Chaos fairy way

Chapter 215 Killing the Golden Shark

"It's Lan'er! You may have encountered a strong enemy, so go away." Niu Zhong became tense when he heard the woman's scolding voice, and the spirit shield under his feet sank into the bottom of his feet, and then disappeared in a flash, at such a fast speed This surprised Long Fei a lot.

Seeing this, Long Fei put away the Qingshuang Sword, stepped forward with his right foot, and disappeared in a flash.

When Long Fei and Niu reappeared, they were already on the edge of a cliff on the side of a valley.The valley, with scallion oil, exotic flowers, and exotic fruits are alluring, just like a fairyland.At this time, two beautiful and refined women were among the flowers in the valley. One was smart and the other was charming. They were Xu Lan and Lan Yi.The five shark-headed demon cultivators surrounded Xu Lan about a hundred feet away.These five shark demons were all wearing fish-scale armor, and their cultivation bases were all in the late Yuan Dynasty. Their greedy, filthy eyes scanned Xu Lan and Lan Yi's whole body with impunity.

When Niu Zhong saw this, he was immediately furious, with a strong killing intent in his eyes, and he wanted to drift into the valley.

Long Fei grabbed Niu Zhong with his right hand, and said via voice transmission: "Don't worry! Just now I have detected with my spiritual sense that there are enemy accomplices approaching from more than sixty miles away. To the peak of Yuan Dacheng. We might as well let Xiaolan show the limelight first, and when all the shark monsters are here, we will take them all together."

Niu Zhong took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and nodded slightly, but the eyes looking at the five shark monsters were still as sharp as knives.

"Jie Jie! Enough strong! I like it! You are mine now." A shark demon wearing a golden scale armor held a silver fork in his right hand, and pointed at Xu Lan with his left index finger. Said like a lifetime.

"I don't know how to live or die!" As soon as Xu Lan finished speaking, she twisted her wrist with her left hand, and the nine-string phoenix-tailed qin appeared on her left palm in a flash.Then, the back of the slender jade finger of his right hand flicked his wrist towards the golden scale shark demon and plucked the strings. "Zheng!" With a sound, a sound wave pierced the air like an extremely sharp triangular dart and shot towards the golden scale shark demon.

"That's right! The cultivation base in the middle stage of the metamorphosis has the attack power of the late stage of the metamorphosis, Jie Jie! I really love you to death." Although the golden scale shark demon was a little surprised, he was quite happy on the contrary, and the silver fork in his hand shook suddenly Throw straight at the sonic dart.

"Dang!" The silver fork hit the sonic dart, buzzing and trembling; and the sonic dart was scattered with one blow, turning into nothingness.

"Enough! Little lady, this deity can't wait any longer. Brothers! Do it! The other beauty is yours." As soon as the golden scale shark demon finished speaking, his numb right hand violently grasped the silver fork, and jumped Looting the sky, he shot towards Xu Lan like an off-string arrow, with the silver fork in his hand straight for Xu Lan's face.

"Boss Xie..." the other four shark demons wearing silver scale armor were overjoyed when they heard the words, and all the silver forks in their hands were sunk into their palms, and they couldn't wait to rush towards Lan Yi, wanting to capture Lan Yi alive.

"Since you want to die early, I'll make it happen for you." Xu Lan played the strings with his right hand quickly, and a rapid, passionate, heart-pounding piano sound suddenly sounded.Circles of piano sound ripples rapidly accumulated within a foot of the body.

Lan Yi snorted coldly, pointing at the sky with the Flying Snow Sword in her hand, pieces of snowflakes suddenly condensed from the void and spun at high speed like a hexagonal hidden weapon, "swish!" and shot towards the five shark demons.

"You just want to resist in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty? You just submit to it!" The golden scale shark monster was raging, raised its head and opened its mouth, a cloud of water mist spewed out of its mouth, suddenly skyrocketed, and instantly enveloped all the monks.The six-edged snowflake concealed weapon that Lan Yi shot at the five shark demons was unable to shoot forward half a minute, even suspended in the air, as if stuck in a quagmire.

