Chaos fairy way

Chapter 379

Li Zhenxing, not tall, with a square face and nose, looks very ordinary, but there is an air of immortality all over his body.

"Fellow daoists! My Wanhai Chamber of Commerce has its own judgment on whether the bidder has the qualifications and strength to bid, so I won't bother others. As for Long Qing, he is the plenipotentiary representative of a distinguished guest of my Wanhai Chamber of Commerce. So he has enough financial resources to participate in this auction." Li Zhenxing turned his left hand behind his back, glanced coldly at the second box, and then said in a calm and authentic tone.

"Supreme honored guest! So the Hall of Martial Immortals is determined to get this picture. Hehe! Now that Senior Li is here in person, I don't care about this kid. But this picture, I must also keep it in my pocket. 1000 yuan top-quality spirit stones! Seeing Li Zhenxing, the master of the Three Tribulations, appearing in person at the auction site, and hearing Long Fei and even the plenipotentiary representatives of the honored guests, the masters of the Golden Shark Clan in Yingjieqi realized that they had kicked the iron plate, and instantly changed their faces, and their tone became more relaxed and authentic.

"Fifty-two thousand! With such an offer from the Martial Immortal Hall, if the Xuangui Clan does not pay compensation, it would seem that we are petty." The master of the Xuangui Clan Ying Jieqi in the first box spoke at a leisurely pace.

At this moment, Wu Tianxiong stared at Long Fei again in a daze. After a long time, he tapped his lips, licked his lips, and said, "Brother Long! The most honored guest! Someone with a net worth of hundreds of billions, that is, at least 10 yuan of top-quality spirit stones!" Financial resources. Damn, why didn’t you say it earlier? It made me feel uncomfortable since I entered the VIP auction. We are poor and we can’t help it. Okay, let me take pictures and have fun. Damn! .”

As soon as the clap came out, the audience fell silent.

10 yuan for top-quality spirit stones, this auction price is too appalling, definitely beyond the psychological tolerance of all the masters at the scene.A sea chart, 10 yuan of top-quality spirit stones, is not worth it.In the past, the masters of the Golden Shark Clan and the Black Turtle Clan bid more than 5 yuan for top-quality spirit stones, mostly for the sake of face.At this moment, after thinking about it, many people are drooling.


A slap was slapped fiercely on Wu Tianxiong's thick shoulders, and Wu Lingshan was the one who hit him.Wu Lingshan knew that Long Fei was a senior in senior high school, and she had already investigated the senior high school's family background in the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce.At this moment, seeing Wu Tianxiong take all the belongings of the third year of high school to take pictures, he became anxious, as if Wu Tianxiong used her property, he was very annoyed, and he waved his palm to Wu Tianxiong, and at the same time he cursed angrily. : "You crazy man, 10 yuan of top-grade spirit stones is all the possessions of a middle school. Do you think making money is as easy and simple as fighting?"

At this moment, Wu Tianxiong was indulging in the infinite scenery of smiling proudly at the audience. After Wu Lingshan slapped him like this, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wu Lingshan inexplicably, and opened his mouth wide for the third time. He really wanted to understand why Wu Lingshan There is such an abnormal behavior.

"The final word! Brother Wu is really a hero!" Although Long Fei was a little surprised by Wu Lingshan's performance, he couldn't help admiring Wu Tianxiong's actions.

Niu Zhong shook his head expressionlessly, expressionless.

"You..." Wu Lingshan stomped her feet again in anger, causing Niu Zhong's expression to change slightly.

"Damn it! The Martial Immortal Hall didn't send experts in Yingjieqi to take pictures, so why did they send some brats to make trouble? Is there a mistake!"

"The first asking price is [-] top-quality spirit stones, and the next bid is [-]. What is the meaning of Wuxian Palace? If you want to win this picture, you don't need to do anything like that! This is deceiving others!"

The six private rooms and the six masters of the robbery period couldn't help getting angry, and they all pointed their finger at the Hall of Martial Immortals.

"That's right! This is pure bullying."

"The Hall of Martial Immortals is still the leader of the human race's comprehension forces! It is unethical to act like this!"

