Long Fei's eyes flickered, he smiled, his cat's waist was straightened, his body was like a phantom, he drew his sword and stabbed Niu Chong's throat obliquely, his movements were quick and his attacks were decisive.

With a look of surprise on his face, Niu Zhong hurriedly took half a step back with his right leg, gripped the heavy black iron shield tightly with his left hand, and slammed sideways to block it.

"Dang!" With a loud sound, both of them took three steps back.

"Huh! I haven't seen you for more than a month, you're making great progress!" Long Fei said in surprise.

"It should be the first time we met after you died. Last time, when I heard that you were resurrected, I went to Longjiabao to look for you, but you guys went into seclusion immediately. By the way, the trick you used just now was from that Dong Dongnei." !” Niu Zhong exclaimed in surprise.

Hearing this, Long Fei immediately understood what Niu Zhong meant, nodded excitedly, and continued: "Your skills are not bad, they actually helped you reach the tenth level of body training in a month, and your strength, speed, reaction, etc. have all been greatly improved. "

"You are not the same. I really don't know whether this is good or bad!" After Niu Zhong was pleasantly surprised, he felt a little worried again.

"What do you think about so much? It's a good thing right now! Let's talk about the future. Even if something really happens in the future, just resist his mother." Long Fei leaned against the big tree, folded his hands on his chest, tilted his head, and twitched the left corner of his mouth. , Looking up into the distance, a look of hanging.

Seeing this, Niu Zhong shook his head speechlessly, thinking to himself: This guy always likes to put on such a show, never depressed, what an optimist!

After playing cool, Long Fei rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Stop talking nonsense, let me show you my strongest blow, and see if your thing can stop it?"

"Okay! That's exactly what I mean. Come!" Niu Zhong was suddenly excited and eager to try.

The "Unity of Man and Sword" in Long Fei's "Yanyu Sword Art" was running at full strength, instantly mobilizing the strength of the muscles, blood, bones, and bone marrow of the whole body, and gathered them into the dantian; the energy in the dantian was immediately full, pouring Pour into the hands, the blue veins in both hands are violently grasping the sword, holding it upwards over the head, the swords form a line, burst into the air, and at a height of ten feet, the whole body turns 180 degrees, spinning at a high speed, shooting straight like an off-string arrow Cattle weight.

Niu Zhong looked at the violent shot and came Long Fei, the "bronze wall and iron wall" of "Burning Heaven Shield Method" immediately turned on, the skin of his whole body instantly turned iron blue, turned sideways, clasped the heavy black iron shield with both hands and leaned on his shoulders to cover his head, not retreating but advancing, head-on top go.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the heavy black iron shield burst open in an instant, the fragments flew in all directions, and a very domineering sword aura hit Niu Zhong's left shoulder.

The ground shook violently, the wind was strong, and grass clippings were flying all over the sky; the surrounding trees may be caused by the earthquake or the wind, shaking violently and making noises; Long Fei and the cattle were heavy, their eyes were forced to close tightly, and their bodies were blown by the violent airflow. And the impact force is more than ten feet back.

After a while, the wind stopped and the air cleared, and the two faced each other in the lawn. One held a sword, handsome and imposing, and the other held a shield, majestic and heroic.

"It's okay!" Long Fei asked nervously.Just now, the sword move was fully unleashed, but it could no longer be retracted.

"It's not that fragile. However, that stuff of yours is really strong. Look! There's actually a small wound." Niu Zhong said solemnly, with a hint of surprise; The strength of the "iron bone", according to the exercises, it is unbreakable among the same level, and it can resist one or two steps higher.Unexpectedly, although Long Fei's swordsmanship could not be able to severely injure the crisis, it was indeed broken.

Long Fei looked at Niu Zhong's wound where a small piece of flesh was broken, and was also amazed in his heart. He thought to himself: "Human and Sword Unity" in "Yanyu Sword Art", and its supporting sword method "Phantom Sword Art" The strongest trick "A Sword Soaring to the Sky", kills the enemy in one breath, hits the ten thousand year old tree, and passes through it.Unexpectedly, only a small wound was left on this stupid cow, Niu Zhong's kung fu is really powerful.

After that, the two remained silent, closing their eyes and comprehending the battle just now.

A quarter of an hour later, Long Fei slowly opened his eyes, a stern light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "If you had attacked when the sword and shield collided just now, I would have been injured."

Although Niu Zhong didn't say anything, he nodded slightly, and then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he said curiously: "By the way, return your things to you. When you suspended animation last time, I took it from you. It was originally Keep it as a souvenir. Now that you are resurrected after death, it will be with you.”

"Things? Usually there are only things I owe you, but I still have things with you?" Long Fei looked confused and surprised.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong took out a white boxing glove and a purple bag from the special training bag on his waist, threw them at Long Fei, shook his head, and said speechlessly, "Hmph! Will you finally admit that you're lying to me?"

"Where is that going?" Long Fei took a copy, took the gloves and the bag, and then said suspiciously: "Hey! Why don't I have the slightest impression of these two things? You couldn't have given them to me on purpose. , to celebrate my new life? Hehe! Both items are made of good materials. I don’t know what they are made of? Very good, thank you!”

