Chaos fairy way

Chapter 353

The old man is not Zhou Yuanshan, he is another master of the soul sect, named Yan Xuefeng, with a second calamity cultivation. "Pure Text Debut"

"Yan Xuefeng, have you forgotten that you and Zhou Yuanshan are the only two masters in the Soul Sect? Can you make waves?" Jin Shi didn't feel afraid because Yan Xuefeng's cultivation was one calamity higher than his, but instead A look of disdain.

"Hehe! There are not many masters in my Soul Sect's Tribulation Period, there are only two of them, but if there is that short-sighted thing who dares to frame the Soul Sect today, this elder will still be able to punish him." Yan Xuefeng raised his right hand and shook Shaking, then holding Bai Xu captive, he sneered endlessly.

"Oh! Really? Then our Golden Shark Clan will formally start a war with your Soul Sect!" Jin Shi's face turned ferocious when he heard this, and he immediately took out a sea sound conch from his waist storage bag, intending to transmit the sound .

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, the masters of Wu Xiaoshan's Yingjie Period hurriedly drifted between Jinshi and Yan Xuefeng, and with the appearance of a peacemaker, he kindly persuaded: "Fellow Jinshi, wait a minute! Young people are impulsive and aggressive, this is what every monk will know." What I have experienced today is a fight between a few young juniors. You two big forces can’t afford to start a war! If you really start a war because of this, it will become a joke in the cultivation world. The old man has said before that the little elder of the Soul Sect, It is true to show people the truth. For this point, all the masters of the robbery stage can tell it at a glance, so this is a misunderstanding. As the saying goes, harmony is the most important thing in all things, and many enemies are not as good as many friends. I think so! A fellow Taoist will sell me Hu Xiaoshan for a face, and today's matter is over, how about it?" [

Yan Xuefeng thought for a while, then nodded slightly.Compared with the Golden Shark Clan, the Soul Gate is indeed a bit like an ant.One must know that even the combined strength of the four major cultivation sects in the Huahuang Continent is only comparable to the Golden Shark Clan, let alone the Soul Sect with only two masters in the Tribulation Period?Although Zhou Jianyong, the head of the sect, was humiliated before, but Long Fei also regained a bit of face, so Yanhe is naturally the best ending for the Soul Sect.

Jin Shi was silent, his face was cloudy and uncertain, he was obviously weighing in his heart, but the murderous aura emanating from his body was gradually restrained into his body.

"Fellow Daoist Jin! What do you think? If we really start a war, it will be really difficult for us, Hu Xiaoshan, as the leader of the human cultivation sect in the southern region!" .

"Could it be that our Golden Shark Clan are still afraid..." Jin Shi naturally heard the meaning in the words of Huxiaoshan Yingjieqi masters, that is, if there is a war, Huxiaoshan will definitely help the soul gate.Immediately, the anger surged in my heart, and I blurted out the cruel words, but just in the middle of speaking, I suddenly remembered something, and immediately choked my words, gritted my teeth, and said in a very stiff tone: "Since today's Huxiaoshan Wu Shuo Road Friends come forward to intercede, then this deity will give Hu Xiaoshan a face and put the matter aside. However, this deity still wants to remind some people that the Golden Shark Clan is the overlord of the southern region, and some cats and dogs who cannot be on the stage, please respect yourself. Don't come to challenge the majesty of the Golden Shark Clan, or you will be wiped out. Alright! Baby, let's go."

As soon as Jinshi's words fell, he didn't even say hello to Wu Shuo, and it disappeared in a flash.

"Great Elder! I..." Sha Baobao was full of unwillingness. Finally, after seeing Jinshi leave, he gave Long Fei and Zhou Jianyong a hard look, and immediately led the Golden Shark Clan demon cultivators down the Yellow Crane Tower Nine layer.

"Cut!" Long Fei curled his lips, turned his head to one side, and didn't even bother to look at Baby Sha.

"Fellow Daoist Wu! Thank you!" Yan Xuefeng bowed his hands.

"You don't need to be polite! All factions of the human race are united, and Tiger Roaring Mountain should take action." After Wu Shuo returned the gift, he turned his head to look at Long Fei, and said with a smile on his face, "Hehe! The little guy is not bad! Have you participated in Lingshan's Taoist Companion selection meeting?"


Long Fei naturally heard Wu Shuo's subtext, his head suddenly became a little big, and he couldn't help worrying that he was being picked by Wu Lingshan.

"Participated! Participated! He is one of the two candidates of our Soul Sect." Jin Shuo rushed to answer Jin Shuo as if he was kind.

"Hehe! Good! Good! Little friend, this old man takes good care of you." Wu Shuo's eyes flashed with joy when he heard the words, and after he finished speaking, he muttered: "Hey! This ghost girl! "

At this moment, seeing this situation, Zhou Jianyong looked sad and lowered his head.At this moment, Long Fei's voice came from next to his ear: "Hehe! Brother Zhou! Don't worry, I already have someone you like, and I will do my best to help you get your wish fulfilled."

"Thank you!" Zhou Jianyong's eyes lit up, his face was full of gratitude, and the voice of the sound transmission seemed to be trembling a little.

When drinking is in full swing, a sudden major change destroys the atmosphere, and the law of nature continues.After Long Fei and others sent Wu Shuo and Yan Xuefeng off, they also left the Yellow Crane Tower.Afterwards, Long Fei declined Zhou Jianyong's company, and after giving Jiang Wen and Chen Pi a few words, he swaggered to the entrance of the Twin Hall.

