Chaos fairy way

Chapter 227

"Gong-fa-luck-turn! Shield, pass!" The tone of the best soul puppet is still stiff and awkward, but the word-to-word beating is very fast, and it seems to be quite excited.

"Yes!" Long Fei had a tinge of joy on his face when he heard the words, and he suddenly had a guess in his heart, and then "Yanyu Sword Art" worked hard, and turned to look at Niu Zhong.

Niu Zhong nodded expressionlessly, but his eyes were much brighter, and then he ran the "Fentian Shield Method", and the "Yuan Shield" spread out, and the pale yellow Yuanli shield instantly enveloped himself and Long Fei.Then mobilize the "Yuanzhishield" to take the two of them to the enchantment at the entrance of the underground palace.

The entrance of the underground palace is located on the left side of the Taoist hall. It is a square with a side length of about ten feet. Through the earthy yellow and translucent barrier, one can see a series of white stone steps leading directly to the depths of the ground.To the surprise of Long Fei and Niu Zhong, when the "Shield of Yuan" fell into the barrier, it hit the barrier like a boulder falling into water, causing ripples to appear in the barrier, and was instantly submerged by the barrier.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong followed the "Shield of Yuan" into the barrier in the blink of an eye, and they could not be seen from the outside through the translucent barrier.At this moment, the giant soul puppet with a diameter of nearly three feet turned slightly to the left, and two golden rays of light that looked like eyes suddenly shot towards the top of the mountain in the south of the Taoist temple group, and said stiffly and coldly: "Come out!"

"Senior, junior, the three of them were curious for disturbing senior, please forgive me! I'll leave immediately!"

On the top of the southern peak, a towering ancient tree was extremely huge. Three black-robed, hooded and masked men swept out from the dense branches and leaves of the ancient tree, and floated on the crown of the tree.The speaker is the burly masked man in the middle, and these three are also the three masked men who followed Long Fei and others before.

"No-necessary! Steal-listen-death!" The huge right palm of the best soul puppet slapped the three masked men from a distance, seemingly casually.A huge gray palm with a width of ten mu suddenly appeared in the sky above the heads of the three masked men without making a sound, and it slapped down with a loud "Hoo!".

"Hallmaster! Let's go!" Two masked people, one short and fat, one dry and thin, suddenly burst out thick and thick black air, and the two black air instantly merged together and suddenly condensed into a black and translucent spherical energy cover , covering the three masked men at once, making it impossible for people to see anything inside the sphere's energy envelope from the outside.

"Crack! Crack! Crash!" The spherical energy shield seemed to have a huge aura and was incomparably strong, but it shattered like glass when it was slapped by the giant palm.

"Wow!" The moment the sphere's energy cover shattered, a streak of blood shot from the sphere's energy cover towards the horizon, disappearing in a flash.

"Bang!" Two clusters of blood mist exploded from the energy shield of the shattered sphere, instantly staining the dense black air in the energy shield with red spots, making it very scary.

"Blood-escaping-skill! God-magic! Alas! Yin-power-gong-appears again, how-how-resistance-it?" The blunt voice of the top-quality soul puppet was filled with grief, anger and bitterness.

Within the barrier, with the sound of "Boom!" sounded like a ball coming out of water, the "Yuan Zhishield" finally rushed out of the barrier and appeared in a star-studded hall.The starlight is not the real light of the stars, but the light emitted by the dense fluorescent stones on the top of the hall.The hall is a circle with a diameter of one hundred feet, and is empty except for a stone platform half a foot high and three feet wide in the center of the circle.The stone platform is actually a teleportation formation platform, and the formation and stone trough are very intact.

"At the entrance to the enchantment, spiritual thoughts cannot be penetrated, but if you look into the enchantment with the naked eye, the stone steps you see leading to the deep underground are actually illusions! There is no so-called underground palace passage at all." Seeing that there was no danger around him, Niu Chong immediately retracted the "Yuan Shield", looked at the stone platform and sighed.

"The theory that there is an underground palace under the Dao Temple is all imagined by the monks who passed through the stone steps leading to the underground. It seems that it is easy to distinguish false things, but it is extremely difficult to distinguish true from false! A piece of guesswork and imaginary information actually caused such a big disturbance, and many monks were killed or injured. Sigh! I wonder if there is a theory of the Three Immortal Stones in the ancient ruins, is it all in vain?" Long Fei suddenly thought of the theory of the Three Immortal Stones , with a deep worry in my heart, the Three Immortal Stone is the only hope for the Huahuang Continent and even the world of comprehension!If it is really nothing, how can the Huahuang Continent resist the invasion of the earth demon world and other worlds?There are also mysterious organizations and the Sea Clan who are also ready to move.

