Chaos fairy way

Chapter 300 1 enemy 3

"Shenfengdao Man Luo? Her cultivation level is not... oh, no, even if she has achieved great success, Feng Fei, Lang Qing, and Tian Ye will only be suppressed by raising their hands. Hehe! She also wants to fight for the leader, really Hilarious, overconfident."

"Man Luo fights for the leader? Just relying on the person next to her? What kind of disturbance can be caused by a mere cultivation base close to the peak of Tuoyuan Dacheng?"

"That person is Shenfeng Island's recently recruited Sanzhai Lord Senior High School. He once took several moves from Tian Ye without defeat, and it is said that she was the one who caused the vision in the Demon Thousand Area, so maybe she still has some tricks!"

"Cut! It's really fantastic to be able to catch Tian Ye's few tricks and become arrogant enough to fight for the leader of the alliance."

When the audience saw Long Fei and Man Luo stepping onto the ring without haste, they all showed signs of surprise. Many people ridiculed them one after another. Of course, some people hoped that Long Fei and Man Luo would perform astonishingly based on their support for small and medium forces.

At this time, the eyes of the people on the stage also focused on Long Fei and Man Luo.The people of Tian Ye Group naturally gritted their teeth with hatred, and the murderous aura all over their bodies increased by several tenths, but Tian Ye was smiling, but the killing intent in his eyes was extremely cold.The resentment on the faces of the members of the Fengfei Group is also undoubtedly revealed, which is naturally due to the vision of the myriad of demons.The Langqing Group, with no more than eight members, is the weakest of the three most popular candidates. At this time, there is still a hint of disdain for Man Luo's unexpected entry.As for Overlord Flower, she actually nodded friendly towards Long Fei and Man Luo, perhaps because they are both small and medium power players!

Long Fei and Man Luo smiled and nodded towards the Overlord Flower, and then stood close to the Overlord Flower in the southeast.

"Vice leader Feng, leader of Lang Island, the position of leader has always been taken over by the deputy leader or the leader of a big force, so every time the leader is selected, it is also a battle between the deputy leader and the leader of a big force. In this selection, there are still some ignorant people Small and medium-sized forces come to make trouble, this is an insult to the incompetence of the leaders of the big forces and the deputy leader! Why don't we clean up these idlers first, and then decide the ownership of the leader?" Tian Ye smiled, She glanced at Long Fei and Fei seemingly casually, and then her eyes met with Feng Fei and Lang Qing respectively, speaking in a careless tone, as if she didn't take Long Fei and Fei seriously at all, but her Deep in the eyes, there was a deep fear.

"It's just what I want!" Lang Qing's appearance looks like he's in his thirties, and he's quite handsome. He's wearing a light green dress against his sexy figure. The hemp feather fan was refined, and the icy eyes shot the Overlord Flower like sharp arrows while speaking.Judging from the situation, she must have had a lot of trouble with Bawanghua.

"Hehe! Master Tian Island, with your Dongying Island's strength, can't you deal with the two of Man Luo?" Feng Fei tilted her head to look at Tian Ye with a half-smile, although she was quite unhappy with Long Fei and Man Luo, but But he wanted to stir up the Tian Ye Group to deal with Long Fei and the two alone, so as to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Deputy leader Feng, according to your combat power, you should be on top of our Dongying Island. Don't you even want to take advantage of this little advantage? Don't your subordinates often sing about your miraculous powers and powerful seas? This is miraculous power, The courage of Megatron Sea Territory?" Tian Ye is very cunning, and naturally she will not be provoked by a few words to surround and kill Long Fei and the two alone, and of course she dare not do so.

"Hmph!" Feng Fei snorted coldly, then cast her eyes on Man Luo, spread her hands, and said helplessly: "Master of the Isle of Man! You saw it too, it was Tian Ye who forced me to join hands with her to drive you away." You can’t blame me for going down the ring! I believe the ancestors will forgive me.”

"Okay, let's do it! If there is something, I, Dong Yingdao, will take it on my own." Tian Ye smiled, and seemed quite displeased with Feng Fei's more hypocritical behavior than her.At this time, Tian Ye's heart was turbulent, and Long Fei and Long Fei had completely torn apart their faces, so he had no scruples in his heart, and now he only wanted to kill Long Fei and Man Luo with his hands and then quickly.

Man Luo didn't speak, and looked at Feng Fei's hypocritical embarrassment coldly.

"Hehe! It's actually not that troublesome. It's too time-consuming to fight with you one by one. Why don't you go with the three so-called popular candidates together, and I reluctantly take them together. To be honest, for your kind , I’m really not interested. Oh! By the way, for those of your subordinates, I think Bawanghua should be interested in practicing hands.” Long Fei saw that Tian Ye, Feng Fei, and Lang Qing completely regarded themselves as After eating the meat on the chopping board, and planning to join forces to clear the field, he suddenly became angry. In order to prevent Man Luo from losing in the melee, he directly said that he would single out the three of them.Of course, this is also based on the fact that Long Fei has made great progress in his cultivation recently, and he has enough confidence to fight against three with one.

"You want to court death, don't you?"

"Young man, being too crazy is not a good thing!"

"Hehe! Interesting, I didn't expect a character more arrogant than Bawanghua to appear."

When Tian Ye, Feng Fei, and Lang Qing heard the words, they all spoke or scolded or ridiculed with different expressions.Tian Ye was extremely furious, with a vicious look, but a bit stern and soft inside.Although Feng Fei's tone was calm, the coldness in her eyes was stronger, and the killing intent gradually appeared.Lang Qing took it as a joke, with irony in his disdain.

