Chaos fairy way

Chapter 350

Zhou Yuanshan waved his hand at Long Fei, signaling to Long Fei that there is no need to continue, and then said with a calm expression: "The Golden Shark Clan has always acted arrogantly and arrogantly. People, so the matter between the two of you and the Golden Shark Clan should be the fault of the Golden Shark Clan. Speaking of which, what the two of you have done has given a bad breath to the monks of the human race!"

"Thank you for your trust, senior! By the way, senior! Can you tell me now, who is the person with the high-level soul puppet, and how to find him?" After Long Fei thanked him, he went straight to the topic.

"Not busy! Not busy! Let's chat a little more, let's talk about this matter again! The old man invited you here this time, besides this matter, there is another matter to discuss with you. For this After thinking about it, you already have a guess." Zhou Yuanshan said slowly.

"The younger generation is a little surprised and has some guesses. Because although the "Imperial Puppet Art" is a township art of the Shrimp Clan, it only serves as a reference for the Soul Sect, so it is not possible for you to summon it in person. Junior. Senior, if you have anything to ask, please say it directly, and I will definitely do my best." Long Fei looked very serious.

"Little friend, Wu Lingshan, the grandson of the Great Elder Wu Xiaoshan, recruited a Taoist partner? I think you already know about it. I wonder if you two are willing to participate?" Zhou Yuanshan did not answer Long Fei, but changed the topic instead. [

Long Fei looked at Zhou Yuanshan in confusion, suspecting that he was here as a lobbyist for Wu Xiaoshan, so he replied firmly: "Senior! Both of the younger brothers already have someone in their hearts, so Wu Lingshan's Taoist partner recruitment The meeting, the two of us will not participate."

"Oh! Really? That's very good! The old man said it straight to the point." Hearing Long Fei's resolute tone, Zhou Yuanshan immediately hid a hint of joy in his piercing eyes, but his expression didn't move at all, and he said again: " The old man invites you to meet, and his real intention is for Wu Lingshan's Taoist companion selection meeting in three days. Wu Lingshan, with amazing aptitude and high cultivation level, is called "No.1 after the Three Heroes" by the cultivators in the Southern Region. She is also the granddaughter of Wu Qianfeng, the Great Elder of Huxiao Mountain. Therefore, her Taoist companion recruitment conference will definitely attract the attention of young monks in the southern region and even the entire sea region. Amazing. Yonger is one of them. He is very infatuated with Wu Lingshan, and he wants to become Wu Lingshan's Taoist companion. But his combat power is not the opponent of the other two of the three masters of the Southern Territory, so he wants to be the Taoist companion. It is extremely difficult to stand out and marry Wu Lingshan in the election conference. Therefore, the old man invited the little friend to help Yong Er win the championship of the Taoist partner selection meeting and become Wu Lingshan's Taoist partner as he wished."

"Senior! I'm afraid this won't work. The younger brothers have already become the sky-level targets of the Golden Shark Clan, and Huxiaoshan Island has long been guarded by a master of the Golden Shark Clan. Therefore, in order to prevent the identity from being exposed, I really don't want to Dare to participate in the Taoist Companion Recruitment Conference." Long Fei looked helpless.

"It's not difficult! As long as the little friend agrees to help Yonger win the championship in the Taoist Companion Selection Conference, this old man will naturally have a way to ensure that no monk will find out your true appearance, and he will be absolutely sure to send the two of you out safely." Southern Region." Zhou Yuanshan held Bai Xu captive, and his tone was very sure.

