Chaos fairy way

Chapter 344

The place where Niu Zhong was trapped was an ancient relic, located on an island in the core area of ​​Huangquan.This island is called the Devil Island by the Golden Sharks, which means the island where the devil is trapped.

Niu Zhong was trapped on Alcatraz Island, and the whole process is embarrassing.To put it simply, his whereabouts were discovered by the third team of demon cultivators, and he was besieged. During the fierce battle with the enemy, he triggered an ancient formation and fell into an underground tomb.Although Niu Zhong killed several demon cultivators who fell into the ancient tomb with him, he was unable to break through the blockade of the remaining demon cultivators on the entrance of the ancient tomb.And the remaining demon cultivators are also afraid of Niu Zhong's perverted defense and the top-grade treasure Taiji Chongyuan Shield, so they only seal but not attack, and wait for the patriarch Jin Polang to bring the top-grade treasure "Jinsha Mietian" to help.

Regarding these situations, Long Fei had already learned about them when he searched for the captain of the second team of Gods and Thieves.

Two days later, Long Fei turned into a hurricane and blew to a small island with green trees, and suddenly stopped drifting, standing on the crown of a towering old tree.Afterwards, he took out the sea sound conch of the shrimp family, and transmitted the sound to the mouth of the snail. At the same time, he walked around the thread with a trace of spiritual thought, and finally entered the mouth of the snail to check the sound transmission information in the sea sound snail.

At this moment, Long Fei is in contact with Niu Zhong, because according to the information obtained from searching the gods and demon sharks, this small island should not be more than [-] miles away from the Kundao Island, which means that it has entered the sound transmission range of Haiyinluo Within a short period of time, he was able to contact Niu reuse Haiyinluo. [

After a while, a pleasantly surprised smile hung on the corner of Long Fei's slightly raised mouth, obviously he had already connected with Niu Zhong.But after a while, solemnity and anger filled Long Fei's cheeks, thinking that Bi Niuzhong's situation should be bad.

About a quarter of an hour later, Long Fei frowned and put away the Haiyin conch in deep thought, and then changed into Xia Libang's appearance, his expression hurriedly drifting away to the trapped island.

Just now, Long Fei did get in touch with Niu Zhong, and learned that Niu Zhong's life is still in danger.But now Jin Polang has rushed to the Devil Island, and is using the top-grade treasure Jinsha Mietian to attack Niu Zhong frantically.Niu Zhong relied on the top-grade defensive treasure Taiji Zhongyuan Shield, as well as a large number of top-quality spirit stones, crystals, and ancient medicines obtained from the ancient cave, to temporarily resist the strong attack of Jin Polang and the demon cultivators.But after a long time, the ancient tomb might not be able to withstand the continuous attacks of Jin Polang and other demon cultivators.Once the ancient tomb is broken, Niu Zhong will be deeply besieged by all the demon cultivators. With his own attack power and movement speed not good enough, he will definitely suffer a big loss and is very likely to be caught.

The situation is critical, and Niu Zhong must be rescued as soon as possible.But the enemy has a total of eight teams, that is, more than 40 peak masters who have achieved great success and more than 40 masters who are close to the peak.Eight of these masters can form a strange formation, which is equivalent to a top-grade treasure. Then add the real top-grade treasure Jinsha Mietian, and the enemy has more than ten top-grade treasures.Faced with such a disparity in the strength of the enemy and ourselves, how to resist it?

No matter how dangerous the road ahead is, we must go!No matter how difficult things are ahead, it must be done!Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, even dragon pools and tiger lairs, no matter how difficult and difficult it is, let it die and live, for the sake of brotherhood, dragons and flying will definitely break through and go.

But Long Fei wouldn't force himself to do anything reckless, and after learning that Niu Zhong could still persist, he already had a plan in mind.

At this moment, Long Fei had been drifting above the sea surface for more than a day, and finally reached a sea area hundreds of miles away from the island where Niu Zhong was trapped.Originally, according to his drifting speed, he could reach this place in less than a day, but his current identity is Xia Libang, so he dare not use "Wind Shadow Art" to the extreme, so as not to reveal his flaws.