"Fellow Daoist of Shenfeng Island, one against three will be a bit more stressful?" Bawanghua seemed rough, but his words were quite tactful, and the voice transmitted to Long Fei was full of disbelief.The way Tian Ye and others cleared the field naturally forced Bawanghua to form an alliance with Long Fei.

"Hehe! It's okay, I have my own way to deal with it, then Daoist friends only need to deal with those bastards." Long Fei chuckled and said confidently through voice transmission.

"In that case, that's fine. I'll slap those idiots one by one." During Bawanghua's sound transmission, her eager eyes were cast on Tian Ye's three subordinates. Judging by their posture, they seemed to like to abuse people.

"One against three? Crazy enough, do you think you are a master of the tribulation period!"

"This person may have a brain problem!"

The spectators laughed one after another, as if everyone felt that Long Fei had taken the wrong medicine.

Long Fei turned a blind eye to the audience's comments, glanced disdainfully at Tian Ye, Feng Fei, and Lang Qing, and then said further, "How about it? Don't you dare to fight? Hehe, These are the so-called three most popular candidates? They are nothing but cowards!"

"Okay! Okay! Since you really want to die, I will help you." Feng Fei, as the vice leader of the Pirate League, always likes others to praise her wildly. With a sudden shake, a hot white flame surged out of the blade for more than three feet, and the burning air crackled, showing the high temperature of the fire.


Feng Fei's movement skills are also extraordinary, she plundered violently, like an arrow off the string, she flew within three feet of Long Fei in an instant, swung the Yanyue knife in her hand, and slashed fiercely at Long Fei's face head.


When Feng Fei made the first move, Tian Ye saw that the plan had succeeded, and sneered again and again as he showed his ninjutsu and disappeared suddenly.

"The fluorescent light dares to compete with the bright moon! It's interesting! It's interesting!" Lang Qing slapped his hands, his voice was cold, and he slowly walked towards Long Fei. Yuan Dacheng's aura or coercion of a peak master overwhelmed Long Fei.Originally, she was only interested in Bawanghua, so she didn't look down on Long Fei at all, but Long Fei's outrageous words twice had angered her, so getting rid of Long Fei became her first choice.

At this moment, Feng Fei's Yanyue Saber had already slashed to the height of Long Fei's forehead. Suddenly, the blazing flame broke away from the blade and exploded suddenly, turning into a ball of flames nearly ten feet in diameter, like a white cloud, spraying toward Long Fei. fly.And the blade, which was burnt red by the flames, whipped up a bitter wind of the blade, followed by the flames and slashed at Long Fei's face in the whistling.

The flame is hot, the distance is short, the area is large, and the speed of the flames is extremely fast, making it difficult to avoid.

The Yanyue Knife, blown by the wind, caused Long Fei's hair to scatter suddenly, dancing wildly with the wind; the blade was burning red, attacking closely following the flames, making it impossible to defend against.

Such an attack is enough to instantly kill an ordinary master who is at the peak of Dacheng in the Yuan Dynasty.

"Ah!" Man Luo put all his heart on Long Fei, seeing this situation, his face turned pale instantly, and he couldn't help screaming.


The flames were like rain, covering Long Fei in an instant.


Long Fei's body was as strong as the Dayan Qingtian Sword, he regarded the flames as nothing, showered in the flames, raised his right fist, and slammed the blade of the Yanyue Knife violently, sending the Yanyue Knife flying with force.


At this moment, Tian Ye suddenly appeared in the sky behind Long Fei, holding the Ghost Head Knife tightly with both hands, and took advantage of the moment after Long Fei's hard attack was too late to stop, Tian Ye violently slashed at the back of Long Fei's head in the air.The sound of piercing the air repeatedly, the speed of the knife, the fierceness of the attack, and the precise timing of the attack amazed the audience.


Long Fei had a dense network of Yuanli within a ten-foot radius, so he naturally knew Tian Ye's every move like the palm of his hand.At this moment, completely ignoring Tian Ye's swift and fierce attack, he gave a cold drink, and raised his palms to the sky. The two dark gray palm prints soared into the sky, and the tearing air roared, rushing towards Tian Ye's heart.This is completely a way of fighting with life. Of course, for Long Fei, whose body is as strong as a top-grade treasure, this is the best way of fighting. It is simple, effective, and kills the enemy without defense.

"I'm sick!" Tian Ye cursed angrily, and disappeared in a flash.

Long Fei's fight against Feng Fei and Tian Ye's joint kill was completed in an instant, and the spectators were still in shock, Feng Fei and Tian Ye had already distanced themselves from Long Fei.At this time, Lang Qing also stopped walking towards Long Fei.A dignified look appeared on the faces of Feng Fei, Tian Ye and Lang Qing at the same time.

"Is this still human? Is this a dream?"

"It's enough to hate you for your life! But Feng Fei and Tian Ye teamed up to kill, and they really have the confidence to be arrogant."

"Okay! Okay! Our small and medium-sized forces have finally produced a great person."

After the spectators were shocked, they discussed and marveled with complicated expressions. There was no longer sarcasm and contempt in the eyes looking at Long Fei, but admiration.

"This person is too unexpected, the three of us go up together! Don't care about face, we will have a chance if we kill her." Tian Ye encouraged again, fearing that Feng Fei and Lang Qing would retreat.

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