"Send it out of the Southern Region safely?" Long Fei couldn't help pondering. This condition is too tempting. The teleportation array on Huxiaoshan Island is guarded by the masters of the Golden Shark Clan Yingjie. With the current strength of him and Niu Zhong, it is the law to respond. He escaped under the nose of the master robber.Seeing that Zhou Yuanshan was so confident in sending the two of them out of the Southern Territory, he was naturally moved. Coupled with the information about the high-level soul puppet supporter that he had to obtain, he couldn't refuse Zhou Yuanshan's conditions at this moment.Long Fei thought for a while, and after he had a plan in mind, he said solemnly: "This junior is willing to help Sect Master Zhou! I don't know what is the plan of the senior? And how can I get out from under the nose of the master of the robbery period? "

"The plan is simple! I will give you an identity token, and then you will participate in the Taoist Companion Selection Conference as the Deacon Elder of the Soul Gate, and then remove all obstacles for Yonger in the selection competition and help him win the championship. Old man I have the confidence to help you leave the Southern Territory without anyone noticing. This is because there is a secret treasure in this sect that can be regarded as a top-grade treasure. This secret treasure is called Bullying Tianyu. It is filled with various peerless formations, which can Deception monk's spiritual detection and perception. After this jade is aroused to the extreme, it is generally impossible to detect the real situation of the master of the deception jade after one or two kalpas." Zhou Yuanshan said.

"I don't know how many bullying jades senior has? There are two of us." Long Fei was overjoyed in his heart, but his expression remained calm.

"Only one piece! However, I can ask Yonger to send your brother out of the Southern Region first, and then bring back the bullying jade, and give the bullying jade to you. After you help Yonger win the championship, I will I will personally accompany you to leave the southern region through the teleportation array." Zhou Yuanshan picked up the teacup on the tea table, took a sip of tea, and moistened his throat.

"Okay! That's great! Senior, can you tell me about the person who has a high-level soul puppet?" Long Fei asked.

"She is the daughter of a good friend of the old man, named Ruan Dongxiu. As for her place of residence, the old man needs to seek her advice before telling Yu Xiaoyou. Don't worry, the old man will discuss with her personally. Before the election meeting ends, I must give my little friend a satisfactory answer." Zhou Yuanshan looked confident.

Next, Long Fei discussed with Zhou Yuanshan some details about participating in the Daoist Companion Selection Conference, and also asked Zhou Yuanshan for some training and techniques.

The next day, Niu Zhong took Bullying Tianyu with him and left the Southern Region, accompanied by Zhou Jianyong, for the Western Region, because Ruan Dongxiu was in the Western Region.

On the morning of the third day, Long Fei, Jiang Wen, Chen Pi, and Zhou Jianyong, a group of monks from the Soul Sect, arrived at Yuwei Islet via teleportation, and moved into the Soul Gate located in the Yuwei Islet office.

At noon, Zhou Jianyong strongly invited Long Fei to go to Yellow Crane Tower, the most famous restaurant in Huxiao Mountain, to have a feast.Long Fei upholds the fine tradition of Dixuanzi, naturally he will not refuse delicious food, and will go there with pleasure.

The Yellow Crane Tower, built near the lake, is as high as nine floors. It is named after a legend that a monk once rode a crane here.

After a while, Long Fei, Zhou Jianyong and others arrived at the Yellow Crane Tower, and then went straight up to the ninth floor.

"Soul Gate Zhou Jianyong! I heard that he also likes Wu Lingshan very much, and he is a popular candidate for Wu Lingshan's Taoist couple."

"I'm afraid he is hanging! Among the three masters of the Southern Region, he is the weakest in combat power, and there are young masters from the other three regions of the sea participating in the Taoist Companion Recruitment Conference. The strength of those monks is by no means inferior to the three masters of the Southern Region."

"I actually think Baby Sha has the greatest chance of winning a beautiful woman's return. He is second to none in terms of background and cultivation. At least Zhou Jianyong, it's hard!"

As soon as Zhou Jianyong, Long Fei and others climbed to the ninth floor of the Yellow Crane Tower, many monks in the hall on the ninth floor started whispering discussions.

When Zhou Jianyong heard that the monks were not optimistic about his comments, he just smiled lightly, did not refute or reprimand, and invited Long Fei to enter the No. [-] VIP room quite elegantly.

Long Fei entered the VIP room, and after a courteous concession with Zhou Jianyong, he sat down.When Zhou Jianyong was ordering food, he chatted for a while and casually overlooked the street view below. At this moment, his expression was suddenly startled, and his eyes stopped on the signboard of a building that looked like a shop on the street.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 350 Champion Fighter:

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