Chaos fairy way

Chapter 259 Forgotten Words Forbidden

"Senior! You must be a peerless master?" Long Fei looked a little silly, and his tone was a little stunned. He asked a very idiotic question as if he had never heard Cang Sang's voice urging him.

Although Niu Zhong's expression was tight, his eyes towards Long Fei implied approval.Niu Zhong naturally knew that Long Fei was pretending to be stupid, and the purpose was to figure out the relevant situation of the speaker.The speaker was able to pull the "Shield of Yuan" into this ice palace with only an invisible force, which is enough to show that his cultivation base far exceeds that of Long Fei and Niu Zhong.And hearing what he just said about breaking the seal, this made Long Fei and Niu Zhong somewhat confused about the speaker's good and evil.Although Long and Fei were guided here by the ancient monks and knew that the ancient monks had no intention of harming themselves, are the speakers and the ancient monks who guided them here the same way?It's really hard to tell, maybe it's still an enemy!Therefore, it is necessary to find out the details of the other party before deciding whether to help the speaker lift the seal.But the speaker is too powerful, so he can't ask rashly, so he can only choose another way, so Lai Dashao's superb acting skills are immediately used.

"Of course! Who am I? That... that's all right, help me out first and then talk nonsense." The speaker's voice immediately showed complacency, and then seemed to think of something, and then turned into eager urging .

"Wow! So the senior must have had boundless mana back then, and his combat power was unrivaled in the world. He was either number one in the world or number two in the world. It's amazing!" Long Fei caught the proud voice in an instant, and decided in his heart that the speaker should be someone who liked face or For a narcissistic person, flattery will be broadcast one after another, and the look is extremely worshipful, and those innocent eyes are still blinking.Seeing that such a calm and stable young man like Niu Zhong has the urge to rush over and kick Long Fei's ass, of course he will say a word: This is too amazing!

"Hey! Is this still worth talking about? Back then... Alas! Eldest brother! The Tianxin Pavilion has disappeared since then, and the younger brother is incompetent!" After the speaker smiled complacently, he then lamented, his tone full of grief and helplessness.

"Could it be that senior's surname is Zhou and his name is Botong?" Long Fei immediately thought of the inscription on the tombstone of Huang Xuan's tomb when he heard the words, and asked hastily.

"How do you know my name? It's been 1 years now. Oh! By the way, I guess it's the kid named Yan who gave you the words." After the speaker was surprised, he seemed to be talking to himself.

Although Long Fei already had guesses about the identity of the speaker, but after hearing his personal confession at this moment, his heart was still shocked again.You know, this is a vivid example of breaking the shackles of a monk's lifespan of only ten thousand years.And it's not just broken, it's far exceeded, reaching more than [-] years.

"Senior Zhou! What did you say that 1 years have passed?" Niu Zhong asked as if thinking of something.

"What? Didn't the boy surnamed Yan tell you about the bet I made with him back then? Good! Good! This bastard is indeed a despicable villain for fame. The 1-year seal has not been revealed to the disciples of later generations. This bastard is really abominable, 1 years! Lao Tzu’s letter here is 1 years! He doesn’t even feel guilty at all..." Zhou Botong kept shouting Cursing, the voice is getting louder and the emotion is getting more and more excited.

"Stop! Stop! Senior, you confuse me, what 1 years? You are a person from 10 years ago!" Long Fei felt dizzy when he heard Zhou Botong's thunderous cursing.

"What? 10 years! Yan Cangsheng! Yan Cangsheng! You bastard even lied to me about the time of the seal! No wonder why I feel that time passes so slowly! So it was you bastard who lied to me. Look at these two boys You look stupid, after thinking about it, the Twin Sect you went out to establish is no longer a good thing. Should I scold you for being evil, or lament that I have waited for so many years for nothing..." Zhou Botong once again fell into a state of scolding again and again. middle.

When Long Fei heard the word Yan Cangsheng, his heart was shocked again.Then when he heard that Yan Cangsheng founded the Twin Sect, his nerves were instantly mobilized, his thoughts were immediately disrupted, and the calm state of mind that had been honed through years of cultivation actually experienced some fluctuations.It's no wonder that the resurrection after death and the mystery of the sword pattern on the wrist have always been a hurdle that Long Fei couldn't get around. Cultivation for the sake of the common people is only a budding state of his Taoism; It is only a reason for cultivation; only to solve the mystery of resurrection after death and the sword pattern on the wrist, and to find out whether he is still the original Long Fei, is the real purpose of Long Fei's cultivation now.

However, Long Fei is a monk who has been cultivating for many years, and his nerves, thoughts, and state of mind returned to normal in an instant, so at this moment, he couldn't bear Zhou Botong's endless and increasingly loud scolding, and he immediately hit him straight. Crucially said: "Senior, we will let you out now!"

This trick is really effective, Zhou Botong immediately stopped cursing, but his tone was very aggressive: "Activate the formation for me quickly! If you don't learn the good ones, learn the treachery of Yan Cangsheng, and I will beat your ass to death."

