There is a peak next to Lianzhen Peak, where Long Fei and Han Ziling met as agreed.Han Ziling didn't ask about the situation of Long Fei's entry into the valley, but when he saw Long Fei's face was full of smiles and his eyes were glowing, there was an undetectable weird smile on his face.

Back at Twin Peaks, Long Fei immediately set out to do three things. First, he ordered the disciples under the peak to collect books on tea ceremony as much as possible; , to secretly investigate the situation of the Jurong woman in Qingling Valley.

The first thing was the result after three days. Nearly a thousand sets of books or scrolls related to the tea ceremony were piled up in Long Fei's study;The third thing is that after Long Fei finished reading the book, Xie Fang's investigation results came out, and the woman with the most beautiful appearance should be Ou Qingxue, the number one beauty of the Seven Star School.Xie Fang didn't need to introduce Ou Qingxue's situation, Long Fei also knew about it.

Ou Qingxue, 36 years old, is a rare genius in the Seven Star Sect. At the age of eight, he was accepted as a closed disciple by the old lord of the Seven Star Sect, Shuzi. During the Yuan Dynasty, he took over the Yuheng Palace at the age of 12, and now he is the master of the Yuan Dynasty.

Although Long Fei entrusted Xie Fang to investigate the situation of the Juerong woman, he did not tell Xie Fang the truth, but only lied, saying that he was beaten up when he went to Qingling Valley to steal tea, and wanted to know the strength of his opponent.

When Xie Fang left, he patted Long Fei on the shoulder, looked at Long Fei with a look of sadness for Long Fei, and said very disrespectfully: "Brother, respect yourself! I can't help you with this matter. If you If you really want to take revenge, I will support you spiritually; if you unfortunately die young, I will definitely build a tomb for you!"

Hearing this, Long Fei jumped towards Xie Fang's ass with one kick.Xie Fang twisted his butt, dodged it, and ran away.

Young Master Lai naturally wouldn't be frightened by difficulties, and thought to himself: Although Ou Qingxue is older than me, her cultivation level is better than mine, and her status is also higher than him.But at the age of 36, compared to the [-] lifespan of a monk in the Yuan Dynasty, she can only be regarded as a little girl; as for the cultivation base, it is necessary to work hard to catch up in the future; as for the status, the higher the cultivation base, the higher the status will naturally be.Therefore, I must marry Ou Qingxue in this life.

After everything was ready, Long Fei ran towards Qingling Valley one after another.Relying on his in-depth knowledge of tea ceremony, Long Fei also had a happy chat with Ou Qingxue, and at the same time won Ou Qingxue's admiration.But when Long Fei came back from Qingling Valley for the last time, he sat in the study for three days with a gloomy face and a silent voice.When he came out, his haggard face proved that he was not practicing.

The next Long Fei was cultivating desperately.Three months later, Long Fei successfully completed the fusion of spiritual consciousness and spiritual power in his blood under his desperation, and another stronger force was produced, which indicated that he had reached the middle stage of fusion knowledge.

The four stages of Consciousness Consciousness are early stage, middle stage, late stage, and Dacheng. The marks of their achievement are respectively the integration of spiritual consciousness into the skin, the integration of spiritual consciousness into the blood vessels, the integration of spiritual consciousness into the bones, and the integration of spiritual consciousness into the bone marrow.

Crazy practice has indeed played a great role in healing the damage in his heart. Long Fei felt much better after leaving the customs, but the attachment to love in his heart has not been reduced by half, but has deepened, but it has been deeply hidden. into the bottom of my heart.

There is a price to be paid for speeding up the cultivation. After three months of cultivation, Long Fei consumed a large amount of wood crystals and spirit stones, and now he is ashamed again.However, if he wanted to improve his cultivation faster, he needed more, so the matter of mining with Xiaoling had to be carried out in advance.

A team of more than 30 people is slowly walking forward among a desolate and bald mountain in the Tianjing Mountains.In front of the team, a little golden mink was bouncing back and forth between the mountains.These people are naturally Long Fei and others who are looking for mines, and Xiao Diao is Xiao Lingla!Zhang Shanfeng has come out of retreat and successfully reached the stage of integration.This time there is one more person, that is Deng Pu.Last time, everyone invited Deng Pu to join the group, but he declined everyone on the grounds that he wanted to practice; later he learned that everyone made a fortune when they went out; Less abused and scolded by everyone.

Suddenly, Xiao Ling stopped on a mountain peak, screaming "Chi Chi!"

Everyone was immediately excited, and the imperial treasure flew over quickly.

The target mountain is not very big, with a diameter of about twenty miles.As soon as the crowd reached the edge of the target mountain, Xiao Ling jumped onto Long Fei's shoulder, pointed to a cliff of the target mountain with his right hand, and called out "Chi Chi!" several times.

"Cultivators at the Consciousness Stage use treasures to attack that cliff and break it; monks at the Concentration Stage use treasures to clean up the gravel in the cave; warriors at the Body Forging Stage stand by!" Long Fei immediately commanded the tunnel, full of anticipation in his heart. .

As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, thousands of red gold swords turned into swords and shot them into the cliff. After a pause for a few seconds, there was a loud "boom", and a hole with a diameter of more than ten feet and a depth of nearly two feet exploded from the cliff. Ten feet of big holes come.Niu Zhong, Han Ziling, Xie Fang, Zhang Shanfeng, and Deng Pu were not to be outdone, and all used their strongest weapons to attack the depths of the cave.The monks in the concentration period used their own treasures to keep digging out the gravel in the big cave.After a while, the sound of impact and explosion continued.

