Chaos fairy way

Chapter 202 Fierce battle portrait

The metal statue looked at the Qingshuang giant sword that was fiercely cut down, and Yu jumped away, but his body was covered by the sword energy of the Qingshuang giant sword, so he couldn't move. A blow from the Qingshuang giant sword.

"Crack!" Immediately, the metal statue was slashed down by the Qingshuang giant sword from its fists, and it was split in half in the blink of an eye, revealing the structure of its body.I saw that the metal statue didn't have a piece of flesh and blood all over it, and there wasn't any original spirit floating out after being beheaded, so it shouldn't be a living body.But viscous green liquid flowed out of the metal statue's split head, so it didn't look like a treasure.

The situation on the battlefield was critical, Xuanzhen had no time to think about it, after looking at the wreckage of the metal statue, he quickly took out several pills of different colors from the storage bag and stuffed them into his mouth.Just now, with a full blow, more than half of the spiritual power and Yuan power were consumed, so it is necessary to restore the spiritual power and Yuan power in the body as soon as possible, in order to join other battle groups as soon as possible.

At this moment, there was a loud "铛!", and a monk shielded his heart with an axe to block a metal statue's right-handed spear, but was fiercely hit on the right shoulder by the metal statue's left fist, and his body went "bang! "He fell to the ground with a bang, and was seriously injured and unconscious.

Naturally, the metal statue with a successful punch would not have any compassion, and with a violent shake of the spear in his right hand, he stabbed the seriously injured and unconscious monk between the eyebrows.

When it was extremely critical, a Qingfeng sword suddenly appeared in front of the seriously injured and unconscious monk, and with a "clank", it deflected away the stabbing spear.The savior is naturally Xuanzhen.

The battlefield here is full of dangers, casualties have already been seen, and the battle between Long Fei and the leader's metal statue has entered a real fight.

A monk has been seriously injured and unconscious, and many monks are in a precarious situation. These are all within the detection range of Long Fei's spiritual sense.Long Fei's face sank, he made a decisive decision, changed his purpose of entanglement with the enemy, and decided to kill the metal statue of the leader with his own strength, so the white gauntlet melted into his body, his body was as strong as a glove, and he swung his fist and stretched his legs You can also shoot a magnetized Yuanli sword at will, aiming at all the vital points around the leader's metal statue; when the Potian seal is stretched, it must be three consecutive shots, three pairs of dark gray palm prints one pair after another, right The opponent is fierce and fierce, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

The leader metal statue saw that an ordinary metal statue had been destroyed. Although it was not a living body, it seemed to be angry. The murderous aura in his body suddenly rose to the extreme. One knife, one knife is sharper than one knife, the trick is lore, and the style is deadly.

On the battlefield, caves collapsed, battle scars were densely covered, dust and mist billowed, earth and rocks agitated, and violent energy swept in all directions from the hurricane of the duel center.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" There were three consecutive rings, and Long Fei broke the sky seal three times in a row, and the three pairs of dark gray palm prints blasted the metal statue of the leader who was holding a knife with both hands, and his feet sank into the ground.

"Boom!" The leader stamped his right foot in the ground, his body rushed straight into the sky with a "swoosh!", and suddenly leaned over and swung his knife in the air. His body was like a startled rainbow, and his knife was like lightning. However, the wind of the knife was fierce and fierce like a hurricane, and the frightening blade slashed towards Long Fei's left neck.

Long Fei saw the big knife slashing swiftly, not only did not dodge, but also jumped into the air to meet the leader's metal statue and rushed away.

"Dang!" Long Fei blocked the handle of the broadsword with his left forearm in the air, and hit the left underarm of the leader's metal statue with his right fist.

The left hand of the leader's metal statue let go of the handle of the broadsword, retracted his hand and elbowed down, and hit Long Fei's right fist with a "bang!"

