Chaos fairy way

Chapter 338

"Hehe! Isn't it just about the Lingshi? It's easy to say, how much Lingshi this news is worth, Guimeng will directly deduct it from my payment." Long Fei smiled heartily and said without hesitation.

"Okay! With the words of the third master, I will know everything, and will report the progress of the matter to you through the VIP gold medal at any time. As for the price of the news, since it involves the Golden Shark Clan, the overlord of the Southern Region, the search process must be quite tortuous. It's dangerous, so it's not easy to set a price for now, but it won't be less than 20 billion low-level spirit stones, I don't know..." Ning Bo said this, looked at Long Fei, and stopped talking further.

"No problem! As long as your information is reliable, the price is convenient for you. My payment is worth hundreds of billions, isn't it enough?" Long Fei took Ning Bo's words without hesitation and asked back.

"Oh! No! No! The third master misinterpreted the meaning. No matter how high the value of the news is, it will not exceed one-tenth of the third master's payment. The concubine just thinks that everything should be explained clearly in person, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles. Dispute. For a customer like the third master who is about to become a supreme VIP, I will never dare to offend him!" When Ning Bo said the word "supreme", his tone was a little serious, and his eyes when he looked at Long Fei were even more revealing. Look forward to it.

"Cough!" Long Fei suddenly remembered that the most honorable guest enjoyed the special service of being the first beauty of each branch of the Wanhai Business Alliance, that is, the special service of the third shopkeeper of Jiuding Building, so he couldn't help coughing in embarrassment. There's a clue!"

"Ah!" Seeing this, Ning Bo sighed deliberately showing displeasure, but she was discussing business at this time, so she didn't hold on to this issue, and then said slowly: "According to our many inquiries, You know, in the past year of the Golden Shark Clan, except for Jin Ying, the deputy head of the clan who went to the Huahuang Continent to fight for treasures in the ancient ruins of the Huahuang Continent more than nine months ago, and lost an arm when he returned with a broken feather, nothing major happened, and there were no new difficult enemies. However, three days ago, the Golden Shark Clan issued a rare prefecture-level pursuit order, which attracted the attention of the heroes of the southern region. It is said that the person who was hunted down was a powerful casual cultivator with amazing defense."

"The defense is amazing? Is there a portrait or image imprint of this person? What does the heavenly pursuit order mean?" Long Fei suddenly showed anxiety, and asked three questions in a row.

Long Fei entrusted the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce to inquire about the major events that happened to the Golden Shark Clan this year and in the future, and those people who hunted down and killed them.The purpose of Long Fei's doing this was naturally to find out the whereabouts of Niu Zhong from the side, and to determine the safety of Niu Chong.Long Fei didn't dare to inquire about Niu Zhong's news directly from the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce, because the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce's business spread all over the sea area, and it also had many agencies in the Huahuang Continent.For such a powerful organization, it is very likely that the Golden Shark Clan and Yin Mi Palace will also entrust it to search for clues about the whereabouts of Long Fei and Niu Zhong.If the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce is entrusted to directly inquire about Niu Zhong's news, then it is very likely that the two of them will be spied on by the Golden Shark Clan and the Yin Mi Palace. The whereabouts after arriving in the sea area and the whereabouts of the spirit-calling jade will also increase a lot of variables, and relying on the small metal statue to find people or sects who also have the small golden statue will also be greatly affected.

As for the imprint of the image, it is the appearance of the person he has seen, and the monk uses his spiritual thoughts to describe it in the soul wooden stick. Just like information, he only needs to use his spiritual thoughts to probe into the soul wooden stick to know.

At this moment, Ning Bo saw the sudden change in Long Fei's expression, and his eyes flashed with surprise, but he restrained himself in an instant due to professional reasons, and then said: "This casual cultivator, saying that his defense is amazing, even underestimates his strength. His defense should be described as evil among evildoers. Because he was able to resist high-level treasures with his body without getting hurt, do you think he is still human? What's more, this person can also perform superb disguise skills, even No one knows his real appearance, so his portraits and imprints are of course useless. As for the ground-level hunting order, it is the second-level hunting order of the Golden Shark Clan. The gold shark hunting order is divided into days, There are three levels of earth and human, the sky level is the highest, the earth level is the second, and the human level is the lowest."

Hearing Ning Bo's words, Long Fei could basically conclude that the casual cultivator who was hunted down should be Niu Zhong, so he calmed down his worries and asked calmly: "How is this person's strength? In addition, the sky-level and earth-level The level of killing order, what kind of killing level is it?"

"This person's cultivation base has reached close to the peak of the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty, but his combat power is far superior to that of the general peak of the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty. Otherwise, he will not provoke the prefecture-level killing order of the Jin clan, because the prefecture-level hunting order can be determined by the gold clan. The patriarch of the Shark Clan personally pursued and killed them. As for the sky-level pursuit order, it is natural that the masters of the Yingjie Period were born to pursue and kill them." Ning Bo's eyes showed a little admiration.It's no wonder that beauties love heroes!

"Oh! That's it!" Long Fei muttered to himself on the surface, and the worries in his heart disappeared immediately.Because Niu Zhong had reached the peak stage of being close to the Yuan Dynasty, as long as there were no masters in the tribulation period, no matter how strong the golden shark clan demon cultivators were, they would not be able to help Niu Zhong's perverted defense.Then Long Fei asked seemingly casually: "Where did the Golden Shark Clan finally find this casual cultivator?"

