Chaos fairy way

Chapter 235 Besieged Again

The shape of the cave is very irregular, the widest point is more than nine miles, and it leads to the depth of the cave at a height of more than 70 degrees.Inside the cave, there are many landslides, which have been covered by silt, and it is difficult to find them without careful observation; a thick prehistoric and peaceful atmosphere emerges from the depths of the cave.

Niu Chong smelled the prehistoric and peaceful atmosphere, and in his astonishment, his divine sense detection expanded to the extreme, mobilizing the "Shield of Yuan" to drift down along the ground.After traveling for more than twenty miles, the divine sense suddenly found a flat area like a platform about ten miles away.A few miles forward, although Niu Zhong was expressionless, there was a hint of a cold smile in his eyes.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong drifted at an unabated speed, pretending to be nervous, and when he reached the edge of a gentle area, his left hand supporting the sky shield suddenly slammed into a slightly raised mud on the ground. "Dang!" The sound of the shield hitting the mud was like hitting a gold stone, and a man in black held a big knife in his hand and swept out of the mud following the sound.It's a pity that there was only a "chi" sound, and a golden shadow shot through the head of the man in black from between the eyebrows in an instant.A line of blood shot out following Jin Ying, and quickly turned into a puddle of blood as soon as it entered the lake.After Jin Ying rushed a foot away, he turned back suddenly and flew into Niu Zhong's right hand, which was naturally the Longyin dagger.Although the battle was thrilling, everything was completed in the light of calcium carbide.

"Wow!" When the man in black fell to the ground, a huge shiny black net suddenly fell straight down from the ceiling of the cave above Niu Zhong's head, followed by two "swish", Niu Zhong's left and right sides were about three The mud at the foot suddenly exploded and a man in black rushed out respectively. The two men in black, one fat and the other thin, were like black shuttles breaking through the water and shooting, holding a brown spear with both hands and rushing towards the bull. Heavy.

Niu Zhong supported the sky shield with his right hand and suddenly threw it upwards, "Wow!" The diameter of the sky shield suddenly increased by ten feet in the vertical direction, and instantly propped up the huge net that was falling straight down.

"Bang bang" the guns in the hands of the two men in black hit the "Yuan Zhishield" fiercely and abnormally, but it was a pity that it only pierced the "Yuanzhishield" and there was a violent shock.

At this moment, Niu Zhong retracted the "Shield of Yuan" suddenly, turned his body to the right, twisted in the air and slammed towards the fat man in black, and smashed his huge left fist at the temple of the fat man in black; Long Yin twisted the dagger and threw it, turning into a golden shadow and shooting at another thin man in black.

The moment the two men in black hit the "Yuan Zhishield", Niu Zhong suddenly retracted the "Yuanzhishield", caught off guard, and staggered towards Niu Zhong.

"Bang!" Niu Zhong smashed the fat man in black into the mud with one punch, and he was almost injured if he didn't die; The master, the spear in his right hand made an emergency block, and then blocked the lore blow of the Dragon Yin dagger.Immediately afterwards, the man in black leaned back by the impact of the spear and the dragon's dagger, stomped his right foot on the ground, rubbed the mud with his upturned body and shot into the distance; at the same time, his left hand With a pinch of the magic formula, the huge net that was in stalemate with the supporting sky shield suddenly exploded and buckled down, instantly enveloping the supporting sky spiritual shield and Niu Zhong under it.

Niu Zhong, with a movement of his divine sense, the Longyin dagger that hit the spear and flew away slashed towards the giant net with a whizzing sound. "Porf!" Long Yin's dagger hit the giant net, although it dented the giant net to a length of nearly ten feet, but it did not break through the giant net by half.

In Niu Zhong's astonishment, the sky-supporting spiritual shield suddenly expanded to more than [-] feet in diameter, but the giant net expanded with the expansion of the sky-supporting spiritual shield, so that the sky-supporting spiritual shield could not break through the giant net.

