Chaos fairy way

Chapter 209 The Obstruction of Poisonous Bees

In Yinyu's Eye, within the passage, there is a vast white mist and silence.

"Is there any mistake! It's white and hazy, you can't see it, you can't explore it, your perception is blocked, and you can only use your aura to distinguish obstacles. Ancient monks are really perverted. How did you do this?" No matter where Yang Chonghua went, that big mouth would always yell non-stop.

"Fortunately, Fellow Daoist Long and Fellow Daoist Niu have miraculous exercises, and their auras are far greater than those of ordinary monks. Otherwise, not only would they go through a lot of twists and turns, but they might also suffer from unknown dangers." Although Nangong Yan is the head of a sect, his tone of voice is clear Big and cold personality.

"Ah! It's the voice of the poisonous bee."


As soon as Nangong Yan finished speaking, the monks of Seven Star Sect and Piaomiao Pavilion heard screams from far behind.

"Fortunately, there are two perverts here! It must be extraordinary for a poisonous bee to sting a master of the Tuoyuan period to death."

"Yes! This is just the beginning, I really don't know what dangers will come next?"

Many monks muttered, their voices full of fear.

The passage was about ten miles wide, and the eyes were covered by white mist. An extremely weird energy not only shielded the perception of the monks, but also tightly suppressed the spiritual thoughts of the monks in the flesh.The monks can only detect surrounding obstacles by relying on the aura generated by vigorously operating their exercises.But this kind of weird energy has a great suppression on the aura, and the aura of most monks can only expand to a radius of one foot in diameter.Ou Qingxue, Nangong Yan, Xuan Zhen and other extremely powerful masters of the peak of Daoyuan Dacheng have auras that do not exceed the distance of two feet in diameter.Long Fei and Niu re-cultivated "Yanyu Sword Art" or "Burning Heaven Shield Method", their aura is far greater than that of monks of the same level.The current aura of the two is about a hundred miles in diameter in a normal place, but it is only ten miles in diameter in this passage, which is the same as the width of the passage.

"Everyone, be careful! There is another intersection ahead. The road ahead and the left are both dead ends, and it is very likely to trigger formations or something; only the right road can't reach the end, so take the right road." Long Fei squinted his eyes slightly. , the aura expanded to the extreme, and said slowly.

"I turned left and right, I don't know how many times I have walked! Ancient monks are really full-fed guys with nothing to do!" Yang Chonghua complained loudly.

"Can you calm down, Fei's words made everyone's ears callused." The elegant Xuanzhen couldn't stand his nagging, and began to reprimand him.

"Hey! Isn't it because of boredom! Speaking of which, it has been a day since I entered the passage, after all, there should be no danger in this passage..."

"Stop it, you big mouth."

"Hurry up and shut up! When I heard you say no danger, I felt a little terrified!"

Before Yang Chonghua could finish his sentence, all the monks of the Seven Star Sect shouted at him one after another, preventing him from continuing.

"Hehe! Yang Dazui's ugly mouth, I have to give in! Everyone, be careful, there is a hall ahead, and there are many UFOs in the hall." Long Fei chuckled, twisted his wrist with his right hand, and the Qingshuang Sword immediately came out of his body. fly into the air.

"You ugly mouth!"

"Bang! Bang!"

"Ouch! Ouch!"

The monks were bored to the core, and now they got angry again, listened to the sound to identify their positions, and rushed forward, instantly surrounded Yang Chonghua, and then they punched and kicked, making Yang Chonghua scream again and again.Many beautiful monks couldn't help laughing when they heard the sound, even Ou Qingxue and Nangong Yan couldn't help laughing.Of course, there were two exceptions, namely Xu Lan and Ling Yan, because they also joined the team fighting Yang Chonghua, and they were quite the leaders.

"Okay! Everyone, it's time to go." Ou Qingxue put away her smile, her voice was clear and loud, like the sound of nature.

