Chaos fairy way

Chapter 394

On the small interface, on a piece of grass, Long Fei squatted halfway on the ground, searching for God facing the Yin Gang Angel lying on his back on the ground.

Niu Zhong folded his arms around his chest, silently standing not far behind Long Fei, waiting for the results of his search.Wu Tianxiong was sitting cross-legged in a lush grass hundreds of feet away, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, concentrating on healing.Xiao Jin and Xiao Yu are not here at the moment, obviously they have gone to play somewhere else.

After a while, Long Fei put down his index finger on the forehead of Yin Gang Angel, with a serious expression on his face.

"How?" Niu Zhong asked.

"Similar to the information obtained by the other two masters of the tribulation period who searched for God before, there are ten branch halls and one main hall in the Power Palace. Each of these ten branch halls is guarded by a patrol angel. There are two masters of the tribulation period as assistants. There are more than forty masters of the robbery period in the entire power palace, of which there are as many as ten masters of the second calamity, and two of them have reached the cultivation base of the third calamity. King Mi’s cultivation Since he has reached the peak of the Three Tribulations, it is difficult for the two of us to defeat him together." Long Fei smiled wryly.

"There are so many masters in the enemy's pre-tribulation period, and there are three masters at the peak of the tribulation, it is difficult to rescue the missing!" Niu Zhong frowned slightly, and his arms bound his chest could not help but let go.

Long Fei nodded slightly, then touched his chin with his right hand, bowed his head and pondered for a moment, suddenly his eyes lit up, and a smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and said: "It's not impossible at all! When I searched for God just now, I got a The information that only people above Patrol Angel know, that is, the power palace will gather all the masters above the second calamity and arrest them in a secret base in the north of this mysterious space, and send several masters of the first calamity, four masters of the second calamity and A master of the third calamity is stationed. According to what the Yingang angels have learned, it is difficult for Mi Palace to turn masters of the second calamity and above into Yin slaves for a while, and they need to use special formations to use insidiousness to poison their souls and bodies After that, Yin slaves can be produced. A few days ago, the secret base accepted a master of the Three Tribulations in the cultivation world. After thinking about it, he should not be made into a Yin slave. If we can rescue this master of the Three Tribulations , and at the same time rescued other imprisoned masters of the Second Tribulation, then the chances of winning must be great to wipe out the Mi Palace and rescue all the missing people in one fell swoop."

"Having said that, but several masters of the first calamity, four masters of the second calamity, and one master of the third calamity stationed in the secret base at the same time, these strengths are beyond the strength of the two of us. The two of us are currently working together. A master who has won three tribulations is simply powerless to take into account other masters of the Mi Gong Ying Tribulation period." Niu Zhong was expressionless, but there was helplessness in his eyes.

"Hey! I have a plan. If I can grasp it well, I can still be sure of rescuing the masters in the cultivation world from the secret base. The key to this plan lies in Xiao Jin." Long Fei smiled slightly.

"Could it be..." Niu Chong was taken aback for a moment when he heard the words, and then showed a hint of bewilderment.

"That's right! Let's go, find those two little guys, and then set off immediately. You, me, Xiaojin, and Xiaoyu will participate in this operation. Brother Wu will continue to heal." Long Fei looked up and was entering the critical stage of healing. Wu Tianxiong of time, then disappeared in a flash.

Niu Zhong also glanced at Wu Tianxiong, and then disappeared following Long Fei's teleportation.

In the central area of ​​the mysterious space, there is a large lake stretching across thousands of miles. There are huge black towers standing sparsely or densely around the big lake. Bunches of colorful formation energy filaments are looming between the black towers or on the surface of the lake. This is where the main hall of the Mi Palace is located.

"Xiaoyu, are you sure that the black armored snake lives in the middle of the bottom of this lake?"

In a remote corner by the lake, there are jagged rocks and hollows dotted among the rocks. Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xiaoyu are hiding in one of the hollows, and the speaker is Long Fei.

"There's nothing wrong with that. Although I don't know how to fight, I've never missed a snake or a fish with the imprint of my divine sense! How about if I run on the sea every day, I won't starve to death?" Xiao Yu pouted and said, as if she was dissatisfied with Long Fei's distrust.

"Xiaoyu, don't pay attention to the ugly boss, he will talk nonsense to everyone except himself. Now quickly sense the exact location of the black armored snake, and then everyone will go straight away." Long Fei said Xiao Jin's consoling voice came from the golden spirit beast bracelet, but no matter how he heard it, he felt contempt for Long Fei.

"Xiao Jin, you little bastard, you've been taunting the boss lately, have you become addicted to playing?" Long Fei frowned, cursing pretending to be annoyed.

"Yes, so what? If you don't accept it, then go back! I don't want to eat this snake yet!" Xiao Jin completely ignored Long Fei's anger, and went further to contradict him.

"You little fart, I..." Long Fei said at the end, the words stuck in his throat, as if he had something to grasp in Xiao Jin's hands.

"Hmph! Now you know that noble beasts are not easy to mess with! Last time you dared to confine me and force me into the spirit beast bracelet." Xiao Jin said proudly.

"Ha ha!"

Long Fei originally wanted to tease Xiao Jin, but now he heard Xiao Jin's words, he laughed wordlessly instead.

At this moment, Niu Zhong looked at the golden spirit beast bracelet on Long Fei's wrist and shook his head speechlessly. He couldn't help sighing in his heart the classic saying in the world: old people, women, and children, these three types of people are the most difficult to mess with, which makes sense. !Regarding the nonsense of these three types of people, whoever has a little self-cultivation can do nothing?