"Jie Jie! Don't waste your energy in vain. You won't be able to break through this net, so you can die with peace of mind!" The thin black-clothed man grinned grinningly, raised his head and opened his mouth, a ball of dark green mucus spurted out, rushing forward in the blink of an eye. Entering the space wrapped by the giant net, it suddenly exploded into a line of green silk and shot in all directions, instantly covering the space wrapped by the giant net and the surrounding area of ​​the giant net.

Niu Zhong saw this, although he was quite confident in the "Yuan Zhishield", but just to be cautious, he quickly took out an anti-drug pill from the storage bag and put it in his mouth.

At this moment, the strands of green threads suddenly exploded at the same time, instantly dyeing the lake water in the space wrapped by the giant net into dark green.

"Hiss! Hiss!" The "Shield of Yuan" deep in the dark green lake water was corroded and hissed, and the surface was full of pits and spots.

"Jie Jie! How about it? Although your shield of vitality is strong enough to resist the onslaught of Yuan Dacheng peak masters without breaking it, but the so-called one thing drops one thing, my Youmi Poison is the shield of vitality that is designed to defeat you .” The thin man in black sneered.

"Oh! Really?" As soon as Niu Zhong finished speaking, the "Magnetized Yuanbo" was running at full speed, instantly magnetizing the whole body's Yuanli, and then threw his right hand forward, and the gossip shield wrapped by the magnetized Yuanli flashed from the palm of his hand She plunged into the water, and transformed into seven flying shields wrapped in magnetized elemental force. "Wow!" The seven flying handles scatter suddenly, and in the rapid rotation, they slash towards the giant net like seven rolling plates.

"Crack! Crack!..."


A scream was mixed with the sound of the seven cutting nets, and the seven flying shields split the huge net into pieces in an instant, and scattered them on the bottom of the lake.And that scream came from the giant net, which shows that the giant net is a divine treasure, and there is a divine thought of a master in the catastrophe period attached to it, which is why the Sky Supporting Spirit Shield cannot break through it.But the giant net is just a spiritual thought of a master who should respond to robbery, and Niu Zhong's gossip shield is a top-grade treasure, and the magnetized elemental force wrapped outside the gossip shield has the attack effect of destroying the defense of the spiritual sense. The unity of the two can naturally cut off the spiritual thoughts of the masters in the catastrophe period and cut the giant net instantly.

"Hmph! It's just a divine treasure!" While Niu Zhong was speaking, his divine sense moved, and the gossip flying shield with seven handles cut the net and instantly surrounded the thin man in black, and the five handles circled around the thin black man rapidly. , two propellers spinning rapidly, sealing the skinny man in black above and below.

"Wow!" As soon as the giant net was broken, the Sky Supporting Spirit Shield suddenly shrank to the size of a palm, and the rapid rotation made the sound of the lake water cut continuously, and it shot violently at the thin man in black surrounded by the seven-handed gossip flying shield.

"Dang!" Two of the five gossip flying shields circulating around the thin man in black suddenly opened, and the sky-supporting spirit shield rushed in, cutting straight at the face of the thin man in black, but was caught by the thin man. It was blocked by a heavy hammer that the man in black raised from his left hand.But at this moment, a golden shadow flashed, "嗤!" shot through the whole head of the skinny man in black with a sound of "Chi!", the golden shadow was naturally the dragon's dagger.

When Niu Zhong surrounded the thin man in black with seven gossip flying shields just now, the Dragon Yin dagger was always hidden behind one flying shield and flowed with the flying shield.In the attack just now, the attack of the Sky Supporting Spirit Shield was a detailed attack, and the real attack was the dragon's dagger.

"Crash!" The thin man in black died with a horrified expression, and fell to the ground.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong put away the Sky Supporting Shield, Longyin Dagger and Bagua Shield, grabbed the fat man in black who was punched into the mud with his right hand and was in a dying state, and jumped out of the dark green lake .Then the index finger of his right hand touched the fat man in black's eyebrows, and a light yellow spiritual thought flashed from the fingertips into the fat man's eyebrows, and then penetrated into the sea of ​​thoughts, trying to search for the fat man in black.

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