Chaos fairy way

Chapter 269 One more person

"Damn it, stinky bitch! It's against the sky, and you have taught the men a lesson."

The middle-aged monk in black clasped his hands, and a pair of jet-black axes flashed out, and then his hands violently crossed and cut across the huge net. "Crack! Crack!" The ax smashed the giant net, and sparks flew, but the giant net was not damaged at all.


Seeing this, the five-year-old and three-year-old woman slammed a big stick at the middle-aged man in black without saying a word.

The middle-aged monk in black was already sitting upright at this moment, and quickly put his hands on the ax to block it.

"Dang!" The big stick smashed the two axes to the ground, and stopped the attack when it hit three inches above the forehead of the middle-aged man in black. Scattered, the scalp is even more spicy.

Other black-clothed monks also showed their treasures one after another, but when they saw that the black-clothed middle-aged monk couldn't resist even a single move, the knives, swords and other treasures that were cutting towards the giant net dared not cut down any further. .

"Hmph! If it wasn't because you are strong enough and an excellent inheritor, otherwise you would be beaten to death." The five-year-old and three-year-old woman snorted coldly, took back her big stick, and then swung the big stick, scanning the other black-clothed monks , and said coldly: "Cut the net? Try cutting!"

After hearing the words, all the black-clothed monks had to lower their heads and put the treasures in their hands into their bodies after glancing at the resigned sword.

"Hehe! That's good! We don't hurt your lives, we just let you pass it on to the next generation. Don't worry! After our goal is achieved, we will definitely give you some rewards." Zhiwei's effect was amazing, he smiled triumphantly, glanced at Wu Tao with loving eyes, and grasped it with his big hand, the big stick sank into his palm and disappeared.

Seeing this, Wu Tao shuddered suddenly, his head drooping so that he couldn't hang down any more.

"Okay! After planting the seal of generation spirits on them, take them to Pinling Hall and hand them over to Grandma for verification." Commander Hua nodded to the five big and three rough girls quite satisfied.

"Yes!" After the five big and three rough women clapped their hands, they turned to look at the hatch of the ship and shouted loudly: "Come on, make a seal!"

After a while, a group of beautiful women in light yellow palace clothes came slowly from the cabin.These women are holding a green, crystal clear Jade Ruyi in their hands.

As soon as the ladies in palace attire approached the black-clothed monks trapped by the giant net, they separated and formed two circular formations to surround the black-clothed monks in the middle.


After all the ladies in palace costumes shouted coquettishly in unison, they pointed at the sky with Yu Ruyi in their hands, and strange green flowers of ten different colors condensed out of the void, fluttering and falling towards the Baihui acupoint on the heads of the black-clothed monks .

All the black-clothed monks tilted their heads in fear, turned around, or rolled on the ground, etc., and took various methods to avoid the strange green flowers.But those strange green flowers seemed to be conscious, and they fluttered with the movement of the black-clothed monks, one by one, they fell to the Baihui acupoint on the top of the black-clothed monks' heads and penetrated in an instant.As soon as the black-clothed monks were pierced by green strange flowers, their eyes were suddenly dull, but they returned to normal after only a moment.

"Bitch! You actually sealed my origin and divine power." The middle-aged man in black shouted angrily.

"Temporary seal, I will help you untie it after you complete the succession. Alright! Bring it into the Hall of Spirits." Commander Hua's voice was softer, and he seemed more kind.

At this time, Long Fei was still drifting on the top of the six-storey building of the building, and he didn't take any action to rescue him. Instead, he watched Wu Dao and the others with a serious expression, being escorted into the cabin by Hua Tongling and other women.Because he has sensed that there is a powerful existence in the cabin.Intuition told Long Fei that this person's cultivation base and combat power were by no means inferior to his own, and even surpassed his own.

On the third floor of the building, in a hall decorated with white utensils, a rich middle-aged woman in a golden robe sits on the main seat.Commander Hua and Commander Furong sit on the lower seats on both sides.

After a while, five big and three rough women led more than a dozen women in military uniforms to escort Wudao and other monks into the hall slowly.At this time, Wu Dao and other monks had already showered and changed their clothes. They were all dressed in white, and their expressions were dull.

"Report to grandma! The descendant has been brought here, please ask grandma to have a body check." The five big and three thick women knelt on one leg and cupped their hands.

"En! As soon as they entered the palace, I inspected them. This batch of successors are still so-so." The middle-aged woman nodded slightly with a dignified face. .

At this moment, Wu Dao's expression also changed suddenly, and the color of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Grandma! Among them, who can be the representative of the country to send off to His Majesty? Please decide!" Commander Hua Youya got up and cupped his hands.

"They are okay as the successors of the race, but as the successors of the country, they are still far from being the successors of the king." The middle-aged woman glanced at the monks and said indifferently.

"Grandma, our country has not had a descendant descended for decades. The need for a descendant is more urgent than that of ordinary descendants. Otherwise, once the king passes the age of succession, there will be no king in our country for more than a hundred years. Ah! Grandma, please think twice." Commander Hua suddenly looked sad.

"Hehe!" Grandma Guo smiled, raised her head slightly, glanced at the top of the hall, then turned to look at Commander Hua, and said, "Don't worry! Someone has already been selected. After the Feiyun ship docks, you guys I will know."

"Oh! Really?" Commander Hua looked puzzled, but he didn't seem to dare to ask more questions, and sat down slowly while hesitating.

