The distribution of mid-level treasures is concentrated in Twin Peaks.This matter was discussed and decided by everyone, and its purpose was to deliberately cause a sensation and lay the foundation for the next step of recruiting disciples from the dojo.

As soon as the treasures were distributed, there was a visitor, and the visitor was Zeng Ting.

"Oh! You guys made a fortune, don't you remember me as the benefactor who helped you start from scratch?" Zeng Tingjiao laughed.

"The words there! Sister Zeng borrowed Mu Jing's love that day, how could we forget it. Look! I have prepared the money for buying high-level treasures for you, and I will also give you 1000 million yuan for you to exchange for the mountain guard formation." Long Fei laughed.Then, with a wave of his right hand, a gray bag flew towards Zeng Ting.

Zeng Ting was not too polite, she grabbed the gray bag and put it into her storage bag, and said with joy on her face, "Thank you then! With the high-level treasure, the qualification selection for the Xingchen Cave experience will greatly increase in ten days. gone."

"Big beauty Zeng! Is Liu Rushuang leading your Yuheng Dao Palace beauty team again?" Han Ziling's eyes lit up when he heard that, and he was quite serious, he asked hastily.

"Hehe! As you wish, yes, Senior Sister Liu is leading the team." Zeng Ting said with a chuckle.

"Sister Zeng, the Xingchen Cave practice selection competition should be very lively! The Palace Master of the Seven Great Ways will also be here?" Long Fei was more restrained than Han Ziling, and he was quite reserved when asking for information.

"That's not necessarily the case, but the Suzerain and Palace Master Yaoguang will definitely participate." Zeng Ting said casually, as if she didn't care much about whether her Daoist Palace Master Ou Qingxue was watching the battle.

Long Fei was disappointed when he heard the words, but he still looked forward to Ou Qingxue watching the battle, and hoped that he could perform well in front of his beloved one.

"I don't know if there are any strong opponents among the Kaishan disciples participating in the competition?" Niu Zhong was not interested in having important people watching the battle, so he asked the key points of the competition whenever he asked.

"Among the disciples who opened the mountain, the most powerful disciples are Fang Yun, Wang Lei, Gao Yan, Liu Rushuang, Wu Yunliang, Wuxu and other top ten disciples. Originally, our Han Dapi was also among the five, and ranked second. Five years ago Han Dapi was injured by Tian Yougu Wang Feng, so his cultivation base plummeted, so he was also withdrawn from the list of top ten disciples. In addition, the chief disciples of the Seven Great Dao Palaces are also quite strong." Zeng Ting listed them one by one like a few treasures.

"The top ten disciples are all very strong, and all of them have famous stunts. It is said that they have reached the late stage of Consciousness. But there are two people who need to be careful, and that is Fang Yun and Wang Lei. Fang Yun, the head of the Proud Seven Stars Sect I have been a disciple for more than ten years, and the "Seven Stars Yaoyue Jue" has been cultivated to the third level of "Introduction to Concentration". Shaking the Sun Swordsmanship" is even more proficient, can attack from a distance, and can also fight in close combat. Wang Lei, whose physical body is extremely abnormal, can resist the attack of treasure weapons only with his physical body. His defensive stunt "Black Spin Spirit Shield" has never been broken by anyone. Five years ago Both Long Yun and I defeated him by relying on our cultivation level to be one level higher than him, and using consumption, so he is recognized as the number one in defense in the last Zongmen Grand Competition." Han Ziling said with a rare and serious expression.

"Hehe! Han Dapi, your news is outdated. Fang Yun and Wang Lei are indeed powerful, but there is one person who has caught up with the former two in the limelight in the past two years, and that is "Sword Crazy" Leng Feng. Life, nourishing the knife with blood, a high-level treasure Xuefeng knife, kills the enemy with one blow, and the moves are ferocious and vicious; he has been practicing outside all the year round, and practiced in battle; although he is a newcomer, his cultivation has reached the middle stage of fusion knowledge, and his combat power is far away It's better than ordinary late-stage masters." Zeng Ting looked solemn, and after she finished speaking, she let out a heavy breath.

