In the first round of the ranking competition, Niu Zhong and Han Ziling faced weak opponents, so it was reasonable to win.Xie Fang was defeated by Fang Yun, although the defeat was an honor, because he survived ten strokes.Zeng Ting encountered the weakest opponent in her group and got off to a good start.

In the second round, Ring No. [-], three groups, Niu Zhong faced Duan Xiaofeng.

In the arena, Duan Xiaofeng, slightly fat, wearing a loose red robe, said with a smile: "Young Master Niu's name is like thunder, it's an honor to meet you today, I hope you will be merciful in the next competition."

Niu Zhong was originally a boring person and didn't talk much, but seeing that the other party was so enthusiastic and he was from the same school, it was not easy to refute his face. Although his face was expressionless, he still squeezed out two words: "You are welcome!"

"The game begins!" The referee gave an order.

The opponent took the initiative to show weakness, so Niu Zhong stood quietly on the spot, waiting for the opponent to attack.

Duan Xiaofeng held a short knife and carefully circled Niu Zhong, but he didn't dare to attack.

"What are you doing, your mother was transformed from a mouse! She keeps spinning around, and I feel dizzy."

"If you're afraid, you're a bastard! This is the qualifying round!"

There was less than one person scolding in the stands around.

"Hey!" Duan Xiaofeng laughed a few times in embarrassment, but he was still circling.

Niu Zhong also shook his head speechlessly at this time.

"Be careful! I'm going to attack!" Duan Xiaofeng reminded kindly, but he just didn't do it.

"Be careful!"

"Be careful!"

"Be careful!"

Duan Xiaofeng said the same thing a dozen times, but he didn't do anything.

The referees on the field started blowing their beards and staring, but they didn't foul!There is nothing to do.

Niu Zhong was so upset that he simply didn't even look at Duan Xiaofeng.

At this moment, Duan Xiaofeng erupted into the sky in an instant. It was actually a later stage of Consciousness cultivation. He threw his left hand flat, and three black arrows pierced the air, shooting the bull's throat with a biting murderous aura; Niu Zhong, the dagger in his right hand entered his body in an instant, and a three-foot-three-green jade sword came out, with a bright green light, and stabbed Niu Zhong's left chest.

The distance between the two was only three feet, too close, Niu Zhong had no time to throw the shield to block it, and the "Shield of Yuanling" could not be condensed into the body in an instant, so he could only fight with his body; With their backs facing each other, the "Bronze Head and Iron Arms" of the "Burning Heaven Shield Method" suddenly unfolded, and the "Shield of Yuanling" immediately appeared on the skin, and the skin suddenly shone with blue and yellow light.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The three black arrows flew away like a steel plate.


Hitting the right back of the bull with the sword is like the collision of a strong soldier, the energy surges, the wind is strong, and the dust and mist are misty.

When the wind stopped and the fog cleared, Duan Xiaofeng retreated nearly ten feet with her sword, with a shocked expression on her face; Niu Zhong's right back had a hole in his clothes, the size of a thumb, and there were purple-red pits on his skin, and he was forced to step three times in a row It takes big strides to stop the forward trend.

"What? It's unbelievable to use your physical body to fight against the full-strength blow of a master in the late stage of Consciousness, and you haven't suffered any injuries!" Xuanguang Taoist was shocked again, and he doubted his own eyes. Yaoguang Palace is good at attacking. The owner of Yaoguang Palace naturally knew the power of that blow just now.

"It's not simple! It's not simple! Such a strong defense, I'm afraid Wang Lei can't do it even if he is prepared. The two little guys from the Tongtian Mountain Range can't be regarded with common sense! Could it be..." Taoist Xuanquan was shocked. , sighed, then turned his head to look at Taoist Xuanshu, the suzerain.

Taoist Xuanshu smiled without saying a word, his eyes flashed strangely, and after thinking about it, the surprise in his heart was not ordinary.

"Pervert! When did Han Ziling find two such monstrous people? Brother Wang, I think that big man is strong enough to compete with you!" Wu Yunliang was shocked, turned his head to Wang Lei to the left, and said involuntarily.

"Hey!" Wang Lei forced a serious smile on his face, and his laughter was very stiff.

At this time, on the ring, the match between Niu Zhong and Duan Xiaofeng was still going on.

"Young Master Niu, I was fine just now! I'm so sorry! I heard that your defense is amazing, so I tried it just now because I was curious. It's really powerful and powerful. I admire my nephew and nephew." Duan Wanfeng's face was filled with anger. With a thick smile, he was completely different from the fierce side just now, and the tone of his speech made people unable to feel any discomfort.

Niu Zhong was still the same, expressionless, but his body was rapidly reconciling the rushing Yuanli and Lingli.Although he was not injured just now, the huge impact force entered his body, causing the whole body's spiritual energy and Yuan energy to be in a turmoil, almost scatter out of his body.

"Young Master Niu, be careful! Here I come again!"

"I am coming again!"

"I am coming again!"

Duan Xiaofeng's speed of circling gradually accelerated, and even the audience outside the venue who cursed at being sick were dazzled.

Niu Zhong's eyes gradually became confused, and his tense body gradually relaxed again.

Duan Xiaofeng jumped into the air suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, he was ten feet above Niu Zhong's head. With a throw of his left hand, six black arrows shot wildly; The "Baihui Point" on the top of the head.

Niu Zhong's eyes were still confused, and his body was motionless.

Duan Xiaofeng's swift attack reached eight feet;


six feet;



"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"


When he was three feet tall, Niu Zhong's eyes flashed, and the "Shield of Yuanling" opened.

The six black arrows flew in response to the sound and scattered in all directions; Duan Xiaofeng and his sword were blown away by the inflationary force of the "Shield of Yuanling" and the counter-shock force of the collision, and he was immediately stunned.

