Chaos fairy way

Chapter 211 The Golden Jade Crystal Wall

After a burst of buzzing, nine golden poisonous bees rushed out of the exit passage on the right, followed by a group of red poisonous bees, but the number of red poisonous bees was much less than other exit passages.The aura of Long Fei and Niu Zhong was much larger than that of other monks, so when they heard the buzzing sound, they already noticed that the number of the two kinds of poisonous bees in the passage was far less than other passages, so their dignified expressions eased a lot.

Long Fei didn't talk nonsense, he gave a low drink, waved his right hand forward casually, a sword of Yuanli shot into the air, suddenly transformed ten thousand swords of Yuanli, then suddenly gathered and condensed, and instantly condensed into a sword A great sword of Yuanli shining with dazzling yellow light.The giant sword of Yuanli shot violently towards the nine golden poisonous bees and many red poisonous bees blocking the entrance of the passage with a "scream".At the same time, all the monks also sacrificed their strongest treasures one after another, displaying their special skills, shield wind, sword energy, sword light...; star force beam, fire, ice arrow... and other attacks are as urgent as a tide Attack the nine golden poisonous bees and many red poisonous bees.

Although the golden poisonous bee's vertical ascent stunt is extremely strange, but there are only nine of them, and they faced the all-out attack of dozens of masters in the Tuoyuan period, and were finally smashed together with many red poisonous bees.

Afterwards, Long Fei led all the monks to kill all the poisonous bees in the way, and rushed into the passage by force.Within the passage, five miles wide, Long Fei opened the way with the giant sword of Yuanli and charged forward; Niu Zhong mobilized the "Shield of Yuan" to drift, and followed with all the monks; Besieged by poisonous bees.Since there are no traps in the passage, and there are no golden poisonous bees, and the number of red poisonous bees is much less than other passages, so the speed of Long Fei and other monks can be described as super fast.

After more than two hours, Long Fei led all the monks to kill and run wildly all the way. He didn't know how many ways he ran, let alone how many poisonous bees he killed.At this moment, Long Fei's aura reached another hall about a hundred miles away.

"There is another hall a hundred miles ahead. Let's recover our Yuanli and Divine Sense here first before leaving!" Long Fei paused while speaking, and the Yuanli giant sword in front of him slammed into Yuanlifei with a "bang" sound. The sword had ten thousand hilts, and then it scattered in all directions with a "screaming" sound, "Chick! Chick!" instantly killed all the poisonous bees within a hundred feet around the monks.Afterwards, Long Fei took out the jade-green Shengshen Pill and the yellow Yuanyuan Pill from the storage bag at his waist, and stuffed them into his mouth, in order to recover the Yuan power and spiritual power in his body as soon as possible, so as to deal with unknown dangers.

Afterwards, under the arrangement of Ou Qingxue and Nangongyan, the monks were divided into two groups to kill the besieged poisonous bees in turn, and took pills alternately to restore the vitality and spiritual power in the body.

At this time, the number of poisonous bees in the passage is not much, and the monks take turns to kill enough to deal with it.So Niu Zhong put the "Yuanzhishield" into his body, took one Shengshen pill and one Yuanhuan pill, then sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

About two hours later, the primordial power and spiritual power in the monks' bodies had almost recovered, and then they set out on the road to move forward.In the passage, except for the weak resistance of the poisonous bees, there is nothing blocking it, so the hundred-mile road is naturally within a short time for all the monks.

On the side of the hall, Long Fei closed his eyes and stood in front of the monks, using his aura to detect the situation in the hall.

"What a strange thing! There is nothing in the hall, let me go in and try!" Long Fei was surprised, his white fists melted into his body as he spoke, the person drifted into the hall, and his divine sense consciously expanded. , I was extremely surprised in my heart, because the divine sense can go out of the body to detect things.Afterwards, Long Fei was astonished and took out the night pearl from his waist pouch. As he expected, the white mist in the hall was very thin, so under the light of the night pearl, his eyes could already see.Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" was running at full speed, his body quickly turned into a gust of wind, and quickly drifted around the entire hall, and then drifted back to the vicinity of the entrance of the hall. Looking at the monks outside the entrance of the hall, he said in shock: "This hall In a radius of about twenty miles, there is nothing but the pillars supporting the hall, and there is no exit passage, and the spiritual sense can go out of the body to detect things in it."

"Oh! Is that so?" After hearing the sound, all the monks entered the hall one after another, and they found that their spiritual sense could come out of the body to detect things.At this moment, all the monks suddenly heard two "Boom! Bang!" behind them, turned their heads to look, and were shocked to find that the entrance of the hall had been sealed by the white stone door falling from the top of the entrance.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" All the monks aimed at the stone gate and smashed it wildly. The hall was trembling, but the stone gate remained motionless, let alone destroyed.

"Everyone, don't waste your efforts in vain. This stone gate is made of profound stones, and monks in the Yuan Dynasty cannot destroy it." Looking at the white stone gate, Long Fei couldn't help but think of the Baishi Xiaolu and Yaowang of the Wanshan League in the Zhongyan Continent The mysterious stone tablet in Dongtian, because this stone gate is also made of white strange stone.

"What is the mysterious stone?" Yang Chonghua asked curiously.

"I don't know what it is, but I have seen this stone used as a formation stone twice. This stone is very miraculous, extremely hard, and the monks in the Yuan Dynasty cannot break it; the divine sense penetrates into it and disappears instantly. Without a trace." Long Fei said helplessly.

"I don't believe in this fault. Could it be that so many of us masters of the Dacheng stage can't defeat it?" A monk said a little dissatisfied.