"There is one more person to be careful about, and that is Zhang Biao, the chief disciple of our Tianji Palace. This person has reached the late stage of Confucianism. Although his magic skills are weaker than the top ten disciples, he has the magical power of family medicine pills." Jin Dan', after taking it, has infinite strength, and his body is stronger than gold, and he will definitely lose in a head-to-head encounter." Xie Fang's pupils shrank, showing a look of fear.

Listening to what the crowd said, Long Fei wrote down the names of these powerful opponents one by one in his mind. His expression was flat, but his tone was firm as he said: "Although the opponent is strong, it is necessary to win. Then what are the specific rules of the competition?"

Niu Zhong just listened silently, his mood could not be seen from his face, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes, obviously the stronger the opponent, the higher his fighting spirit.

"There is nothing special about the rules of the competition. It is divided into group competitions, qualifying competitions, and ranking competitions. Group competitions: there are more than 2000 founders in total, and it is estimated that no more than 2000 people will participate. There will be 1 groups at that time, and each group will be about [-] people. The elimination system will be implemented, and the group and opponent will be determined by lottery. The top ten will enter the qualifying round. The qualifying round will be divided into ten groups, and the elimination system will also be implemented. The group and opponent will be determined by lottery. The top five in each group will enter the ranking round ;The top ten disciples do not need to participate in the group competition, they directly participate in the qualifying competition, and are inserted into ten groups as seed players. The final [-] players will have the final ranking competition. The ranking competition is divided into ten groups , draw lots to determine the group and opponent, and implement the point system, three points for a win, one point for a tie, and no points for a loss; the No.[-] of each group is the new top ten disciples, and then the final top ten battle will be held, and the elimination system will be used to decide. The ranking of the chief disciple of the Seven Star Sect and the top ten new disciples will be released." Zeng Ting introduced in detail.

"When will you sign up? Where is the competition venue?" Long Fei continued to ask.

"Three days later, sign up for the Temple of Subduing Demons on Pojun Xianfeng. The competition venue is located at the Oath to Master Terrace at the foot of the north side of Pojunxian Peak." Zeng Ting replied.

"Okay, three days later, let's sign up together, and take a look at the situation of the disciples who opened the mountain." Long Fei's mouth twitched, his bad intentions immediately appeared, and he said confidently.

"Hehe! I just like your expression. Seeing your expression makes me feel confident." Han Ziling tugged on his collar, then stood up, stepped on the wooden chair with his right foot, and laughed loudly.

The others nodded slightly, and then, everyone went back to their dojos to actively prepare for the battle.

Pojun Xianfeng is not as majestic as Tanlang Xianfeng, nor as delicate and elegant as Lianzhen Xianfeng, but it gives people the impression of a monstrous killing momentum; the mountain is steep and towering; the peak is like a sharp blade , straight into the sky.On the north side of Pojunxian Peak, there is a winding and thrilling white stone path leading directly to the peak.On both sides of the path, there are iron blue Taoist halls, all of which reveal a murderous intent. The Demon Subduing Hall is located on the mountainside, and the Master Oath is located at the foot of the mountain.

Three days later, in the early morning, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Han Ziling, Xie Fang, Zhang Shanfeng, and Zheng Pu had gathered at the Laifeng Shanmen Square of Twin Peaks. Naturally, Zeng Ting signed up with the beauty team from Yuheng Taoist Palace.

Afterwards, Long Fei and the six of them each controlled a mid-level treasure, and flew straight to Pojun Xianfeng.The battle was imminent, Long Fei and others didn't want to make too much publicity, and eventually became the target of public criticism, so they didn't control the high-level treasures.

Nearly two hours later, the Pojun Xianfeng, which was like a sword piercing the sky, came into everyone's eyes, and the swearing-in platform was also displayed in front of everyone.

The swearing-in platform is about ten miles in size and shaped like a melon seed. It is built in a small basin between four peaks including Pojun Xianfeng. Rows of stands are built around the mountains, and the rostrum is located on the side of Pojun Xianfeng; In the middle of the swearing-in platform stands a hundred square arenas with a side length of one hundred feet.