"Hehe! Lai Shaojing's classic quotation: The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and then it will resist his mother! Okay! Go to the teleportation platform and see what is the image of the puppet marked on the stone box map?" Niu Zhong saw Long Fei again. Began to be sentimental, gave a rare chuckle, and then quoted a sentence that Long Fei often said in persuasion.Afterwards, he drifted up to the stone platform and turned his head to look at Long Fei quietly.

"You're a quick learner, you stupid cow!" Long Fei scolded with a laugh, and swept over to the stone platform, but when he saw Niu Zhong looking at him quietly, he immediately understood that Niu Zhong was waiting for him to go to the teleportation trough Inlaid with top-quality spirit stones in his mouth, he couldn't help cursing angrily: "You stupid cow, I found that you are even more rascal than me! You went to the stone platform first, and didn't even inlay top-quality spirit stones? You made me spend again!"

"Isn't ostentatious grandpa your favorite young master Lai? I'm giving you a chance!" Niu Zhong said with a serious face.

"I didn't expect Xu Lan's ability to blackmail people. You have learned a lot! You little couple really have nothing to say. After getting "Transfiguration" last time, Xu Lan and Ling Yan secretly blackmailed me 5 yuan each. Yuan Jipin Lingshi, and said mysteriously that in order to prevent me from spending too much money, he secretly asked me to deliver the goods. This is clearly trying to hit me big and not be spurned by everyone." Long Fei shook it dumbfoundingly. With a movement of his mind while speaking, pieces of colorful top-quality spirit stones flew into the slots of the teleportation array.

The teleportation array vibrated suddenly, then started to spin amidst the buzzing, and turned faster and faster.

When Niu Chong heard this, a smile suddenly revealed the corners of his slightly wrinkled eyes, curled his lips, and said disapprovingly: "Master Lai, who is so rich and invincible, still cares about these few spirit stones?".

"This is extortion..." Before Long Fei could finish speaking, the figure blurred, and Niu Zhong disappeared without a trace.

Following the vision in front of his eyes, when Long Fei and Niu reappeared, they found that they were already in a secret room with a fluorescent stone inlaid on the top and closed on all sides.There is a long stone table like an incense table against the wall on the north side of the secret room, and a foot-long cuboid gold jade crystal box is placed in the center of the stone table.There is a golden button on the Jinyujing box, which is obviously the mechanism for opening the box.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong walked to the stone table slowly.Be careful with the Ten Thousand Years Ship, just in case, Niu Zhong activated the "Yuan Shield" to protect the two of them.Long Fei's white glove immediately appeared on his right palm, and then his right hand stretched out the "Shield of Yuan", and pressed the golden button on the gold and jade box.


The golden jade crystal box was flicked open, and there was no danger.I saw a miniature golden statue in the gold and jade crystal box.The small metal statue is golden in color and shiny, just like the extremely small version of the giant metal statue outside.However, the eyes of this small metal statue are not empty, but have two small golden beads as eyeballs.

Long Fei took out the small metal statue, looked it over and over for a while, but didn't find anything special, just like it was an ordinary metal statue.If you have to say something different, it is that the two small beads in its eye sockets and the small metal statue are not integrated, but embedded inside.

Afterwards, Long Fei handed the small metal statue to Niu Zhong, and raised his eyes to look at the bottom of the golden jade crystal box.As expected, there is indeed a secondary map inside, which is similar to the map in the stone box with "Transfiguration".There are two differences. One is that in addition to a spring and a puppet image in the picture, there is also a snow-capped mountain peak with a Taoist temple on the top of the mountain peak.The second is that on the left side of the picture, there are eight characters engraved; the eight characters are glittering in gold, and a row of four characters is divided into two columns.

"Hehe! I didn't expect to get neither the puppet technique nor the high-level puppet here, but only the key to enter the next level. The puppet image in the picture may refer to the top-quality soul puppet outside!" Long Feiqian He laughed, with a look of disappointment on his face, the top grade soul puppets are so powerful, Long Fei really wanted to learn the puppet technique, but unfortunately there is no puppet technique in the golden jade crystal box.

"I don't think it's that simple, but I can't tell anything!" Niu Zhong handed the small metal statue back to Long Fei, looking thoughtful.

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