Seeing that Ying Jieqi's master had spoken out, all the top masters from Yuan Dacheng in the ordinary seats booed one after another, and Long Fei and the others were at the cusp of the storm for a while.Wu Tianxiong was usually obsessed with cultivation and seldom interacted with others. Now that he encountered such a situation, he looked at Long Fei at a loss for a moment.

"Everyone! Please wait for the next sentence!" Long Fei stood up, clasped his fists in salute, looked around, and after the discussion of all the cultivators faded away, he said again: "I took the chart not for myself, but for everyone .If I can take this chart, I will definitely give everyone here a big surprise.”

"How do you say that?" The masters of the Golden Shark Tribulation Stage seemed to be more eager to get the chart than other monks, and before Long Fei finished speaking, he asked hastily.

"Senior Li! I wonder if we can set a price with one hammer?" Long Fei ignored the masters of the Golden Shark Tribulation Period, and asked Li Zhenxing with his hands in salute.

"Oh! Hehe! Little friend, you are so impressive today that I forgot about it for a while." Li Zhenxing smiled dumbly, then nodded appreciatively at Long Fei, and said, "Okay! I will report it to you." The last three bidding prices. Fellow Taoists! A copy of the sea chart was actually auctioned for 10 yuan for the top-quality spirit stone once, and 10 yuan for the second time. Is there any auction? If not, then 10 yuan for the top-quality spirit stone The third time for the Lingshi, it's a deal."

"Thank you seniors! Seniors, juniors, and even the plenipotentiary representatives of the distinguished guests can enjoy all the rights of the distinguished guests. Then the junior entrusts the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce to print 5000 copies of this chart, and then pay the price of [-] yuan for each top-quality spirit stone On-site sale." Long Fei bowed his hands to Li Zhenxing again, then chuckled lightly, raised his eyes to look around at the masters, and said, "Hehe! This is the big surprise for everyone here."

Li Zhenxing nodded with a smile, and then told Chang Le to rub the map.

"Forty copies of rubbings, 5000 yuan of top-quality spirit stones each, and the total price is 20 pieces of top-quality spirit stones. Boy! You really know how to make plans!" The master of the Golden Shark Clan Ying Jieqi said coldly.

"It turns out that he took the opportunity to make a lot of money! This man is really treacherous."

"That's right! To count the masters in the audience, even the masters in the tribulation period, Long Qing is really not easy! Martial Immortal Hall has finally produced a smart young hero."

"Do you want to buy it or not?"

"I want to buy it! I'm not willing to let Long Qing make a lot of money!"

There was an uproar at the scene again, some lamented Long Fei, some discussed whether to buy it, and of course some waited and watched.Although all the masters looked excited and wanted to buy a chart, they hadn't seen anyone offer to buy a chart for a long time.

"Long Qing! I really have you." Wu Lingshan actually called Long Fei by his full name at this moment, her tone was even more coquettish, and the roots of her ears were still rosy.

"Hehe! Haha!" Wu Tianxiong kept patting Long Fei's shoulders. Fortunately, Long Fei already had a top-grade treasure integrated into his body, otherwise it would be too much for him to pat him so fiercely.

As for Niu Zhong, his face was still tightly tied, and he was not surprised by Long Fei's performance, as if Long Fei, a rascal in the world, should be like this.

"Five thousand top-grade spirit stones, it's a good deal. I'll buy one." The voice of a human master in the [-]th box was dry and cold, giving people a feeling of being out of place with the surrounding environment.He is the master of the human race who cut off a trace of Long Fei's divine sense, and this is the second time he has spoken.

After Long Fei heard the words of the human race's master in the tribulation period, he suddenly looked thoughtful, and the guess in his heart gradually became more certain.

"I'll have one too!"

"Our mighty hall will also buy one."

"It's their ability to make a lot of money. They didn't steal or rob. What's there to say, why are you jealous? Give me a share."

One person took the lead, and the masters expressed their willingness to buy one after another, and finally they scrambled to be the first.

"Damn it! Boy, you can do it. Senior Li, give me a copy too." Finally, the master of the Golden Shark Tribulation Period couldn't stand it any longer, regardless of face, and hurriedly called for a picture.