"No! No!" Long Fei said again and again, and then he and Niu Zhong went to the four corners of the hall to pry ice cubes to inlay spirit stones.For Zhou Botong, Long Fei and Niu Zhong really didn't dare to provoke him, and couldn't bear to provoke him, because he was sealed for 10 years in a muddle!Now is the time for the emotional volcano to erupt.While Long Fei was drifting, he murmured in his heart: This Lord, whoever provokes whoever is unlucky will only be provoked if he is sick!

After a while, Long Fei and Niu Zhong inlaid the top-quality spirit stones at the four corners of the hall.But when they poured energy into the center of the hall, the two of them were completely depressed.Because no matter which of the two injects energy into the center point, they will not be able to activate the formation.

"You guys are really stupid, you can, but you can't do it alone, can't two people inject energy together? Give me all the strength to eat milk." Zhou Botong yelled angrily, and then started cursing again: "Oh! Look! It’s really over for the Twin Sect, it’s fine to send two people with such low cultivation bases, I didn’t expect to be so stupid! Yan Cangsheng! Yan Cangsheng! 10 years!…”


As Long Fei and Fei poured in their energy at the same time, the whole hall shook violently, and then roared continuously.Afterwards, the ice wall on the north side of the main hall suddenly cracked a crack with a loud "crack!", and the crack became bigger and bigger, until it reached a width of three feet before stopping to continue cracking on both sides.Looking in through the three-foot-wide crack, I saw a cube space about nine feet wide inside. It was shocking that there was only one pair of ice coffins in the entire space.


When Long Fei and Niu Zhong were surprised, the lid of the ice coffin was suddenly knocked open and flew into the sky, and then a fat man in gray jumped out of the ice coffin.

"Ah! It's finally out." Zhou Botong, a fat man in gray clothes, is about thirty years old, with a red face, a kind face, and a smile. Looking at Long Fei and Niu Zhong.

"Bang! Bang!"

Long Fei and Niu Zhong were just about to salute the fat man in gray, but they were kicked in the ass for no reason and almost fell to the ground.

"Fatty man! Don't go too far! We are your benefactors." Naturally, Long Fei knew that it was Zhou Botong's fault, and he was furious when he got his ass kicked for saving someone.Just kidding, Young Master Lai has only been kicked in his ass once since he cultivated, and this only time was kicked by his mentor Di Xuanzi.The guy in front of him, who seemed to be not much older than himself, not only refused to repay his favor, but also jumped into his own ass without saying a word.Although Young Master Lai is not a tiger, his ass must not be kicked.In his annoyance, he suddenly forgot that the person in front of him was more than a hundred times older than his master, and his cultivation level was even more unpredictable.

"Oh! You can still swear! It doesn't look stupid, it's not bad! It's not bad! It's quite to my taste." Zhou Botong was not angry but happy that Long Fei called him a fat man, and squeezed his left eye at Long Fei, completely confused Long Fei treats him like a little kid.

How could Lai Dashao Long Fei suffer from this kind of cowardice, he raised his fist and wanted to attack Zhou Botong, thinking: let's deal with it even if it can beat him well, let's do it later.

Seeing this, Niu Zhong hurriedly grabbed Long Fei, then looked at Zhou Botong, and said in a rare soft voice: "Senior! What do you mean? You said Yan Cangsheng, the two juniors have nothing to do with him at all, you always Don't take your anger out on us!"

"It's nothing to do with it? Hey! Looking at the operation of your exercises, the exercises you have learned are very different from "Qingtian Sword Art" and "Chongtian Shield Art", and their power is comparable to "Qingtian Sword Art" or "Chongtian Sword Art". The Shield Method should be much bigger. What’s going on? Oh! Thinking about it, it’s been 10 years now, and it must have been improved by the disciples of later generations. Well, by the way, what’s the name of the skill you’re learning now? Come on?" Zhou Botong's thoughts jumped quickly, and his speech was also very fast, and then he seemed to remember something, and before Long Fei or Niu Zhong opened their mouths to answer, he immediately said: "By the way, I'm asking you, you guys You can’t say it either. Because you have been subject to the Forgetting Words Restriction, and it’s a very harmful Forgetting Words Restriction.”

"Restriction on forgetting words? I implore seniors to lift this restriction for the two juniors." After hearing Zhou Botong's words, Long Fei clicked on the mystery in the center, the original anger disappeared immediately, and he hurriedly asked.

"That, that...hehe! I have always despised these heretics, so I haven't learned it, so I can't explain it. I'm sorry!" Zhou Botong pulled his right hand from his left sleeve, scratched his fluffy hair, and smiled awkwardly. A few times, but then he raised his chin and showed a disdainful expression.

When Long Fei and Niu Zhong heard Zhou Botong's words, the hope raised in their hearts was instantly ruthlessly shattered, their heads immediately drooped, and their anger became even more frustrating. At this moment, they naturally ignored Zhou Botong's face-saving manner.

Zhou Botong glanced at the dejected Long Fei and Niu Zhong, a smile flickered in his eyes, then he looked up at the sky, looking thoughtful, and said in a deep voice: "As for the weapon patterns on your wrists..."


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