On the surface of the sea, Long Fei didn't turn into a gust of wind, but his figure flashed from side to side, so ordinary masters who have escaped Yuan Dacheng can find his existence.

"Stop! What are you doing here?"

While Long Fei (Xia Libang) was drifting, suddenly there was a stern shout from ahead, and then a golden shark broke through the water, stood on the water, and stared at Long Fei with an unfriendly expression.

"In Xiaxia Libang, the deputy head of the original shrimp clan, a few days ago, to help the main clan kill the villains, was invited by Jin Ying, the deputy head of the clan, to join the Seventh Squad. Alas! We didn't know that we were not successful, but we were catastrophe. When the Thieves Seventh Team was searching for Xiaoniao Island in the west area of ​​the ghost domain, they were suddenly ambushed by a mysterious middle-aged monk. As a result, all eleven members of the Thieves Seventh Team were sent away by Captain Jin Xing Outside the formation, the other brothers were all martyred within the formation. Woohoo! Ten brothers! My ten brothers are gone just like that! And my benefactor, my boss Jin Xing, is also dying like this Die in front of me. Woohoo! I come here now to avenge my brothers and kill the villain. I want to see Patriarch Jin Polang and ask him to send me to fight the villain alone and end him." Long Fei looked furious, sobbing as he spoke.

"It's true that you are from the Shrimp Clan. Your affection is respectable. Let's go!" The golden shark demon drifted indifferently to Long Fei hundreds of feet away, took out a black box-shaped utensil and shook it at Long Fei, but did not find it. After something changed in the equipment, his expression slowed down, signaling for Long Fei to go over.

"Thank you!"

After Long Fei cupped his hands and saluted, he just passed the Golden Shark Demon while drifting.

But at this moment, the Golden Shark demon suddenly flipped his right hand, and a giant gold net swept into the air, opened with a "wow", and caught Long Fei in the net instantly.

"Brother! What do you mean by this? are a villain of the human race? Villain, you kill my clansmen and my brothers, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go. Our patriarch Jin Polang will kill you thousands of times!" I'll let you die!" After Long Fei looked blank, he struggled frantically and cursed angrily.

"Okay, brother, he is not a villain of the human race. It is an extraordinary time, we must act cautiously, please do not take offense! After meeting the patriarch and confirming your identity, we will definitely let you go, and the patriarch will also I will reward you a lot." A bloated golden shark demon broke out of the water and said calmly.

"Oh! So that's the case! Obstacle! Obstruction! It should be so." Long Fei looked relieved, heaved a sigh of relief, and stopped struggling.

Afterwards, under the escort of two golden shark demons, Long Fei drifted towards the Devil Island. [

Sleepy Devil Island is small in size, but only [-] miles deep. The strange peaks protrude like dragons, the steep rocks are like soldiers protecting each other, and the stream flows down the forest and the mountains add more aura. This is indeed a treasured place of feng shui It should also be a quiet place.

But at this moment, the ground on Sleepy Demon Island shook, the sound shook the sky, and the shouts were like thunder.In the center, the mountains were destroyed, the ground was cracked, the rocks were broken and the stream was broken. The violent energy was churning like waves. Waves of terrestrial winds swept in all directions. Wherever they passed, trees fell and grass broke, sand and rocks flew, and dust and mist filled the air.An earth-shattering battle is going on here.

A brown gourd, ten feet thick, simple and green, hangs above a valley in the center of the island, with the gourd's body tilted and its mouth facing upwards.There is a valley under the brown gourd. The valley is festered and there is no good ground. A large pit nearly ten feet wide is located in the center of the valley.The bottom of the big pit is black and shiny, and there are eight trigrams engraved on it.The brown gourd is the ultimate treasure of the Golden Shark Clan, Jinsha Mietian, and the bottom of the big pit is the shield surface of Niu Zhong's Taiji Chongyuan Shield.



