Chaos fairy way

Chapter 40 Star Experience

Zeng Ting chuckled, and said softly: "Long Fei and Niu Zhong are from Twin Cities, and their peaks are next to each other, so why not call them Twin Peaks together!"

Zhang Shanfeng clapped his palms and said, "That's right, the name is good, and we can get involved. Ha ha!"

"Hmm! It's not bad." Niu Zhong immediately expressed his approval, apparently quite satisfied with the name.

Long Fei nodded with a smile, but was startled suddenly in his heart, and thought to himself: Twin peaks, twin cities, twin sects, is this a coincidence?Or is it true that we have some kind of connection with the Twin Sect?

"Master Lai, the dojo has been opened and the name has been taken, so what are your plans next?" Han Ziling said lazily.

"Star Cave!" Long Fei's pupils shrank, and he said three words firmly.

"Really?" Hearing this, Han Ziling suddenly lowered his right foot, which was resting on Erlang's leg, and immediately sat up straight with his reclining body. After being surprised, he immediately said with joy: "Okay! We are indeed the same people. !Ha ha!"

Seeing this, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Zhang Shanfeng all looked at Han Ziling in astonishment, and were greatly surprised by Han Ziling's expression.

"Hehe!" Zeng Ting smiled, and then explained: "Han Ziling wants to be proud of the small family and small branch players."

"What do you mean?" Long Fei looked at Han Ziling in confusion, and then at Zeng Ting.

Niu Zhong and Zhang Shanfeng also looked at Zeng Ting in confusion.Han Ziling smiled and nodded towards Zeng Ting.

Zeng Ting felt speechless for a while, and although she was a little annoyed that Han Ziling would push it on her whenever she had to spend a lot of time, she could only smile helplessly and said: "Ha ha! Seeing your expressions, I want to see the stars." I don’t know much about the cave yet! And Dapi Han always has this kind of virtue, so I’ll let me explain! The Xingchen Cave is located at the foot of the Pojunxian Peak in the Yaoguang Dao Palace. It was originally a huge natural melting cave. Zong Jianzong transformed it into a place where the power and light of stars gathered in the starry sky, for the disciples of the sect to practice the "Seven Stars and Moon Art". A catastrophe. That is, the many creatures in the cave have undergone mutations due to long-term absorption of starlight and star power, becoming more and more ferocious and powerful, and killing the disciples of the Seven Star Sect who entered the cave for cultivation. , in order to absorb the power of the stars in their bodies. In the end, it developed to the point where it was almost uncontrollable, and all the mutated creatures tried to break out of the hole, trying to occupy the Seven Star Sect. At the time of crisis, the Seven Star Sect gathered the power of the whole sect to deploy the Seven Star Big Dipper formation The Xingchen Cave was completely sealed off, and they entered the cave to carry out a large-scale suppression. In the end, all the mutant monsters in the Xingchen Cave were wiped out at the cost of losing nearly half of the elites of the entire sect. Later, they sent outstanding disciples into the cave to purge the Xingchen Cave every ten years. The mutated creatures that become demons within. With the slow development and evolution, the once-in-ten-year clean-up operation has evolved into the once-in-ten-year outstanding disciple Xingchen Cave experience."

After hearing this, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Zhang Shanfeng, the three newcomers, suddenly became enlightened.At this time, Zheng Pu also entered the living room, and after sitting down, he looked at Zeng Ting curiously.

"Then what does this have to do with small families and small branch players?" Long Fei asked in surprise.

Zeng Ting took a sip of tea, and then said: "Entering the star cave to practice, not only can absorb a large amount of star power to speed up the cultivation speed of "Seven Stars Yaoyue Jue", so as to quickly improve the cultivation base, but also use the stars to temper the body, It will lay a solid foundation for the future advanced Tuoyuan period, and greatly increase the chance of success in the advanced Tuoyuan period. Therefore, all the founders are very concerned about the experience of the Xingchen Cave, but only fifty Kaishan disciples can go to clear the demons every time. There are more than [-] founder disciples of the Seven Star Sect, and in the end they can only be determined in the form of a competition. People from the large branches or families of the Seven Star Sect rely on their strong strength and resource advantages to adopt various methods Suppressing founder disciples from small families and branches, thus occupying these [-] places. Therefore, it is very difficult for founder disciples from small families and branches to enter the top [-]. Four years ago, our Han Da ruffian Entered the top [-], but it is difficult to do it alone, and is often bullied by people from big families and branches, so after entering the star cave, you can only absorb the power of the stars in the worst and most dangerous place, attracting the light of the stars to quench your body .”

"When will the experience in the Star Cave start?" Long Fei asked in a deep voice, his face darkened after hearing this, his eyes flashed coldly.

Zeng Ting was about to speak, but Han Ziling rushed to say with a smile on his face, "I'll introduce you next! The training in Xingchen Cave lasts for a month, and the training qualification competition is called the preliminaries of the Seven Star Zongmen Grand Competition. The selection and ranking competition of the top ten disciples of the Seven Star Sect. The selection competition was held about one and a half months before the Zongmen Grand Competition, and it is still nearly a year away. I don’t need to explain the Zongmen Grand Competition! It is recorded in the brochure. Now both Long Fei and Niu Zhong have reached the early stage of fusion knowledge. In the next year or so, I believe they will be able to break through another small class. In addition, my cultivation base has not only recovered but also improved. I am very confident in the selection of the Xingchen Cave for the late-stage masters on the first floor. At that time, the three of us will join hands to sweep away all the players from the big families and branches, and monopolize the best training place in the center of the Xingchen Cave. asshole."

