Chaos fairy way

Chapter 407 Decisive Battle at Power Palace

"No, the enemy has two masters of the Three Tribulations, and fellow Daoist Wu Yang's injuries have not fully healed. Try to capture the night sky or Xuanchun alive." Long Fei said without thinking.

"I agree with Fellow Daoist Long's decision." Wu Yang immediately expressed his support for Long Fei, then looked at Long Fei with some concern, clasped his fists and said: "Friend Daoist Long, the next move is a dangerous move, you and Xiao Jin Wanwang should be careful , I will resolve the battle as soon as possible and go to help you.”

"Hehe! Don't worry, with Xiao Jin's speed, self-protection shouldn't be a problem." Long Fei smiled lightly, and returned the salute with fists.

"In order to prepare early, I'll take a step ahead and take care." After Wu Yang Suyan finished speaking, he took a step with his right foot towards the opening of the small hole on the left side of the bifurcation intersection, and a person entered it in a flash.

"Fellow Daoist Long, be careful."

"Friend Long Daoist, take care!"

All the masters of the Second Tribulation clasped their fists together and said, then followed Wu Yang into the small hole on the left.

After Niu Zhong and Long Fei looked at each other, he jumped into the small hole on the left without saying a word, but from his eyes just now, it can be seen that he has full confidence in Long Fei, this is the relationship between him and Long Fei for many years trust.

"Ugly Boss! You didn't inform me about this operation beforehand. This beast has been thinking about a question, why every time I deal with the strongest enemy, I have my share? Could you please explain a little about it?" Spiritual Beast Bracelet Inside, Xiao Jin muttered with some small opinions.

"It's very simple, because you are a noble beast, and there is no beast cultivator comparable to you in the entire cultivation world. Therefore, you are unique, formidable, and handsome." Long Fei's expression was very serious, and his eyes were full of admiration.

"Hey! Ugly boss, you have super acting skills, and you are also good at flattering. However, I like to hear what you say. I will vote with you, but the benefits we get will be shared by both of us." Five." Xiao Jin's tone was full of complacency.

"Okay!" While speaking, Long Fei disappeared into the small hole on the right in a blink of an eye.

At the entrance of the big cave, Mi Wang, Ye Kong, and Xuanchun stood on the edge of the cave, releasing a series of divine thoughts to detect the situation inside the cave.The other masters of the second kalpa surrounded the meditating place where nearly [-] monks of the first kalpa or less were meditating, guarding the surrounding situation in case the monks from the cultivation world came to sneak attack.

"Lord Mi, this cave is about a hundred miles deep, and the spiritual sense is blocked by the formations set up by the villains. To be careful, why not send one or two experts to investigate first?" Xuan Chun bowed and cupped his hands, He said with a low eyebrow and a smiling face.

"Well, what you said makes sense, then please bring someone to have a look." Mi Wang nodded, and his cold expression towards Xuanchun gradually eased.

"This..." Xuan Chun's smiling face froze when he heard the words, and the words stuck in his throat.His original intention was to show his foresight and prudence in front of King Mi, but in the end he caused trouble for himself and a dangerous job.

"What? Didn't you take the initiative to invite Ying?" Mi Wang's tone gradually became cold.

"No, no, my subordinate is just surprised that you gave this important task to this subordinate without hesitation, and I was flattered for a moment and didn't know how to answer it. This subordinate will go into the cave! Let's go into the cave!" Xuan Chun Nodding his head sharply, his waist speeding up, although he still had a smile on his face, it seemed uglier than crying.

Then, Xuanchun hurriedly called the name of a master of the second calamity at will, and then slowly swam towards the depths of the cave with this master of the second calamity.

"King Mi, you did it on purpose!" Ye Kong smiled dumbly after Xuan Chun left.

"Yes! Xuanchun still needs a lot of beatings and spurs before he can truly be qualified for the position of deputy palace master. Alas! Although Xuanchun and Xuan Fei are brothers, their temperaments are worlds apart. Appointing Xuanchun as deputy palace master, one is In order to win the support of the second family in order to compete for the Yin Mi Emperor in the future; the second is to make some compensation for Xuan Fei's loyalty. I hope Xuan Chun can fight for himself." Mi Wang sighed.


At this moment, Xuan Chun's exclamation suddenly came from the depths of the cave.

"Vice Palace Mistress Xuan, do you want help?" Ye Kongyu shook his head and called casually.Xuanchun had only sneaked into the big cave for more than fifty miles, and Ye Kong and King Mi knew his situation well.Xuan Chun's scream was because array energy strands suddenly flashed around him. These array energy strands were just traces left behind by Long Fei and others after withdrawing the formation deliberately to lure the enemy into deeper.Mi Wang and Ye Kong can naturally see this. [

"Oh! No, no need. The last time I was eroded by the poison of the dream fairy silk, I also encountered the sudden flash of formation energy silk beforehand, so I was bitten by a snake for ten years in the next day, and I was amazed." After falling behind in the number of Mi Wang counts, Xuanchun began to become honest. Of course, he also knew that his current actions could not escape the detection of Mi Wang.

After a while, a cultivator named Yijie Migong exhaled foul breath and opened his eyes one after another. From the relieved look, it can be seen that they have all successfully detoxified.