Niu Zhong's "Shield of Yuanling" opened suddenly, and then quickly squeezed into his body. His body was violent, and his right fist hit Duan Xiaofeng's head with a whirring wind.


Duan Xiaofeng was still in a daze, his head was bloody at the sound of the sound; his body suddenly exited the ring like a broken kite, and fell under the ring; .

"One mistake is too many!"

Niu Chong stood in the middle of the ring and couldn't help sighing.

Behind the rostrum, the top ten disciples took their seats.

"Duan Xiaofeng hid so deeply and attacked so quickly but failed. This person is much more difficult to deal with than Han Ziling! I have no other way!" Wu Yunliang looked at Fang Yun with a gloomy face, and sighed.

"You see the real trick! Don't do anything that is useless, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the three old men on the rostrum." Before Fang Yun could speak, Gao Yan rushed to answer.

Fang Yun frowned slightly, but he couldn't see what he was thinking.

In the second round of the ranking competition, Niu took a heavy risk to win, but Long Fei took the opponent lightly, Han Ziling also won easily, Xie Fang and Zeng Ting lost normally.However, in the second round, apart from the eye-catching battle of Niu Zhong, there was another battle that was even more tragic than the battle of Niu Zhong.This battle is "Sword Crazy" Leng Feng fighting Liu Chenghao, one of the top ten disciples.

Cheng Hao, with a mighty and rough appearance, also came from the Yaoguang Palace, the last disciple of the Yaoguang Palace, good at close attack, and made a pair of high-level treasures, the Wujin Hammer.

The battle between Leng Feng and Cheng Hao is actually a battle between the old and new disciples of Yaoguang Palace.

At this time, Cheng Hao was standing in the corner of the arena, with blood stains on the corner of his mouth, obviously he had just vomited blood; his clothes were torn, obviously the confrontation was fierce; his hands were cracked and bleeding, obviously they were shattered by a fierce fight.

Cold wind, head down, hair down, cold face, cold eyes, black clothes torn, but not injured, right hand holding a sword, standing in the middle of the ring.


Cheng Hao leaped into the air violently, flying to a height of three feet above Lengfeng's head in an instant, a pair of black gold hammers, with dazzling black light and fierce aura, tore through the air and smashed down wildly.

Cold wind, cat waist, right foot slightly bent on the ground, both hands hold the Xuefeng knife tightly, the blade is horizontal, and the person remains motionless.

Wujin's hammer had reached three inches above Leng Feng's head, and his hair was flying wildly with the suffocating aura.


The cold wind moved, no one saw how he was moved, of course the three old men on the rostrum should know.

Cheng Hao slashed his back with a knife, which was a foot long, his spine was broken, blood was pouring out, and he fell three feet away.

"Damn it! Now the rookies are so perverted one after another, why don't we old disciples get mixed up!"

"The blow is too great! I don't even want to cultivate."

"My mother! Is this still a human?"

With the end of the Cold Wind War, the second round of the competition has ended, but the audience outside the stadium has no aftertaste. Everyone sighed and cursed in frustration.

The third round of the ranking competition is destined to be extremely hot and tragic, because there are many sparks hitting the earth.

Group Nine, Ring No. [-], Long Fei stood calmly on the ring, opposite Zhang Biao, the great disciple of Tianji Palace.

Zhang Biao's eyeballs protruded, his face was thin, and his tight black clothes showed tense muscles. He cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Young Master Lai, I have already seen the battle between you and Wu Xiao. Your decisive blow shocked me. I am very much looking forward to it. I have a family-inherited divine elixir 'Shenli Jindan', after all, you already know its power, so how about we two decide the outcome with one move?"

"Okay, it's exactly what I want!" Long Fei agreed without hesitation, although he was a little surprised.

"Please advise!" After Zhang Biao finished speaking, he took out a thumb-sized, golden and round pill, put it in his mouth, and said after swallowing it.

"Be careful!"

As soon as Long Fei's words fell, "Sword Soaring to the Sky" immediately came out, holding the Qingshuang sword tightly with both hands, slowly raising it above his head, the human sword line, suddenly soaring into the air, turning 180 degrees at a height of ten feet, spinning at high speed, the human sword The shadow of the phantom sword rushed down and rushed towards Zhang Biao three feet away.

"Good come!"

Zhang Biao yelled loudly, and flung his fists out. The breath from his whole body burst out, and the black clothes on his upper body exploded into pieces, revealing his explosive muscles. His skin was golden yellow like gold. , his eyes were red, he jumped up suddenly, a pair of golden fists stirred the air violently, and blasted towards Long Fei.


When the two collided, the sound shook the heavens and the earth, and the violent energy fluctuations swept all directions; the ground of the ring trembled violently, and there were criss-cross and cracks; the wind was strong, and the dust was blowing up.


Zhang Biao's fists were full of cracks, and his flesh and bones were indistinguishable; his body violently exited the stage, hitting the ground directly, a large mouthful of blood spurted out immediately, and his popularity was like a spring.

Long Fei floated down on the edge of the ring with his sword, his face was expressionless, but he was pleasantly surprised in his heart and said: "The sword soaring to the sky" entrains Yuanli and spiritual power to attack. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. It seems that the six chapters of "Yanyu Jianjue" The six sets of swordsmanship should be able to be used coherently, ha ha!This is a great joy.

Long Fei wins with one move, and Niu Zhong also welcomes Ma Zhan, the eighth-ranked top ten disciple of the group's strongest opponent.

At least one update every day, updated on time at [-] o'clock in the morning, and irregular second or third updates. At that time, everyone will be notified, please collect, red tickets!

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