Chaos fairy way

Chapter 377 Flooding of Sea Charts

There was still half an hour before the opening of the Wan Hai Auction, the four of Long Fei finished their breakfast, and then calmly drifted away to the Jiuding Tower.

While the four were drifting, they found that they bumped into many more monks today than in the past.Surprisingly, these monks did not rush to the Jiuding Tower, but went in the opposite direction, as if they had just returned from the Jiuding Tower.Watching them, all of them are smiling, obviously happy and happy.

"Sect Master, are you really planning to lead the entire sect's elites to catch angel fish in the fairy sea?"

"That's right! Now that each faction has a map, entering the Immortal Sea Territory to fight for the Angelfish is not just about luck, but more about strength. Our Divine Eagle Sect naturally wants all the elites out."

At this time, a group of monks hurriedly passed Long Fei and the others while speaking.When Long Fei and the others heard that "every faction has a map", they were puzzled and were about to open their mouths to ask each other, but all the monks had already left.

"Hehe! I didn't expect that even us casual practitioners could get the chart of the Immortal Sea Territory casually. It really makes people feel like they are dreaming."

"Don't be too happy, even if we enter the Immortal Sea Territory, it's hard for us casual cultivators to gain much."

After a while, two more monks in light blue and old Taoist robes came towards Long Fei and the others.

"This fellow Taoist! Liu Yun, a loose monk in the Lower Southern Territory. Excuse me, what do you mean when you said just now that you can get the charts of the Immortal Sea Territory at will?" Wu Lingshan clasped her fists and saluted, stopping the two loose monks and asked.

"Oh! Hurry up and go to the locust tree more than [-] miles ahead. There is an old Taoist priest who is selling sea charts of the Immortal Sea Territory in a limited amount. It is not expensive, only [-] low-level spirit stones. You go! Go! It's too late, maybe it's gone. We still have to invite some friends, so let's say goodbye!" The two monks did not look at Wu Lingshan, but glanced at Wu Tianxiong with some fear, and one of the skinny, black-faced monks spoke very quickly. Said.Afterwards, the two monks didn't know if they really wanted to invite friends, or because of Wu Tianxiong, as soon as the black-faced monk spoke, they clasped their fists and ran towards the distance.

Hearing Long Fei's words, his divine sense immediately poked forward more than eighty miles away. Sure enough, there was an old pagoda tree with lush branches, and a group of monks were noisily surrounding an old Taoist priest.

Afterwards, the four of Long Fei teleported one by one, and flashed under the locust tree.Long Fei looked at Wu Tianxiong, and yelled at the crowd that surrounded the old Taoist priest.

Wu Tianxiong nodded knowingly, and then shouted loudly: "Old fellow Taoist! Buy me a chart too!"

As soon as Wu Tianxiong yelled, the commotion on the scene fell down, and all the monks surrounding the old Taoist turned their heads in unison, all staring at Wu Tianxiong in horror.

"Friend Martial Arts! You are here! You buy first! You buy first!" In the crowd, a short and fat monk said with a smile on his face.


The crowded crowd immediately opened a passage in front of Wu Tianxiong.

"Yes! Brother Wu, please go first."

"Friend martial arts, you go first!"

Although all the monks had apprehensive eyes, they all had smiles on their faces, and they all asked Wu Tianxiong to buy the charts first.

"Thank you!"

After Wu Tianxiong clasped his fists at all the monks, he walked through the passage and came to the old Taoist priest.Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Wu Lingshan did not follow Wu Tianxiong, but remained outside the crowd.

At this moment, Long Fei glanced at the dark-skinned old Taoist priest selling pictures through the passageway of the crowd, and then turned his head to look at Niu Zhong.

Niu Zhong noticed that Long Fei was looking at him, turned his head to meet Long Fei's gaze, and nodded expressionlessly, with a trace of confusion hidden in his eyes.

"You are Taoist Wu Tianxiong, the number one young master in the Western Regions! This picture is for you, to make a friend!" The old Taoist cracked his lips, showing two rows of jagged yellow teeth, and handed over the chart in his right hand to Wu Tianxiong.

"Send me? Oh! Yes, haha! Good! I'll make you my friend." Wu Tianxiong was taken aback for a moment, then he came to his senses in an instant, and then he smiled heartily, and then he stretched out his hand and took the chart without any pretension.

"Thank you!" The old Taoist clasped his fists in salute, and then his sleeves fell off, and his thin, dark hands were completely exposed in front of the monks.

Seeing those skinny and dark hands, Long Fei frowned even more tightly.

Afterwards, Wu Tianxiong left the crowd, joined Long Fei and the others, and still drifted towards the Jiuding Tower.Although I got the sea chart, I need to go to Jiuding Building to verify its authenticity.

"Brother Wu! I didn't expect you to be so popular in the Western Regions! Almost all the monks greeted you with smiles." Wu Lingshan said enviously as she drifted.

"Hehe! It's a trivial matter! What are you doing to save face!" Wu Tianxiong raised his chin and smiled smugly, forgetting the embarrassment of borrowing money to pay for the meal at this moment.

"Hey! Finally sent this lunatic away! I'm really afraid that he will challenge me."

"That's right! My elder brother was beaten by this lunatic and fled the Western Regions. He dared not return to the sect for three years."

Before Wu Tianxiong finished speaking, Long Fei and others heard the whispers of many monks in the crowd behind them.

"Damn it! What are you talking about!" Wu Tianxiong turned around and cursed after hearing the words, his face turned black and white, and he wanted to turn back to the crowd.


