Chaos fairy way

Chapter 305

"Does she have a choice?"

As soon as Long Fei's cold voice fell, he immediately cast "One Strike Breaking the Sky", turning into a golden light and shooting towards Feng Fei.Feng Fei's repeated words to challenge Ding Haitang are not good for Long Fei and Man Luo, so Long Fei has already become murderous.

Feng Fei was provoked by the Bawanghua, and wanted to reprimand, but suddenly saw Long Fei attacking fiercely, the crescent moon magic blade in her hand screamed, and the green gas gushing out of the crescent moon blade suddenly doubled, almost Submerge Feng Fei's whole body.Immediately afterwards, the crescent moon magic blade flashed into the air while spinning rapidly, and the green gas turned into a swirl of air in an instant, and it flashed towards the golden light with a sound of "Wow!"


The golden light collided with the magic blade, and the sound was like thunder, shaking the entire palace; the energy surged, sweeping in all directions.


The vortex air exploded as the golden light collided with the magic blade, and turned into a ball of surging gas. What is shocking is that it was not dissipated by the huge impact sound, nor was it blown away by the surging force. The energy fluctuations swept away, but in an instant, Long Fei, who was transformed into a golden glow, was enveloped without a trace.

"Hmph! Do you really think that if you kill Lang Qing, no one can cure you? The crescent moon magic blade and magic smoke can devour gods and carrion..." Feng Fei sneered coldly, staring fiercely at the ball of covered dragonfly Green gas, but she hadn't finished speaking when suddenly a white sword shot out from the green gas, aiming at her heart.


Joy must be accompanied by sorrow, Feng Fei was unable to resist the sudden shooting of the white sword shadow at this time, and was shot through the body by the white sword shadow in an instant, followed by a "boom!" body and die.The white sword shadow is naturally Long Fei. Before Long Fei held the Dayan Qingtian sword and performed "one blow to break the sky" and powerfully hit the crescent moon magic blade, he fell into a stalemate for a while, and then he was trapped by the green magic smoke.Immediately, Long Fei used the Dayan Qingtian Sword to continue to fight against the Crescent Moon Demon Blade, while using his body as a sword, his sword move suddenly changed to "A Sword Soaring to the Sky", which caught Feng Fei by surprise and successfully beheaded him.

"Ah! This is too fast!"

"Feng Fei has the best treasures and can't resist the blow of the third year. Who else can win the third year during the robbery period?"

Although the spectators had expected Feng Fei's defeat in their hearts, they did not expect Feng Fei to be killed by one move, so they shocked the scene again one by one.

At this time, because of Feng Fei's death, the Crescent Moon Demon Blade stopped fighting with Dayan Qingtian Sword.When it was about to fall to the ground, Long Fei drifted over, caught it with a sweep of his right hand, and then put it into the storage bag, ignoring the fiery gazes of the spectators.Long Fei was quite happy that he got a fake fairy weapon and a top-grade treasure weapon in one competition, and he really hoped that there would be more competitions like this.

But at this moment, the dozens of Lang Qing and Feng Fei's supporters on the ring also jumped off the ring one after another because of Feng Fei's death. They didn't show any sadness for Feng Fei, but a sense of relief showed on their faces Obviously, he had had enough of the abuse of Bawanghua.

"Oh! Don't! Don't go down! Feng Fei died, what chance do you have! Let's fight for a while, please!" Bawanghua waved her huge hands again, calling out to everyone. Fighter with Feng Fei.

"Damn! I still want to save some face in this world."

"It's really sick! You actually treat the competition as a game."

The assistants who jumped off the ring refused to go to the ring again, and those who were a little bit courageous complained one after another.

After a long time, Wang Yuan saw that Bawanghua was still persuading all the helpers to compete on stage, without thinking about the battle with Long Fei at all, so he shouted impatiently: "Bawanghua, the only one left on the field is you, the senior , Man Luo three people, and the third year is helping Man Luo win the position of leader, so are you still fighting with the third year?"

"Damn! You really think I'm sick! There are so many top-quality treasures in the third year of high school, but I don't have any. What's the comparison? Compared to eating? Really." Bawanghua shook her head speechlessly, and jumped down cursingly. After entering the arena, the expression seemed to think that Wang Yuan was a little mentally retarded, and then his mouth moved a few times, and he said to Long Fei in a very tender tone: "Senior year! I invite you to go out to enjoy the moon tonight, I wonder if it's okay?"

Hearing this, Long Fei looked at Bawanghua's figure, which was taller than a man, and with thick eyebrows and big eyes, which were more stylish than men, and couldn't help shivering, but considering that Bawanghua had helped him after all and had no malicious intentions, he politely refused. : "Sorry! I've made an appointment with Manro. \\..\\"

"Oh! It's okay, you stay with Man Luo tonight, and I'll ask you out again tomorrow night!" Bawanghua waved her right hand with a very magnanimous look, but she looked at Long Fei even hotter.

When Long Fei heard Bawanghua's words, he always felt that the taste was not right. He felt like a red-card girl in a ji courtyard who was pursued by many officials and princes.

At this time, Wang Yuanlao and another elder jumped onto the stage, looked at the spectators, and said, "Since Bawanghua chose to abstain, the winner of this selection of leader is Man Luo, and Man Luo will become our pirate. The new leader of the League. According to the laws of the Pirate League, three days later, the new leader's enthronement ceremony will be held."