"Jie Jie! Boss is invincible!" At this moment, the four silver scale shark monsters had plundered within three feet of Lan Yi.And the silver fork of the golden scale shark demon is only two feet away from Xu Lan's face.

At this moment, Xu Lan plucked the strings of the qin suddenly with her right hand, only to hear "Zheng!", the sound of the qin stopped abruptly, but the ripples of the sound waves that had been compressed in various ways suddenly surged away.

"Dang!" The silver fork in the golden scale shark demon's hand was instantly bounced off by the sound wave ripples, and he was about to let go.Although the sound wave hit the silver fork and weakened the attack, it still hit the golden scale shark demon's chest with a "poof!".The golden scale shark was violently retreated, its chest felt tight, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of its mouth.

"Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After the sound of four sound ripples hitting the flesh, four explosions followed closely.The distance was too close and there was no weapon in hand, the four silver scale shark demons were caught off guard for a moment, and the sound wave rippled in their bodies, they retreated more than ten feet in the air and then fell on the ground, turning into a golden shark body bleeding from seven orifices die.

"Damn bitch! I'm going to kill you!" The golden scale shark retreated nearly three feet in the air before stopping its retreat, and landed on the ground, ignoring the blood on the corner of its mouth, sternly shouted.After that, the figure disappeared as soon as it blurred.

"Huh!" The golden scale shark demon suddenly appeared about three feet away from Xu Lan's back, and the silver fork in his hand stabbed at the heart of Xu Lan's back like a spirit snake spit out a letter.

Seeing the golden scale shark disappearing strangely, Xu Lan felt a high level of vigilance in her heart, and suddenly noticed the murderous aura attacking people behind her, and her movement method "Cloud Piao Miao Ying" suddenly unfolded, and her body quickly drifted to the right.

"Hiss!" The silver fork pierced a layer of clothes and passed by Xu Lan's left hind arm.The golden scale shark demon failed in one blow, and when it passed Xu Lan, it suddenly turned sideways, and slapped Xu Lan's left ear with its left palm.

Xu Lan sneered, and suddenly turned sideways while floating sideways, revealing the right hand that had pulled the strings to the extreme.

"Stop!" A cold shout came from afar.It's a pity that it was too late, "Zheng!" The sound of the zither rang out, followed by two sounds of "Puff! Bang!", the golden scale shark demon was blown into the air by the invisible sound wave and hit the ground. He died immediately and turned into a The body of the golden shark.

"Fourth brother!" With three voices of grief, three shark demons wearing golden scale armor appeared in a flash, and the imperial treasure was suspended in the air.Immediately afterwards, "Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!" More than a dozen silver scale shark demons suddenly appeared around Xu Lan and Lan Yi, and surrounded Xu Lan and them in the blink of an eye.The cultivation bases of the three golden scaled shark demons are all in the Dacheng period of the Yuan Dynasty, and the cultivation bases of more than a dozen silver scaled shark demons are also in the late Yuan Dynasty.

Xu Lan looked at the many shark demons around him, and his mischievous look stopped, revealing a thick and bitter color.Xu Lan's cultivation is only in the middle stage of Tuoyuan, and he can kill players in the late Tuoyuan period with a sudden attack of "buried in the sky", but Xu Lan can't win against the master of Tuoyuan, let alone kill him.Lan Yi couldn't even kill the monks in the late Yuan Dynasty instantly. Facing so many powerful enemies at this time, she had long since lost her composure, with a look of fear on her face.

"Damn human girls, I swear I won't survive today if I don't smash you into pieces." A burly golden scale shark demon said through gritted teeth. His eyes were as cold as a knife and shot at Xu Lan, and his whole body was brown. Se's murderous aura suddenly rushed out of his body.

"Brother! Let me do it." As a thin golden scale shark demon spoke, the figure disappeared strangely and blurred, and suddenly flashed three feet above Xu Lan's head, holding a white fishbone sword hole in his hand The air broke and rattled again and again, like a white rainbow rushing towards the Baihui acupoint on Xu Lan's head.

Xu Lan didn't expect the skinny shark's attack to be so sudden and fast, his body was immediately covered by the fishbone sword's attack range, and he couldn't dodge it.

