Chaos fairy way

Chapter 341

Ghost Domain, famous for its viciousness, is the burial ground for monks who came to seek their dreams. There are countless bloody tragedies. Thousands of years ago, there was a master who was in the robbery period who entered the ghost domain and never returned.This makes every monk who enters the ghost domain to hunt for treasure by chance have to keep in mind the experience and lessons of previous treasure hunts, and take extra care in every step.

After the eleven monks from the Thief Slayer Seventh Squad entered the dense fog, they asked each other and learned that everyone heard different sounds, such as the roar of tigers roaring in the mountains and forests, the joyous cries of fish swimming in the open sea, and even more. The scream of the eagle hitting the sky, and so on, these sounds are indeed mixed with the sound of the stream.

At this moment, all the monks finally fully believed in the words of Jin Xing, their spiritual thoughts were completely restrained, their eyes could not be closed tightly, and they only used their sense of hearing to identify the source of the sound of the stream, and then walked away slowly.

An hour later, the sound of the stream flowing was still there, and the source of the sound was still ahead.

Two hours later, nothing changed.

Three hours later, Long Fei estimated that he had penetrated into the dense fog for more than [-] miles, but the noise of the market and the sound of the stream that he heard still existed without any change.

"Ha ha!"

Suddenly a grinning laugh resounded through the thick fog, waking up all the monks from the state of following the sound.The laughter did not come from the strange monks, nor did it come from the Venus that led everyone here, it turned out to be the last golden line.

Jin Xing's laughter was too sudden, full of killing intent.Long Fei seemed to have guessed something in his astonishment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and found that Jin Xing and other ten shark demons surrounded him tightly at this moment, and they were looking at him like a fool with different expressions.Long Fei immediately understood what was going on, Jin Xing and the shark demons had been acting before, the purpose was to lure him here, and then harm him.

"Captain, brothers, what do you mean?" Long Fei remained calm, looking around at the surrounding Sharks with a blank expression.

"Hehe! Xia Libang, in vain you have been the deputy head of the shrimp clan and lived in the sea where the weak and the strong preyed on you for a long time. You were tricked into this place before and you could barely say it was a moment of carelessness. Now that you have reached this point, you have not discovered the clues of the matter, you It's really stupid. Sigh! The subordinate race is the subordinate race!" Jin Xing was immediately amused by Long Fei's silly appearance, and his words showed contempt for Xia Libang (Long Fei).

"Captain, what's going on here?" Hearing Jin Xing's words, Long Fei's face became more bewildered, he asked another question without knowing it, and walked towards Jin Xing slowly, seemingly in a daze.

"Xia Libang! Thinking that you still have the heart to do your best for the Shark Clan, I will let you be a fool! Humph! You should never have killed Xia Xiongfei and offended Deputy Patriarch Jin Ying. Do you know that Xia Xiongfei is the patriarch of the Xia Clan strongly recommended by Deputy Patriarch Jin Ying? If you kill Xia Xiongfei, doesn’t it mean you slap Jin Ying’s Deputy Patriarch in the face?” Jin Xing shook his head speechlessly, Xia Libang (Long Fei) was beyond foolish Contrary to his imagination, now seeing Long Fei approaching him stupidly and unpreparedly, he was a little dumbfounded.

"Captain, Xia Xiongfei provoked the Golden Shark Clan to fight against Huxiaoshan. This is a heinous thing! Doesn't the Jin Polang patriarch appreciate my actions?" Long Fei's face turned pale, and he was anxious He argued vigorously, trying to let the shark monster present let him go, but he was still approaching Jin Xing.

"I really don't understand! Brothers, send him on the road." Jin Xing didn't bother to listen to Long Fei's explanation, and gave orders in a calm manner, not caring about Long Fei's approach at all. This was based on his absolute belief in the strength of his own side. .

"Wow! Chick!"

At this moment, Long Fei had entered within ten feet of Jin Xing, and suddenly stretched out his "Sword Soaring to the Sky", turning himself into a white sword shadow, which shot through Jin Xing's chest in one breath, and shot to a distance of about three feet There was a sudden slowdown, and the real body holding the Dayan Qingtian sword recovered and fell to the ground.Then Long Fei moved his right hand towards the storage bag on Jin Xing's waist, and the storage bag flashed into his right palm.

All of this was completed in just one and a half breaths, and Jin Xing still maintains a shocked expression, unable to believe what happened before.As for the other Sharks, they were also confused, it was too fast.


Jin Xingzhi's body suddenly exploded into pieces, the blood spread like mist, and the fragments splashed like crumbs.

"team leader!"

"team leader!"

"Damn it! How dare you kill the captain, we will tear you to pieces."

The shark demons finally came to their senses, roaring like thunder, their eyes turned red instantly, and they came to attack Long Fei with all kinds of treasures in their hands.

"Hey! Boom!"

Long Fei didn't say anything more, and responded to the shark demon's threat with practical actions. "Shooting Sword" was launched again, and a shark demon who was closest to him at the peak of his metamorphosis was blasted into a pool of broken corpses in a breath.


Jin Xing shouted anxiously, Jin Xing was dead, and he became the commander of the whole team, which was agreed before the team set off.

Following Jin Xing's order, the remaining nine shark demons immediately drifted around Long Fei rapidly, interspersed with each other.Their drifting speed became faster and faster, and the interspersed frequency became faster and faster, and finally they turned into gusts of wind like Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Art", and they could not be seen.


Deep in the encirclement surrounded by blasts of wind, Long Fei naturally wouldn't just sit still, he transformed into a hurricane Yu and rushed out of the encirclement, but it was a pity that he collided with several blasts of wind and flung back like hitting an iron wall.