Long Fei smiled slightly, and did not refuse, because he already had a countermeasure against the masters of the Golden Shark Clan.

Detailed charts, 5000 yuan top-quality spirit stones, for the peak masters of the Yuan Dynasty, there is no great pressure to buy and sell.Furthermore, even if there is pressure, several people can buy together.Therefore, the forty charts were pre-sold before they were rubbed out.The amount of spirit stones in the VIP card of the senior year doubled to 2000 billion in less than half an hour.

"Oh! So it's not difficult to make money!" Wu Tianxiong sighed.

"Not bad! Making money is actually more interesting and fulfilling than training and fighting." Niu Zhong took the opportunity to enlighten Wu Tianxiong.

"With Long Qing, a good brother who is good at making money, I don't have to worry about treatment expenses anymore. More importantly, someone pays for the daily big meal. Hehe! Brother Niu, we will fight for a day from now on Change once to twice a day. Haha! Damn it, it’s cool!" Wu Tianxiong seemed to have never heard of Niu Zhong's enlightenment, and continued to sigh.

When Niu saw this situation again, his tightly tied face seemed to twitch again, which seemed to have become a habit.

In the VIP auction house, all the masters left the auction house after buying the chart. A few masters looked at Long Fei with hidden evil in their eyes, and three masters who were in the catastrophe period left the imprint of their spiritual sense on Long Fei.Long Fei's perception is super strong, and after discovering that there are masters of the tribulation period in the auction house, he densely covered the Yuanli net on his body, so he immediately discovered the imprint of the spiritual sense left on him by the three masters of the tribulation period.However, Long Fei didn't use his magnetized power to destroy them, but he followed his plan and let them stay on his body.As for the three tribulation masters, two of them are the golden shark race master and the human race master, and there is one Long Fei who can't detect what his body is, and he doesn't know where he comes from. .Then the important task of inquiring about the situation of these three people during the robbery period naturally fell on Wu Tianxiong.The reason Long Fei gave is very simple: since you Wu Tianxiong's number one expert intends to eat free food and fight for free, then you are fully responsible for using the intelligence network of Wuxian Temple to run errands and check for news.

After Long Fei dealt with the follow-up matter of the sale of the chart, he left the VIP auction with Niu Zhong, Wu Lingshan, and Wu Tianxiong, and went to the Jiuding Tower.

"Young Master Long, please stop!"

When Long Fei and the others were about to walk out of the hall on the first floor of the Jiuding Building, Yuan Fang, the third treasurer of the Jiuding Building, hurriedly chased after them.

As soon as Long Fei heard Yuan Fang's voice, he quickly sent a voice transmission to Wu Lingshan: "Brother Wu Xian! I think you should be very good at handling relationships with beauties. I'll leave the original shopkeeper to you."

"My fair lady, a gentleman is so good! Brother Long, it's unreasonable for you to push her away from such a beautiful woman! You don't know that..." Wu Lingshan blinked her beautiful eyes, and said in a voice transmission jokingly.

"What are you talking about? It was a good intention for my brother to send beautiful women to my virtuous brother. Since you don't want my virtuous brother, then I will use it for my own use. Anyway, I am the owner of the supreme VIP card." Long Fei immediately put on a full face. Looking at Yuan Fang with a smile, he waved his right hand towards Yuan Fang.

"Master Yuan! You are chasing after me so anxiously, what's the matter?" Seeing this, Wu Lingshan saw a flash in front of Long Fei, standing between Long Fei and Yuan Fang.

"That... I'm looking for Mr. Long, this Mr. I'm sorry I can't entertain you for the time being." Although Yuan Fang's expression did not change, his tone was obviously unhappy, and a horizontal drift bypassed Wu Lingshan and drifted to Long Fei's side , looked at Long Fei affectionately, and said softly and softly: "Young Master Long! I didn't expect you to be so secretive! It's hard to deceive me!"

"Please tell me if you have anything to say!" Long Fei Suyan said.

"Oh! The seller of the sea chart of the Immortal Sea Territory wants to invite you to talk!" Yuan Fang's indifference towards Long Fei not only showed no resentment, but took a step closer to Long Fei, and said sweetly.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 370 Nine Big Money:

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