At the moment of crisis, a golden glow suddenly flashed on Xu Lan's right side and shot towards the thin shark demon.

"Crack!" Jin Mang shattered the fishbone sword like a bamboo, with a sound of "Chi!", shot through the thin shark demon's chest, and then disappeared in a flash.

"Boom!" The skinny shark exploded and shattered, its fragments splashed in all directions, and the blood mist spread in groups.

"Third brother!" The strong shark demon and another slender golden scale shark demon hissed in grief and anger.

"Destroy those two stinky girls!" The strong shark demon mistakenly thought Jin Mang was Xu Lan's magic weapon, his eyes were red and bloodthirsty, his face was ferocious and terrifying, and he was full of murderous aura. His right index finger pointed directly at Xu Lan and Lan Yi, angrily drank.

In the rage and grief, the slender shark demon jumped towards Xu Lan, and together with more than a dozen other silver-colored scale-armored shark demons, they jointly killed Xu Lan and Lan Yi.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" When the slender shark monster and many silver scale shark monsters attacked within three feet of Xu Lan, a burly figure suddenly flashed beside Xu Lan, and a yellow glow flickered The hemispherical element force shield suddenly unfolded from the body of the burly figure, instantly flying many besieged shark demon bombs into the air.

"Chi! Chi! Chi!" Suddenly thousands of flying swords with yellow lights appeared in the sky, and when many shark demons flying into the air were stunned for a moment, they almost wiped out all of them in an instant. She turned into a hedgehog.Then "Boom! Boom! Boom!" There were more than ten sounds in succession, and the shark demon with the flying sword in his body exploded and shattered, and the fragments scattered on the ground like rain. Lan Yidai frowned slightly.

The only surviving slender shark demon just avoided the attack of Huangmang Feijian by using the secret technique of disappearing body strangely, and was about to evacuate.Suddenly, a white sword-shaped shadow suddenly appeared three feet behind the slender shark monster, and shot violently towards the heart of its back body.The incident happened suddenly, the distance was too close, and the sword shadow was too fast, and the slender shark demon was unavoidable. With a "chi!", Jian Ying gave him a chill, and then exploded to death.After the sword shadow pierced through the slender shark demon, it slowed down, revealing a young man in white, who was exactly Long Fei who had cast the "sword soaring to the sky" just now.And the one who used the hemispherical elemental force shield to blow away the shark demons was naturally Niu Zhong.

"Second Brother!" The strong Shark Demon looked at the slender Shark Demon who had turned into a blood mist, and after hissing in pain, he turned to look at Long Fei and the four of them, his eyes widened so much that he almost burst out, and he gritted his teeth. He sternly shouted: "You will regret it! I, Elder Sha of the Golden Shark Clan, will definitely kill you in this ruins."

Just now everything happened so suddenly and quickly that the burly shark demons flying in the air couldn't help the slender shark demons and other shark demons at all, and could only watch helplessly as many shark demons were instantly killed by Long Fei.

As soon as the strong shark demon finished speaking, his figure disappeared in a flash.

"Ah! He ran away without taking revenge! What a pity." Xu Lan said angrily.

"Hey! Once he escapes, there will be endless troubles!" Lan Yi sighed.

"Hehe! No problem! It's not the first time to kill a golden shark. We killed a golden shark a few years ago; besides, this place is in the Huahuang Continent, so we can't allow them to be domineering by the Sea Clan!" Long Fei chuckled lightly. With a sound, he said disapprovingly, then raised his head and sighed, and said again: "Oh! It's been a long time since I tasted grilled golden shark meat, I miss it! Young Master Niu, I'll excuse you for grilling golden shark meat later."

"You scoundrel, you want to push the dirty work on me again, don't you?" Niu Zhong looked at Long Fei and said angrily.

"He's my cousin! Do you think you should go?" Xu Lan blinked her big innocent eyes and said with a half-smile.

"Yes! Yes! No way!" Seeing Xu Lan's witch's expression, Niu Zhong quickly responded and walked towards a shark demon that had turned into a golden shark body.

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