Chaos fairy way

Chapter 64 Strange Forest

Long Fei squinted his eyes, looked at the strange forest, frowned slightly, and then said: "There must be something strange in the forest ahead, this is inside the cave, how did the forest form? And the trees faintly reveal a trace of something strange." The breath of a monster."

"That's right, those strange trees are mutated plants that become monsters. But there are so many, and they are so tall, I have never seen them before when I entered the cave for training last time." Han Ziling showed a serious face, and turned his collar inward Lala, he said again: "The road ahead is blocked, if you go around to the right, it will not only be a foul, but Fang Yun and the others will definitely laugh at you."

"You said they are mutated plants that become monsters, but why can't you find out their cultivation? And the breath is faintly present," Long Fei said in confusion.

"This is not surprising! In the Star Cave, most of the mutant plants that have become monsters above the third level have secret methods to hide their cultivation and aura, so the plants with monster aura must be completely exterminated." Han Ziling said disapprovingly.

"Since this is the case, and you have never seen such a tall mutant plant when you entered the cave for training last time, then their cultivation level should not be too high, so killing them should not be a problem. Let's destroy them now!" Long Fei After a little thought, he said decisively.

"I agree with Long Fei's idea. I will open the shield to protect you later, and the two of you will try your best to kill the demon." Although Niu Zhong was expressionless, his eyes were full of excitement. A recipe for rapid growth.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong gave a loud shout, and the "Shield of Yuan Ling" was instantly opened, and a hemispherical energy shield with the intersection of yellow and blue colors immediately enveloped Niu Zhong within three feet of his body, protecting both Long Fei and Han Ziling in the energy shield .

"Okay! Haha! I also want to see the extreme power of the 'burning all directions' killing array."

As soon as Han Ziling finished speaking, he pulled the neckline of his chest away with both hands, then waved his right hand forward, and immediately shot out a 36-foot-long red formation flag from his hand.The array flags flew away immediately, evenly distributed three feet away from the "Shield of Yuanling" in an instant, and spun rapidly.

"Okay! Today, let's have a good kill!" Long Fei raised the left corner of his mouth slightly, and a bad arc appeared immediately. With a wave of his right hand, the Cyan Frost Sword flew out, and instantly melted [-] Cyan Frost Swords into the sky. ; With a movement of consciousness, [-] green frost melting swords shining with blue and yellow light flew to the outside of the red formation flag in an instant, and spun close to the red formation flag.


The three of Long Fei shouted in unison, and then hurried forward.

"Crash! Crash!"

When Long Fei and the others ran to a distance of ten feet from the forest, the countless strange trees suddenly swayed violently at the same time, and the forest seemed to have set off a surging, silver and green wave.Although the scene is spectacular, it is the prelude to the storm.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Beep beep beep!"

"Porphy! Porphy!"

All kinds of weapons, such as wind blades, ice knives, water arrows and so on, shot in a hurry, hitting the "Shield of Yuanling" one after another and falling to the ground. The "Shield of Yuanling" suddenly had ripples, but it was not damaged in the slightest.

Ten feet away in the blink of an eye, the massacre officially kicked off.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Long Fei's [-] green frost swords scattered in all directions in an instant, and strange trees were shot and fell to the ground; some milky white, dark green, or silvery white liquid flowed out; the air was instantly filled with thick or smelly , or fragrant, or spicy smell, extremely unpleasant.

"Ss! Ss! Ss!"

"Beep beep beep!"

The formation of "burning all directions" was touched by the fish that slipped under the sword of Qingshuanghuajian, and within three feet of the "Shield of Yuanling", a raging fire suddenly ignited.The many strange trees that fell on the ground, many of the various liquids that flowed out were as flammable as turpentine.A single spark can start a prairie fire, not to mention this raging fire!The fire is getting bigger and bigger, the burning area is expanding rapidly, the fire is monstrous, the smoke is billowing, and the silvery world is slightly red.Although the scenery is beautiful, it is poignant. This is the harvest of life.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

The fire spread rapidly, and more and more strange trees were submerged in the sea of ​​flames.All the tree demons got angry, and each strange tree deformed, or spread out branches, or intertwined roots, all turned into vines of different sizes, criss-crossing like chains, cutting down to seal the sky above the forest, moving The three of them, Long Fei, were immediately tied up tightly.

At this moment, Long Fei turned his head to look at Niu Zhong, who nodded expressionlessly.

Afterwards, with Niu Zhong's consciousness moving, the dark cloud cover sun shield suddenly appeared under his feet, and it expanded to a size of ten feet in an instant.Immediately, Long Fei and Han Ziling also stood on the dark cloud cover sun shield.

Long Fei, "Wan Jian Gui Yi", the strongest move of the third chapter of "Yan Yu Jian Jue", the supporting sword technique "Wan Jian Gui Zong", immediately unfolded, and [-] green frost melting swords gathered from all directions in an instant, and With a sharp flicker, it turned into a gigantic sword that was one foot wide and ten feet long, shining with dazzling blue and yellow light, and slashed towards the sky.


Above the heads of the three, all the vines were broken, and the huge sword pierced the sky.


Niu Zhong tried his best to control the dark cloud cover sun shield, followed by the giant sword, rushed out of the confinement circle of the vines, and flew over the forest.