"Everyone attack with all their strength at the same time. Although it is still not as good as the attack by a master in the Yingjie period, the attack power should not be underestimated, so why not try it together!" Xuanzhen said thoughtfully.

"You can't defend yourself if you try!" Nangong Yan echoed, she didn't take any action when all the monks attacked Shimen just now, so she seemed a little unconvinced when she heard what Long Fei said.

Afterwards, all the monks threw out the strongest treasures and performed the strongest magic skills. All kinds of magic weapons were flying all over the sky for a while, shining bright lights of various colors under the use of magic skills, which was very gorgeous.

"One, two, three, hit!" Ou Qingxue ordered, and all the treasures or spells hit Shimen almost simultaneously.

"Bang!" The sound was deafening, echoed everywhere, and the whole hall shook violently, but the stone gate only shook a little, and it was still intact.

"I didn't expect this stone to be so hard! It seems that we have to find another way." After Ou Qingxue sighed lightly, she turned her head to Nangongyan and said, "Pavilion Master Nangong, I suggest that all monks find a way out separately! You What do you think?"

"Okay! That's exactly what I mean." Nangong Yan nodded, and then said loudly: "Everyone spread out and look for the exit!"

Afterwards, all the monks dispersed and went to various parts of the hall to find the exit.

The hall is paved with bluestone, the walls are inlaid with white jade, and the vaulted ceiling is purple and gold.

All the monks watched and touched with their hands, detected things with their minds, knocked and listened to the sound, and so on. They carefully checked the bluestone on the ground, the white jade on the four walls, and the purple gold pillars to see if there was any device that could trigger the exit.

Two hours later, most of the hall had been searched, but all the monks found nothing.

At this time, Niu Zhong was holding the Dragon Yin dagger in his right hand and kept tapping on the white jade wall in the south of the hall. Suddenly, there was a sound of "Boom! Boom!" from the white jade wall, obviously there was a space behind the white jade.

Niu Zhong was overjoyed immediately, and stabbed the dragon's dagger forcefully at the piece of white jade that heard the sound. With a sound of "cha", the three-foot-wide white jade burst, revealing a small hole about nine feet deep.Afterwards, Niu Zhong smashed the whole piece of white jade into pieces.

As soon as the monks heard Niu Zhong's sound of breaking the jade, they all drifted to Niu Zhong's side.

Long Fei walked into the small cave first, and with the soft light of the night pearl floating above his head, he saw that the bottom wall of the small cave was actually ruddy.As soon as Long Fei penetrated into the bottom wall with his divine sense, he was shocked, because the bottom wall was all made of gold jade crystals, and its thickness was more than twenty miles. How many jade crystals did it take?Ancient monks really cannot be treated with common sense!

Jin Yujing, that is, metal jade crystal, is made of jade crystal and some special metals through refining and fusion, it is extremely hard, it can not only resist the attack of divine thoughts or consciousness, but also resist all kinds of force or weapon attacks Therefore, in the cultivation world, gold and jade crystals are generally made into containers for holding valuables.

"It's really extravagant, to use gold and jade crystals as walls!"

"Do the ancient monks have brain problems?"

After the monks found out the shocking inside story of the bottom wall, they expressed emotion one after another, envious, depressed, and of course resentful.

"The Jinyujing wall is more than twenty miles thick, and there is a passage behind the wall!" Long Fei said lightly.Long Fei was so rich that he could rival the sect, and he had even seen jade silkworms using vitality beads as weapons in the heart of Lingyu, so he didn't have too many emotional fluctuations in this way of spending money like dung by ancient monks.

"What? More than twenty miles thick? I want to become a monk in ancient times!" Yang Chonghua barely hit his head against the wall.

When the monks heard the words, many of them were dumbfounded, or suddenly stupid.Jade crystals are more precious than top-grade spirit stones, and they are rare in the cultivation world. The ancient monks used gold jade crystals as walls, and they were more than [-] miles thick. No wonder the monks at the scene were not stupid.

"Okay! Everyone, it's time to get down to business! The passage behind the Jin Yujing wall is the exit after all. Let's break through the Jin Yujing wall together." Ou Qingxue seemed not very interested in the Jin Yujing wall, so she said calmly.

Afterwards, all the monks once again unleashed their strongest treasures and displayed their strongest magic skills. All kinds of attacks were like a violent storm, and they attacked the golden jade crystal wall extremely ferociously like an overwhelming mountain.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The sound continued, but the degree of damage to the Jin Yujing wall did not match the mighty attack.

The monks smashed wildly for more than an hour, but they hit the Jin Yujing wall to a depth of less than ten feet.

"Aren't you mistaken! It took more than an hour to get through a distance of less than ten feet. How long does it take to be more than twenty miles? When the road is opened up, the Three Immortal Stones and various spiritual treasures and ancient inheritances have long been lost. Others have grabbed the spotlight." Yang Zhonghua always has the most number of complaints, and they are always the first to send out.

All the monks were also dejected, or seyin-faced, or sighed again and again, and so on, they almost lost the idea of ​​doing anything anyway.

"Let me start again with Niu! We both have a secret method that can break through all the defenses of spiritual consciousness or spiritual thoughts. Yujing contains extremely strong spiritual power, so it should be somewhat certain to quickly break through this golden jade crystal wall " Long Fei said calmly, just now he had already made up his mind to break the Jinyujing wall, so he didn't do it.As for Niu Chong seeing that Long Fei didn't make a move, and he was focusing on defense, he didn't bother to make a move.

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