Chaos fairy way

Chapter 29 The Battle of Concentration

Another hour passed, and only the masters in the concentration period were left in the ring.At this time, the fighting on the ring stage stopped temporarily, and there were still sixteen Concentration stage masters on the field, divided into five sides, five members from the Zhang family, three members each from the Cao, Liu, and Zheng families, plus Long Fei and Niu Zhong. Two people.

"I didn't expect that two small perverts from small families appeared in this national war. Ha ha, it's interesting!" The king Zhang Tianfeng spoke, and Zhang Tianfeng seemed to be in control of the overall situation, with a hint of disdain in his words.

"Heavenly King, the national war is the battleground for players from the four major families, and only those from the four major families are qualified to enter the Seven Star Sect. How about we clear out the idlers first and then decide on the candidates for the Seven Star Sect?" The young man in the golden plaid and purple bottoming robe, with protruding cheekbones and cold eyes, is cold and authentic.This person is Liu Wen from the Liu family who guarded Lin Hao, and he is concentrating on his late stage cultivation.

"The Daoist Master of the Seven Star Clan has new regulations. Group fights are not allowed, only one-on-one fights are allowed. My royal Zhang family obviously has the upper hand. Liu Wen, why do you say this?" Zhang Yunfeng did not wait for the king of heaven Zhang Tianfeng to answer, he opened his mouth and scolded .

"King Yun misunderstood. Our four major families have fourteen masters at the concentration stage, and five late stage players. Does it have to be a group fight to achieve the goal? And I mean to solve them first, and then each family will use their own strength to solve the problem. It's up to you to compete for the qualification to join the Seven Star Sect." Liu Wen quickly explained.

Long Fei immediately became angry when he heard the words, and the Liu family began to protect Lin Hao, and he was very displeased with him. Unexpectedly, Liu Wen would be the first to pick things up, then he tilted his head, looked at Liu Wen with contemptuous eyes, and said with a sneer : "Hmph! You are that Liu Wen! Fighting around, you can bear it! I will single out the three of you Liu family, do you dare to fight?"

"You!" Liu Wen was very angry when he heard it. As the number one master of the Liu family, he had never been so underestimated. Did not say anything more.

"What are you? You are a coward, stay away from me in the future." Long Fei curled his lips, glanced at Liu Wen, and said sarcastically.

"Heavenly King, Brother Cao Liu, Brother Zheng Pu, are you going to let people from a small family run rampant here?" Liu Wen was furious, his face was like a pig's liver, and his eyes gleamed fiercely, but he still suppressed his anger and looked at the other people. The leader of the three major families.

"He is challenging your Liu family, so it has nothing to do with us!" Zheng Pu, who was simple and honest and dressed in black robes, said angrily.The Zheng family and the Liu family have always been at odds.

"That's right! Brother Liu, I think it will be no problem for your Liu family to deal with this person. I wish you all the best." Zhang Yunfeng said again before the Heavenly King Zhang Tianfeng.

Although Zhang Tianfeng was quite displeased with Zhang Yunfeng's actions, but what Zhang Yunfeng said was reasonable, and they were all for the good of the Zhang family, so it was hard to say anything.

Cao Liu smiled without saying a word, as if he had nothing to do with it and was hanging on high.

"Okay! Okay! My Liu family will fight first and blow them out, but when the next four major families compete to join the Seven Star Sect qualification battle, my Liu family will be the last to fight." Liu Wen finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, furious drank.

"I can agree to this!" Heavenly King Zhang Tianfeng said proudly.

"Enough talking nonsense! Let's start the fight, which one of you will go first?" Long Fei stretched himself, looking very bored, and said lazily.

"I'll fight you!" Behind Liu Wen, a man in Tsing Yi, with a swollen face and a bloated figure jumped into the middle of the ring and said.This person is called Liu Hong, and he is concentrating on his mid-stage cultivation.

"Little Fatty, it's time to lose weight. I'll kill you with one move." As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, "Wind Shadow Jue" was displayed, and an afterimage was left behind. Tilt its neck.

"What? Defeated with one move!" Liu Wen looked at the scene of the sword resting on his neck in shock.

The masters of the other four major families were all shocked on the spot, and after that, their expressions were extremely dignified.But there was one exception, that was Heavenly King Zhang Tianfeng. Although he was a little surprised, he was just surprised that the strength of the small family was not bad, and he still didn't take Long Fei seriously.

The bigwigs on the rostrum were surprised and praised.There was thunderous applause from the stands all around.

Long Fei retracted his sword gracefully, twitched the left corner of his mouth, a bad arc appeared, and said casually: "Another mid-stage player from the Liu family will end by himself! I'm afraid that it won't be good if I miss it later. Liu Wen, you superior!"

The bow had already been wound and had to be fired. Liu Wen bit the bullet, shouted loudly, swung his left hand, and the three jet-black flying knives rushed towards Long Fei's forehead, heart, and neck; , holding the mid-level treasure Daguan Knife tightly with both hands, and slashed at Long Fei's forehead.

Long Fei sneered, ten red gold swords instantly transformed into flying swords, six swift black throwing knives, and four fiercely shot at Liu Wen who was looting head-on.

"Dangdang!" With six sounds, the six red flying swords and three black flying knives died together, and the debris fell to the ground in all directions.

Liu Wen saw four gleaming scarlet flying swords attacking swiftly, and the Daguan Dao in his hand quickly turned into a block, "Ding Ding!" Four times, the powerful impact shook Liu Wen to the ground instead of advancing, and his hands immediately fell to the ground. Numb and startled, he thought to himself: "It's so strong!" The person shot Liu Wen all over his body in a hurry; When he flashed within ten feet of Liu Wen, the "Sword Soaring to the Sky" unfolded and spun at a high speed. The human sword merged into a sword shadow, followed by nineteen red gold swords, and shot violently at Liu Wen.