The crowd dispersed suddenly, and all the monks ran away one after another, leaving only the picture-selling old man with a bitter face.

Long Fei and Wu Lingshan stared at this scene dumbfounded, but Niu Zhong's eyes were full of understanding.

"Huh! You bastards run fast! Otherwise, you will be the best." Wu Tianxiong snorted heavily, and instead of showing embarrassment, he said a harsh word.

"Brother Wu! Don't pay attention to them, let's check the chart quickly, it's important to enter the Immortal Sea!" Wu Lingshan finally closed her mouth that was startled and persuaded.

"Let's go! Go to Jiuding Tower." Long Fei patted Wu Tianxiong's shoulder and drifted towards Jiuding Tower.

"Hmph!" Wu Tianxiong snorted again, and then followed closely behind Long Fei along with Niu Zhong and Wu Lingshan.

"Pictures for sale! Maps for sale! The charts of the Immortal Sea Territory are being given away at a high price! A copy of [-] low-level spirit stones!"

The four of Long Fei walked about ten miles away, and there was another skinny middle-aged monk in front of him selling charts.A group of monks were surrounding him, snapping up charts.

This time, Wu Tianxiong didn't want to use his prestige to buy the chart even if he was killed.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong carefully sensed the aura emanating from the middle-aged monk through the crowd with their strong senses.But the longer they felt, the tighter their brows were.

As for Wu Lingshan, she couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, forced her way into the crowd, and bought a chart in a short while.Afterwards, compared with Wu Tianxiong's chart, the two charts turned out to be the same.

"Go! Go to the front!" Long Fei said a few words, and then turned into a gust of wind and drifted away twenty miles ahead, because he found that there was also a monk selling charts in that place.

Twenty miles away, the spiritual senses of Niu Zhong, Wu Tianxiong, and Wu Lingshan could naturally detect it.When the three of them heard what Long Fei said, they immediately followed Long Fei.

When Niu Zhong and the others arrived at the destination, Long Fei had already got a chart in his hand and was looking at it.Just now, Long Fei turned into a gust of wind and forcibly scraped away the crowd, snatched the chart from the chart seller monk's hand, dropped a piece of top-quality spirit stone, and blown away the crowd again.

"What a strong movement!" Wu Tianxiong couldn't help but praise.In his eyes, spells and skills are always higher than other things, including sea charts that can bring him great opportunities.

"How?" Wu Lingshan asked ahead of Niu Zhong.

"It's the same as the previous two charts!" Long Fei smiled helplessly, and handed the chart to Wu Lingshan.

"The sea charts are flying all over the sky. Although everyone is happy, this matter is a bit strange." Although Niu Chong's face was tense, he spoke slowly.

"I hope that someone opposed the Jiuding Building and stole their charts, causing the charts to flood, not other reasons." Long Fei's face became a little serious, and he continued to move forward as soon as he finished speaking.

"Hehe! This time Haitu sells [-] low-level spirit stones, and at the gate of Jiuding Tower, you can buy them for [-] as expected." Wu Lingshan shook her head with a wry smile, and followed closely behind Long Fei.

Only Niu Zhong could understand what Long Fei said, and his face became more tense.

"Sell pictures! Sell pictures! Five thousand low-level spirit stones!"

Near the gate of Jiuding Building, there was indeed a [-] or [-]-year-old boy selling pictures, and the price was really [-].

"Hehe! Brother Liu! You're really accurate." Even Wu Tianxiong, such an idiotic old man, was dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

This time, Long Fei and the others didn't buy the picture, but went straight to Jiuding Tower.

At this time, many monks have gathered in the hall of Jiuding Building, and the cultivation base of these monks is below the peak of Tuoyuan Dacheng.

"Fellow Daoist Wu! Fellow Daoist Long! And you two fellow Daoists! Please follow me into the VIP Auction, where all the masters above the peak of Yuan Dacheng will be there."

As soon as Long Fei and the others entered the Jiuding Building, a gray-haired monk came to meet him and bowed his hands in salute. He was Chen Lin, the chief manager of the Jiuding Building.

"Oh! Thank you!" Long Fei cupped his fists in return.Wu Tianxiong just nodded. He still doesn't like monks like Chen Lin who haven't even reached the peak of the Yuan Dynasty.Of course it's not that Wu Tianxiong looks down on others, but that he doesn't care about others at all.His focus is always on someone who can fight him.

Afterwards, under the guidance of Chen Lin, Long Fei and the others came to an extremely luxuriously decorated auction hall.

In the auction hall, the ordinary seats are the same as other auction halls, but the number is much smaller, but all the seats are made of pure gold.There are only eight boxes in the entire hall.

Chen Lin directly led the four of Long Fei to the ordinary seats instead of the eight boxes.Wu Tianxiong, the most dignified young master in the Southern Region, and Long Fei, the most distinguished guest, were taken into ordinary seats without hesitation, which immediately surprised Long Fei and the others.

Immediately, Long Fei wrapped the eight wires of divine thoughts with eight magnetized elements, shot them at the eight boxes respectively, broke through the defensive formation in the box in an instant, and penetrated into the box.


"Not bad!"

At this moment, sounds were heard almost simultaneously in six of the eight boxes.

Long Fei was shocked immediately, and hurriedly retracted the spiritual thoughts that had penetrated into these six boxes, but there were still two traces of spiritual thoughts that were forcibly cut off.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 370 The Flooding of Sea Charts:

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