Chaos fairy way

Chapter 417 Unexpectedly

"Array seal!"

"Nine Shadows Aegis"

Long Fei and Niu Zhong's perception is extremely powerful, far better than the masters of the same level, and they were shocked when they immediately noticed the change in Mi Wang's resolute expression.The two felt bad, and while they were drinking, Long Fei immediately controlled the peerless formation to arouse the blocking power of the formation; Niu Zhong then activated the "Yuan Shield" to protect himself and Long Fei. At the same time, it is cast with the Taiji Heavy Yuan Shield

Hearing this, Long Fei was startled suddenly, and quickly turned his gaze to the lower part of King Mi.At this moment, Niu Zhong's pale face seemed to be a little paler in an instant.


As a majestic voice came out, I saw the night sky stepping up the void step by step from a thick fog below King Mi, and walked to King Mi with a relaxed expression.Apart from the disheveled hair and clothes, he was not injured at all.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about your injury! Thanks to you for moving this subordinate away in time, otherwise, even if this subordinate did not die, I am afraid that death is not far away. Your Majesty's great kindness, this subordinate vows to die. !" Ye Kong bowed deeply to King Mi, his expression was extremely excited, and his eyes were full of moisture.

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