.Every mile in the passage, there is a hole about a hundred feet in size, which hides many ant beasts.But these ant beasts were just mantises serving as carts, and the advancing speed of the sergeants was not affected in the slightest.

After fighting all the way, about 20 miles deep underground, a huge cave suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.There is light in this cave, which is about ten miles in size, and the inside is full of brown ant beasts, which makes people feel a little terrified.

"Brothers! Success or failure depends on one move. You can't back down. You can only fight hard to kill the enemy. Fight to the death, kill!" Long Fei threw away the torch in his hand and took the lead to charge forward.

The third army followed closely behind the charge.

Long Fei's white glove is now worn on his right hand and has not been used for the time being; the red gold sword turned into fifty sword handles, scattered in all directions, killing enemies like harvesting wheat; Spilled on the ground, the strong stench is disgusting.

Niu Zhong poured his spiritual power into the gossip shield, and the gossip shield flew into the air, rising three feet in the face of the wind, and driven by his spiritual consciousness, smashed in all directions, turning into large pieces of ant beasts into meat pies.

Xu Lan stared at the two of them dumbfounded, and was even more shocked by Niu Zhong, thinking: I didn't expect this guy to claim that his attack is not high, but he is so fierce!Then, her face turned slightly red.

At this time, all the sergeants formed four circular formations, and the two teams inside and outside the formation alternately killed the enemies, grinding and killing the ant beasts one by one like a millstone.The tenth-level masters of the twelve great forging bodies roamed outside the four big formations, effectively relieving the pressure on the four big formations.

The battle lasted from the morning of the first day until noon on the second day. The ant beasts in Dadong were killed to only a few hundred, and the third army also suffered nearly a thousand casualties.

"You humble human beings, I will definitely tear your corpses into pieces!"

An angry shout like thunder came from the passage deep in the big hole.

"Boom! Boom!" The heavy footsteps shook the ground and dust and mist flew up, and the angry drinkers got closer and closer.

After a while, a huge ant beast with a deep red hard shell, about ten feet high and fifteen feet long, gradually revealed its true face from the passage.This ant beast has a pair of protruding compound eyes, three sections of head, waist, and tail, and six giant claws covered with brown-red hairs half a foot thick, resembling a super-large ant.But there are three hooks on the top of its head, each hook is up to one foot long, and the tip of the hook is about three feet long.

All the sergeants were full of horror, their bodies were exhausted, their hearts were pounding, and their feet dragged their bodies involuntarily backwards.

"It must be the queen ant, retreat quickly! Except for me and Niu Zhong, everyone else exited the cave." Long Fei shouted in amazement.

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