After a head-on collision between the two, they were shocked and opened.Before Long Feizhen retreated to the ground, he swung his left hand vertically towards the leader's metal statue, and a magnetized Yuanli sword flashed out of his left palm, striking the left eye of the leader's metal statue like a bolt of lightning.

The attack was tricky and swift, the distance between the two was quite close, it was too late for the leader's metal statue to raise the knife to block the sword, but the leader's metal statue was also extraordinary.

"Zheng!" With a sound from the ground, the magnetized Yuanli sword shattered, fading and disappearing into the sky and the earth; a deep cut mark suddenly appeared on the left fist of the leader's metal statue, but this cut mark is fine for the metal statue that is not a living body. ignore.

"Ah!" On the battlefield over there, a cultivator lost to an ordinary metal statue was pierced through his left arm by a spear and smashed to the ground, his life was dying.Xuanzhen had no choice but to go to the rescue, so it became one enemy two, one man fighting two metal statues.

The situation is becoming more and more urgent and dangerous!If this continues, the monks will suffer heavy casualties, and even the entire army may be wiped out.

Long Fei's face turned serious, and he took out three Yuan-returning pills from the storage bag on his waist and put them in his mouth.Long Fei didn't know how effective the Yuan Huan Pill would be in recovering Yuan Li, so he had never dared to use the Yuan Huan Pill to use "one blow to break the sky" to kill the metal statue of the leader.Because "One strike breaks the sky" will consume more than half of the energy in his body once. If he fails to kill the metal statue of the leader with one blow, he will lose the power to fight back in such a high-intensity battle, and gradually fall into desperation.The current situation is pressing and dangerous, so Long Fei decided to take a gamble to return the recovery effect of the Yuan Pill.

"Huh!" The metal statue of the leader jumped into the air again, slashing towards the head with both hands raised high.

Long Fei grasped his right palm, and a magnetized Yuanli sword flashed in his hand. Then he held the magnetized Yuanli sword tightly with both hands and raised it above his head. His body flashed a dazzling golden light in a line of human sword, and his feet kicked on the ground suddenly. Turning into a golden startling rainbow, he shot towards the metal statue of the leader head-on.

"Zheng! Crack!" There were two consecutive sounds, and the big sword of the leader's metal statue was broken by the golden Jinghong; although the golden Jinghong's offensive weakened, it still shot towards the heart of the leader's metal statue.

The distance is too close, the attack is fast, and the golden Jinghong cut off the sword in an instant is far beyond expectations. It is impossible for the leader's metal statue to dodge. At the moment of crisis, the emergency side of the body, "Crack!" The left hand was severed by the golden shocking rainbow and flew into the distance.

The golden startled rainbow rushed into the distance, and Long Fei's figure reappeared after a while, drifting to the ground.Long Fei quickly swallowed a Yuan Yuan Pill in his stomach, and a majestic Yuan force instantly rushed from his abdomen to the skin, blood vessels, bones, and bone marrow of his whole body, quickly making up for the consumed Yuan power.

"Aww!" The leader metal image raised his head to the sky and screamed, his whole body suddenly flashed with dazzling green light, as if some potential in his body had been stimulated, then he jumped up and shot towards Long Fei like a green shuttle, the remaining right fist The hole shattered so much that the air rattled again and again, and the target pointed directly at Long Fei's face.

Long Fei successfully won the recovery effect of the Yuan Dan, and the Yuan force in his body has recovered to the amount that can be used for "One Strike to Break the Sky" once again, and then "One Strike to Break the Sky", he is transformed into a golden awn and the leader's metal statue Go face to face with her.

But at the moment when Long Fei and the leader's metal statue were about to collide, the leader's metal statue suddenly disappeared strangely, and then flashed above Long Fei who was transformed into a golden light, and his body fell down sharply while standing upside down. The huge right fist slammed into Long Fei's back.

Long Fei was already in the attack state of "breaking the sky with one strike" and the incident happened suddenly, so he couldn't dodge it at all.

