Chaos fairy way

Chapter 359

The Huxiaoshan Office of the Soul Gate is a relatively quiet courtyard, where Long Fei lives temporarily. (.plain text)

At this moment, Long Fei happened to step into the other courtyard, and saw Jiang Wen and Chen Pi sitting on the stone benches in the small white jade pavilion in the courtyard.

"Boss! You are really a god! You actually sent away the people from Huxiao Mountain in just a few words!"

"That's right! That's right! You know, Hu Xiaoshan is the leader of the cultivation sect of the human race in the Southern Region, and also the spiritual pillar of the monks in the Southern Region. Even the Golden Shark Clan dare not offend Hu Xiaoshan. Not only did you offend Wu Lingshan, the princess of Huxiao Mountain, has nothing to do, and what is even more admirable is that she wants to compete for Wu Lingshan openly. This is really awesome and admirable!"

Jiang Wen and Chen Pi got up in a hurry, their faces were full of admiration, their eyes were fiery, and they were spitting furiously, vying to pat Long Fei's flattery. [

Although Long Fei was used to the flattery of Jiang Wen and Jiang Wen, but at this moment he also talked for a while, and then took out the VIP gold medal from the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce and threw it at Jiang Wen, saying: "Okay! Now you have something to do. Jiang Wen, you Take the VIP gold medal and go to the Huxiaoshan Branch of the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce to buy all the information about the Taoist Companion Recruitment Conference. Chen Pi, you should go to Hailangyu Island, where the Taoist Companion Recruitment Conference is held, for a field trip."

"Oh yes!"

Jiang Wen and Chen Pi have been in the rivers and lakes for many years, so they naturally know that flattering should be done in moderation, and they must be serious when doing things.After hearing Long Fei's order, they immediately withdrew their smiles, accepted the order with a solemn face, and then drifted out of the other courtyard unequivocally.

"Ugly Boss! You seem a bit stupid! It's better to inquire about news and field trips by yourself!" Xiaojin said via voice transmission.

"Hehe! Concentrate on refining and absorbing the flesh and blood of the swallowing python! Of course there is a reason for me to do so." Long Fei calmly glanced at a towering ancient tree outside the courtyard wall.

"So you did it on purpose! Not bad! Not bad! Although you are ugly, your intelligence is not bad. Sigh! Speaking of which, Wu Lingshan's esoteric technique just now is indeed very powerful, that purple energy beam can actually enter my physical body. However, fortunately, after my cultivation was promoted to the late Yuan Dynasty, I decrypted the racial secret law "Return to Simple Technique" from the inheritance imprint, and I successfully cultivated it a few days ago, otherwise my noble identity as a beast would be exposed. Hehe Hee! This time, Wu Lingshan will definitely look at you with admiration. Oh! By the way, ugly boss, how did you avoid Wu Lingshan's secret method detection just now?" After Xiaojin was proud for a while, he then sent a sound transmission with some surprise.

"It's certain to be impressed with others, not only because of your esoteric techniques, but also because of my tricks. But do you really think that Wu Lingshan's use of esoteric techniques on me is to chase the murderer?" The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched. Some proudly transmitted the voice:

"What do you mean?" Xiao Jin asked confusedly through voice transmission.

"Hmph! A brat is a brat! Wu Lingshan's pursuit of the murderer is just an excuse. The real purpose should be to use secret methods to detect my body, the contents of the storage bag, and the spirit beast bracelet, so as to determine my true identity." Therefore, I dare to conclude: Hu Xiaoshan has been sending people to follow me, definitely not to choose a suitable Taoist partner for Wu Lingshan, but for another purpose. The purpose is what the rumors say, they are looking for a certain person or a certain sect." Long Fei touched his chin with his right hand, and the tone of the sound transmission was quite affirmative.

"What? If this is the case, then Wu Lingshan is really scary! Hehe! Ugly boss, you have finally met a strong opponent with the same black belly as you. There will be a good show in the future! By the way, you haven't answered yet My question! How did you avoid Wu Lingshan's secret method detection?" Xiaojin seemed to be particularly curious that Long Fei could avoid Wu Lingshan's secret method detection just like him.

"Hehe! Do you really think that I have spent so much energy on cultivating the "Tongjin Chapter" recently? Although the utensils that Wu Lingshan used to perform the secret method are worthy of the highest-quality treasures, but her cultivation is only at the peak of the Yuan Dacheng, so it is difficult to get rid of it. The true power of that instrument is at most one in a hundred. With this one in a hundred power alone, her secret technique cannot compete with my forbidden technique. Hehe! She will definitely look at her with admiration." During Long Fei's voice transmission, a deep smile hung on the corner of his slightly raised mouth.

Afterwards, Long Fei stepped into his room.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed away from the towering ancient tree that Long Fei had glanced at before.

Inside the room, Long Fei sneered, and began to arrange powerful defensive formations or bans in the room.After setting up the formation, Long Fei went into the practice room and took out the Heaven Swallowing Python Demon Pill, held it in his right hand, and began to cultivate it with Yuanli.Because Wu Lingshan might have used some method in the Heaven-Swallowing Python Demon Pill. Although he had avoided Wu Lingshan's detection just now, Long Fei was not sure of avoiding the detection of the experts in the robbery period.But at the Dao Companion Recruitment Conference, there will definitely be masters who should be robbed, so in order to ensure that it will be lost, it is the safest to refine the demon pill thoroughly.

Hailang Island is only [-] miles away from Huxiaoshan Island, and it got its name because it is surrounded by waves all the year round.The island is surrounded by mountain peaks and the center is a basin. It has always been a training ground for young disciples of Huxiao Mountain.There is a very simple courtyard on the top of the mountain in the north. It is the practice place of Li Yingdong, the deputy head of Huxiao Mountain.

