Chaos fairy way

Chapter 309

This kind of strange energy is faintly present, which makes people feel chilly, horrified and numb to the soul.The divine sense couldn't detect it, just now Long Fei slightly sensed its sudden appearance by relying on his super perception, and then disappeared completely.

Before, Long Fei didn't find the existence of this strange energy in other places of the Dao Hall Group, but he suddenly sensed it as soon as he walked towards the main hall of the Dao Hall Group.

Immediately, Long Fei stopped, calmed down, expanded his divine sense to the extreme, and improved his perception to the best. He tried his best to explore the ins and outs of this strange energy, but unfortunately the strange energy never appeared after Long Fei stopped.

"Hehe! Interesting." Long Fei murmured to himself, and then walked towards the main hall again. As expected, strange energy appeared again.While the dragon was flying, although it captured the sudden flashes of strange energy again and again, it couldn't sense where it came from, let alone analyze how it was produced.Long Fei walked forward slowly. Originally, it only took about a quarter of an hour to reach the entrance of the main hall, but it took nearly two hours. The number of times he sensed the strange energy was even more incalculable, but he still found nothing. new situation.

Maybe it's because my cultivation is not enough!Long Fei sighed secretly in his heart, he had no choice but to give up the detection of the strange energy, raised his right palm and pushed towards the main hall gate, but the gate did not move at all.Long Fei was surprised, and immediately increased his strength, but he still couldn't push the door open.


Long Fei raised his hands and pushed suddenly, two dark gray palm prints rushed out from his palms, and hit the door hard, but the door only shook slightly.

"Wow! Bang!"

"Wow! Bang!"

"Wow! Bang!"

Then Long Fei threw the Dayan Qingtian Sword and slashed at the gate. Although the sound was deafening and extremely powerful, it still couldn't break open, at most it just made the gate shake more violently.

Inside and outside the main hall, there is obviously a powerful and peerless formation, so that it cannot be broken by force.If one wanted to open the gate of the main hall, one would naturally have to find a way to destroy the formation that closed the gate of the main hall before entering the main hall.

Long Fei stood silently on the black stone platform outside the main hall, thought for a moment, then took out a bright yellow futon from the storage bag on his waist and put it on the ground, then sat cross-legged on the futon, and suddenly flashed in the sea of ​​thoughts For the information about "Tongban Chapter", I started to practice "Tongban Chapter".

Undersea Dao Temple, the light is relatively dim, and the visibility is not high. Its light comes from the light yellow energy light curtain like an egg shell.It is difficult for people to distinguish between day and night in the Undersea Taoist Temple, and they cannot feel the passage of time.For a cultivating monk, time can be described as fast, that is, opening and closing eyes. (This chapter is hand-written by a madman)

"I didn't expect that the "Tongban Chapter" and the Zhenzhen seal stone are the same as the blood-colored talisman seal given by Shangguan Qi. They are all spread in the Holy Eye Sea to break the eternal curse. Then the master who left these three items And who is it?"

Long Fei let out a mouthful of turbid air, slowly opened his eyes, his face was stupefied, then he frowned slightly and meditated for a while, then stood up, put away the futon, and took out a piece of pure futon from his waist storage bag with his right hand. The white square stones are the Zhenzhen seal stones.

Afterwards, Long Fei walked to the middle of the black stone platform outside the main hall, and looked at a very ordinary black spot in the middle with a smile on his face.Then bent down and squatted down, the left palm was close to the ordinary black spot, and a powerful force was injected into it.Hearing a sound of "Crack!", the stone under his right palm suddenly sank, forming a square groove, the size of which was the same as that of the Zhenzhen seal stone.


As soon as the Zhenzhen seal stone in Long Fei's right hand was put into the groove, the main hall door suddenly roared, and then opened slowly automatically, a majestic cold air burst out from inside the door, impacting Long Fei couldn't help shivering, and his body couldn't help but leaned back.

Inside the main hall, the cold air was thick and rainy, and countless black runes flew indiscriminately, densely covering the hall.Through the cold air and runes, one can vaguely see a black and translucent ball with a diameter of ten feet flying in the air of the main hall, slowly rotating, each fist is thick and weird, like a tadpole The black runes continuously flow around the ball; there are even gray energy threads winding around the ball.The rune is naturally a curse rune, and the energy thread is an array energy thread. Obviously, the ball not only contains vicious curse power, but also has a powerful array.

Long Fei walked into the hall with a dignified look, his spiritual thoughts were restrained within his body and he did not dare to look out, his perception was completely blocked, and he only relied on his vision to see everything around him.At this moment, countless black runes rushed towards Long Fei and surrounded him in an instant.

Surrounded by the black runes, Long Fei walked slowly towards the ball. Although his body was as strong as the Dayan Qingtian Sword, he could isolate the black runes from his body.However, although the black rune has a shape, it is actually formed by the condensed power of an invisible curse, so it is pervasive and cannot be taken advantage of.What's more, the deeper the hall was, the denser and bigger the black runes became. After a long time, Long Fei's body felt numb, which was the sign of rune invasion.

Long Fei's "Magnetized Yuanbo" worked hard, instantly transformed all the Yuanli in the body into magnetized Yuanli, and mobilized most of the magnetized Yuanli to float on the skin, finally repelling the cursed power that invaded the body.

After a while, Long Fei had reached the bottom of the ball, and immediately took out the blood-red talisman, and without hesitation leaped into the air, and the blood-red talisman in his hand stuck to the bottom of the sphere with a "slap".


The ball suddenly made a sound like howling ghosts and gods. The sound pulled people's hearts and souls, making people feel like their souls are being torn apart.At the same time, a powerful black light shot up into the sky, making the entire main hall even darker and gloomy.Immediately afterwards, with a sound of "Shua!", all the runes and yin energy in the main hall were suddenly restrained, and they were instantly collected into the ball.Immediately, the ball shook violently, and then made another "swish!", shooting out a silk-like black energy beam, which shot to the top of Long Fei's head in an instant.Countless runes, cold air, and formation energy filaments continuously penetrated into the top of Long Fei's head through the black energy beam.


Long Fei suddenly felt a splitting headache, his body was extremely itchy, his soul seemed to be tearing apart, and he tried his best to get rid of the empowerment of the black energy beam amidst the pain.But no matter how Long Fei moved or used any method, he couldn't avoid the black energy beam above his head.

With the continuous infiltration of runes, cold air, and formation energy filaments, Long Fei's lips became darker and darker, his eyes became darker and darker, and his complexion became darker and darker. In the end, the four words "horror" and "horror" were not enough. describe.

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