Hearing Ou Qingxue's words, Long Fei immediately jumped from the crowd to the front of the team, slowly took off his rolled up sleeves, and said, "I'll go into the hall first to check the situation of those flying objects before you come in." .”

"Be careful!" Ou Qingxue said softly, with deep concern in her tone.

"En!" Long Fei suddenly felt warm, and after answering, the white fist glove melted into his body, and the blue frost sword in the air suddenly turned into twenty thousand flying sword handles, and then he jumped into the hall.

"Buzz! Buzz!" At this moment, the flying objects suspended in the air in the hall suddenly moved, and they were all brown poisonous bees.The dense brown poisonous bees shot out poisonous needles like embroidery needles one after another, and shot towards Long Fei imperviously.

"Ding! Ding!" The poisonous needles pulled out one after another shot into Long Fei's body, bounced into the air one after another, and then fell to the ground. "Chi! Chi!" Twenty thousand green frost flying swords suddenly scattered in all directions, and the brown poisonous bees within a hundred feet around Longfei were cleared away.Here, divine sense and perception cannot be used, and there are many traps, so Long Fei dare not drift at extreme speed, and can only jump between them to explore the area of ​​the hall.

"This hall is circular with a diameter of about fifty miles. There are exits on the front, left, and right. Let's take the front exit! Although there are many poisonous bees, their attack power does not exceed the full blow of a master at the fusion stage. Therefore, there is not much damage, and everyone can come in." After probing for a while, Long Fei didn't see any new danger, so he swept back to the entrance of the hall, and said loudly.

"Pavilion Master Nangong, let's go in!" As soon as Ou Qingxue finished speaking, the vitality in her body suddenly rushed out of her body, then suddenly condensed and condensed, and instantly condensed into a pair of yuanli armor with silver threads on her body.

"Okay! Although the poisonous bee is weak, everyone still can't take it lightly." As Nangongyan spoke, a piece of red armor suddenly appeared on his body.

The danger is not serious, so Niu Zhong did not open the "Shield of Yuan", but supported the Heavenly Spirit Shield with his left hand and threw it into the air, transforming into seven handles of the shield, two overlapping and hanging in the air, rotating at high speed; five handles circulated rapidly around the body, tightly protecting The area within the range of three feet around the body.

"Lan'er! Come in." After Niu Zhong's "Nine Shadows Spirit Shield" was deployed, he called Xu Lan to enter the protective range.

"Sister Yan'er, let's go! Let's go together." Xu Lan pulled Ling Yan and jumped into the protection range of Niu Zhong's seven shields.

Many other monks also used vitality to congeal their armor, or wore armor on their bodies, or used defensive treasures to protect their bodies.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Ou Qingxue and Nangong Yan, the monks drifted into the hall, walked to Long Fei's side, and then opened a path in front of Long Fei and jumped towards the front exit of the hall.

"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!"

Although there are many poisonous bees and dense poisonous needles, after all, the attack power of the Consciousness Stage is opposed to the defense power of the Absolute Yuan Stage, so letting the poisonous bees attack no matter how they attack, it will still not be much danger to the monks.However, the speed of the monks was extremely slow. After more than an hour, Long Fei led the monks to the center of the hall.

At this moment, there was a loud "hum!" sound from all around the hall, which disturbed all the monks and made their eardrums swell and hurt.You can't see this place, you can't explore it with your spiritual thoughts, you can only communicate with each other through sound, so no matter how painful the eardrums are, all the monks can only endure it.

Immediately afterwards, countless brown poisonous bees "hoo! hoo!" rushed from all directions towards the center of the hall, and the densely packed poisonous needles rushed towards Long Fei and other monks like a rainstorm.

"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!"

The sound of the poisonous needle hitting the treasure or armor suddenly became more urgent and louder than before. The armor condensed by the vitality of the monks gradually became thinner, and the treasure and armor gradually became dim.