The Daguan knife in Liu Wen's hand flew straight into the sky, violently oscillating, and suddenly transformed into layers of knife shadows, blocking the attacks of nineteen crimson red and golden swords; at the same time, a golden square shield instantly appeared in his left hand, and the square shield rose ten feet Big, protect the whole body everywhere.

"Ding Dang! Ding Dang!" There were more than ten sounds in a row, and the shadow of the Chijin Huajian colliding with the knife disappeared;

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the mid-level treasure, the Quartet Golden Shield, exploded and shattered, and the violent energy concussion caused Liu Wen to fall heavily and retreat violently. Jing blood spurted out immediately, and the person was already unconscious.

Long Fei rushed out of the impact point nearly two feet away with his sword, and the red gold sword took away the purple gold hair crown on Liu Wen's head. Afterwards, "Wind Shadow Jue" rushed to the ground, although the front of his clothes was hit by the fragments of the square golden shield and the violent energy. Dilapidated, but unharmed.

"What! Two moves defeated Liu Wen who was in the late stage of concentration." Liu Yuan, the head of the Liu family, "Boom!" stood up from his seat, stunned on the spot.Other people on the rostrum also stared at the two on the ring in dumbfounded.

"Ten years later, another pervert appeared in the small family!"

"Strong! Enjoyable! Much better looking than ten years ago."

"I heard that the man's name is Long Fei, and Lai Shao, who is known as the master of the sky, is really a mess!"

The audience in the stands applauded continuously, applauded like thunder, and praised one after another.

"Next, is that family coming to clear the field?" Long Fei said proudly.

"My fight with you will definitely make you understand that a small family will always be a small family!" Tian Wang was still arrogant, with his head raised high, as if he didn't care much about Long Fei's performance just now.

At this time, Han Ziling on the rostrum looked at the heavenly king Zhang Tianfeng, then smiled, tilted his head lazily, and said to Zhang Tianya with a look of good intentions and jokes: "Brother Zhang, it seems that your eldest prince It’s going to be a loss!”

Zhang Tianya was sullen, but he still said: "This national war is originally a test for the three princes, and it is to make them suffer and gain insights."

Han Ziling smiled, then reclined lazily on the big chair, looking towards the ring with drooping eyes.

On the stage, the battle started again.

Zheng Pu stared at the three members of the Cao family, and said, "Brother Cao Liu, will you and I fight?"

Cao Liu, who was dressed in a red robe, nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, it's exactly what I want!"

Immediately, Zheng Pu leaped into the air, tightly grasping the Zhanglong black stick with both hands, and with the whistling wind of the stick, he slammed Cao Liu's head with the stick.

Cao Liu dodged the blow with one side, and with a backhand throw, an inch-long golden sword rushed to Zheng Pu's temple.

Afterwards, the two fought into a group and fought inextricably.Other masters of the two families also clashed.

At this time, Yun Wang Zhang Yunfeng and Niu Zhong had already stood together, opposing Zhang Shanfeng and the other three masters of the Zhang family.

The mountain king Zhang Shanfeng cracked his mouth and said with a smile: "Second brother, you are very calculating! You keep everyone in the dark. Ha ha! However, don't drag me into the dispute between you and the eldest brother for the crown prince. I like it. It's free and happy, so this top five, I must get it, it's so much fun to learn the real martial art!"

Yun Wang Zhang Yunfeng nodded, he believed the words of his fourth brother Zhang Shanfeng.Because when the emperor Zhang Tianya made the decree on the appointment of the crown prince, Zhang Shanfeng expressed on the spot that he had no intention of being the crown prince, and only wanted to live a free life.Zhang Tianya was so angry that he scolded him on the spot, and ignored his request not to participate in the prince's dispute.

After Niu Zhong received Zhang Yunfeng's voice transmission, he confronted Zhang Shanfeng.As soon as Niu Zhong opened the "Spiritual Shield", within three feet of his body (after reaching the late stage of Ningshen, the Spirit Shield can protect the area of ​​three feet) was covered by a light blue semi-circular shield wall formed by a layer of spiritual power.Then, wait quietly for Zhang Yunfeng to attack.

Zhang Shanfeng attacked with satisfaction.At the beginning, Zhang Shanfeng still attacked with a performance nature, but the more he fought, the more depressed he became, because no matter what method Zhang Shanfeng used to attack the "Spiritual Shield", the "Spiritual Shield" would only vibrate slightly.Then the more depressed, the more dissatisfied, and after dissatisfied, he became crazy, punching, kicking, slashing, and attacking with the sword of divine sense in turn, bombarding the "Spiritual Shield" wildly and non-stop.Later, they even took out the fire bottle, a middle-grade treasure, and set fire to the "Spiritual Shield", but it still didn't help.At the end of the fight, he was out of breath and extremely annoyed, but he could only helplessly sit next to the "Spiritual Shield", holding a middle-grade treasure Longquan Sword, and using it as a machete, he chopped down the "Spiritual Shield" at will. , indicating that their battle is still going on.

Niu Chong stood on the "Spiritual Shield", smiling and staring at Zhang Shanfeng, who was about to die.

The audience around burst into laughter, and there were many people who scolded Niu Zhong for being a pervert.

On the rostrum, Han Ziling watched with great interest, with a deep smile on his face, and said out of emotion: "This brother really has nothing to say, this is pure bullying! But, I like it!"

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