Chaos fairy way

Chapter 262 Magic Eye Tsunami

When Di Shuzi heard this, his heart skipped a beat. After hesitating for a moment, he quickly and honestly replied: "Senior! This...his five-kalpa cultivation is similar to ours."

Zhou Botong's cultivation should be able to tell the cultivation of the person who was killed.But at this time, Zhou Botong asked the question knowingly, which made Di Shuzi mistakenly think that Zhou Botong was telling the four of them to be more honest.

"What? Why are the monks of the Five Tribulations so ungrateful now!" Zhou Botong shook his head, sighed again and again, then looked at the four of them with a smile, and said, "It's like this. I have suffered a bastard's loss for a top-grade treasure, so I really want to own a top-grade treasure. I don't know if any of you have any? Borrow a few to play!"

"This..." Di Shuzi and the others were speechless for a while when Zhou Botong asked for some top-quality treasures, and they didn't know how to answer.

"Oh! By the way, I forgot. I'm your senior. How can I ask for something from your junior? Hehe! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Zhou Botong's thoughts jumped really fast, and suddenly he remembered that he was still A senior, before waiting for the four of them to answer, he laughed a few times with some embarrassment.

"..." The four of Dishuzi were speechless for a while.

"Okay, it's okay, you can go, remember to take away everyone who enters this place within ten days. After ten days, I will go out for a wandering, so I will completely seal the interface here." Zhou Botong put it on in an instant. Appearing as an expert in the world, he issued an order to chase away guests, and then slapped his forehead again, as if remembering something, turned his head to look at the monks on the peak, and waved his chubby right hand, He said again: "Which one of you is the wife of the little rascal surnamed Long? Tell you! The little rascal and the big fool went to help me with something. If you can't die, you will come back later."

After Zhou Botong finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace regardless of whether there was anyone responding below.

On the top of the peak, Nangongyan, Zhan Aotian and other well-informed monks looked at Ou Qingxue sympathetically.Ou Qingxue didn't say anything, but bit her lip. Although her expression didn't change much, there was deep worry in her eyes.

The four Di Shuzi clasped their hands together and watched Zhou Botong leave.Afterwards, Di Shuzi waved his right sleeve, and Di Shuzi, Hu Shenfeng, Nangong Ping, and Zhan Yi disappeared in a flash.In the blink of an eye, the four of Dishuzi appeared on the top of an ordinary small mountain thousands of miles away.Di Shuzi waved his right sleeve again, and instantly arranged a covering formation around him, and the small mountain peak disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Inside the formation, there was a vast white mist, and the four of Di Shuzi stood facing the cliff, all of them were immortal, like gods coming to the world.

Dishuzi's beard and hair are like snow, her longevity eyebrows hang down on her temples, her face is red and plain, and her eyes are shining.

At this moment, Di Shuzi tilted his head slightly, looked at Hu Shenfeng, and asked pointedly: "Elder Hu, this senior's cultivation is compared with those of the Tongtian Mountain Range..."

"Hey! My Five Tribulations cultivation base can't resist a palm print of the Yaozu senior in the Tongtian Mountain Range, but this senior can kill a Five Tribulations master with one punch, so it is very likely that the cultivation bases of the two are on the same level. Between." Tiger Kamikaze spoke with a strong sense of excitement.

"Oh! Really? In this way, the matter of the Three Immortal Stones caused heavy casualties among the forces in the cultivation world. Although no one got the Three Immortal Stones in the end, it was not in vain! This senior is worthy of a Three Immortal Stones." Thunder rumbled, and the eardrums were swelled, and the color of joy filled the rough and vicissitudes of life.

One man, one beast, and one spell will shock the world for 1 years.The two peerless masters of the Tongtian Mountain Range protect the entire realm of self-cultivation like patron saints, frightening the outside world and the earth demon world from invading for half a point, and pinning the Yin Mi Palace internally like pins and needles to stabilize the sea, and the sea people dare not make waves, thus It has ensured the peace of the comprehension world for nearly ten thousand years.It is said that it was a rule set by the two peerless masters back then that masters in the Yingjie period should not participate in the struggle of various forces in the cultivation world.But the hero has his twilight years after all, and in less than nine years, the end of the two peerless masters will come.So after nine years, who will protect Huahuang Continent and even the cultivation world?All the monks who know the dangers in the Huahuang Continent and even in the realm of comprehension all feel as heavy as a mountain, their necks hang like a cold sword, and they think about the way of rescue all the time.At this time, an ancient monk whose cultivation level is not inferior to the two peerless masters in the Tongtian Mountain Range suddenly appeared, and his age seemed to be around 30 years old. What a happy event for the Huahuang Continent and even the entire cultivation world! !

"It's a pity that this senior is relatively simple and active. He seems to like playing games. I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to stay in the Huahuang Continent to protect all the cultivators!" Nangong Ping sighed suddenly, and a trace of sadness appeared on his forehead.

"Hey! Something is better than nothing! This is an invisible deterrent. What we have to do, we still have to hurry up and do it. It is best to control our destiny in our own hands." Dishuzi sighed softly, his tone firm typical.

