Chaos fairy way

Chapter 33 2 Size 2

Long Fei only felt a blur in front of his eyes, the seven palace lords disappeared, and what appeared in his eyes was a scene of the mortal market, with endless noise and noise.

"Okay, don't be dazed. By the way, what are your names?" Di Xuanzi seemed to have remembered something important again, touched his head, and asked a little embarrassed.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong stared at each other, completely speechless, thinking to themselves, is there such a master?The disciples are all accepted, but they still don't know their names, what is this called!

"Hey! Hey! You didn't hear me, why are you standing there stupidly!" Di Xuanzi blew his beard and stared.

It was Long Fei who reacted quickly and quickly said: "Master, my name is Long Fei, and his name is Niu Zhong. We are good brothers who grew up together. I was just wondering how we got here all of a sudden? Master, you are too amazing! "

"It's amazing! It's good to know how powerful it is. Just now it's called 'Thunderbolt Technique', and it can flash ten thousand miles." Di Xuanzi said proudly, holding his beard captive.

"Running Thunder Art, so powerful! Flashing ten thousand miles, which is stronger, or 'Flashing Shadow Art'?" Long Fei asked in amazement, remembering the Flashing Lightning Art performed by Xu Lan's aunt Nainai.

Di Xuanzi showed disdain, and said: "'Flashing Shadow Technique' is just a teleportation technique commonly used by monks above the Tuoyuan Stage. At best, it can only be compared with the primary stage of 'Thunderbolt Technique'."

Hearing this, Niu Chong approached curiously, and quickly asked, "Then is there anything faster than the Thunderbolt Technique?"

Di Xuanzi thought for a while, and replied: "There is no such thing as this world. I heard that there is one in the fairy world. It seems to be called 'Electric Chasing Technique'. Alright, now I will start teaching you."

"Master! Well, I still have a lot of questions for you to ask, two of which are particularly important? That is..." Long Fei and Niu Zhong hurriedly asked at the same time.

"Questions? Don't ask me questions before you have satisfied me with my teachings, especially questions that have nothing to do with each of my teachings. Even if you ask, it is useless. I won't Answered." Di Xuanzi blew on his thick white beard, interrupted Long Fei and Niu Zhong's words without any explanation, seeing that his expression looked like an old rascal, then changed his tone, and said seriously: " The first training session for you is to join the WTO as a sophomore in the shop, and after the customers and the boss are satisfied, the training is successful, and the next training session will be changed."

"What? Shopkeeper, master, are you kidding us?" After hearing the words, Long Fei was stunned for a moment, then went to his ear with his right hand, thinking that he had heard wrong, and asked hastily.Niu Zhong also looked at Di Xuanzi inexplicably.

"That's right, I just want to be the waiter in the shop. Don't talk nonsense." After Di Xuanzi finished speaking, he slapped Long Fei and Niu Zhong on the shoulders with both palms, and then held his right palm in the air, and two purple storage bags appeared in his hands. Then he added with a smirk: "I've sealed your spiritual power; I've also confiscated the storage bags for the time being, so you just go and be the waitresses in the shop!"

"Master, we are here to learn from you how to cultivate the truth, how did you become a waiter in the shop?" Long Fei's heart suddenly turned cold, but he still had a little expectation, and asked cautiously.However, the right fist struck the head a few times harder.There are too many strange things encountered today, one after another, Long Fei now feels more and more that he is dreaming.

"There's so much nonsense! Just follow along." After saying this, Di Xuanzi didn't even look at Long Fei and Niu Zhong, turned around, leaned back with his hands behind his back, tilted his head, and stretched out his big belly, shaking walked forward.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong were stunned for a while, one shook his head vigorously, and the other pinched his face fiercely. After realizing that it was not a dream, they could only follow with a sad face and full of resentment.

A moment later, a hotel called "Tian En Zhai" in front of them fell into the sight of the three of them.This hotel is quite large, with a restaurant in the front and an elegant courtyard in the back; the restaurant has two floors, with blue tiles and red columns, cornices and corners, carved beams and painted buildings, and red lanterns hanging high under the corners; the plaque of the restaurant stands in the middle of the first floor. On the glazed tiles, the three characters "Tianenzhai" are elegant and free.

The three of them had just stepped into the lobby of the restaurant when a chubby middle-aged man in a green shirt with a shiny face ran over with a smile on his face, nodded and bowed to Di Xuanzi, and said enthusiastically: " Engong, you are here! Hurry up! Hurry up! Please take a seat in the private room on the second floor. Li Er, take the hundred-year-old osmanthus dew from the shop and the eight famous dishes of Shangtian Enzhai."

"Well! Don't be too polite, just arrange a room for me to rest! Today, my main purpose is to send two little guys to be your waitresses in the free shop. Apart from giving them food, I don't need to give them anything else." Xuanzi was very satisfied with the performance of the middle-aged man, and nodded in relief.

"Okay! Then you will still live in the small courtyard in the backyard! I have reserved it for you all the time, and I will send a special person to take care of it. After a while, the good wine and food will be ready, and I will order my servants to deliver them directly to your place." Go to the room." The chubby middle-aged man didn't care about Di Xuanzi's dirty body, and he quickly supported Di Xuanzi forward, as if he was afraid that Di Xuanzi would fall, and his expression was definitely from the heart.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong looked at this scene in astonishment, feeling greatly surprised in their hearts.