"Manro, congratulations!"

"Leader Man, the Pirate League will surely be more brilliant under your wise leadership!"

"Yes! Congratulations!"

All the spectators were not ordinary in their ability to steer the rudder according to the wind. They had clamored to capture Long Fei and Man Luo before, but seeing that Man Luo was about to succeed him as the leader of the alliance, they stepped onto the ring one after another, all of them with extremely sincere and enthusiastic expressions. Congratulations.Of course, there were still many spectators who seized the time to flirt with Long Fei, and there were even voice transmissions who made this wish and that wish for Long Fei.

well!It's true that ordinary monks are realistic, but greedy, seductive and strong are all ordinary!

Long Fei didn't reply to the many sound transmissions, but Su Yan was amazed in his heart.

Afterwards, Wang Yuanlao took out an oval, emerald green, smooth and delicate jade utensil from the storage bag.For this device, it was introduced in the relevant information about the selection of the leader. It is called the Lingzhen Jade, and it is used to activate the large formation at the bottom of Wanghu Lake.

Wang Yuanlao injected a burst of energy into the Lingzhen Jade, and the Lingzhen Jade suddenly glowed green, very gorgeous.


There was a sudden roar at the bottom of the entire Wanghu Lake, and a trace of vitality seeped out from the bottom of the lake, and then Long Feidun felt a strong pulling force pulling him, and then his figure disappeared in one shape.At this time, other people also disappeared in the main hall of Wanghu Lake almost at the same time.

Following the illusion in front of them, when everyone reappeared, they had already teleported in the Juying Pavilion Square.

Afterwards, Long Fei, Man Luo, Wang Yuanlao and the others went back to the other courtyard of Shenfeng Island immediately after some courteous greetings.Although Man Luo has already won the position of leader, the actual succession of leader needs to be at the leader's enthronement ceremony, so Man Luo still has to live in the original courtyard before the leader's enthronement ceremony. <Continue to receive congratulators, while myself and Long Fei go straight to the VIP building.The matter of Long Fei being the country's representative must be dealt with after all. Although Long Fei and Man Luo don't know what the outcome will be, instead of delaying it for two days full of worries, it is better to go to the old ancestor Man Yunhua to face it earlier.

The VIP building is built on a mountain peak near the sea, with nine floors in total. It is an octagonal tower-shaped building, luxuriously decorated, resplendent and magnificent.

As soon as Long Fei and Man Luo entered the VIP building, they explained the reason to a white-clothed envoy, and then received the envoy's message. After a while, they received the order from the old ancestor Man Yunhua, and went to the meeting hall on the ninth floor to meet.

Under the guidance of the guide, Long Fei went straight up to the ninth floor. Along the way, Long Fei was surprised to find that his divine sense could not be released to detect everything around him, and his perception was also greatly suppressed. He could only perceive the surrounding area. A distance of ten feet.

After a while, the two of Long Fei arrived at the door of the reception hall on the ninth floor, and as soon as they entered the hall, Long Fei was shocked and couldn't help but feel a twinge in his heart.Because there are two people Long Fei knows in the hall, they are the mermaid countryman and the king.As for the distinguished guests that Man Yunhua mentioned earlier, Long Fei concluded that they were all of them.

At this time, sitting in the main seat of the meeting hall was an old woman with silver hair, plain clothes, kind eyes and kind eyes.No need to guess, she is naturally Pirate League old Zuman Yunhua.In the row of seats on the right side of the hall, there is also an elderly woman with white hair and elegant clothes. Long Fei saw her sitting in a row with the mermaid country guy and the king, and he immediately understood that she should be a mermaid. He is a master of the country's disaster response period, and his status must be equivalent to that of Man Yunhua in the Pirate League.As for the seat on the left side of the hall, there is only one person sitting, and that is Ding Haitang.

As soon as Long Fei and Man Luo entered the reception hall, the mermaid countryman stared straight at Long Fei, making Long Fei feel creepy.As for the mermaid king, his eyes kept scanning Long Fei, as if he wanted to take a closer look at Long Fei.However, the expressions of Man Yunhua and the mermaid country's master of the tribulation period were relatively flat, and there was no change.

"Greetings to ancestors and seniors! I have met fellow Taoists!" After paying respects to Man Yunhua and the graceful old lady, Long Fei and Man Luo bowed their hands to the others one by one.

"Don't be too polite! Senior three, you have regained the appearance of a man!" Man Yunhua waved his hands, unable to tell her mood at this time.


Long Fei handed over again, and after the "Transfiguration" was displayed, with a burst of "crackling" bones and bones, Long Fei returned to his original appearance.In front of Man Yunhua, whether it was because of Man Luo or other people's cultivation, Long Fei naturally had special respect.What's more, Long Fei is indeed a fish on someone's chopping board now. If he is to be dealt with, it is completely up to others.

"Sure enough, he is very handsome and handsome! It has been many years since I have encountered such an excellent country representative. Hehe! Good." When the master of the mermaid kingdom saw Long Fei's true appearance, he couldn't keep the high-ranking person indifferent. His expression changed, and he praised with a smile.

The king of the Mermaid Kingdom, with a sexy and hot appearance, red lips, round breasts and round buttocks, any bloody man will have the idea of ​​committing a crime when he sees him.At this moment, the eyes she looked at Long Fei were dull. This may be the reason why she was too obsessed with thinking about men, and never thought of a good man!

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