The brown gourd "Golden Sand Destroys the Sky" is like setting off fireworks, balls of golden material spray out from the mouth of the gourd, and once it enters the air, it suddenly explodes with a "boom!", turning into layers of golden sand , covering the sky and covering the earth, like a waterfall pouring down to the bottom of the big pit, falling on the shield surface of the Taiji Chongyuan Shield and the surrounding mud and rocks.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

"Crack crackle crackle!"

The sound is like fried beans, one after another, urgent and hurried, dense and concentrated.

The sand hit the shield surface, splashing several sparks, which is very gorgeous.

The sand is not real sand, but is transformed by a strange golden energy. After they hit the surface of the Taiji heavy element shield, they exploded immediately, and the heavy golden energy faded and disappeared into the world.


During the interval between Jinsha's attack on the shield surface, a silver gun, a black ax and other high-end treasures were used to attack the shield surface and the mud and rocks around the shield surface.

The shield surface is the shield surface of the main body of the Taiji Chongyuan Shield. It was attacked by waves of golden sand gaps, and was slashed by many high-level treasures. Although it shook, it was not damaged. It is worthy of being a top-grade defense treasure. .However, although the Taiji Heavy Yuan Shield is strong, the mud and rocks around it are hard to resist.These mudstones are the tomb wall of the ancient tomb where Niu Zhong was trapped. Although there is a powerful formation defense inside the ancient tomb, it is also overwhelmed by the constant attacks of top-grade treasures and many high-level treasures, and it is rapidly thinning. Cracks slowly.

"Brothers! Don't relax! Hurry up and attack! It will take a while, this ancient tomb will be destroyed." Jin Polang raised his hands to the sky, pointing directly at the bottom of the brown gourd "Jinsha Mitian", and shot at the bottom of the brown gourd "Jinsha Mitian". On the bottom of the gourd, he is injecting energy into "Golden Sands Destroying the Sky".

"Slay the villain! Take revenge for the tribe."

All the demon cultivators were distributed on the mountain peaks around the valley, grasping various magic formulas, mobilizing their high-level treasures, and frantically attacked the shield surface of the Taiji Chongyuan Shield and the wall of the ancient tomb.


The sound of cracks was very weak, and it was inaudible amidst the sound of metal clashes and many other battle sounds, but these demon cultivators who had reached the Great Achievement of Metamorphosis could hear it.

"The cracks in the ancient tomb have increased a lot, and the walls of the tomb are about to collapse. Brothers! Give me the strongest blow and smash the ancient tomb in one fell swoop." Jin Polang's anger subsided a little when he heard the sound of cracks. The color became thicker, and he wanted to increase the injection of Yuanli into Jinsha Mietian while speaking.

"Report! Xia Libang of the Xia clan took the initiative to come to kill the thief. He said that he was ordered by the deputy head of Jin Ying to join the seventh team of the thief. It is difficult for our captain to tell whether this is true or not, so we sent both of us to escort him to see him. Patriarch, to clarify its real situation." A golden shark demon escorting Long Fei (Xili Bang) drifted to the vicinity of Jin Polang and bowed.

"I have already received a report from Jin Ying about Xia Libang's joining the Thief Seventh Team. I didn't expect that he was still alive in the Seventh Thieves Team. Bring him here and let him join the attack. In addition, the deity wants to consult the Thief Seventh Team personally. The situation of all the brothers in the team being brave and benevolent." After Jin Polang finished speaking, he gritted his teeth, mobilized all the energy that could be mobilized in his body, and poured it into Jinsha Mietian's gourd with both hands, and the energy of the two arms suddenly increased by nearly one times. [

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The other demon cultivators tried their best to show the strongest blow, mobilized the strongest treasures, and concentrated on attacking the tomb wall around the shield.

"Crack! Boom!"

The wall of the tomb was broken, and the sound of the ancient tomb's collapse suddenly sounded.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 340 Four Dangerous Cattle:

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