At this moment, in the living room of the other courtyard, five people are discussing something.They are the elder Wu Shuo of Huxiao Mountain, the head of Wu Qingshu, the deputy head of Li Yingdong, and the two brothers and sisters of Wu Lingshan and Wu Zhaonan.

"Just now we have sorted out the details of the Taoist Companion Recruitment Conference, found a few places that were not thoughtful, and agreed on a remedy. After all, tomorrow's conference will definitely achieve the desired results. Alas! If it is not for the distance from the founder of the school The time stipulated in the last instruction is getting tighter and tighter, and we will not take such methods to find that sect, I really feel wronged Lingshan." Wu Shuo was dressed in gray clothes, very plain, and sat on the main seat.At this moment, he looked at Wu Lingshan with a look of regret and guilt on his face.

Wu Lingshan's expression made it impossible to see her mood. Hearing Wu Shuo's words at this moment, she calmly said: "Second Grandpa, you and Grandpa only did this when there was no other way. My grandson understands. Besides, if you win the championship The person is really not the one my grandson likes, so can my grandson run away from marriage?"

"Yes! Yes! If it weren't for Mr. Ruyi, as the head of the sect, I wouldn't want our little princess of Huxiao Mountain to be wronged." Wu Qingshu looks middle-aged, with a rough appearance, thick beard and copper bell eyes, very majestic, He speaks loudly and sits in the first row on the right of the lower step. [

"Hehe! Speaking of the Ruyi Langjun, there are a few good young people in the contestants this time. For example, Wu Tianhao from the Martial Immortal Palace, Li Yuquan, the most famous casual cultivator in the western region, and the soul gate Zhou Jianyong and others." Li Yingdong echoed.

"The people that Uncle Li mentioned, I have tested them openly or secretly. They are indeed not the ones in the pool, but I don't have any feelings for them." Wu Lingshan's face did not show any emotion when she spoke.

"Really? Sigh! Then this will be difficult. If there is really no one you like at that time, it will only make Hu Xiaoshan lose some credibility and let you escape marriage for a few years, and the matter will be over." .” Jin Shi sighed.

"Actually, you have forgotten one person! He is actually not bad!" Wu Zhaonan said with a smile.

"Who?" Wu Qingshu asked curiously.

"It's the biggest suspect we're looking for this time, the senior year! In terms of combat power and cultivation, he is definitely not inferior to Sha Baobao and me; in terms of financial resources, we have found that he is the supreme guest of the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce; in terms of background, with his status His financial resources are definitely not casual cultivators, even if he is not a member of that sect, his identity is quite extraordinary after all; the only thing that does not match Lingshan is his appearance." Wu Zhaonan said.

"Only him? Arrogant, treacherous and cunning, he's the worst. Xiaobai, the spirit beast who hunted and killed me this time, also put on an upright and gentlemanly appearance, and he gets angry when he thinks about it. What's even more ridiculous is that he really thought I didn't find out that he entered the Yakuza. Gu, this is enough to see that he is a self-righteous hypocrite. If I hadn't considered that he might be a member of that sect, I would have torn him into pieces." Wu Lingshan's face was full when she heard Wu Zhaonan say that Long Fei is good. No matter how hard it is to keep the calm on the Internet, he opened his mouth and cursed with excitement.

Wu Shuo, Wu Qingshu, and Li Yingdong were stunned for a while, then looked at Wu Lingshan with a strange smile in their eyes.

"The third year of high school is really bad enough! Otherwise, regardless of whether he is a member of that sect, I will give him some means tomorrow and deal with him secretly?" Wu Qingshu's eyes suddenly turned cold, his face full of murderous intent, and he made a gesture with his right palm. chopping pose.

"No! No! The legacy of the patriarch is still important, and violating the legacy of the patriarch is a treasonous thing." Wu Lingshan hurriedly said seriously, but she could clearly see a little nervousness in her eyes.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

Wu Qingshu and Li Yingdong immediately smiled when they saw this, Wu Shuo couldn't help laughing, but Wu Zhaonan couldn't help but shook his head.

"What are you doing? I really hate him." Wu Lingshan yelled anxiously, but there was an imperceptible blush on her cheeks.

"Okay! Okay! Second Grandpa knows that you hate the third year of high school. Now tell me about your detection of the third year of high school today by using the secret method "Zixia Lingguang" with the help of the gold-piercing Lingbao!" It solved Wu Lingshan's predicament.

Wu Lingshan let out a deep breath, calmed down, and regained her calm demeanor, and said: "This man in the third year of high school is really weird. Some people think he is sick. Today I inspected his body and storage bag, Spirit beast bracelet, what did you find out?"

"What?" Wu Qingshu asked bluntly.The others also looked at Wu Lingshan curiously.

"Looking at his body's blood vessels, bones, primordial spirit, etc. are very ordinary, and his appearance is extremely ordinary, but he is indeed a master of the peak of the metamorphosis, and the strength of the primordial force and primordial spirit is even better than me and the elder brother. And those storage bags that poke into him are shocking. Except for spirit stones and crystals, all of them are food. Spirit fruits, spirit flowers, spirit roots, dragon meat, golden shark meat, dried cod, etc. Meat, as well as many mortal delicacies, and so on. There are all kinds of rare delicacies. From this, it can be seen that he is an out-and-out foodie, and he is a foodie who wants to eat his life. This eating is somewhat understandable , but what is even more exaggerated is that there is a second-level jade rabbit stored in his spirit beast bracelet. A dignified man actually raises a jade rabbit as a monster, do you think he is sick?" Wu Lingshan said Emotions turned up again.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 350 IX High School Is Sick:

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