Two hours later, a six-mile-deep cave was dug out, and the wooden crystals revealed their true appearance one by one.The next work assignment is: warriors in the forging stage excavate wood crystals; monks in the concentration stage divide wood crystals, that is, cut large pieces of wood crystals into small pieces of market specifications and place them neatly together; The monks guide the excavation.Of course, there is one exception, and that is Deng Pu. After the unanimous vote of the monks in the Consensus Period, Deng Pu used the arrow to dig out Mu Jing.

Seeing that large pieces of original wood crystals were excavated, pieces of small wood crystals were separated, and the piles of wood crystals were piled up higher and higher. Everyone laughed from ear to ear. Vigorous.The excavation took three days, and a total of more than 60 wooden crystals were dug out.People below the level of public knowledge and Deng Pu saw so many Mu Jings, their eyes were straightened, and their hearts blossomed with joy.The old members of Long Fei felt very calm in their hearts, and they didn't feel particularly satisfied.Mu Jing was put into Long Fei's storage bag, and will be distributed after returning to the clan.

"I think we should go to the rich mining area to find mines!" Zhang Shanfeng felt that the harvest was still a little bit less.

"The bonanza area is usually full of people." Xie Fang said helplessly while holding Heixu captive.

"That may not be the case. I know one place, and there must be no one there, but it is quite dangerous." Han Ziling said.

"What's the danger? Where is that place?" Long Fei asked hastily.

"Hiphara! I was a mine tour envoy of the Seven Star Sect in the Sky Crystal Mountain Range for a year, and I learned that there is such a place. I went to investigate a few times by myself, and almost died once. According to the results of several inspections That place is indeed extremely rich in mineral resources." Han Ziling paused for a moment, then said with a little fear: "Beeland, as the name suggests, is a plateau with bees. The bees here are not common bees, hornets, etc., but a species called The monster of the poisonous wolf bee. This monster is extremely poisonous. Its face is like a wolf, and it has bee wings on its back. It likes to live in groups. The average poisonous wolf bee is about two feet long. When people and beasts see it, they must run away from it, otherwise they will surely die, and there will be no bones left."

"Is there a way to crack it?" Zhang Shanfeng asked hastily, his scalp tingling and his heart feeling cold after hearing the words.

Han Ziling spread his hands limply, and shook his head with a wry smile.

When everyone saw this, their hearts sank immediately, and disappointment appeared on their faces.

At this time, Xie Fang took up the topic, and said thoughtfully: "As for the poisonous wolf bee, there are relevant records in the "Ten Thousand Medicines" of the Tianji Palace of the Seven Star Sect. According to the records, the poisonous wolf bee, also called E Poisonous beasts, whose poison is the main material for refining Edudan; like bees, there is also a queen bee, which is called Evil King; it can also mutate, and the mutated Poison Wolf Bee is not only more poisonous, but also can be advanced. Terrible. The method of cracking is not mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia. However, in the text introducing the poisonous wolf bee, there is a guessing sentence at the end, that is, "Maybe if you surrender the queen bee, hundreds of millions of poisonous wolf bees will follow." Subdue it, and the disaster of the wolf bee will also be eliminated.'”

"That doesn't mean it doesn't exist!" Zhang Shanfeng complained, frowning.

As if thinking of something, Han Ziling said with a hint of joy on his face, "It's not that there is no chance at all! It is rumored that people from the Tianyou Valley Poison Hall went deep into the bee field to collect bee venom. At that time, not only collected bee venom, but also He successfully retreated from the body. Later, there were rumors that there was a strange medicine called "Tianyou Mist" in the Poison Hall of Tianyou Valley, which can stun the poisonous wolf bee for a quarter of an hour."

"Fifteen minutes? What's the use of that! We're going to mine!" Zhang Shanfeng said dejectedly.

At this time, Long Fei showed a smile, and said mysteriously: "Maybe fifteen minutes is enough, but I have an idea. If it succeeds, Fengyuan will become our cornucopia!"

When everyone heard the words, their spirits immediately recovered, and their eyes were fixed on Long Fei. Zhang Shanfeng asked impatiently, "What can I do?"

Long Fei smiled and didn't answer, just said: "We'll talk about it when we get the 'Sky Fog'!"

"To engage in 'Tianyou Misty', do you want to go to the house of Tianyougu? You can't leave me, I must go, if you want to do it, do it fiercely." Deng Pu ran away in a hurry from the group of disciples in the training period Come over, Da Biao is determined and authentic.

Everyone stared at him dumbfounded, and muttered: This guy looks simple and honest, but he is not a good thing unexpectedly.

In the middle of the night, two figures in black tights and black scarves walked through the woods silently taking advantage of the darkness.

"The outer checkpoints have been avoided, and the mountain protection formation has been covered. As long as you break through the formation on the main peak, you can go directly to the 'Sky Misty Fog' in the Poison Hall Tibetan Medicine Pavilion." The slightly shorter man in black Sound channel.

"No problem, you tell me how to break the formation, and I'll sneak in to cover the eyes of the formation." Slightly taller man in black said.

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