"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

As soon as Wu Yungai's sun shield got rid of the encirclement, the giant sword immediately exploded into [-] green frost swords, and quickly spun around the "Shield of Yuanling", constantly twisting off the vines that attacked again.

"Beep beep beep!"

The big formation of "burning all directions" was touched again, and most of the countless vines that attacked were cut off by the green frost melting sword first, and the rest were struggling in the raging fire.

The scene at this time is extremely spectacular, the forest is full of flames and smoke billowing like waves; With the help of Zhan, he lit fires everywhere; the sky was brightly lit with red light, but the silver light was gone.

One day later, the battle was finally over, and the strange tree forest was naturally reduced to ashes; after Long Fei and the three shouted happily, they rushed to the second floor.

Not long after the three of Long Fei left, Liu Rushuang led the team to the ruins of the strange tree forest.Everyone looked at the world of ashes that was still lingering in shock.

"Hehe! Senior Sister Liu, I think our worries are unnecessary. Although the West Road is dangerous, these three guys are also fierce. Look at the burning range, we must have encountered groups of monster mutant creatures." Zeng After Ting was shocked, she shook her head and smiled.

"Although the three of them are strong, this place is only on the first floor. Therefore, the focus of the demon clearing team should be on the left side, and Wuxu leads the demon clearing team on the right side, so I don't worry." Liu Rushuang said His face was frosty, but his eyes were full of shock.

"Junior Sister Liu's decision, I completely agree with it. The purpose of our backward team is to wipe out all the monsters that slipped through the net. There must be a lot of monsters and mutated creatures remaining on the left side, so it is most appropriate to focus on the left side. " Xie Fang snatched away his sparse black beard, and said without showing any expression on his face, but he was thinking in his heart: It must be safe and easy to keep up with Long Fei and the three bastards!

"Junior Sister Li! How is your injury?" Liu Rushuang nodded slightly, then turned her head to look at Li Qianlian, and asked in a rare soft tone.

"Thank you for your concern, Senior Sister. My injury is no longer serious." Li Qianlian replied with a touch of emotion, her voice was soft and loving.Although Li Qianlian does not have Ou Qingxue's noble and elegant beauty, nor Liu Rushuang's cold and frosty beauty, she has a gentle and gentle beauty, which is why Fang Yun, who is a big disciple, only loves her.

"Hmph! Leng Feng's murderer is really perverted, and he treats his fellow disciples with vicious hands. I really want to see him being beaten into a pig's head by the senior brother."

"Yes! It's also the first time I've met such a bad person."

"Why does Shimen even recruit such people?"

When the cold wind was mentioned, all the beauties were filled with righteous indignation and scolded endlessly.

"Oh! By the way, the cold wind disappeared as soon as he entered the Xingchen Cave. He wouldn't go to the deepest part of the Xingchen Cave alone? This person is too crazy!" Zeng Ting asked suddenly.

"Crazy? He won't even know how he died then."

"It's best for such a vicious person to die."

The cursing sounds of all the beauties sounded again, and many male disciples were booing.

Xie Fang stood next to all the beauties, although he was expressionless, he sighed in his heart: the most unofficial thing in this world is a woman!well!Fortunately, I specialize in alchemy.However, Long Fei and Han Ziling?hey-hey!You two bastards will suffer in the future.

The demon-clearing team on the west road continued to move forward amidst the curses.


From the first floor of Xingchen Cave to the entrance of the second floor, Fang Yun and the three on the right have arrived first.

"Brother! We are fast enough, but why do we always find the corpses of mutated monsters when we came all the way? Could it be that Han Ziling and others broke the contract and went west?" Wu Yunliang asked suspiciously.

"No, don't you know Han Ziling's character? Although this person is superficially ruffian and cunning, he loves face and is meticulous and unambiguous when it comes to major issues. He will not do such a thing because of the face of the small branches or casual cultivators. The fighting scene in front of us and the mutated monsters killed should be caused by Leng Feng." Fang Yun said lightly.

"Leng Feng? Although this person is from the big branch, he is out of tune with us. I have sent people to win him over many times, but he ignored him and was very arrogant. If there is a chance, he must be repaired and repaired." Wu Yunliang's eyes suddenly darkened, and his tone was dark Get cold instantly.

"Junior Brother Wu, although I definitely stand on the side of the big branch and the elder disciples, I am opposed to disturbing the unity of the sect. Now there are only the three of us, and I only criticize you. You and Gao Yan have gone too far." It's gone." Fang Yun frowned, and said sullenly.

"Yes, that's what the elder brother taught you. In the future, I will correct it!" Wu Yunliang replied quickly, but his eyes rolled secretly.

"Brother, we still need to go to the second floor! It's more important than fighting, so don't waste your time here." Wang Lei looked at Fang Yun, but he didn't take Wu Yunliang seriously.

"Brother, let me lead the way! Give me more opportunities to exercise." Wu Yunliang said with a smile.

Afterwards, Wu Yunliang swept his body and went straight to the second floor.

"Hey! Some things can't be helped!" Fang Yun sighed and shook his head, helplessly.

"Hey! Just ask your heart. Let's go!" Wang Lei chuckled and said immediately.

Fang Yun and Wang Lei were about to use their body skills and ran towards the passage.


A scream came from the passage immediately.

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