"Bang!" With a sound, the huge right fist smashed into the back of Long Fei, who was transformed into a yellow glow, and Long Fei was immediately blasted into the ground, reaching a depth of nearly ten feet.

After the leader's metal statue hit Long Fei with his right fist, his body was shocked and rushed into the air, and then fell down sharply. The huge right fist hit Long Fei who had been blasted into the ground with a whistling wind, obviously wanting to Completely kill Long Fei.

"Whoosh!" A golden glow shot out from the human-shaped deep pit, "Chi!", and with a loud sound, the huge fist of the leader's metal statue pierced through his body, and then slowed down in the air, revealing a man in white clothes. The man is Long Fei.Immediately after the sound of "Boom!", the body of the leader's metal statue exploded into pieces, and the metal fragments scattered in all directions, and the green liquid in his brain turned into a green mist and scattered in the air.

"Cough! Cough!" Long Fei's face was pale, he coughed up blood non-stop, his body wobbled and drifted to the ground, and when his feet touched the ground, he collapsed to the ground.Just now, although he melted into his body with white gloves so that his body was as strong as a glove, he survived a crazy punch from the leader's metal statue, but the huge impact of the leader's metal statue's right fist still severely injured him.Afterwards, Long Fei used his severely injured body to strengthen his body's energy and performed "One Strike to Break the Sky" for the third time. Although he beheaded the leader's metal statue, he was injured again during the violent collision with the leader's metal statue. The energy is exhausted, and the physical body is about to collapse.

"Long Fei!"

"Long Fei!"

Xuanzhen and other monks were in the middle of the battle, and they called Long Fei anxiously.Long Fei's beheading of the leader's metal statue immediately boosted the confidence of the monks, and Long Fei's sacrifice of his life to kill the enemy even aroused their dedication and fighting spirit.As a result, those monks at the peak of Dacheng in the Yuan Dynasty who were evenly matched with ordinary metal statues also began to fight with their lives to kill ordinary metal statues.

On the other hand, although ordinary metal statues are not living beings, their attacks seem to have some connection with the leader's metal statue. Once the leader's metal statue dies, they are not only disorganized, but also their attack and defense power are weakened accordingly.

This changed, and the battlefield situation quickly developed in favor of the monks of the Seven Star Sect. With Wang Peng smashing his opponent with a heavy hammer and joining another battle group, the battlefield situation gradually became one-sided.

"Crack!" Xuanzhen killed another metal statue with the giant Qingfeng sword, but his energy was running low.

"Bang!" "Wow!" Wang Peng teamed up with a monk who had not yet reached the peak of the Yuan Dynasty, hit the head of a metal statue with a heavy hammer, pierced the heart of the metal statue with a sword, and completely killed the statue. Metal statue.But the cultivator also collapsed to the ground due to exhaustion of energy.

There was another "cha!", Xuanzhen exhausted the last bit of energy, and once again used the Qingfeng giant sword to attack and beheaded another metal statue that was fighting with it, but he himself could not dodge it because of the exhaustion of energy. The metal statue's deathblow was sustained by a punch in the abdomen, and it fell to the ground with serious injuries.

There are still five metal statues left on the field. Facing Wang Peng and other five monks who have reached the peak of the Yuan Dynasty and two monks who have not reached the peak of the Yuan Dynasty, including Yang Chonghua, it is natural that they will not escape the fate of being beheaded.However, Wang Peng was shot in the body and almost died, and two monks who were at the peak of Dacheng in the Yuan Dynasty also suffered heavy injuries.Afterwards, the unharmed Yang Chonghua and the other three slightly injured monks rushed to feed the pill to heal the monks.

At this moment, there was a loud "Boom!", and in the middle of the big cave, where the eleven metal statues stood, a huge stone fist as thick as a water tank burst out, followed by a statue bigger than that of the leader. The giant stone statue, which was more than ten times taller than the metal statue, crawled out of the ground slowly, and the earth and stone rolled down from its body with a "crash!"

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