At this moment, Commander Furong stood up, clasped his hands, and said, "Report to Grandma! Now that the successor of the country has been chosen, I implore Grandma to bestow the successor with white hair on her mouth." Subordinate."

"Hair on the mouth? That's not hair, but a beard. Our country can't give birth to males, and now there are those who haven't been born for decades, so that you younger generations have never seen a man since you were born, hehe! So you don't know Man!" Grandma Guo was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly, her expression changed to grief and indignation, and she sighed: "Alas! One generation of poisonous curse, eternal pain. God! When will my family be free from the curse!"

Commander Furong looked at the lamenting Grandma, with a look of surprise on his face, then his expression fluctuated, looking at a loss, silently waiting for Grandma's expression to stabilize, and then asked very carefully: "Grandma! What do you mean by 'the poisonous curse for one generation, the pain for all eternity'?"

"Oh! Hehe! I'm getting older and sentimental. Nothing! Nothing!" Grandma Guo came to her senses when she heard Fu Rong's words.

"Oh!" Furong looked at Grandma Guo's flickering eyes, although her face was full of doubts, she didn't dare to ask a word, hesitated for a while, then looked at Grandma Guo, pointed to the sword with her right hand, and said in a low voice: "Guo Lao Grandma, then he..."

"He, the country guy has other arrangements, and you can choose from other successors." The country guy has regained his dignity at this moment.

"This..." Fu Rong showed reluctance, but after seeing Grandma Guo's expression gradually became severe, she quickly pointed to the middle-aged monk who was full of flesh and said, "He is quite strong, I want him! "

The middle-aged monk covered in flesh and blood had a look of anger on his face, but he had lost his primordial power and divine sense power, and he had no power to resist, not to mention that he had received special care at this time: he was being taken care of by two tall men. The woman clasped her hands behind her back.

"Hua Wuying, you are responsible for arranging these successors. When they arrive at Guoyu, send them to the succession palace immediately, and arrange the succession matters." Grandma Guo has a serious face.

"Yes!" Commander Hua stood up and received the order.

"Okay! My grandma is tired. Leave him, and take away the other descendants." The grandma pointed to the sword with her right index finger, and said with a tired face.


Hua Wuying and other women received the order in unison, all of them were puzzled, and then escorted the monks out of the hall.


Grandma Guo detected that everyone had gone away, she was exhausted, she got up quickly, looked at the sword affectionately, tears flashed in her eyes.

"Aunt Yue!"

Wu Dao's expression was also quite excited, his voice was a little hoarse, and he strode towards Grandma.

"I didn't expect to see you again in this life." Grandma's voice became choked up, and when she heard Wu Dao's call, she couldn't control her emotions and rushed towards Wu Dao.

At this time, Long Fei was still drifting on the top of the building, his perception was extremely strong, and he knew everything that happened in Pinling Hall.I suddenly understood why Wudao had always looked so indifferent in my heart, and it turned out that my heart belonged here.

This old guy is a character, and as a successor, he can win the heart of a beauty, Long Fei secretly sighed.

"Aunt Yue! Why did you become the grandma of the mermaid country?" In the Hall of Pinling, Wudao put his arms around the waist of the countryman, looking tenderly at the countryman in his arms.

"The national law of the mermaid country, after the countryman's cultivation base reaches the robbery period, the first commander will take over the countryman and assist the new king. Not long after you left, the old countryman succeeded in attacking the robbery period, and the first commander also attacked During the calamity period, it was a pity that we failed and passed away. So our remaining three commanders were selected by the Senate, and I became the countryman." At this moment, the countryman lost the majesty just now, and completely looked like a small bird.

Long Fei on the top of the building was speechless for a while, and of course there was admiration among them.Speechless because Wu Dao and Wu Dao are both very old and still so ambiguous and affectionate.Admiration is naturally admiration for the sincere love between Wu Dao and Wu Dao. It has been so strong after parting for so long, and it has not weakened due to the passage of time.

In Pinling Hall, Wu Dao chatted with the countryman Qingqing for a while, the countryman's expression gradually became sad, and he said pointedly: "Wu Lang, my majesty has reached the age of succession for many years, but he has never won the kingdom. On behalf of me, my country is also worried!"

"They really can't? I remember that I was the successor of that class, and I didn't have such a batch of successors. At that time, I was also hidden by you, so I was not selected as the representative of the country. These young men are not bad!" Wu Dao heard With the words of the national guy, I had some guesses in my heart, but my expression was full of confusion.

"Your Majesty, golden branches and jade leaves, do you think they can do it? None of your group became the country's representative. There were other people who were the country's representative at that time. Even I only learned about it after I became a countryman." The national guy seemed to deliberately attack Wudao's pride, and seemed to be dissatisfied with Wudao's old-fashioned ignorance, so he said angrily.

"Oh! Really?" Wu Dao looked surprised, still unaware of the meaning behind the countryman's words.

"Wu Lang, decades after you left this place, people have changed." The national guy's expression suddenly became serious.

", just speak up if you have something to say!" Wu Dao panicked when he saw this, and seemed to care about the country guy.

"Heck! It's still my silly Wulang." The national guy smiled like a little girl, looked tenderly at the sword with eyes full of tenderness, paused, and said with a serious expression: "I was caught by the sea together with you." There is one more person involved in the vortex!"

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