"Haixi area, ghost domain!" Ning Bo's long eyelashes trembled, showing fear.

Seeing this, Long Fei's heart suddenly became a little heavy, and he quickly asked: "Sister Guan Bobo looks very afraid of this ghost domain? I don't know what kind of place it is? There is no such thing as a ghost domain in the information about the Southern Territory in my hand." place."

"Ghost Domain is a jeopardy in the Southern Region, and it is also a treasure in the Southern Region. Because there are many ancient caves here, the ancient lore formations guarding the caves are naturally dotted around. The Ghost Domain is full of dangers and dangers. Shen was killed on the spot, even if the masters of the tribulation stage enter, they must be careful, and they dare not go deep into some places. As for the monks of the Yuan Dynasty, it is purely luck, and the monks below the Yuan Dynasty will definitely die. " Ning Bo picked up the tea on the tea table, took a sip, and calmed down the fear in his heart.

"Oh! I didn't expect there to be such a place in the Southern Territory. Since it is a treasure land, I would like to try it out. By the way, Sister Bobo, do you know if there is a sea chart of the Ghost Domain for sale in your business alliance?" Long Fei nodded slightly. Nodding his head, his expression didn't change much.

"There are sea charts, but please think twice before you act, the ghost domain is indeed extremely dangerous!" Ning Bo said with some concern.

"Thank you! I have my own discretion." Long Fei cupped his hands and thanked.

Then, Ning Bo ordered someone to fetch the ghost domain chart and handed it to Long Fei, and the required price would naturally be deducted from Long Fei's payment.Afterwards, Long Fei asked Ning Bo about those sects in the Southern Region who were good at puppetry, and learned that the soul sects in Haixi area of ​​the entire Southern Region were the most outstanding, and the establishment of the sect was also the earliest.However, there is one thing that surprises outsiders about these sects with puppet arts, that is, they recognize the specific time of the sect's founding as a secret of the sect, and outsiders have no way of knowing it. Naturally, the Hainan Chamber of Commerce has no relevant information.Long Fei inquired about sects that were good at puppet art, and his purpose was to find people or sects who also had small metal statues among these sects.

Afterwards, Long Fei politely declined Ning Bo's invitation to have lunch together, and left Jiuding Building with Jiang Wen and Chen Pi full of complaints, and returned to Haitian Pavilion.Long Fei and the three of them ate something roughly, then went back to Tianzi No. [-] room to pack their things, and then went straight to the North District of Nanzhu Island.Because the teleportation array going to Huxiaoshan Island, the center of the southern region, is the northern region.

The South Pearl Island teleportation array is controlled by the Tiger Roaring Mountain Hainan Branch. Although it can only be teleported to the Tiger Roaring Mountain, and the teleportation fee is quite high, there is still an endless stream of monks going back and forth between the two places.This is also an important source of income for Hainan Branch, and it is also one of the most coveted fats of the shrimp family.

After Long Fei and the others arrived at the teleportation platform square, they bought the first batch of three teleportation places from the guardians of the teleportation array with [-] spirit stones.


With the sound of a roar, the figures of Long Fei and the three of them gradually blurred as the teleportation platform turned faster and faster, and then completely disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Li Yingdong and Lingshan were standing in front of the window on the second floor of a shop on the side of the square, looking at Long Fei who disappeared in the teleportation array.

"He left Nanzhu Island in such a hurry and headed for Huxiaoshan Island, what's the matter?" Lingshan looked blank, but her tone seemed complicated.

"He went to the Jiuding Building before. I guess he must have inquired about some important news from the Jiuding Building, so he left in such a hurry. However, all his whereabouts are still within our monitoring range. I have just appointed several A disciple secretly followed him to Huxiaoshan Island." Li Yingdong captured Nongxu, as if he was in control of the overall situation.

"In order to ensure everything is safe, we will head to Huxiaoshan Island after Wu Cangyun and others from the Hainan sub-command return to Nanzhu Island tomorrow." Lingshan said thoughtfully.

"Okay!" Li Yingdong nodded, and then seemed to remember something, with a strange smile on his face, "Hey! Lingshan, it's only two months since your Taoist partner selection meeting, this time you After returning to the sect, the Great Elder will not allow you to leave the sect again!"

"I believe that Uncle Li will always have a solution." When Lingshan heard about the First Elder, her dull expression was immediately mixed with some coquettish expressions.

"Cough! Cough! Why is it me again? You!" Li Yingdong coughed twice, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Tiger Roaring Mountain! Here I come."

After half a quarter of an hour of darkness, the glare of the sun suddenly fell, and those monks who had never been in the teleportation array before suddenly stood on the teleportation platform, and it took a long time to recover their eyesight.Naturally, Long Fei and the others were not in this case. Jiang Wen raised his hands immediately and shouted excitedly, which aroused strange eyes from many monks.

"Third Master! Next, we will still stay in the most luxurious restaurant on Huxiaoshan Island, or..." Chen Pi asked in a low voice.

"No! Go directly to Haixi area." Long Fei said without doubt.

Afterwards, the three of Long Fei didn't stay on Huxiaoshan Island for a moment, and they directly arrived at Yuwei Islet, the central island of Haixi area, via another teleportation.This time they didn't stay in the most luxurious restaurant in Yuwei Island, but chose Tianfulou, an inconspicuous small restaurant.

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