"Live god! You must save me this time!"

"If you need help, please speak slowly."


"He Daochang! The bridge in front of our village was broken by the flood last time, and I want to ask Twins Hall to rebuild one for us."

"This is no problem! Leave the address of your village, and we will help you build it after we send people to inspect it on the spot."


"Fairy Li! My second child is not very good, his face is sallow, he coughs up blood every day, and his feet are swollen like a bucket. The doctor said he has an unknown terminal illness and there is no cure. Woo! Woo! He is only 15 years old! God save him."

"Auntie! Don't worry! Don't rush! I'll accompany you right now."


At this moment, there was an endless stream of monks and mortals coming in and out of the Twin Hall, and the voices of conversations asking for help came from the Twin Hall together, making it as noisy as a polder.

Long Fei looked into the hall with his divine sense, and he understood everything inside.

The front hall of the Gemini Hall is about ten feet wide and nearly twenty feet long. There are long square tables arranged vertically and horizontally inside. A monk in a uniform blue Taoist robe is receiving a helper. A monk in a white Taoist robe stood at the entrance of the Twin Hall, and was supposed to be responsible for maintaining order and welcoming visitors.These monks and seekers are all monks and mortals who have only reached the stage of concentrating.

"Senior! Are you here to donate? Please come in! Please come in!" As soon as Long Fei stepped into the door of the twin halls, a short and fat monk in white robes immediately greeted him with a smile on his face. Put it in your palm, and then cup your hands in a bow, inviting Long Fei to enter.This black utensil is very common in shops in the sea area, and it is used to test cultivation.This is the appearance of Long Fei at this time, although he is in the third year of high school, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with an ordinary and rustic appearance, and a brown snakeskin bag hanging diagonally from his waist, but the short and fat monk can tell at a glance that Long Fei is the former. Reasons to donate.Does a master who has reached the peak of his metamorphosis still need the help of these concentrating monks?

"Yeah!" Long Fei hummed lightly, nodded, entered the front hall of the Twin Hall, casually looked around the front hall, and finally fixed his eyes on the left wall of the front hall, and the joy at the corner of his mouth suddenly became stronger. In my heart, I can completely conclude that this Twin Hall is a branch of the Twin Hall that I created.

I saw a black stainless steel plaque hanging on the left wall, engraved with a brief introduction of the twin halls here.Looking at the content of the introduction, except that the names of the two hall masters, Long Fei and Niu Zhong, are not written like the Twins Hall in the Central Region of the Huahuang Continent, the other contents are roughly the same as the introductions of the Twins Hall in other places.The names of Long Fei and Niu Zhong were not included in the introduction, which was obviously out of concern for the enmity between Long Fei and the Golden Shark Clan.

"Senior! Please enter the back hall for donations. The front hall is for charity." The short and fat monk respectfully greeted the entrance of the back hall with his right hand.

"Okay! Please lead the way ahead." Long Fei nodded.

Afterwards, Long Fei came to a room in the back hall under the guidance of the short and fat monk.There are more than a dozen rooms like this in the back hall, obviously there are quite a lot of monks who usually come to donate.

"Huh!" Long Fei casually explored the dozen or so rooms, and suddenly showed a trace of surprise, and couldn't help but let out a light sigh.Because he found an acquaintance in the room with No. [-] on the house number just now, that is the sweet girl he saw in the Hainan Branch of Tiger Roaring Mountain.As for the monk who entertained the sweet girl, Long Fei also looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Senior! Our hall master is entertaining a distinguished guest. If you want him to receive it in person, you have to wait for a while. If you don't need the hall master to receive you, I will invite the deputy hall master right away." Humpty called a waiter to serve him. After tea and dried fruit, carefully ask Long Fei for advice.

"Wait for your hall master! The amount I donated is extremely large, so I need to talk to your hall master in person. Oh! By the way, my name is Gao San. When two monks come to me, I will bring them directly Come here." Long Fei looked calm, but there was a strange look in his eyes.When he arrived at his own place, as the head of the hall, he still came to donate under a fake identity, which made Long Fei feel amused and helpless.Long Fei had a grudge against the Golden Shark Clan, and shouldered the heavy responsibility of finding the divine jade for summoning spirits and also possessing a small metal statue. He really couldn't see the brothers in the Twin Hall of Huxiao Mountain in their true colors.

"Yes! Then please wait a moment, senior, I will report to the hall master right away." The short and fat monk bowed and walked away.


In Room No. [-], when the sweet girl was discussing the donation with the head of the Gemini Hall, her expression suddenly changed, she let out a coquettish drink, and a divine thought immediately reached Room No. [-] where Long Fei was.

In Room No. [-], Long Fei was quite surprised. First, he was surprised that the sweet girl's cultivation base had been promoted to the peak of Dacheng, and second, he was surprised that the sweet girl's spiritual power should be far weaker than his own, but he could instantly sense that he was Secretly detect her cultivation. [

"Hmph! So it's you, a villain. Without a villain like you, he would have come to donate to do good deeds! It's an anecdote in the world!" After the sweet girl's divine sense found out that it was Long Fei, she sneered via sound transmission.

"Hey! Even you came to donate, let alone a bad person like me?" Long Fei lazily transmitted voice, insinuating that the sweet girl was worse than him.At this moment, although Long Fei guessed that the identity of the sweet girl must be extraordinary, he still didn't know her true identity.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 350 Three Narrow Enemy Road:

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