Niu looked at Long Fei in shock, then frowned slightly, and thoughtfully said: "It seems that we have experienced a lot when we fell off the cliff last time! It's a pity that we both completely lost this memory, even the place where the accident happened I have already forgotten it all. Alas! Later, under my guidance, the elders of the Dragon and Niu went to the Tongtian Mountains to search for it for nearly a month, but unfortunately they found nothing. By the way, open your purple bag and see what is inside?"

Hearing this, Long Fei quickly tugged at the mouth of the bag, but it didn't open; he increased his strength, but it still didn't open; when he got angry, he pulled it with all his strength, but it still didn't open at all.

"Hehe!" Niu Zhong looked at Long Fei's embarrassing face, and although he laughed, the smile on his face was hidden, and he said, "That's a storage bag, and it needs to be opened with spiritual power. Qi and blood are congealed in the hand wearing the glove, try aiming at the mouth of the bag!"

"Damn, you stupid cow, you didn't say it earlier, you dared to play me!" Long Fei put on a white glove with his right hand, aimed at the pocket, and as soon as he gathered his strength, a light blue energy suddenly rushed into the pocket .The purple storage bag was opened, and Long Fei poked his right hand into it, with a happy face, he couldn't help exclaiming: "Wow! There are so many things in it!"

Afterwards, Long Fei took out all the things and put them on the lawn. Among them were scrolls, metal sheets, and more than 20 bags of wine and barbecue; finally, Long Fei proudly took out a handle that made the heart of a cow heavy " Porphyrin" a strange shield that jumps.This shield is round and three feet in diameter. The white gossip pattern is naturally formed on the black shield surface, and the whole body is shining with a faint black light.

Niu Zhong's eyes lit up immediately, staring at Bagua Dun, leaping, quickly; grabbing, swiftly; retreating, leaning forward.Niu Zhong held the gossip shield and couldn't put it down, touching left and right, feeling ecstatic.

Long Fei stared at Niu Zhong dumbfounded, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and shouted in his heart: This boring cow has such a crazy side, did he take the wrong medicine?

For a moment, Long Fei regained his composure, full of anger, and said dissatisfiedly: "You stupid cow, not only playing tricks on me, but also deliberately tempting me to open the purple bag to seek my treasure. Find me!"

As soon as the words fell, Long Fei raised his legs and rushed towards Niu Zhong's ass.

Niu Zhong, the kung fu of facing the enemy and turning danger is really good. Although he was fascinated by the Bagua Shield, he twisted his buttocks instantly, jumped vertically, dodged Long Fei's kick and fell one foot away, and then looked back at the Bagua Shield. Looking at Long Fei, he scratched his head with his right hand, and said with a rare smile on his face: "Cough! That Young Master Long opened a bag to tease you, it is true; but you have a treasure shield in your storage bag, I really don't know .Although I carry your purple storage bag and white boxing gloves with me all the time, I didn’t study the gloves and storage bag carefully until I learned that you were resurrected, and found that the gloves can open the storage bag , but I didn't go to check what's inside."

Looking at Niu Zhong's sincere eyes, Long Fei knew that Niu Zhong was a human being.Niu Zhong, loyalty, integrity, and rigorous handling of things, will never do things that damage morality and brotherhood.Just now, he just wanted to take the opportunity to jump up on Niu Zhong's huge ass.

"Hehe! I believe you once, and you pass the test. By the way, why do you like black carbon shields so much?" Seeing that he couldn't kick his butt, Long Fei could only give up, and asked curiously.

Niu Zhong immediately put away that reluctant smile, and returned to his expressionless face, and said in a rather excited tone: "After you discover the magic of white knuckles, you will understand why I care so much about Bagua Shield."

Long Fei nodded with a smile, then looked at the pile of scrolls, metal sheets, barbecue or wine bags on the ground, and said with a puzzled look: "The scrolls and metal sheets, when I just took them out, I looked at them, and they should be Danfang or something. Yes. But there is still so much wine and meat in this bag, I don’t know why?”

"You don't have to worry about this, just eat it. Because when I woke up from falling off the cliff last time, I also had a lot of it in my special training bag. I ate it boldly. Not only was it okay, but it also had an effect on increasing my strength. Niu Zhong stared at the bags containing meat or wine, swallowed and said.

"Tch, look at your gluttony, you are usually a gentleman. I think hypocrisy is extremely extreme! Okay, catch it." Long Fei glanced at Niu Zhong with disdain, curled his lips on purpose, and then casually picked up bags of wine Or the meat is thrown heavily at the cattle.

Niu Zhong turned a blind eye to Long Fei's disdain, because he was used to it, looking at the thrown wine or meat, he started to catch them one by one with both hands and put them into the special training bag.

Seeing that Niu Zhong had put away bags of meat or wine, Long Fei immediately put the pile of things on the ground into the storage bag, stood up, stretched himself, and said with a smile on his face as if he suddenly remembered something: "Time is not enough." It's too early, it's time to go back. We'll talk about Dabi's cooperation at that time!"

Hearing this, Niu Zhong immediately understood what Long Fei was thinking, suppressed his smile, and nodded.

But after a while, Long Fei couldn't hold back the smile in his heart, he laughed out loud, even tears filled his eyes.

Afterwards, the two rushed towards their home city with one leap.

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