Yuncheng, the capital of Fenglin Kingdom, is located in the north-central part of Fenglin Kingdom.It was originally composed of eight small cities built along basins. In order to respond to the theory of "Nine Five Supremes", the founding emperor invited the masters of Qixingzong to remove the nine peaks, create a small basin, and build a new city on it. , named Seven Star City.However, there are also rumors that the nine basins zigzag and line up, and it should be a magnificent formation.The truth is unknown.The arena of the national war is located in the middle of Seven Star City.

After more than 20 days, the Twin Cities national war team finally arrived in Yuncheng and checked into the inn prepared by the national war.

Once settled down, Long Fei immediately announced the retreat, and began to hit the late stage of Concentration.When he just left the Twin Cities, Long Fei had already touched the second barrier of the "Niwan Palace"; after the battle with Deng Long, he could have broken through, but he chose to temporarily suppress the inflated spiritual consciousness, wanting to accumulate strength, Break through the barrier in one fell swoop and reach the late stage of concentration.Facts also proved that Long Fei was right.Long Fei fully operated the second chapter of "Yanyu Sword Jue" "Sword Moves at will", mobilizing all the power of spiritual consciousness to attract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the body, transforming it into spiritual power through muscles, blood vessels, bones, and bone marrow, and continuously compressing it into the body. Dantian, when the spiritual power in the dantian can no longer be compressed, gather all the spiritual power and rush into the "Niwan Palace". If the spiritual consciousness of "Niwan Palace" was greatly replenished, it increased a little at once. Because of this, the second barrier of "Niwan Palace" could no longer restrain the spiritual consciousness. With the sound of "Bo!", A tearing pain emerged spontaneously in Long Fei's head.Long Fei endured the severe pain, and guided the divine consciousness that broke through the second layer of the remaining barriers. A sense of open sea and sky followed, and he successfully reached the later stage of concentration.

Long Fei let out a mouthful of turbid air, smiled slightly, and the corner of his mouth raised the iconic bad curve, took out "Wind Shadow Jue" from the storage bag, looked at it, and then entered into comprehension: "Wind Shadow Jue", During the more than 20 days of the trip, I tried my best to squeeze out time to practice it, but I just entered the threshold of the first level of "incarnation like a shadow".Although the movement speed has increased a lot, it has not reached the level described by Fajue: only seeing the figures, but not seeing the real body.There are only less than 20 days left before the national war, and strive to basically cultivate the "incarnation like a shadow" before the national war; then during the national war, cooperate with my "Wanjian Swordsmanship" to fight the enemy, and the chances of winning will be greatly improved .

Afterwards, Long Fei walked out of the room and ran towards the mountain outside the city.

Time flies by like running water, and the national war will be held three days later.In the early morning of this day, Long Fei had just planned to go to the mountain outside the city to continue practicing the "Incarnation Like a Shadow" that he had basically mastered.At this time, a guard of Prince Yun's mansion came to spread the word that King Yun invited Long Fei and Niu Zhong to enter the mansion.Long Fei had expected it, but he was not sure. After a little hesitation, he and Niu Zhong stepped into the prepared carriage.

An hour later, the carriage drove into the imperial city, a small city in the middle of Yuncheng.Afterwards, they drove into the gate of a mansion with simple and plain decoration.After being informed by the guards, a hearty laugh came from the mansion: "Brother Long, Brother Niu, I haven't seen you for half a year, do you still remember me?"

I saw a handsome-looking young man wearing a yellow dragon robe trimmed with gold silk on a yellow background, walking out of Prince Yun's mansion, clasping his fists in salute.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong looked at each other and smiled, their faces were as expected, and then they both clasped their fists in return and said: "I have seen King Yun!"

The person who came was exactly what the two of them had in mind, and it was Zhang Yunfeng.

"The two brothers don't need to be polite. After reaching the stage of concentrating, they have jumped out of the realm of mortals, so the worldly rituals can be discarded. We are still called brothers!" Cloud King Zhang Yunfeng waved his hand and smiled.

"Hehe! Since Brother Zhang said so, I won't be pretentious, brother. I don't know what is the matter that Brother Zhang called us here?" Long Fei laughed.

"No hurry, no hurry, please come to my study first and discuss later. Please!" Zhang Yunfeng said with a gesture of invitation with his right hand, and said very meaningfully.

Long Fei and Niu Chong heard the words, didn't say any more, followed Zhang Yunfeng to his study.

After a while, the three of them entered the study.

The study room is bright and quiet, and the layout is elegant and simple.In the center is an old mahogany long table, on which are ordinary pens, inkstones, paper, paperweights, pen holders, etc. There are two rows of four old carved wooden chairs in front of the table, and a black guqin hanging on the wall behind the table.There is a small wooden bed on the left, and a footstool under the bed.There is a study room on the right, which is densely packed with bookshelves and has a rich collection of books.

Along the way, and seeing the layout of the study, Long Fei and Niu Zhongdu admired Zhang Yunfeng's simplicity and simplicity.

The three of them sat close to each other on the wooden chairs in front of the table. After the young maidservant in green clothes served tea, Zhang Yunfeng pushed back and said, "The national war is coming soon, I wonder what the two of you plan to do?"

"Since soldiers are coming to block it, water will come to cover it!" Long Fei said casually.

Hearing this, Zhang Yunfeng smiled lightly and said, "So, you two don't know much about the national war!"

Long Fei heard Zhang Yunfeng's implication, and said: "Please tell me clearly, brother!"

Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "The national war has been held countless times. Do you know why no family in the Twin Cities joined the Seven Star Sect through the national war except for the one 20 years ago?"

"I don't know!" Long Fei and Niu Zhong replied in unison.

"The national war is a battlefield for masters of the concentration stage. Since the start of the national war, the families of the Twin Cities have only produced two masters of the concentration stage under the age of 30, Long Sihai and Niu Dingsheng. Every other national war has ended in a disastrous defeat!" Zhang Yunfeng sighed lightly. Tea, paused, and then praised: "The two of you have reached the stage of concentrating before reaching the age of 20. It is rare to see them in a thousand years in my Fenglin country! In terms of age, they are already better than Long Sihai and Niu Dingsheng [-] years ago. .”

"Brother Zhang has won the award, please speak up if you have something to say!" Long Fei smiled lightly and said calmly.

Hearing this, Zhang Yunfeng revealed a little joy and said: "Brother Long is really a man in love. Good! I don't want to talk nonsense, I invite two brothers today just for cooperation!"

Long Fei and Niu Zhong looked at each other, and then asked blankly: "Cooperation? How do you say that?"

Seeing that both Long Fei and Fei were moved, Zhang Yunfeng felt more joy in his heart, and said: "Since I have known you two for a long time, and they are called brothers, then I will not beat around the bush. The families of the Twin Cities are only in Fenglin Country. It can be regarded as a middle-level family. There are only four real big families in the whole country, that is, the royal family Zhang family, Cao family, Liu family and Zheng family. Every time there is a national war, the four major families will have at least three masters in the concentration period. No exception. I think the two of you have already understood the rules of the National War. That is the melee system. All contestants enter the arena at the same time. When there are only five players left in the melee, these five people will be eligible to join the Seven Stars Gate. Doing this seems fair on the surface, but in fact it is extremely disadvantageous to players from small and medium families. How can an individual super strong person from a small and medium family compete with the many masters from the four major families? And I heard that because of the last national war, there was a A player from a small family called Han Ziling hit the players of the four major families hard and entered the top five with a high profile; therefore, in this year's national war, the four major families intend to join forces to clear the field. Two brothers, do you think we can cooperate?"

"Brother Zhang, you are also a member of the four major families! But you are talking about cooperation with us, and you tell us that you have other intentions besides the competition?" Long Fei said noncommittally.

"Hehe! Dealing with smart people is comfortable. Good! To show my sincerity, I will throw the whole set. In this competition, our royal Zhang family has three masters of the late stage of concentration. They are the eldest prince Tianfeng, the fourth prince Zhang Tianfeng Shanfeng, and myself. My father has issued an imperial decree, and the appointment of a prince will be determined by the results of this national war. You also know that I have been fostered in the Zhang family of the Twin Cities since I was a child. The power in the court and the relationship with the other three major families are not as good The eldest prince and the fourth prince. Therefore, among the three, I am the weakest. Therefore, I invite the two brothers to cooperate."

Long Fei thought about it for a while, and said with a embarrassed look on his face: "Brother Zhang, the two of us are devoted to seeking the truth, and we don't pay much attention to rights, so we don't want to get involved in the worldly power struggle. I hope Brother Zhang will forgive me!"

Niu Zhong also nodded slightly, expressing his agreement.

Zhang Yunfeng was not at all surprised by Long Fei and Long Fei's polite refusal, and continued to smile: "If you two help me become the crown prince, I promise that I will help the Long Niu and Long Niu families to become Fenglin Kingdom and get rid of the royal Zhang family The largest family in the world, and ordered the descendants of the future generations to protect the Dragon and Niu family forever. In this way, the two brothers can devote themselves to seeking the Tao without any worries. What do the two brothers think?"

Long Fei and Niu Zhong were quite moved when they heard the words, and Zhang Yunfeng's words hit their hearts.

Niu Zhong hesitated for a while, and then said with some concerns: "If we can get the protection of the royal family, we will indeed be relieved. But there are only three of us, and there are more than ten people from the four major families. If they join forces to clear the field, how can we fight with them?" fighting?"

Zhang Yunfeng saw that the two already had the intention of cooperating, and his heart was settled. His excitement was undoubtedly revealed. He let out a sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry too much about this issue. Cao, Liu, and Zheng are trying to avoid forming a party for personal gain. I dare not intervene in the battle for the crown prince in the arena because of the suspicion of the government, and my two brothers have always despised me. Therefore, in the competition, as long as we start to show our weakness and wait for them to lose and hurt both, we will attack later. If you are not prepared, the chances of winning are very high. And you come from small and medium-sized families in the outskirts, and you have no influence in the court, so my father will not say much."

"Since King Yun said so, it would be unwise for the two of us to refuse again, so let's make a decision." Long Fei nodded with a smile, paused, and then said: "Besides, I have something to think about next. Ask Cloud King to help."

"Brother Long, what can I do for you? Let's just say it, and I'm determined to do it with all my strength." Seeing that Long Fei and Fei had expressed their cooperation, Zhang Yunfeng was in a good mood and said boldly.

Hearing this, Long Fei said happily: "This matter is not a big deal! I just want to ask King Yun to help us investigate a sect called Twin Sect. This sect may have been missing for many years."

"Brother Long is too far-fetched. You still say you are bothering me about such a trivial matter. Please rest assured! No matter what the result of the competition is, after the competition, I will definitely give you an accurate answer." Zhang Yunfeng said immediately.

Long Fei's eyes flashed with excitement, and he cupped his hands in thanks.

Afterwards, the three discussed the specific situation of the competition and formulated some countermeasures.

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