"Yes! Yes! I also strive to break through to the Consensus Stage within a year, and I hope that I can fight side by side with you at that time, and win the breath for the disciples of the small branch." Zhang Shanfeng said with a serious face, swearing.

Although Zheng Pu did not speak, he nodded heavily.

Not to mention Long Fei and Niu Zhong, they were full of anticipation for the arrival of the Xingchen Cave experience, in order to improve their cultivation faster, so as to explore the mysteries in their hearts as soon as possible, but they didn't care too much about being selected as the top ten disciples .

Everyone then chatted for nearly two hours, although the aftertaste was still there, but it was already noon, and the stomach was already full of empty plans.Zhang Shanfeng yelled directly that he was hungry and wanted to eat.Long Fei looked at Niu Zhong with a half-smile.Niu Zhong smiled wryly and left the living room.

Although monks are very capable of starvation and don't need a lot of food, they have to reach the end of the Yuan Dynasty to practice real bigu.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong's dojo has just opened, and there is no disciple under their sect, so our young master Niu Zhong can only cook and prepare a table of mortal meals for everyone.Niu Zhong's cooking skills were learned when he was a sophomore in the shop, and the food was naturally harvested when he entered the world and practiced.

After only half an hour, the food and wine were prepared, and everyone entered the dining hall to eat. While sighing at Niu Zhong's superb craftsmanship, they ate very happily and clamored to come again next time.

After drinking and eating, Zeng Ting and others left immediately.But Han Ziling pulled Long Fei hard, and discussed how to strengthen his chest muscles for nearly an hour before he said goodbye.After Han Ziling left, Long Fei immediately swore that he would never say that Han Ziling had developed chest muscles again.

After Han Ziling left, Niu Zhong and Long Fei discussed their future plans.After discussion, it was decided that it would take some time to learn the art of alchemy in the short term, because the last time alchemy cost a lot, but one of them failed.Besides, Jushen Pill and Huiling Pill are indeed divine pills according to the prescription.The two have reached the stage of understanding. Although the effect of Jushen Pill on enhancing consciousness is no longer great, the effect of Jushen Pill on restoring consciousness is comparable to that of pure stone crystals. The two of them only have a little bit of wood crystals now!For Huiling Pill, the two were even more excited. The effect of Huiling Pill on enhancing and restoring spiritual power was better than that of middle-grade spirit stones.The most important thing is that the absorption speed of the two elixirs is much faster than that of crystals or spirit stones, and the integration period is still very precious.

The seaside, foggy valley, high tower, black palace, two people.

A man in a black robe with his face covered by black mist sat upright on the big purple-black seat in the main hall, and the thin gray man stood beside him in the hall.

"Master, I have to send a message from the secret messenger of Xuntian. It is suspected that the target of the mission has returned to the Seven Star Sect a few days ago, and his cultivation has reached the early stage of fusion." The voice of the man in gray was hoarse and cold.

"Huh! Good! The Seven Star School has hidden these two for nearly four years, and finally let them show to the public. In the early stage of Consciousness! It's still just a little ant. Immediately ask the gold envoy to do everything possible to kill it. If the task is not completed, it will be self-defeating." .” The man in black sternly said.

"Yes!" The gray-clothed man backed away after responding.

"Seven Star School attaches so much importance to these two people, I think they must be the target of the mission after all, haha! It's finally here." The man in black looked up to the sky and smiled ferociously, his laughter was extremely cold and piercing.


Although the Seven Star Sect's high-end strength is not the strongest among the four major cultivation sects, its overall strength is not even higher than the other three sects. This is also an important reason why it can occupy the most prosperous and popular Central Region.Its strong strength is not only reflected in the large number of disciples, but also in the fact that it has the most complete cultivation methods and covers the most extensive field of cultivation.The Seven Great Dao Palaces of the Seven Star Sect all have their specialties, the Tianshu Palace specializes in defense, the Yaoguang Palace specializes in attack, the Tianquan Palace is good at cultivating spiritual consciousness, the Yuheng Palace has outstanding body skills, the Tianji Palace specializes in refining medicine, and the Kaiyang Palace specializes in jingling. For refining, Tianxuan Palace is good at formations and traps.Piaomiao Palace, Tianyou Valley, and Zhanmen all have branches, but they are called differently.The competition among the branches of these three sects is very fierce, and they are independent, so that resources such as exercises and prescriptions are not shared.The Qixing School is completely different. Resources such as the exercises and elixirs of the Seven Great Palaces can be shared, and disciples can also pass them on together (except for Yuheng Palace, which only accepts female disciples). Disciples must pass assessments to meet the requirements when changing their Taoist palaces. For example, Tianshu Palace must assess defense power, and Yaoguang Palace must assess attack power.

Another characteristic of the Seven Star Sect is that it has many founder disciples, while other sects have no founder disciples.As soon as the disciples of the Seven Star Sect reach the Consciousness Period, they can apply to open a peak to set up a dojo. They can develop independently and act freely.As long as the founders don't do anything that damages the reputation or interests of the sect, the sect will let it run its course. The only requirement for the disciples is that the sect must listen to it when it needs their help, and they must fight disasters together when the sect is in trouble.Although the disciples of Kaishan are self-sufficient and self-developed, they can consult the exercises, classics, and alchemy recipes of the Seven Great Palaces at will, and can use some public resources at will, such as the alchemy room and the refining room.

On the second day after the twin peaks were opened, Long Fei and Niu Zhong set their sights on Lucunfeng of Tianji Palace, because they wanted to learn alchemy.

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