Chaos fairy way

Chapter 311 Returning to the Magic Eye

The scene in front of me is full of poisonous fog, and the energy of the formation is flying. Except for the lack of curse runes, it is the same as the holy eye.What surprised Long Fei was that through the poisonous mist and formation energy filaments, the sea water he saw was grayish white, not the pitch black water of the Holy Eye.Could this be the legendary magic eye?

Long Fei was surprised, and looked down at the sea water under the flying boat, it was as black as ink.

The water quality in the inner area is grayish white, and the water quality in the outer area is as black as ink, which is the characteristic of the magic eye.Unexpectedly, the holy eye and the magic eye are connected, one leads to the holy eye sea area, and the other leads to the magic eye sea area outside.

"Hehe! It's finally out, I'm not dead!" Long Fei couldn't suppress the joy in his heart, raised his hands to the sky, and shouted to the sky, his expression was extremely excited.


At this moment, a huge vortex suddenly appeared under the flying boat, which instantly involved the flying boat and pulled it into the bottom of the sea.

Did you make a mistake!Is it really true that extreme happiness brings sorrow?Will not be re-involved in the Holy Eye Sea!

Long Fei yelled secretly, and controlled the flying boat to rush out of the vortex with his powerful spiritual power.But the pulling power of the vortex was too strong, and Long Fei's spiritual power could not resist it, so that the flying boat was forced to fly along the bottom of the sea with the vortex.


Long Fei cast "One Blow to Break the Sky" suddenly, his body transformed into a golden ray, a vortex was shot out in an instant, and then he rushed out of the sea, drifted and fell, and stood on the water.

At this moment, Long Fei's expression seemed calm, but he was afraid for a while.If he hadn't made a decisive decision just now, abandoned the flying boat and fled, he really didn't know what would happen next.It is said that once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.After Long Fei experienced a trip to the sea area of ​​the holy eye, he was really afraid of the vortex under the sea, which was a phenomenon of heaven and earth.The Devil's Eye Sea Territory is extremely weird, and it's hard to guarantee that he won't be drawn into a strange place similar to or far more dangerous than the Holy Eye Sea Territory by the vortex again.

Afterwards, Long Fei threw the flying shuttle, and drove it very carefully towards the opposite direction of the Holy Eye.

The sea area near the magic eye is weird, unpredictable, and extremely dangerous. Even the masters of the catastrophe period dare not set foot in it. It is a place where monks are extinct.Long Fei possessed black pearls, poison-avoiding spirit armor and formation-breaking secret treasures, plus he was proficient in formation techniques, so although he encountered many dangerous places such as whirlpools, rapids, and traps along the way, But they can all be resolved in the end and get through without any danger.

The thick poisonous mist is gradually thinning, the dense formation energy threads are gradually decreasing, and the lore traps are becoming less and less common, which indicates that the dangerous sea area near the magic eye has passed.Long Fei's tense nerves finally relaxed, and the speed of the flying shuttle gradually increased to the extreme.


"Shut up!"

A day later, Long Fei looked at the place where the sea and the sky communicated, and he let out a long breath, a gleam of joy appeared in his eyes.

I saw a huge island in the distance, with beautiful mountains and green waters, auspicious mist like smoke, aura like belts, auspicious clouds floating in the sky, and the scenery of a fairy island.

There is actually such a wonderful place in the Magic Eye Sea Territory, let's go up and take a rest first.Long Fei was beaming with joy, and after making up his mind to pay attention, he immediately controlled the Feidu Shuttle and rushed towards the island in front.

The island is not far away, and it is within the visible range of sight; it is not close at all. Above the sea, the distance is much longer than that on the mainland.

Long Fei excitedly drove the imperial boat at high speed, guessing in his mind that this island might be the mysterious place mentioned by Wu Dao that possesses countless treasures, including fire heart water lotus.But as time passed by, the distance between the distant islands seemed to be getting closer, but its location was always at the place where the sea and the sky meet.

How far is it?By the way, this is a mirage!

Long Fei's imperial boat galloped for nearly two hours, and suddenly came to his senses amidst the astonishment, and immediately realized that he had entered the mirage area of ​​the Magic Eye Sea.

Afterwards, Long Fei took the Big Dipper as the direction at night, and the sunrise and sunset during the day as a reference. In a cloudy and rainy day, he searched for the sea to catch sea monsters and searched for a route, and decided that the north was advancing rapidly.Because the Magic Eye Sea Area is located in the south of Hainan District, Nanzhu Island, which is located in the middle of Hainan District, is naturally in the north of the Magic Eye Sea Area.

Along the way, the scenery in front of him often changed, sometimes he passed the peak that pierced into the sky, sometimes he went to the fairy house Qionglou Yuyu, and he even saw the ghostly hell on earth...Long Fei ignored all of them, only Recognize the true north direction, and ride the flying shuttle to ride the wind and waves.In the mirage area, there are phantom formations, traps, and sea monsters, but these are trivial to the current Long Fei.

Ten days later, in the distance ahead, thick smoke and gray ash enveloped the sea, and the poisonous fog floated in the thick smoke as black as silk.Looking at it, Long Fei knew that this was not a mirage, but a real scene.Because the thick gray smoke is the magic smoke, and the dark poisonous fog is the ghost fog, which marks the arrival of the magic smoke and ghost fog area in the magic eye sea area.