The six of Long Fei flew straight to the square in front of the Demon Subduing Hall on the mountainside, and landed in a corner of the square in a moment.At this time, the square was bustling with people and noisy, very lively.Long Fei and the others didn't want to attract attention, so they restrained their aura to hide their strength, interspersed among the crowds, and headed for the gate of the Demon Subduing Hall.

"Oh! Isn't that the famous Han Ziling who is always clamoring to be proud of the small branch players? What? It's already a waste, do you still want to make use of it?" A piercing mocking voice came from the left side of Long Fei and the other six. , the sound was loud, although the square was noisy, all the monks around could hear it.

Long Fei followed the prestige, and saw a group of people who had reached the middle stage of Consciousness about ten feet away on the left, who were either laughing, staring coldly, or looking at the six of them with curled lips. In the middle was a tall and slender man in a brocade robe. Luxurious, but with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks.

All the monks around heard the sound, looked at the group who spoke, and then at Long Fei and the six people, gradually forming a circle centered on the two groups of people, as if they all wanted to watch the excitement.

"Who am I? So it's my monkey grandson, He Yuan. What's the matter? You haven't called me uncle for more than five years, and you want to call me a few more times in a respectful way?" Han Ziling glanced at the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man in the middle with disdain. He tilted his head and looked towards it.

"You...brothers, go! I will take responsibility for beating them up." He Yuan shouted angrily.

As soon as He Yuan finished speaking, he led the dozen or so people to attack Long Fei and the others.

At this time, people around were booing and booing, and an open space about a hundred feet in size had flashed out, waiting to see a good show.

"It's just a bunch of scumbags. Five years ago, I beat you to be called uncle, and today I still beat you to call you father and mother!" Han Ziling winked at Long Fei, pulled his collar, tilted his head, He raised his eyebrows and sneered.

Seeing this, Long Fei nodded, then glanced at Niu Zhong and the others, and then Long Fei and the other five retreated to the side of the audience.

At this time, a dozen people from He Yuan formed a siege and came within ten feet of Han Ziling, or raised their knives, or swords, or swung their fists, obviously wanting to fight Han Ziling close.

The breath of Han Ziling's whole body suddenly exploded, and he rushed straight out of his body. With a wave of his right hand, the 36-foot-long red formation flag was instantly shot three feet away from his body, and spun rapidly in the air around his waist.

"Wow! Late Consciousness."

"I didn't expect that after five years, Han Ziling's cultivation would not only be completely restored, but also improved to a higher level."

"'Burning all directions', Han Ziling actually learned the No. 36 formation in Tianxuan Palace's [-]-stroke formation."

The surrounding people were amazed and discussed a lot.

There are five types of arrays, namely 24-bar array, 36-bar array, 72-bar array, 96-bar array, and [-]-bar array.However, there is also a legendary [-]-shot peerless formation.

He Yuan's face was blank for a moment, and then he was about to run away.But Han Ziling had jumped within three feet of him.

The large formation of "burning all directions" was triggered immediately, and a raging fire was ignited in the formation, and the flames were as high as Zhangxu.

He Yuan, who was caught in the flames, lost all hair in an instant, his clothes turned to ashes, and he was naked.

"Five years later, that guy of yours hasn't grown up at all, he's still a caterpillar!" Han Ziling immediately closed his eyes and said with a strange smile.

He Yuan's face suddenly looked like a pig's liver, and he was extremely ashamed. He quickly covered his younger brother with one hand, and took the clothes handed over by a subordinate with the other, put them on indiscriminately, and ran out.

"Haha! This bastard usually relies on his grandfather being an elder and bullies the weak everywhere. He should be punished."

"Not bad! It's very satisfying."

"It's really cool to be able to watch a show with everyone who signs up!"

There are quite a lot of people who are gloating around, and even more people who appreciate it.

"Han Dapi, after five years, not only will he regain his glory, but he will also improve his cultivation level. But we are now at the same level, and I look forward to you very much." A thunderous voice came from the air.

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