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"King Mi, there are only a few formations that shield the mind or sense detection in the depths of the cave, and there are no other attack formations. The subordinates destroyed them one by one in a short time. It turns out that this place is a fork in the road. There is a small hole on the left and right sides of the bottom of the cave. The two subordinates guard a small hole each, so that everyone can enter with peace of mind." At this moment, Xuan Chun's voice came from inside the big hole.The voice was loud, full of pride and excitement.

Mi Wang and Ye Kong knew the situation of the big hole hundreds of miles deep where the shielding formation had been broken, but Mi Wang didn't blame Xuanchun for being complacent because of a little skill, but said casually: "You two give me strict Stay on guard, I'll go down after a while."

About a quarter of an hour later, all the poisoned monks in the power palace woke up from the meditation detoxification.Immediately, King Mi led the monks of Mi Palace to the fork.

"King Jinmi, before you came, my subordinates carefully detected the situation in the two small caves several times with spiritual sense. It was found that the villains fled in two ways. Among them, the small hole on the left has the aura of that cultivator of the Three Tribulations in the cultivation world, and the small hole on the right has the residual breath of the damned Long Fei." Seeing the arrival of King Mi, Xuan Chun drifted over, Nod and bow to report.

"Hmm! Not bad." Mi Wang looked at Xuan Chun and nodded, this time he was really friendly to Xuan Chun.But in fact, he had already detected the residual aura left by Wu Yang and Long Fei in the small holes on the left and right.Afterwards, King Mi turned to look at the night sky thoughtfully, and asked, "Ye Kong, what do you think about this?"

Ye Kong lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head, and said in a very affirmative tone: "The villains seem to be fleeing in two ways because the poison formation was broken by us, so as not to destroy the entire army. But they are very It may be intentional, the purpose is to disperse our forces, and then attempt to defeat them one by one."

King Mi nodded silently, unable to see what he was thinking, then looked at Xuan Chun and said, "Xuan Chun, tell me!"

"Yes! King Mi, this subordinate agrees with Vice Palace Mistress Ye's idea, and suggests that we still adopt the strategy you mentioned before, King Mi, that is, not to divide the troops to chase the enemy, but to annihilate the enemy all the way." Xuanchun hastily Said, apparently he already had a plan for this matter in his mind.

"No! This time we have to divide our troops into two groups, because the enemy's traces are clear and the enemy has indeed dispersed their strength. Alright, all the monks of Mi Palace listen to the order. Ye Kong and Xuanchun will lead eight masters of the second calamity, and ten masters of the first calamity. Eight people, and all the masters below the robbery period, go to the small hole on the left. The others will follow the king to the small hole on the right to chase and kill Long Fei." King Mi immediately ordered.


All the monks of the power palace handed over their orders.

"King Mi, you only brought two masters of the second calamity and four masters of the first calamity to pursue Long Fei. Are you short of manpower?" Ye Kong didn't lead the team to leave immediately, but said worriedly.

"Hey! You only detected the aura of the three-tribulation master in the cultivation world in the small hole on the left, and the aura of Long Fei in the small hole on the right, but you didn't detect how many villains entered the two small holes. Let me tell you There are many people in the small hole on the left, and only Long Fei enters the small hole on the right. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there are villains hidden in the small hole on the right. However, as long as the master of the three-kalpa world of cultivation is not there, anyone else can help Long Fei. Long Fei and others are nothing but ants in front of this king." Mi Wang snatched the mighty thick beard and said proudly.

"That's why! The subordinates and others went to hunt down and kill the three masters of the cultivation world and Niu Zhong. After thinking about the three masters of the cultivation world, he has not fully recovered, and the subordinates still have some confidence in defeating him." Ye Kong said As soon as he finished speaking, he wanted to take all the monks of Mi Palace into the small hole on the left.

"Wait a minute, I have suffered heavy casualties in Mi Gong, and I don't want to destroy my brothers too much, so when you fight against that three-tribulation master in the cultivation world, you intend to hold him back. After I kill Long Fei, then Let this king go and start killing." King Mi said.


After Yekong and Xuanchun won the order, they led all the monks of Mi Palace into the small hole on the left.

King Mi watched all the monks of Mi Palace enter the small hole on the left, and then took six masters of the Mi Palace into the small hole on the right.

The small hole on the right becomes narrower as you go in, but there is no mud on the ground. King Mi led seven Mi Palace monks to drift.

Although King Mi still looked down on Long Fei in terms of combat power, he was quite cautious in his actions, so he moved at a leisurely pace so that he could have enough time to deal with emergencies. [

After more than an hour, the small hole was so narrow that only three people could walk in a row. Mi Wang and others did not encounter any barriers along the way, nor were they attacked by Long Fei and others.If it wasn't for the residual breath of Long Fei all the way, King Mi would really think that Long Fei was not in this small cave.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and the small cave suddenly opened up, reaching a width of hundreds of feet, but it had already reached the bottom of the cave.

At this moment, King Mi was looking gloomy at the center of the open area of ​​the small hole.I can only see the central part, which is covered by thick white mist, and it is difficult to distinguish the situation inside.However, one side of the earth-colored array flag was half-inserted at the edge of the central area according to certain rules.What Wang Mi and the others were looking at was neither the white mist nor the battle flag, but a wooden sign stood three feet in front of the battle flag.

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