"Not good! There are already a lot of poisonous bees in the poisonous bee swarm with the strength of the metaphase. We can't let them attack. We must counterattack." Long Fei's white fists were integrated into his body, and he used his body to resist the poisonous needle attack. Naturally, he was the first Discover changes in the attack power of poisonous bees.

"Okay!" All the monks replied one after another, and then they all threw out their treasures, either killing bees with energy, attacking the enemy with the supernatural powers attached to such treasures as wind, fire, ice, or using the treasure itself to kill all directions , Waiting for the Eight Immortals to cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.Although the spiritual mind cannot leave the body here, the spiritual mind can be attached to the treasure, so that the treasure can be used to attack the enemy.Because the treasure has been integrated into the body by all the monks, and it has actually become a part of the body, just like my own hands and feet.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

"Beep! Beep!"

Thousands of swords scatter and shoot, breaking the body when touched; the force is like a rainbow, and it is turned into ashes; The arrows fell like rain, and all the poisonous bees died immediately...

In an instant, all the poisonous bees within ten miles around the monks were cleared away.Even above the ground, bee carcasses covered the ground, mucus overflowed, and a choking stench permeated the entire hall.

"Buzz!" "Buzz!"

The vibration of the bee wings was extremely sharp, far better than before.


The eardrums of the weakest cultivator were overwhelmed, and were finally pierced by sound waves. Blood flowed out of the ears, and both ears were suddenly deaf.There are also many monks with extremely ferocious faces, obviously their eardrums have reached the limit of tolerance.

The soothing and leisurely sound of "Zheng" comes from the nine-string phoenix-tailed qin played by Xu Lan.Immediately afterwards, an ethereal, distant, melodious flute sound spread from Ling Yan's jade flute.

When all the monks heard the sound of the piano and flute, their minds became calm, and the sound wave pressure on the eardrums suddenly disappeared.

But at this moment, the overwhelming red poisonous bees swarmed from all around the monks.These poisonous bees were as big as two fists, and the poisonous needles they fired were as thick as chopsticks.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The poisonous needles hit all the monks.The vitality armor, treasure armor and defensive treasures of the monks are all thinning or fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Aren't you mistaken? They're all poisonous bees from the Yuan Dynasty." Yang Chonghua felt more and more difficult in the attack and defense, but he still didn't forget to yell.

"Everyone! There are too many poisonous bees and their attack power has reached the full blow of a monk in the Tuoyuan period. We must do our best to kill the enemy and leave this hall as soon as possible." Although Long Fei personally ignored the attacks of these poisonous bees, he followed the monks' attack. From the panting voice, it can be judged that many monks with weaker combat power are already in a dire situation.


Xuan Zhen gave a loud shout, and then he and Nangong Yan, Ou Qingxue and others who were at the top of their prime reached their peaks increased their attack power.

"Crack!" A large number of poisonous bees were slashed away by Qingfeng's giant sword.

"Shua!" A beam of star power several feet thick swept across, and thousands of poisonous bees were wiped out.

"Crackling!" Under the blanket of fire and rain, the poisonous bees within a hundred feet were reduced to ashes.

Although the monks at the peak of Tuoyuan Dacheng attacked extremely aggressively, there were too many poisonous bees, and their attack power was comparable to that of Tuoyuan period monks.Therefore, although the pressure of many weaker monks has been relieved, the speed of the monks can almost be described as a turtle crawling.

"If you drag for a long time, you will definitely be exhausted. You have to find a way to break through." Nangong Yan said anxiously.

With the strength of Nangong Yan, Xuan Zhen, Ou Qingxue, Long Fei, Niu Zhong and others, it is entirely possible to break through alone, but it is quite difficult to break through with all the monks.

"I will charge forward, and you will follow." As soon as Long Fei's words fell, among the thousands of swords killing the enemy, one person was like an arrow going straight ahead.

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