In the devil smoke and ghost fog area, according to Wudao, the magic smoke can cause monks to have hallucinations. If it is too long in the depths, the monks will easily go crazy due to hallucinations, just like practicing exercises and going crazy, and finally die of madness; ghost fog, inside It is highly poisonous and can devour deified flesh. If a monk is in it, if he has no means of defense, his body will turn into corpse water in an instant, and his soul will be swallowed.This is still secondary, but the more important thing is that there are many traps and illusions in the entire Devil Smoke and Ghost Fog area. These traps and illusions are all alive and changing from time to time, making it hard to guard against. No one knows what will be encountered in the next moment.

Long Feikou - Contains several rare and rare medicines that purify the heart and make sense, among them is a silver-white pill that is the top-level medicine that breaks illusions and clears the heart in Tianyougu; at the same time, Dayan Qingtian Sword Melting Sword On the body, the poison-avoiding spirit armor instantly floats on the body surface, preventing heavy blows from attacking the body, and preventing the poisonous ghost fog from devouring the deified flesh; then the secret treasure of breaking the formation is activated to the extreme, breaking all illusions, poison formations, etc.

After completing many defensive measures, Long Fei Yuzhou rushed into the devil smoke and ghost fog.


Suddenly countless black poisonous arrows poured down like heavy rain, like overwhelming mountains and seas, densely shooting at Long Fei from all directions and above, the momentum was huge, the attack was sudden, and ordinary people could not resist it. "Keng! Keng!" The voice was urgent and loud, and Long Fei was caught off guard for a moment, and was shot by the fierce and rapid arrow rain. Fortunately, his body was as strong as the Dayan Qingtian Sword, otherwise he would have suffered a great loss.


"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Long Fei suddenly opened the protective energy cover on the flying shuttle, resisting the overwhelming attacks of poisonous arrows.Long Fei was not afraid of the arrow rain's attack, but the Feidu Shuo was only a mid-level treasure that couldn't withstand such a swift poisonous arrow attack, so Long Fei had to activate the protective energy shield, which only consumed some top-quality spirit stones.Long Fei had no shortage of top-quality spirit stones, so he naturally squandered them at will.

Nearly two hours later, Long Fei finally rushed out of the arrow rain area at the cost of consuming countless top-grade spirit stones.But just as he wanted to take a breath and take a rest, the Feidu Shuo suddenly swayed violently, and then inexplicably rushed into the depths of the sea. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" The sound kept ringing, and huge rocks suddenly slammed into the flying shuttle from all directions in the sea, causing the flying shuttle to vibrate violently, as if it was about to fall apart.


Long Fei twisted his wrist with his right hand and threw it, and the Dayan Qingtian Sword flashed out a protective energy shield from the palm of his hand, instantly transforming the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine hilts of the flying sword, and scattered them in ten directions.Immediately afterwards, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the huge boulders within a thousand feet around the Feidu Shuttle were instantly smashed to pieces by the flying sword, and the explosion made sea water boil like boiling water.

Afterwards, Long Fei threw Dayan Qingtian sword one after another, and nearly ten thousand flying swords shot together one after another, bursting out wave after wave of siege by many huge boulders.


Feidushuo finally rushed out of the sea under the opening of Dayan Qingtian Sword, and galloped towards the north.

Half a day later, Long Fei escaped from a vortex under the sea, and then fell into the illusion of love-yu again.Fortunately, the yin and yang fish in Long Fei's body were automatically activated in time, so Long Fei didn't fall into love-yu and indulged himself to death.

Half a month later, Long Fei had almost exhausted all the top-quality spirit stones he carried with him, and consumed countless rare and rare medicines for his pure heart and wisdom. Finally, with lingering fears, he crossed the magic smoke and ghost mist area, and entered the stormy, monstrous waves.

In the magic eye tsunami area, the wind is strong and the waves are high, and sea snakes are rampant. Long Fei, whose cultivation base is only close to the peak of Yuan Dacheng, enters it alone. Naturally, he will be full of "bullying" from the sea snakes. Then a group.Long Fei drove the flying shuttle, opened the way with ten thousand swords, slashed all directions, cut a bloody road, and rushed to the north unstoppably.All the sea snakes seemed to be determined to eat Longfei, they chased after him relentlessly, blocked them constantly, they were not afraid of death, and they were not afraid of Longfei's iron and blood attack.

Long Fei killed all the way, the sea area was stained red with blood, and the corpses of sea snakes built a road to the sea of ​​corpses.The sea snake suffered heavy losses. Although Long Fei had a great time killing, he suddenly felt something was wrong.Because he had been fighting crazily before, he had already deviated from his original direction, and he didn't know where he was at the moment.He caught a sea snake and searched for God, but the sea snake didn't have any information to identify the direction in its mind.Then he caught more than a dozen sea snakes in a row to search for the gods, but the results were all the same, and he couldn't tell the direction.

In the magic eye tsunami area, the sky is covered by dark clouds all year round. It is difficult to see the sun rising and the moon setting, and it is even more difficult to see the Big Dipper rising to the north. Other methods of distinguishing directions such as watching the tide and listening to the wind are not applicable here.But at this moment, where Long Fei is, the situation is even worse. Even the sea breeze blows from one side and sweeps from the other side. I don't know which is that, let alone the direction.Long Fei could only look in one direction, and cut through the wind and waves, at an extremely slow speed, but consumed a huge amount of top-grade spirit stones.

One day later, all of Long Fei's top-quality spirit stones were exhausted, and the Feidu shuttle could no longer travel.

"Haha! Damn humans, you can't move an inch! Welcome to the Sea Snake Kingdom."

Just at this moment, a cold grinning sound came from afar, and then a stormy sea surged in front of Long Fei, the momentum was earth-shattering.

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