"That's right! Our means must be prepared as soon as possible. Speaking of it, it's really troublesome. The matter is almost at the point of imminence, but the two seniors in the Tongtian Mountain Range have always refused to meet us, and they did not reveal it. Not even the slightest bit of their plans. This means that when we use these methods at that time, the effect will definitely be greatly affected." Zhan Yisheng is heroic, but at this moment his face is full of helplessness.

"The departure of the two little guys, Long Fei and Niu Zhong, is most likely a move made by the two seniors of the Tongtian Mountain Range. When the two little guys joined the Seven Star School, although it was the old Ling family Lingtian who asked me to train them well, But I suspect that the people behind the scenes who really want me, the Seven Star Sect, to train them well are the two seniors of the Tongtian Mountain Range, and the old senior Ling Tian is just a middleman." Di Shuzi tilted his head slightly, tucked his white beard, frowned lightly, and looked Looked thoughtful.

"The two seniors of the Tongtian Mountain Range did not meet us and did not reveal their thoughts. After all, there is a deep meaning. I think that once the time is right, they will naturally let us know through some means. My worry now is: Dragon If Fei and Niu Zhong were really two pawns played by the two seniors, then Long Fei and Niu Zhong were forcibly teleported away by the ancient seniors just now with the Heaven and Earth Formation, and when they were teleported, some distortions occurred in the hollow in the sky. As a result, no one knows exactly where Long Fei and Niu Zhong have gone. After this, I wonder if it will disrupt the plans of the two seniors in the Tongtian Mountain Range?" Hu Shenfeng Ruzhu's eyes occasionally showed a hint of worry.

"There is no need to worry too much about this! Long Fei and Niu Zhongruo are really pawns. I think the two seniors of the Bitongtian Mountain Range will consider the emergence of some emergencies. Alright! Let's discuss the specific details of those methods next!" Dishu As soon as the words fell, the white mist inside the formation suddenly became thicker.

When the four of Dishuzi were talking, Ou Qingxue and other monks from the Seven Star Sect, Zhanmen, Piaomiao Pavilion, and Yaozu stood on the top of Kunlun Mountain and waited for a long time, but they did not see the elders of their sect coming to meet them On the other side, he could only jump into the mouth of the cave in disappointment and set foot on his way home.

Inside the ice palace, Zhou Botong moved his right hand towards the black ice coffin, put it in his sleeve in an instant, and then muttered to himself: "The "Blue Sky Sword Technique" and "Chongtian Shield Technique" were created by the twins. The method is far superior to these two exercises, and it is absolutely impossible for future generations to improve these two exercises to such a powerful level. Are these two people the ones I am waiting for? It is really hard to tell. Alas! No matter, since they have passed the test, they can only let nature take its course."

The ancient ruins were revealed to the world, and the Three Immortal Stones were hidden inside. The news spread throughout the cultivation world overnight, setting off a violent storm and attracting competition from all heroes in the world. Tens of thousands of casualties were required. Or the inheritance is pitifully small, and the Three Immortal Stones are all in vain.Afterwards, every time the monks in the world talked about this matter, they were full of grief and anger.Who is behind this scene?Naturally, it is also the most important thing that the monks talk about.A common point of view among the monks is that the culprit behind the scenes is Yin Mi Gong.Because on the one hand, the Yin Mi Palace has the power to do this, and can spread a message throughout the cultivation world overnight; on the other hand, the Yin Mi Palace has more motivation and purpose to do so, namely, Using the Three Immortal Stones as a bait, triggers the various forces in the cultivation world to kill each other, and finally uses a big trap to trap and kill the elites of the four major sects of cultivation, thereby weakening the strength of the decent forces in the cultivation world and preparing for the occupation of the Huahuang Continent nine years later. Prepare.However, there are also very few monks who think that this matter is by no means that simple. All this may be a trick set up by the ancient monks, with the purpose of releasing a peerless master within a certain period of time.Fortunately for Ou Qingxue and others, no one pointed the finger at Long Fei and Niu Zhong, suspected inheritors of the ancient sect.Regarding this, Ou Qingxue and others guessed that, on the one hand, it was because the four major forces of Qixingzong, Piaomiao Pavilion, Zhanmen, and Yaozu were completely on the side of Long Fei and Niu Zhong, and no rumors came out; After Fei and Niu Zhong were thrown into the hole in the sky by the ancient monks, their life and death are still uncertain.

On the vast sea, the wind is howling, the dark clouds are rolling; the waves are raging, and the rain is pouring;

The boat is about three to four times the size of ordinary mortal fishing boats. It is made of purple gold and can be regarded as a mid-level treasure.But at this moment, facing the majesty of the world and the roar of nature, he suddenly appears so small and helpless, like a lost lamb trapped in a pack of wolves, and may collapse in the shocking waves at any time.

"Sigh! I didn't expect the magic eye tsunami to appear nearly two months earlier than in previous years. I don't know how many monks will be buried in the mouth of the tsunami and the sea snake this time!" A grizzled old man stood on the bow of the boat, letting Despite the wind and rain, his body remained firm and his expression was calm as usual.

"Vice helmsman! This tsunami not only appeared earlier, but its momentum and scale are also several times stronger than before. I don't know why I always feel like my heart is jumping." The middle-aged man was clenching his teeth, trying his best to steer the rudder to control the direction of the boat, and the voice inspired by Yuanli was full of fear.


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