After the gust of wind hit the encirclement, it only shook slightly.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

There was a gust of wind all around, and clusters of red flames the size of a fist suddenly burst out from within, rushing towards Long Fei one after another, and suddenly exploded a foot away from Long Fei, turning into impenetrable sparks that shot at Long Fei.With the increase of the red flames, the sparks connected together and finally turned into a sea of ​​flames, completely submerging Long Fei.

The red flame is extremely hot, far better than ordinary high-level treasures, but these shark monsters do not have top-grade treasures in their hands, so the red flame should become so powerful through the bonus of the odd formation.

Long Fei was bathed in the sea of ​​flames, his body was as strong as the top-grade treasure, the crescent moon magic blade, but the strength of the red flame was similar to the blow of the top-grade treasure.At this moment, although his life is not in danger, his clothes have been burned to ashes. If the anti-poison armor hadn't surfaced in time to cover his body, he would have been fighting naked.This is still secondary, the key is that as time goes by, the skin all over his body is being slowly burned and roasted, which is like roasting him like meat.


Long Fei roared angrily, the secret treasure of breaking the formation was fully activated, and his whole body suddenly glowed with green light, and then he stretched out his "Sword Soaring to the Sky", turning into a green light sword shadow, passing through the sea of ​​flames, and slamming into the encirclement surrounded by the gust of wind.


The Gale Surrounding Circle actually resisted Long Fei's "Shooting Sword" attack with the Dayan Qingtian Sword in his hand, which surprised Long Fei.The Dayan Qingtian Sword is a top-grade treasure, and to block a blow from it, the blocker must also have a top-grade treasure.

"This formation is really against the heavens! It can be regarded as a top-grade treasure. No wonder the Shark Clan has a top-grade treasure in the face of Niu Zhong, and they dare to divide into ten teams to chase and kill Niu Zhong." After Long Fei gave a strong blow, Surrounded by the gust of wind again, he returned with a shock, sighing secretly in his heart.

The surrounding area of ​​the blast stabilized after a violent shock, but although it withstood Long Fei's powerful blow, there was a blast that turned red, obviously the owner of the blast was injured in the reckless fight.At this moment, the attack of the red flames of the blasts was also forced to stop, and the sea of ​​flames gradually extinguished.

"The silk wraps the ice!" The one who gave the order was Jin Xing.But he was like a gust of wind, moving too fast to be followed.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

The gust of wind encirclement is composed of nine gusts of wind, and suddenly a biting cold wind blows out from within the nine gusts of wind, sweeping towards Long Fei from all directions.

Long Fei was in the encirclement and had nowhere to hide, so he had no choice but to resist.


As soon as nine cold winds blew, they slammed into each other fiercely with Longfei as the junction point. For a while, the wind surged and the energy surged.Although this attack did not hurt Long Fei, whose body was as firm as a crescent moon magic blade, the temperature around Long Fei dropped sharply, and frost was densely covered in an instant, and Long Fei's body was frozen stiff.

Long Fei swung and pushed his hands violently, and two dark gray palm prints rushed out from his palms, the holes were pierced so that the air was squeaking, and they swept towards the front and surrounded by the gust of wind.Immediately afterwards, Long Fei wanted to cast "Sword Soaring to the Sky" again, following the two palm prints, and took the opportunity to rush out of the encirclement surrounded by the blast.

But at this moment, traces of light yellow energy threads suddenly appeared around Long Fei, and these energy threads instantly entangled Long Fei into a cocoon.Long Fei was deep in the cocoon, unable to move his whole body, and naturally he couldn't use the "Sword Soaring to the Sky".


The two dark gray palm prints hit the Gale Encirclement with momentum like a rainbow. Unfortunately, although the momentum was huge, it only made the Gale Enclosure shake a few times.


At this moment, the energy silk's restraint on Long Fei was getting tighter and tighter, and the majestic energy in Long Fei's body suddenly rushed out of his body, but he couldn't break through the energy silk cocoon.

The situation is very critical, but the shocking things have just begun.After Long Fei failed to attack the silkworm cocoon with his elemental force, he suddenly found that his physical body was split apart in a line by the impact of the elemental force just now.

how so?It must be this weird cold wind that makes the fleshy body become as brittle and hard as ice, and it will crack if it is stretched.Long Fei's mind was spinning quickly, and he immediately figured out the reason.Then, the Dayan Qingtian sword in his hand entered his body, and it turned into a white glove in his body.


The dense magnetized Yuanli sword suddenly scattered from Long Fei's body to all directions, as Long Fei expected, it instantly cut the silkworm cocoon to pieces.Long Fei broke out of the cocoon and took advantage of the situation to cast the "Breaking Sky Seal" again. The two dark gray palm prints rushed towards the encirclement surrounded by the wind, and then turned into a white sword shadow, and shot away following the palm prints.



The Gale Encirclement was first hit by the Potian Seal, and then sharply slashed by the white sword shadow. It almost collapsed in the violent shock, and another gale was red, and the red color was thicker. Obviously, its owner was injured more than before. Dao Blast Master is heavier.

"This thief is too powerful! Aurora destroys the thief!" Jin Xing's roar came from the encirclement surrounded by the blast.

Following Jin Xing's order, a dazzling white light spot suddenly flashed within the nine blasts.As soon as these white light spots flashed, they suddenly grew bigger and longer, and in an instant they grew and became connected to each other, forming a scorching white light circle that surrounded Long Fei in its center.


Once the circle of light is formed, it burns until the air explodes again and again, and the energy it emits is extremely frightening and frightening, which is definitely worthy of a blow from the most top-grade treasure.What made Long Fei even more horrified was that the circle of light was shrinking rapidly, cutting around it soundlessly.If it is cut, it will peel off its skin if it does not die.

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