Chaos fairy way

Chapter 53 1

Fengyuan, located in the southwest corner of the Tianjing Mountains, is the only plateau area in the Tianjing Mountains, with a radius of nearly ten thousand miles. The entire terrain is more than a thousand feet higher than other places in the Tianjing Mountains, but the ground is relatively flat and belongs to hilly terrain.

One day later, Long Fei and Han Ziling Yubao flew to the top of a mountain close to Fengyuan.Niu Zhong and the others were sitting cross-legged on the top of the peak, when they saw that they had arrived, they all stood up.

"It's going well?" Niu Zhong asked worriedly.

Long Fei was beaming with joy, and said proudly: "Hehe, if you don't want to go out, why not? Not only did you succeed in 'Tianyou Mist', but you also took half of the family of the Poison Hall in the Tianjing Mountain Branch of Tianyou Valley. "

"Strong, so strong! Then what do we do next?" Zhang Shanfeng raised his thumbs up with both hands and said excitedly.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and a bad curve appeared immediately. He looked as if he was in control of the overall situation, and said, "Subdue the evil poison king, unify the bee farm, and make it our cornucopia."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and then clapped their hands fiercely, applauding loudly.

"This idea is very powerful, but I'm afraid it will be quite difficult to operate!" Xie Fang said relatively calmly, with some doubts.

"It's okay, I have an idea, I believe that if you act carefully, the chance of success is still very high." Full of confidence, Long Fei then commanded: "The matter of subduing the Evil King is up to me, Niu Zhong, and Han Ziling Implementation. Others are divided into three groups, each led by Xie Fang, Zhang Shanfeng, and Deng Pu, to harass the poisonous wolf bee around the bee farm; Fengyuan; there are formations arranged by the four major sects around Fengyuan, and the poisonous wolf bee cannot get out."

Afterwards, the crowd divided into four groups and advanced from different directions to Fengyuan.

The three of them, Long Fei, restrained their breath, and carefully infiltrated into the depths of the bee field.When encountering a small group of poisonous wolf bees, Long Fei sent out all his swords and wiped them out instantly.If you encounter a large group of poisonous wolf bees, stay away from them. At night, Long Fei will use "Wu Wu Hua Wu Jue" and "Wind Shadow Jue" together. Taking advantage of the night, he will quietly approach the bee colony to check if there is a queen bee ( Evil King).

Ten days later, the three of them still did not find any trace of Edu King.

On a hill, the three sat together, discussing how to proceed next.

"Third-level monsters can speak human language, I think we should first subdue a poisonous wolf bee of third-level or above, understand the situation, and then make plans." Niu Zhong frowned, and said thoughtfully.

"Using the enemy to control the enemy, I agree with the idea. It would be even better if I can use the poisonous wolf bee I have subdued to lure the poison king into the formation I set up, and then subdue him." Han Ziling nodded repeatedly. .

"Okay! Then do it like this." Long Fei threw the branch in his hand and stood up.

The three of them continued to move forward. After half a day, suddenly a swarm of tens of millions of poisonous wolf bees flew in front of them. se, the poisonous wolf bee about half a foot long followed closely behind.

"The red poisonous wolf bee should be above the third level." Niu Chonglu said with a hint of joy.

"But the number is tens of millions! Can it be done?" Han Ziling said solemnly.

"It's impossible to hide, tens of millions! Work harder, you should be able to handle it. Well, the division of labor is as follows, Niu Zhong and I lead the enemy to kill the enemy in the front; Han Ziling hides in the rear and waits for an opportunity to release the 'Sky Misty Fog'; After the leader of the poisonous wolf bee fainted, Niu Zhong was in charge of branding the consciousness." Long Fei said decisively.

"Okay, I'm going to set up formations and traps now." Han Ziling quickly set up various formations and traps nearby, and after setting them up, he walked backwards until he was one mile away from Long Fei and Niu Zhong. , hidden among the leaves of a lush tree.

After Hanzi Mausoleum was hidden, Long Fei and Niu Zhong jumped down from the big tree where they were hiding. The two found a flat ground with a wide view and the size of several miles, and stood back to back in the central place.Then, Long Fei exaggeratedly whistled towards the poisonous wolf bee swarm.

Hearing the sound, the poisonous wolves swarm accelerated their galloping speed, covering the sky and covering the earth.The sky darkened immediately, not the night, but better than the night.Afterwards, the poisonous tail needles of the poisonous wolf bee shot towards Long Fei and Niu Zhongfei like rain.

Niu Zhong, "Burning Heaven Shield Method" was running at full capacity, and the "Spiritual Shield" suddenly opened, no, it should be called the "Original Spirit Shield" now, and the "Original Spirit Shield" covered a range of ten feet in all directions.The densely packed poisonous tail needles crackled and shot the "Shield of Yuanling", but they were bounced off one by one, and the "Shield of Yuanling" remained motionless.At the same time, the Zijin Shield also flew out of Niu Zhong's body, swelled to a size of three feet, and smashed the poisonous wolf bees in all directions.

"Burning Heaven Shield Method" is divided into six chapters, the first chapter "Bronze Wall and Iron Wall", which is the exercise of the body forging stage; It is the exercise of Consciousness Period; the fourth chapter, "Condensing Yuan and Forming a Shield", is the exercise of Tuoyuan Period; there will be Chapters [-] and [-] later.Niu Zhong has now reached the middle stage of Consciousness, so he has also cultivated to the third chapter of "Fentian Shield Method", and he can open the "Shield of Yuanling". The defensive power of the "Original Spirit Shield" is at least ten times higher than that of the "Spiritual Shield", and the "Original Spirit Shield" will be hundreds of times stronger than the "Spiritual Shield" of Dacheng.

At this time, Long Fei, the Scarlet Heaven Sword flew out of his body, and shot towards the sky in an instant, turning [-] swords (the high-level treasure, the Scarlet Firmament Sword, can transform [-] swords, which is another big surprise for Long Fei), densely packed It shot violently towards the poisonous wolf bees in all directions and above.

The poisonous wolf bees in the sky were cut into flesh by the Chixiao sword in large areas, and they fell like a rain of blood. The surrounding trees were dyed red again and again by the rain of blood, and of course they fell on the "Shield of Yuanling" There was more meat paste, but it slid along the "Shield of Yuanling" and fell to the ground without touching it.The poisonous wolf bee attacking from the ground was first killed by the formation and traps laid by Hanziling, causing blood to flow into rivers; They were smashed into patties; the rest were beheaded by the Chixiao Sword before they even got close to the "Shield of Yuanling".

Han Ziling, who was one mile away, opened his mouth wide and was extremely shocked, thinking: These two guys didn't expect to be so fierce!I originally thought that I thought highly of them, but now I realize that I seriously underestimated them.

A quarter of an hour later, the dead wolf bees around Long Fei and Niu Zhong had piled up like a mountain, forming a "concave" shape around the "Shield of Yuan Ling".The corpses of the poisonous wolf bees were piled up all around, which prevented Long Fei and Niu Dazhong from killing the enemy. The two immediately flew out of the "cave" and fought in different places. After a quarter of an hour, another "cave" was formed.Long Fei and Niu Zhong fought in all directions, and each "concave" was formed immediately.

When the No. 11 "concave" was formed, the leader of the Poison Wolf Bees roared like thunder, and crazily attacked with ten white Poison Wolf Bees and all the remaining Poison Wolf Bees with all their strength.

In order to repay the great love of readers, and because it is not easy to divide into chapters, today's three chapters are respectively 22 o'clock, [-] o'clock, and [-] o'clock.Finally, I ask for collection and red tickets!

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