As soon as Di Xuanzi heard the good wine and good food, his eyes lit up, he smiled happily, licked his lips, and said, "Good! Good! These two, you take them to do things now! Remember to report to me every ten days One time, what they do. By the way, strictly follow your shop rules, and don’t give them any special care just because I brought them here.”

"Yes!" The chubby middle-aged man bowed deeply to Di Xuanzi, and then took away Long Fei and Niu Zhong who were hanging their heads.

A fat middle-aged man named Kuang Ming is the owner of Tian En Zhai. He was a refugee and was rescued by Di Xuanzi when he was dying of starvation. This hotel was also funded by Di Xuanzi.

Ten days later, Kuang Ming came to Di Xuanzi's du li courtyard early, and waited until noon before Di Xuanzi slowly opened the door, obviously just woke up.

Di Xuanzi stretched, yawned, and asked casually with a satisfied and happy look, "How are they doing?"

Kuang Ming approached Di Xuanzi in a condescending way, and replied a little funny: "For ten days, Niu Zhong has been expressionless all day long, so some customers complained about his poor service attitude; Long Fei has had diarrhea for ten days in a row, The timing is also a bit of a coincidence, it's all meal time, and it's pulled until the hotel is about to close."

"Hehe! You're quite a slippery little guy." Di Xuanzi was a little annoyed, and then said: "Next, since Long Fei likes to squat in latrines, he will clean all the latrines in the hotel; Let him be in charge of welcoming guests at the hotel. If the two of you are disobedient, you will be spanked directly."

"Yes!" Kuang Ming said suspiciously, thinking to himself: Do these two little guys have a grudge against their benefactor?Then, bow and exit the courtyard.

Di Xuanzi looked at Kuang Ming's back, smiled slightly, and said to himself: Little guys, the hard days have just begun!

Another ten days passed, and Kuang Ming came to report on time.

Kuang Ming stood upright and said, "Niu Zhong, after ten days of welcome training, he can now smile, but some guests said that his smile is a bit fake, it's the skin, not the flesh!"

"Hehe!" Di Xuanzi rubbed his big belly, smiled dumbly, and then said: "Niu Zhong, let him continue to welcome guests until he can make the guests feel that his smile is sincere. How is Long Fei doing?"

Kuang Ming replied: "Long Fei refused to clean the latrine at first, but after being scolded a few times by my tigress (Kuang Ming's wife), he became more honest, and the latrine was cleaned on time. Worthy of recognition."

When Di Xuanzi thought of Kuang Ming's tigress-like wife yelling at Long Fei, Long Fei's mistreated cowardly face kept laughing strangely, and said, "Well! Well, as for Long Fei, let him Chong is the waiter of the shop. However, his training is directly in charge of your wife."

"Yes!" Kuang Ming left in response.

Ten days passed, and another ten days passed. Three months later, Kuang Ming entered the courtyard with a smile on his face.At this time, Di Xuanzi was sitting on the stone bench in the courtyard for the first time, apparently waiting for Kuang Ming to report.

Kuang Ming said with a smile: "Recently, Long Fei and Niu Zhong have performed very well. They can do everything from serving dishes, cleaning, and welcoming customers. The customers are quite satisfied. The boss Wang of the tailor shop opposite saw that Long Fei was so smart, The mediator wants to recruit Long Fei as a door-to-door girl. Benevolent! What do you think of this matter?"

Di Xuanzi touched his big belly and laughed out loud, even tears.After a while, I finally held back my laughter and said in a low voice, "Call them here! Today, we will leave."

"Yes!" Kuang Ming wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. He could only walk out of the courtyard with a face full of doubts, muttering as he walked: Gong Gong, what do you mean?When the two little brothers are promising, especially Long Fei, Boss Wang's daughter is a well-known husband and wife, but the benefactor wants to take her away, alas!I really don't understand.

After a while, Long Fei and Niu Zhong entered the yard.Both of them have become much more mature and stable, without the frivolity of young people, and more people have a sense of simplicity and sincerity.

"How do you feel about being a waiter for more than three months?" Di Xuanzi looked at the two with satisfaction, eyes full of kindness, and smiled.

Long Fei thought about it, and said seriously: "The waiter in the shop is very bitter. Every day, he has to force a sincere smile, flatter him, act in disgrace, and be angry with the boss. Life is very difficult!"

Niu Zhong continued: "Although this period of time was bitter, I felt fulfilled. After seeing the customers leaving satisfied, I felt a sense of accomplishment in my heart."

Di Xuanzi nodded in relief, and then said with a serious face: "You guys are just getting started, and instead of cultivating the truth, you are the waiter in the shop. Although you didn't say it, you must be full of resentment in your heart, and you are very puzzled. It has been more than three months Come on, the frivolity on your body has been worn away, and the exposed sharpness has been restrained a lot. This is the purpose of me asking you to be the waiter in the shop. Well, I am generally satisfied with your performance. This teaching ends here It's over. Next, let's proceed to the next lesson."

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