"Okay! The ugly boss is really bad sometimes, but now it's important to catch the little snake. Ugly boss, the black armored snake is located to the right of the center of the lake, about four hundred miles away from here." Xiaoyu actually imitated Xiaojin and called the dragon Fei is the ugly boss.

"Young Master Niu, you and Xiaoyu are here to support, and I will take Xiaojin to catch the mysterious snake." Long Fei looked at Xiaoyu dumbfounded, and then his breath disappeared, and he turned into a gust of wind and blew to the lake, and then walked along the lake. Slowly sinking into the water of the lake.After a while, it sank to the bottom of the lake, and then Long Fei activated the secret treasure of breaking the formation, and unfolded the "Wind Shadow Jue", turning into a green light gust, rolling up a small vortex, passing through formations one by one, and heading to the left of the center of the lake The location rushes away.

Along the way, he met several black-robed monks, monsters, and Yin slaves patrolling the bottom of the lake, but how can these monks whose cultivation base is below the catastrophe period treat Long Fei?Long Fei just passed them in an instant and charged into the distance.Before they understood what was going on, Long Fei had long since disappeared. In the end, these monks took what happened to Long Fei as their own hallucinations.

With a distance of four hundred miles, even in water, Long Fei can reach it in just a moment.

At the bottom of the lake ahead, a group of Taoist temples at the bottom of the lake suddenly appeared in front of Long Fei.

Long Fei stopped drifting, and the vortex surrounding his body suddenly disintegrated, but under Long Fei's intentional control, it did not cause much fluctuation, the entire fluctuation intensity was as big as a big fish getting rid of its tail.

Afterwards, Long Fei's spiritual thoughts came out of his body bit by bit, and extended to the Dao Temple group under the wrapping of Dao Temple Group, and thoroughly detected the Dao Hall group in an instant.

"There is actually a master of the Second Tribulation guarding him. It seems that the Xuanjia Demon Snake is of great significance to the monks in the Mi Palace!"

In Long Fei's mind, "Wind Shadow Jue" spread out slightly, and slowly walked through the water. Relying on his proficiency in formations and prohibitions, he covered or broke through the protective formations of the Taoist temples one by one, and headed towards the place where the black armored snake was. advance in position.

Although the Dao hall group's guardian array is quite powerful, it is useless to Long Fei. In just a quarter of an hour, Long Fei sneaked to the Dao hall where the black armored snake lived.

The building style of the Taoist Hall is different from that of the Cultivation Realm. It has a triangular structure, and the only door opens to the north.

Long Fei lightly pushed the door of the Dao Hall, causing it to open a very thin gap.Afterwards, Long Fei showed "Transformation" and "Wind Shadow Jue" at the same time, with a slight movement of the lake water, the whole person passed through the gap and entered the Taoist hall.

There is no lake water in the Dao Hall, and the lake water is squeezed out by the formations arranged in the walls of the Dao Hall.

Two burly men holding big sabers stood on both sides of the gate in the Taoist hall. The gate was slightly cracked and a very thin gap caught their attention, but as soon as Long Fei entered the Taoist hall, he turned into a gust of wind, so his cultivation base However, they who were at the peak of Yuan Dacheng were naturally unable to detect Long Fei's existence.

"Strange thing! Why did the door automatically open a thin crack?"

"Don't pay too much attention to it! Recently, the whole palace has been busy catching Yin slaves. Although the results are remarkable, they have caused great damage to the peerless formations arranged in the Immortal Sea and the Yin slave base, and many of the formations in the entire Yin slave base are useless. Too stable. There is an inexplicable gap in the door, which should be caused by the instability of the guardian array."

After the two burly men discussed a few words, they joined forces to close the door tightly.

"Hey! Why is there a crack in the inner door?"

After one of the two burly men shut the gate of the entrance hall, one of the shorter burly men turned around, glanced at the inner door deep in the hall of the hall inadvertently, was startled, and said hastily.

"Why are you always suspicious? You said that the current formation is unstable, and some small mistakes appear from time to time. It is not qiguai. The central area of ​​the main hall deep in the lake is guarded by rare elders outside. Even the people of the main hall cannot enter. Are you still afraid that some slaves from the cultivation world will break into this place?" Another taller burly man was a little annoyed by the surprise of the shorter burly man.

"Be careful to make the ten-thousand-year ship! The blood of the mysterious snake is not only very useful for the promotion of monks, it is also an important medicinal material for the production of Yin slaves. Now the elder magic snake is eaten by a raw slave. , only his nephew, the black-armored snake, is left, and its role can be imagined. Otherwise, King Mi would not have sent the strongest master of the second robbery in Mi Palace, Elder Xiruo, to guard this place. I think we should go Let's take a look at the Xuanjia Demon Snake!" The short, burly man had a serious face, and walked towards the inner door as soon as he finished speaking.

"I'm sick!" The slightly taller burly man was unmoved, and stood motionless on the side of the entrance gate, watching as the slightly shorter burly man pushed open the inner door and entered the inner hall.

"Not good! The Profound Armored Demon Snake is gone!" After a while, the urgent cry of a short and burly man came from the inner hall.

"What?" The slightly taller burly man's face suddenly turned ashen, and he hurriedly stumbled towards the inner door.

At this moment, the door to the hall opened slightly again.The slightly taller burly man didn't notice it at all, he rushed into the inner hall in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden sound of horns in the inner hall, which was obviously the sound of an urgent message from two burly men.

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